Misc. Erotica Meeta - the submissive training
Meeta woke up next morning to find Dinesh missing. She assumed he was out working out or something. Her mind ran through last night's incident. Her poor bum hurt a hot to the point where she had to sleep sideways. She was terrified by the dreaded paddle and the sound it made when it came to contact with her bum. She pondered over the reasons why Dinesh would do something like that. Yes, she had disobeyed but it was an unreasonable request to begin with. She was thinking of ways to get Dinesh to know that he had gone too far and she was not a willing participant to this. She dragged herself off the bed and made herself coffee. She could barely sit down and had to put a few cushions under her aching bum.

She thought about complaining to her parents but that would not help as such. She also thought about complaining to Dinesh's parents. In the end she made up her mind that she would try to reason with Dinesh.

Dinesh, meanwhile was burning off some calories in the gym. He was sure he had gone too far last night. It was partly alcohol but he was surprised at how far he could go with this. He felt sorry for Meeta but his dominant instincts always pushed the limit.

"How are you today?" Dinesh asked as he came to the living room.

"I'm ok." Meeta mumbled. Is he kidding, she thought.

"I want to say I am a bit sorry for last night." Dinesh started.

Meeta was not sure what to say. She just kept quiet.

"How is your bum?" 

"Sore." She replied.

"Let's see."

Dinesh moved closer to her and caught hold of her pyjamas and dragged them down with her panties. 

"Stay here." He came back with some lotion.

"Lie over my lap." 

Meeta obliged. Dinesh started applying generous amounts of lotion and gave her bum a gentle rub.

"I'm sorry. I think I went a bit too far. You deserved punishment but not this much."

Dinesh felt the welts across her ass. He continued giving her a rub. Meeta closed her eyes and moaned in pain and pleasure. For brief moments, she forgot about the pain of the paddling. She also felt weirdly aroused but this rubbing. As if on cue, Dinesh slid his hands down her ass checks and felt her moist pussy. Meeta blushed, embarrassed by it.

"Interesting...What am I feeling here?" Dinesh mocked her. Meeta tried to get off.

"Stay there. Let me give you want you are looking for."

Meeta did not require any more persuasion.

Dinesh used two fingers. One inside her and one on the outside and continued his rubbing. Within a minute Meeta became very wet and wriggled her welted butt but this time in pleasure from his fingering. Another few minutes and she came and groaned in pleasure. 

Dinesh let her lie on his lap for a few minutes as she recovered from it. She then got up and pulled her pants. 

"Remove your pants completely. It will help with the soreness." Dinesh advised.

Meeta thought about it and realized that it was true. She slipped them off and stayed naked from waist down. She avoided sitting down for most of the day and lay on he stomach for large parts. The rest of the day was a quiet affair as they watched TV and did not talk much. The tension from last night subsided just a bit. 

The next few days followed a similar pattern. Meeta got busy with cooking and house duties. She also took time to workout as her next test was getting closer. Dinesh was also very busy with work and was coming home late. Eventually Friday came and Dinesh came home early.

"We are going out this weekend. We will stay outside as well."

"Where?" Meeta asked.

"About 3 hours drive from here. Girish and Sujatha are coming and so are another couple you have not met. We will just hangout there, maybe walk a little and come back on Sunday."

Meeta got busy packing the stuff. 

"Get some shorts and skirts. Don't think you need anything else." Dinesh ordered here.

He then got into the closet and took out the vibrator. This was the one without the remote control and the one Meeta had loved last time Dinesh used it on her.

"Should I take this?" He mocked her.

Meeta smiled but was too shy to say anything.

"Yes or No." 

Meeta still did not reply.

"Awww...my girl is a bit shy. Come here."

Meeta came close him. Dinesh pulled and kissed her lips. Meeta responded. As they were kissing, he felt his hands inside her pyjamas and then heard the vibrator turning on. Meeta quickly felt a shiver through her body and impulsively tried to move away. But Dinesh held her firmly.

"Is that a yes?" He rubbed it against her pussy.

"Yessss..." Meeta groaned. She actually wanted it now. 

