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Right age for loosing virginity and marriage
Purely my personal opinion, based on below facts:

1. Humans Sexual Desire are at its Peak between 18-25 years
2. Healthy Sexual Life has a Lot of Impact on Emotional Connection as well at in first few years of marriage
3. Women have difficulty in conceiving after a Certain age and its becoming more problematic with Increase Stress levels such as Jobs
Children eventually become the backbone of a family and the bond which make families stronger
4. India doesn't have any Human Labor laws which protect the service class, they are used and thrown by Companies at will, Its Hire and Fire
Culture here and do not expect it to get better. Overtime, Over load is common and in fact promoted, this is Inhuman and is the main reason for many issues
the service class faces
5. The Higher the Job profile, it becomes more difficult to take breaks for women to raise family
6. Families(Children) cannot be raised by servants or maids
7. Humans actually become most mature and stable all over when they reach late 30s or early 40s but then Biologically they are declining
8. If One has many sexual partners before marriage, the excitement in marriage is relatively less
9. Young humans are very adaptable, have less ego and very motivated, which is very important in marriage
10. Young Humans can find excitement and enjoyment in many ways not just status and money
11. A Normal Service class may not even become financially fully stable at 40-45, considering the low pays and treatment by companies
12. No one knows a Child better than a Parent

Keeping above in mind.....for a family which is Average middle class, with No major financial issues
I would definitely advice a Marriage in Early Adulthood (Not the Typical Unknown Arranged Marriage but in a more known manner)
Meeting prospects through social circles, family,parents, etc and taking some time to know each other
The Boy can get married when he has completed his studies and employed, to progress further...Around 21-24
The Girl also to be married when completed studies....Around 21-24
Marry...enjoy the way only young carefree souls can...and have a kid after 1 year
Once the kid if born....and around 3-4 years old....and Going to school...things are more or less well settled

The Biggest problem I see nowadays is Career is given more importance....result...time passes too fast...people waste their youth working too hard
and companies basically misusing is effected...etc etc
The biggest gainers from this system are infertility clinics and divorce lawyers and of course the companies who suck the juice from youth

Marry early...start family early....not only you enjoy youth but also will have the time to push ahead in career

I often see late 30s, early 40s parents....too stressed with jobs, low energy and then they blame kids....
Having kids too late is not at all recommended

I personally know a 45 year old Highly successful Woman, who had completed her college at married....continued to do higher studies and gain professional skills.....had a Child at 23....and by the time she was 27....she completed her full professional qualifications...gained decent work experience through some part time work and when her child started going to school.....Became a full fledged career oriented woman....and now is in Top league

On other side, i have also seen women marrying at 30-35.....and then difficulties having kids due to harmone/age issues....unable to take breaks from the careers which are peaking....then hiring maids to run their families.....low on energy , etc

Youngsters have started wasting their youth in Live Ins.....if one can spend so much on Live Ins....Girlfriends and other stuff......Then one can definitely spend it on their wife and enjoy a wholesome and meaningful relation

To be with someone and grow together is the best....

Also when one is well settled...its more about money u make and status which would be the factor for Prospect partners..specially wives

Young....its not so much

Marry young....Enjoy Youth.....and then grow as a family
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RE: Right age for loosing virginity and marriage - by stockyz - 02-03-2020, 12:33 AM

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