Incest Incest story treasure... from Internet
Hiking in the Mountains - Pt. 3 - Ch. 1

I don’t remember how long I slept. During my sleep I had been continuously dreaming about my naked mom with her open arms welcoming me. I was lapping at her cunt and she was crying with passion. I was into such a dream when suddenly I felt a hot breath over my lips. In a moment the breath moved away from my lips, however, in the process I felt a brief brushing by another pair of lips.

Surprised, I opened my eyes. Mom was bending over me trying to wake me up. I suddenly lifted grabbed her by hips and pulled her onto my chest, pinning my lips over her soft rosy lips, kissing her passionately. Mom tried to resist, but she couldn’t succeed in pushing me and I could prolong my kiss. Mom continued struggling in my embrace.

Finally, I released my grip. She pushed me back and stood near me. Her face was flushed with excitement and she was breathing hard. Suddenly my cock stirred and knocked at the confines of my shorts.

I looked at my wristwatch; it was ten past eight. After the last night incident, I had slept for another six hours. Mom appeared refreshed. She was an early riser and I would have been more surprised had I found her sleeping at this hour. I looked at her beautiful face glowing in morning freshness. Memories of last night suddenly came back to me causing my mind to buzz with delight. I looked into her eyes to find the traces of last night’s incident.

“Dave! Get up,” She was trying to appear calm, pretending to be ignorant of last night’s event. “We got to hurry up. We are already late.”

“Late?” I looked at her like an idiot, with the kind of pleasure I had derive while touching her last night; I would love to sleep till eternity.

“Yes honey. We need at least five hour to reach the peak.” Mom replied. “If we delay further we would only be able to reach it by evening.”

“I’ll be ready in a few minutes” I grabbed my stuff and ran out of the cabin.

After attending the nature’s call, I brushed my teeth at the creek. Then I removed my clothes and jumped into the water. I washed the cum stained underwear with water and proceeded to take a nice bath. Water was a bit cold but I was used to it. I enjoyed the feel of cold water against my skin. I was yet to finish my bath when mom suddenly appeared at the side of creek.

My clothes were lying at the bank and no way I could reach them before she could see me naked. I too didn’t have any intension of doing that. I ignored her presence and continued with my ablutions. I saw her staring between my thighs. I looked at her; she immediately turned her gaze away. But I had seen that she was intently eyeing my rigid cock, which was rising like a flagpole from my dark thatches.

“You should hurry up.” She called. “We’re already very late.”

She looked at me deeply and then she turned and went back.

When I returned, mom was ready to move. She had changed her clothes; the khaki half pants and dark blue T-shirt, she looked great. She handed me the food, which we had brought with us, and we silently ate our breakfast. After taking our first meal of the day, we were finally ready to move.

We started our journey around eight thirty five, our destination was a small peak called Little Thumb. From our hut, it was about five and half miles journey, but last one mile was a rigorous climb and the final last hundred yards to the Little Thumb were almost vertical. So overall we needed sufficient time to reach the hilltop before the sunset.

For tourists, there was a less risky, but a slightly longer detour to the top. Most of the tourists willing to visit Little Thumb preferred to take that route. However, for the people looking for some real and not so dangerous adventure; it was fun scaling those heights via the shorter route. However, the tourists were prohibited to take that route without the company of a trained guide.

Mom had been using this same route to organize her training camps for mountaineering. So far, my earlier visits to Little Thumb were through the longer course, but now the time had come to scale those heights like an expert climber, and to learn the art of mountaineering. Earlier, mom herself had refused to allow me to use that path.

Little Thumb is the part of a twin peak and is the highest peak in our region. From the valley it appears like a projected thumb, extending beyond the mountain, connected to its twin peak in the same way a thumb is connected to palm. Surprisingly, the whole peak was devoid of any vegetation, quite contrary to the surrounding areas, which were thickly covered with trees.

I don’t know who gave the peak the name ‘Little Thumb’, because to me, that brown rocky peak extending like a tilted pillar, appeared more like a tiny cock of a child pointing towards the sky. Given a chance I would have named it something like Little Phallus or Mount Pee-pee. The whole thumb shape of the hill was projected out of the mountain, so when someone is standing over Little Thumb, he is virtually standing in space, with only one end of hill connected to mountain and remaining three sides opened to deep ravines.

Most of the sightseers prefer to take the detour that meant first climbing to the twin peak through a guided path and then take a turn and reach the Little Thumb. However, to some adventurous tourists and the people like my mother, direct climbing to the top was preferred than taking a simpler route. During tourist season there was no dearth of people willing to go far a little adventure.