Dinesh played with her a little more but did not get her to an orgasm. Meeta was left unsatisfied.

"We will finish this later."

Dinesh wiped the vibrator of her juices and dropped it in her bag. They packed the remainder of the stuff and drove. It was a fairly long drive through lots of winding roads. They reached a cottage and there were already two cars parked in front of it. It was quiet little isolated cottage in middle of the woods.

Dinesh introduced Meeta to another south Indian couple, Rahul and Sangeetha. Sangeetha too like Meeta and Sujatha had come to UK post marriage was just settling in. The girls got together and started chatting. They had wine dinner and it was quite late and so retired to their respective rooms.

As Dinesh was unpacking and he found the vibrator. 

"Let's finish what we started." He waved it at Meeta.

Meeta blushed and was not sure if she wanted to do it. She was wary of the people in other rooms but the wine had loosened her. But Dinesh was already unbuttoning her shorts. He let them slip to the floor and her panties followed. He turned it on and immediately got a reaction from her.

"Can we use the bed?" Meeta asked.

"Sure. Take off your top." 

Meeta obliged. Dinesh helped her on the bed. He then took two of the pillows and slipped it her under stomach. 

"There. This will be better." 

Dinesh applied finishing touched by elevating her hips and spreading her legs a bit. Meeta felt vulnerable in the position. Dinesh turned it on again and played with her clit. Within seconds, Meeta was groaning and her legs were trembling. She lost control of her body and her groans became louder. 

"Any louder and they will hear you." Dinesh mocked her as he moved the vibrator away from her. That shook her out of her orgasmic zone. She felt embarrassed for a moment but the vibrator returned. Dinesh continued this for 10-15 minutes, sometimes forcibly holding her as she tried to break free. In that time, Meeta came twice and was moaning beyond control. 

Rahul, Girish and Dinesh grabbed a beer and wandered out. They all knew each other from college days and were quite good friends. They had dinner & started playing cards. Dinesh also popped a bottle of wine and poured generous portions for all. Meeta was now getting used to the wine and in some ways liking it. The other two women also did not refuse it. After a few rounds, the women were getting drunk and the moans were getting loud. After her second one, Dinesh let her subside. Meeta finally got up and looked sheepishly at Dinesh. He was sitting on the chair sipping water

"Aren't you glad we bought it?"

Meeta smiled. "Was I loud?'

"A bit but I don't think they heard it." Dinesh reassured her. 

"How about I get your mouth to do some work now?" He started unzipping his trousers and took his cock out.

Meeta was tired from the drive, tired from the orgasms and was not keen on doing this. 

"I'm a bit tired. Can we go to sleep?"

"Yes. But after you make me cum. All that noises you made got me horny."

Meeta resigned to doing it and slipped on her knees in front of him. She worked her lips on his cock and slowly sucked on it. Dinesh ran his hands over her hair. After a few minutes, Meeta looked up and took a break. She looked really tired and Dinesh decided to go easy on her.

"Ok. I will let you off the hook today. But you need to pay me back tomorrow."

Meeta nodded. She was ready to do anything.

"I want you get up before I do and wake me up with blow job. Do we have a deal?"


"Good. Lets' go to bed then."

They cuddled into bed and were sound asleep soon. Meeta woke up to the alarm she had set last night. Dinesh stirred but was still asleep. She remembered what she had promised last night. Dinesh was naked from waist down and so his limp penis was in view.

She slid out of the bed and moved in front of the bed. She was not sure if she should jump in or be slow and not wake him up. She figured he would wake up anyways and so decided to go for it. She took a sip of water to help with her dry mouth and got to licking his cock. Dinesh woke up and smiled at seeing his wife sucking him off.

"Good girl."

Meeta sucked with energy. As he was coming close, Dinesh reminded her.

"Make sure you swallow today. Don't spit it."

The swallowing was something that Meeta always hated and never got over it. But she also did not want to anger him and decided to do as needed. It took about 20 minutes and he eventually came. Meeta almost gagged as she swallowed but managed to do it. 

As she was just finishing up she heard a knock on the door. It was Girish.

"You guys up?"

"Yes. We will be out there in a bit." Dinesh replied.

