Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
I didn't join them for breakfast the next day. Instead, I stayed in bed, lolling around,
listening to the birds singing. I heard Dale leave early. An hour later the children's
voices graced the morning air but soon, they too, were gone. I expected to see Lynn
coming across the lawn right after that but she didn't appear. Still, I didn't get
Manuel appeared, clippers in hand, and trimmed the small, shaped hedges peppered around
the lawn. He moved slowly in the hot morning sun. I dozed off and awoke with a minor
start. She was coming, an almost transparent robe billowing about a flimsy summer
dress that didn't look like more than a slip. As Lynn came closer, I saw that it was
a slip. Her hair varied again as she walked, from light red to deep brown, a trick
of the morning light. There was almost a bounce to her step but not quite; it was
more like she was flowing, as if in a dream. Was I awake?
She passed by Manuel, saying something and he turned to answer but she was already
past. He made the sign, his hand crossing over his chest in several passes before
rising up to his forehead. Quickly, he turned away.
Lynn burst through the open glass doors into my bedroom, the filmy curtains draining
over her body until she was completely inside. She was wearing a slip. Just a slip,
nothing more. The curtains had been the billowing robe, fooling my brain. She raised
one sexy leg and placed a knee on the edge of my bed, her hand pulling back, holding
the hem up on that side, fully exposing her gorgeous thigh. Lynn tossed the book she
was holding in her other hand. It landed on my chest. As I drew myself up onto my
pillow, she arched her back and thrust her breasts against the silky slip. My sister
was definitely naked underneath, at least, above the waist.
"Mom never told me about your promise but I know all about it anyway. I'm not stupid,
you know."
I picked up the book and Lynn swung her other knee onto the bed, holding the hem up
on that side too. It was the crossword book that had started it all, worn and dog-eared.
I leafed through the pages until I found it: 'tits', 'pussy', 'showme', followed by
'leave her alone' and 'PROMISE'. I looked at Lynn. Did she really understand what
I had done, what a louse I really was?
"So what about it? So what if I wanted you to show me your tits and pussy. You never
did, until that day I ran into your room."
"Yeah, I know, but you might remember that I threw this away."
Although her words were accusing, Lynn's voice was soft.
Still, I was defensive in my response, "Well, it wasn't yours to throw away. It was
"So you took it out of the trash so she could find it?" Lynn demanded.
"No. She hadn't finished it. You know how she was with her crosswords. She would have
looked for it and but she never would have looked back at the puzzles she'd already
finished so it would have been safe," I justified my removal of the book from the
trash in Lynn's bedroom.
"But she did, didn't she?"
"I didn't think she would," I said firmly, feeling like I was getting in too deep
in an argument I couldn't win, just like every argument I'd ever had with Lynn.
"I think you knew she would."
"Give me a break. Why would I purposely risk getting caught with that," I jabbed my
finger at the offending puzzle.
"You tell me," Lynn purred, settling down on her rump, the slip riding higher as she
"There's no answer to that. It was just an accident that she saw it, that's all."
I couldn't hold Lynn's eyes and mine fell away, to her shoulder, and then onto her
breasts which, with her hip cocked to one side, bulged against the thin slip.
"I think you wanted Mom to find it," Lynn's voice was barely audible.
"Why would I want that," I demanded.
"So you could force her into a promise," Lynn pointed at the book, now closed but
I knew she was indicating the bold word: 'PROMISE' after 'leave her alone'. It was
pretty incriminating.
"What did you make her do for you to keep her promise."
I shook my head.
"Tell me," Lynn demanded in her soft tone.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Need story (sexcellent plot) - by sarit11 - 08-08-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: "The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection - by sarit11 - 29-11-2019, 11:53 AM

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