Mountaineering doesn’t always mean climbing on the vertical peaks only. It basically involves a mix of three different techniques- hiking, rock climbing and the snow and ice climbing techniques and it is necessary for a complete mountaineer to be competent in all three. It is not an easy task to master, as there are wide variations within these techniques. A good climber will always try to strike a perfect balance between them. I knew that mom was the best available around.

We continued hiking along a given trail along the hill, stopping only to catch our breath for brief spells. We first rose to one small hilltop and then climb down to the other side. So far we had been following tracks only, and for this part of our journey no special mountaineering skills other than basic idea of hiking were required.

After about four hours we were at the base valley of the Twin Peaks. Both of the peaks were clearly visible from there. I could see the bare pillar type structure of Little Thumb. The region was mainly consists of rocky ascents, requiring the skills of a trained climber. From here the track would bifurcate into two different paths, one going directly to Little Thumb via a rocky and steep climb, and second one would first go to the twin peak and then take a detour to Little Thumb.

I was thrilled. Even though the events of last night were still live on my mind, I was trying to be calm, and was looking forward to the journey ahead with my charming mother. I was following her throughout the way, and whenever I looked at her gyrating rump in those khaki half pants, my cock seemed to burst out of my shorts.

I was sure that mom too must have noticed the bulging front of my pants, as every time she turned towards me I could feel her eyes making a swift glance at my hardness. We continued our journey without much conversation. She was maintaining a deliberate silence on whatever had transpired between us and I found that most baffling.

After Resting for a while, we again started our journey, now following the rocky treacherous route. Mom was climbing like a wildcat and I was aptly following her. From the bottom I was able to see under her khakis. I tried my best to get a glimpse of her pussy mound or her panties through the side opening of her pants, but could only get the view of her creamy white inner thighs. Her pants were not revealing much. I didn’t know whether mom was aware of my gaze or not, as she continued her climb without worrying about my sneaking eyes.

One hour later we were approaching the last stretch of our climbing. We climbed over the top of a large flat rock bed, which was situated just below the peak. Mom stopped there, released her rucksack and hiking gear from her back to the ground, and sat on a small rock. I too released my bag and sat beside her.

“We’re about hundred yards below the top,” Mom said while catching her breath. “Now you’ll learn some real mountaineering. So far the climb has been mostly along angled track, but now the climb is almost vertical. Take some rest, after this point our next stop will be Little Thumb.”

I too was puffing with effort, so the idea of resting was quite appealing. I opened my flask and took a sip of water.

“Don’t drink in large gulps, take only small sips,” Mom advised me. “It’ll make climbing easy and you’ll preserve some water for the top. We won’t get any extra water at the top.”

I closed the cap of my flask and put it back into my knapsack.

“From here we can take two different routes.” She pointed with her finger, showing the paths. “One we can directly climb to top from here itself, or second we can go to the south side and then climb the peak. But we shall not take southern route as that is too risky and it is meant for professional climbers.”

“Have you ever gone through southern route.” I was curious.

Southern end of the hill was one that was projecting in the air. Any climber trying that side would be always be in the risk of falling a direct drop of minimum three hundred feet.

“Only once.” She replied. “And that too with a team of trained mountaineers, your grandpa was also with us.”

For minutes we sat there silently, enjoying the vast country spread before us. I removed my binocular from my bag and surveyed the green valley spread below us. I then checked the twin peak, just to see if there was any activity.

Nowhere I could find any movement, mom and I were alone in this vast countryside. I turned my eyes towards mom; she was watching me with curious eyes.

“Dave” I was about to turn my eyes away from her, when she spoke. “I want to ask you something.”

I looked at her, questioningly. Mother’s eyes were dazed as if lost in the hills behind me.

“I’ve never imagined that the thing which happen at the cabin, could happen to us,” She was speaking softly. “But it had happened and we can’t reverse it. Just tell me one thing honestly, how do you feel about it.”

“Mom…I….” I tried to reply but what came out of my mouth was only a stammer.

“Did you enjoy it?” Mother’s next question was straight. “Please be honest.”

I was flabbergasted. All of a sudden, my mother was talking to me on the topic I was dying to discuss for last too weeks, and when she asked, she was so direct that it puzzled me.

“Yes mom.” I could utter only two words, though I wanted to tell her that I enjoyed it immensely and would certainly look forward to every other opportunity to fuck her again.

“I too would like to be honest son,” Mom’s lips spread into a shy smile. She put her hands over my shoulder. “All these days I had been thinking about it, while you were trying to play your little hide and seek games. I know that it is forbidden for a mother to have any kind of sexual relationship with her son and I had never thought about it even in my dreams.

She stopped abruptly, lost in her thoughts. I silently looked her face, expecting her to spell out her true feeling once for all.