"Get dressed." He said as he got up.

They dressed and went outside. Others were asleep and only Girish was awake. He was making coffee and so they grabbed a cup each.

"Slept well?" Girish asked Meeta

"Yes." Meeta replied.

"I made sure she slept very well." Dinesh joked.

"We heard." Girish admitted.

Meeta turned red with embarrassment. The two men laughed and Dinesh patted her back. He then went to get a refill of his coffee leaving Meeta alone with Girish. It was an awkward silence and Meeta could not see him eye to eye.

"Don't be embarrassed. It is normal." Girish broke the ice.

"You are a bit shy, aren't you? Like my wife." He continued.

Meeta did not have anything to say. Thankfully for Meeta, Dinesh returned. Once they were alone, Meeta spoke.

"Why did you say that in front of him?"

"Say what?"

"About last night"

"Well, they heard and so there was not much hiding and he is good friend of mine."

"I felt very embarrassed."

"Don't be." Dinesh dismissed her fears.

After a lazy morning, they went out & did some hiking. A few miles into the walk, Meeta got tired. The other two women; Sujatha & Sangeetha seemed more fit and did not mind the workout. 

"Can we take a break?" Meeta asked wearily. 

"A little more." Dinesh encouraged her and gave her ass a friendly pat.

After another mile, they finally took a break and rested their legs. 

"Poor Meeta had to walk a lot after a long night." Girish joked. They all laughed.

"What do you mean?" Sangeetha was not sure what they were laughing about.

"They had a long night, if you know what I mean." Girish helped clarify.

Sangeetha laughed and it made Meeta turn more red.

"Girish, you are evil. The poor girl is embarrassed. Don't worry Meeta. He is like that and we will have our revenge."

Meeta could not find any words.

"Relax, Girish go easy on her." Dinesh tried to add to it.

"Don't be embarrassed. Just play along." Dinesh reminded her when they were alone for a minute

"I don't like Girish." Meeta said with anger in her voice.

Dinesh did not reply to that.

"We have 3 more miles to walk. You ok with that?" 

"I'm tired but can manage."

"Good. You need to get fitter. Don't forget to exercise."

Meeta had not done much exercise and was quickly reminded that she needed to do that before the next Dinesh test.

"Yes." She replied.

The rest of the trip went quite quickly, although all of them were tired. They picked some food on the way back and headed to their cottage. They went to their respective rooms to shower. Dinesh showered first and was sitting in the room when Meeta came from hers.

"Wear a skirt." 

"Ok." Meeta wondered why but did not mind.

The evening was still young and so they started drinking and chatting. The long hike and wine got all the women drunk quite quickly. Sujatha who had been very quiet all day, suddenly got more talkative. The women and men split apart a bit and starting their own conversations.

"That walk was tiring." Sujatha mentioned, her voice already slurring. 

"Yes." Meeta agreed.

"It was ok for me." Sangeetha pitched in. She was definitely the fitter of the two.

"So, looks like you had fun last night." Sujatha took the topic back to sex.

"Yes." Meeta was still embarrassed.

"I wish Rahul was more eager. I tried to get him to have sex but he said he was tired." Sujatha was being quite open.

"That's never a problem with Dinesh." Meeta decided to open up as well.

"Nor with Girish." Sangeetha added and they laughed.

Sujatha took another long sip of the wine and continued.

"How often do you have sex?" She asked Meeta.

"Few times a week." The wine and the frankness of Sujatha seemed to relax Meeta and she did not mind sharing.

"That is great. We only do once every 2 weeks. Good for you."

They chatted for a while on the same topic, sharing a few titbits. Meeta was not sure how much she should reveal about her sex life but did share more than she ever had. Their conversation was interrupted by Dinesh.

"Do you want to take a walk to the lake? The weather is nice." 

"I'm drunk." Sujatha replied.

"I'm tired." Meeta replied

"Wow, look at all the excuses." Dinesh remarked. He gave Meeta his hand and she pulled herself up.

"But, I am tired." Meeta whined. She sounded more drunk than tired.

"Quit whining." Dinesh gave her sharp smack on her ass. It made a good sound as well.