“I must…” She hesitated for a moment. “ I must admit that more I think about it, more I feel that I loved it when you did it to me. I feel ashamed, but I can’t help it.”

I was dumbfounded. I could not believe what I was hearing, though she was telling the same words I wanted to hear from her. The way she was maintaining her silence, I didn’t expect that it would come at that juncture.

“I knew you wanted more of it.” She was slowly getting her confidence back. “I knew the very first day when you hid in my closet. I wanted to throw you out, but I couldn’t. I even resolved that I wouldn’t do any thing silly for you. But I failed and I did everything, which I shouldn’t have done. Deep in my heart, I realized that I too was lusting to fuck you.”

My eyes opened in shock, bemusedly, I looked at my mother. Never before she had used words like FUCK.

“Since your dad was gone,” Mother was not finished yet, “ I’ve been living a stale life, not getting much sex. I badly needed someone to satisfy my needs. That day when those bastards asked you to fuck me, I was disgusted at first but when you started fucking me, I realized that you are the man I had been looking for. All these days, I pondered over it again and again, and the only thought that came into my mind was that I had enjoyed it immensely, and I could never forget the feeling.”

My mouth was open wide with bewilderment and excitement. My cock jumped in my pants.

“I know you were aware that I was awake, when you started touching me.” She replied. “I wish that you should’ve continued with your efforts. I was ready for you.”

I cursed myself for my foolishness. I thought of all those fourteen days and nights when I could have been fucking her. She was always ready for me and I was busy scheming about how to seduce her. What an idiot I was.

“I love you my son and I want to be your woman.” She pulled me into her embrace. “Make love to mama.”

I could not believe my luck; my fantasies were suddenly converting into a real one. My mother wanted to be my woman; she wanted me to fuck her again and again, like a man fucks his woman. Memories of our last sexual coupling suddenly flooded my mind.

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. I bent my head and kissed her moist lips. Mom responded with great fervor. I felt her hot tongue slowly entering my mouth and I sucked her sweet tongue. Mom’s hand moved down and fumbled with the buttons of my khakis. She opened the buttons and I lifted my ass off the rock to help her remove my khakis and underwear. Soon they were lying on the rock.

Mom grappled with my cock, she took it by the base and slowly ran her fingers along its length. I forced my hand from the side of her pants and tried to pet her pussy hiding beneath her panties.

She rose from her position and sat on the ground, her hand continuously massaging my hardness, her lips nearing the bulbous head of my cock.

“You’ve got a handsome cock son, so large and so thick,” She measured the length of my cock by spreading her fingers across its length. “Longer than your dad’s. And its so naughty.”

She stuck out her tongue, and tasted the drop of precum oozing from its hole.

“The very moment you inserted it into my cunt that day,” Mom was talking lewdly. “I realized that it was the kind of cock, I had been always longing for.”

She took my cock head into her mouth and started sucking it. She ran her tongue along the length, wiping the remains of precum. She licked her lips and gulped it down her throat. Again her head was buried between my legs. She licked my shaft along its length, alternating between sucking and licking. She licked my balls and took one of them into her mouth, sucking it like a juicy candy.

I lowered my back, resting my head over the rock. Mother’s tongue traveled back along the length of my cock, covering it with her saliva. She took my cock head into her hot mouth and sucked it like a lollypop. I was crying with ecstasy pleading her to suck it faster and faster, and I began to realize if mom continued with her sucking, I would start shooting my load into her hungry mouth in a minute or so.

As if mom guessed my situation, she suddenly moved away from me. She stood up and started removing her clothes. In a moment all her clothes were lying on the ground. Within seconds, she was standing on the rock with only her special rubber cleated hiking boots on, her uncovered treasures glittering in the afternoon sun.

I looked at her magnificent boobs, dangling erotically in the gentle breeze flowing over the rock bed, with their dark brown dollar size nipples standing erect pointing towards me. I would love to suck them, to tease them. Her well-trimmed dark brown furs were gleaming in their sensual wetness and I could see the head of her clitoris peeking seductively. My mouth was suddenly dry.

“Remove your clothes, sweetheart.” Mother’s horny voice suddenly reminded me of my next step, and promptly I removed my t-shirt and thrown it over the rock. We both were standing completely naked facing each other, the only clothing we had on our bodies were our hiking boots.

Mom moved to the rock over which I was lying a moment ago. She sat on it, and slowly lowered herself to a supine position. She bent her knees and opened her thighs wide, showing me the inner lips of her cunt in an inviting way, her clit poking at me teasingly as if challenging me to ravish her.

“Fuck me, son. Fuck me.” With two fingers mom spread her cunt lips exposing her pink interior to my hungry gaze. “Rip my cunt with your monster.”
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