Meeta jumped. Sangeetha shifted nervously. 

"Ooo...he is demanding." Sujatha laughed.

"Yes. You want one as well?" Dinesh queried.

Sujatha and Meeta both looked at him in shock.

"Just joking." Dinesh laughed.

"Let's go." 

They all went to the main room. The guys had finished lots of beers and there were bottles all over the place. 

"Good job, Dinesh. Sangeetha darling come here." He shouted.

Sangeetha obliged. Girish grabbed her hips and hugged her.

"I just want to say I love my wife." He shouted again.

"After few drinks, you will love everyone." Dinesh joked. They all laughed.

"So where are we going?" Sujatha asked.

"Just a short walk outside. The sky is clear and so it will be a good view"

Sujatha who was, by now, fully drunk was paying with her hands over her hubby and mumbling along. They walked to the spot. The night air was cool but not cold. Girish and Sangeetha were stumbling along as well. Only Dinesh seemed sober.

"The sky is beautiful." Meeta exclaimed.

"Yes..." There was general agreement.

They all found spots to sit. Dinesh sat with his back to a rocky ledge and asked Meeta to lean on him. Sujatha was getting quite talkative and rambled about different places she had gone.

Dinesh had his arms around Meeta and gently patted her breasts. He planted a kiss on her back and whisphered into her ear.

"Spread your legs a bit and you will have fun."

"What?" Meeta whispered.

"Just do it. No one will know. It is quite dark"

As Meeta shifted, Dinesh got more room to explore. He slowly slides his hand up her thigh and finds here pussy. Meeta twitched a bit and looked around nervously. She was afraid of saying anything but the sensation she was feeling was quite good as well. In the background, she heard Sujatha was still chatting.

Dinesh gently cupped her pussy through the thin cloth of her panties, beginning to massage it. As he continued to rub her, her pussy got warmer and he started feeling her juices beginning to leak. Meeta let out an audible sigh and then nervously looked around. Dinesh paused to help gain composure.

The others did not notice and Girish was now singing some Indian song which others joined. There was enough commotion and so Dinesh decided to increase the fingering. He pulls her panties aside and finds the flesh. He pushes one of his fingers inside her now wet pussy. Meeta was trying her best to stay composed but her body was failing her. Dinesh holds her close and begins to his finger in and out of her. Meeta was biting her lips, trying to hold back the moans. Dinesh could feel her juices running down over my fingers. Her legs shaking more, pussy tightening more around my fingers. 

"Please stop. I can't control it." Meeta whispers.

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes. I might scream." Meeta's head was in turmoil but she the embarrassment of others knowing this was overwhelming, especially, considering that they already knew about their sex from last night.

"Go scream." Dinesh flicked her clit and toyed with her.

"Please." Meeta tried to convince him.

Dinesh stopped and looked around. Sujatha had stopped signing and she was looking at them. It looked like she knew what was happening with them. Dinesh smiled at her as she took her eyes away.

Meeta was relieved and tried to regain her composure. Girish and Sangeetha decided to retire at this point. Sujatha was not keen but her hubby, Rahul decided to do the same., much to her displeasure. This left the three alone in the dark.

"Rahul is such a bore. And you guys are so naughty." Sujatha spoke up almost immediately as they were alone.

"What do you mean?" Meeta asked.

"I saw what Dinesh was doing."

Meeta just turned red at this and lowered her eyes.

"Don't embarrass her. But I think she liked it too." Dinesh added.

"I wish Rahul was like that." Sujatha admitted.

Meeta's mind raced with conflicting feelings. A big part of her wished Dinesh was like Rahul and not creating these weird sexual situations. But hearing what Sujatha was saying also made her question her own beliefs.

"I can coach Rahul." Dinesh offered.

"Good luck." Sujatha was not that confident.

"Maybe Meeta can tell him." Dinesh squeezed her thigh.

"What me?"


"No. Way."

"You enjoyed it and if you can tell that Rahul, maybe, he will see the value."

Meeta was appalled. Not only were they talking about sex in front of someone they had just met, Dinesh was making weird requests.

"She is just a prude. She likes it but won't admit it."

Sujatha laughed at this. Dinesh decided to end this.

"Let's go as well." He got up.

"Common. Let's stay a bit longer." Sujatha did not want to go.

"And do what?" Dinesh asked.

"I don't know. Maybe you can finger me." Sujatha joked but it was the wine speaking at this point and looks like she was getting horny.

"Now who is being naughty?" Dinesh asked. Meeta kept her mouth shut. She could not believe what Sujatha was asking. It made her angry but she did not know if she should express it. She got up on her feet.

"I'm going to stay here." Sujatha was defiant.

"No. Don't want to leave you alone."

Dinesh gave her hand but she did not take it. So he grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her up. Sujatha stumbled a bit and tried to protest. Her voice was evern more slurred. But Dinesh was stronger and pulled her up.

"Let's go."

"No..." Sujatha tried to break away.

"Meeta can you grab her purse and and that bag. I will get her there." Meeta obeyed. Dinesh grabbed Sujantha's wrists.

"Now, let's go." Dinesh was must firmer this time.


Dinesh pulled her forward and gave her shorts clad ass a quick slap.


Meeta stared in disbelief as Dinesh gave her another crisp smack. This seemed to knock some sense into Sujatha and obliged.

"You are mean and strong. Not like Rahul" Sujatha continued her rant.

"I will teach Rahul to be strong and mean. Now move otherwise I will give you a few more." Dinesh warned.

"Does he do that to you?" Sujatha asked an already stunned Meeta.

"Yes. I do. Let's go." Dinesh answered it for her and walked ahead of them

Meeta trotted along and Sujatha meekly joined them.

"You are one lucky girl." Sujatha whispered.

"Uhh..." That was the best Meeta could say. She wanted to get away from this.

"I hope he teaches Rahul." 

Thankfully it was not too far and so they reached the cottage. Dinesh did not bother saying good night and went to the room. Meeta followed.

"That was weird." Meeta said as she was finally alone.

"Yes. Alcohol does that to everyone. You should have had more to drink." 

"I was afraid of being too drunk. Like her."

"Let yourself go. This is all harmless at the end of the day."

"Even you hitting her?"

"Well, she asked for it."

"I don't like it."

"I had to do it otherwise she would not have come."

Meeta decided to not debate it and went to change. When she got back, Dinesh was on the bed and was naked from the waist down.

"All this has made me horny. I also left your pussy unfulfilled. Let's fuck."

Dinesh was crude and this always made Meeta feel a bit weird. But he was right. The public setting overruled her emotions but she definitely wanted to cum. She got herself on the bed and waited for directions from Dinesh.

"I want you on top but first get my cock nice and wet."

Meeta was getting expereined at that and so she dutifully licked and sucked his cock to full erection.

"That's good enough."

Dinesh motioned her to get up and assume the sitting position on his cock. He slowly entered, his saliva laded member entering her not-so-wet but stimulated pussy.

"Now start humping." Dinesh gave her ass a slap.

Meeta bounced up and own this cock and rammed into his balls. She had only been on top once before and so this was still new to her. Dinesh guided her from time to time and she continued till she was gasping for breath and covered in sweat.

Dinesh gave her a break and grabbed her hips and started fucking her furiously. This got Meeta going as well and she started moaning like the night before. Dinesh continued till he came and then slid her off him. Meeta had cum by that time as well. They both fell exhausted and out of breath.

Meeta quickly fell asleep and Dinesh was drifting slowly. He heard some noises outside which was very odd for that time. He grabbed his boxer shorts and slowly opened the door. Sujatha was slumped outside near the door. She looked asleep but was stirring a bit. It looked like she was listening to them fucking.
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Meeta - the submissive training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:23 PM
RE: Meeta - the submissive training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:24 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:25 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:26 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:27 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:28 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:29 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:30 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:30 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:31 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:32 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:33 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:34 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:34 PM
RE: Meeta - the submission training - by pvsraju - 07-02-2019, 03:35 PM
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RE: Meeta - the submissive training - by sri7869 - 19-02-2024, 05:12 PM

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