Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
I fought with myself that night. Far from the excitement of the moment, my morals
were holding more sway. By midnight, I was almost to the point of reaffirming my vow,
the feel of Lynn's thighs clamped tightly over my hand and the smell of her heat fading
from my fingers, when she reappeared in the back yard. The moon was less full this
time but I could still see her naked form, walking more seductively than before to
the edge of the pool, then sauntering slowing into the water until she suddenly dipped
in and disappeared. Standing naked on the balcony with my erection launched at forty-five
degrees to salute her imminent return. I waited and waited for Lynn to emerge from
the water until, finally, I caught a sudden movement to the northwest.
Lynn was standing under a tree, watching me. She must have swum to the end of the
pool, got out there, and circled around to the side near the cottage. The moonlight
reflected off her naked breasts, which glistened with trickles of water from the pool.
Her face was hidden in the shadows beneath the branches but the glints of her eyes
looked directly at me. Her head turned and I knew she was looking at the cottage,
then they turned back to me.
If you go, you're doomed, screamed the voice in my head.
I looked over the edge of the balcony to see if I could jump down. If it had been
lawn, maybe, but it was a patio. I started to turn toward the door, wondering if I
could sneak through the house without setting off the alarms.
On the memory of your mother, screamed the voice.
I stopped in my tracks and turned back to face the yard, and my sister. For a long
moment, we stared at each other, neither of us moving. Then, my right hand dropped
to my erection and grasped it firmly as my left arm lifted toward her. I stroked my
cock. The glints burned brighter, then became even more fierce as Lynn extended one
hand toward me while the other moved between her naked thighs to cup her sex. I began
stroking faster.
This is wrong, the voice whined.
Shut up, I rasped in return. Give me this, at least, just this.
I stared at those glinting pinpoints as my hand moved faster and faster. When my chest
began to heave, my eyes dropped to my sister's lowered hand, working feverishly between
her legs. She had bent slightly forward, allowing me to see her face in the moonlight,
strained yet ecstatic. I dropped my arm and leaned forward to brace my hand on the
rail, my facial expression now matching my sister's. Low moans were ripping from my
throat and though I was too far away to hear Lynn, I was sure the same was happening
to her. I was yanking my cock so hard it was almost ripping off my body. Only seconds
left. I tried to stifle it, wanting to come when she did, but I couldn't wait. It
was coming, coming.
"Ohhhhhh, yeah," I groaned aloud. "Yeah, yeah... yeah," I grunted, more subdued, wanking
slower but just as hard, my legs clenched, crouching over the railing as spurt after
spurt arced through the night, flashing in the moonlight, and falling with audible
splats on the patio below.
Lynn was hunched over, both hands between her legs, convulsed in her own orgasm. She
fell to her knees on the lawn, her whole body shuddering through her climax. I released
my drained cock and let it diminish, still half hard but becoming increasingly feeble
between my legs. I leaned on the stone railing with both hands and watched the twitching
in my sister's body slowly subside until she was still.
Lynn straightened up and stretched beyond her full height, on her toes, before relaxing
to her normal stance. She smoothed her hair back and walked slowly toward me with
the same seductive gait she had adopted earlier. I couldn't see the color of her eyes
in the dark but her hair seemed to strangely flip from the dark brown of our mother's
to the soft red of her own. As in the park, one moment it looked like Mom walking
toward me and the next, Lynn.
I straightened up as she approached the balcony immediately in front of me. Why didn't
she look up? Was she ashamed? That couldn't be, it flew in the face of her confident,
sexual stroll toward me. As I pondered her submissive posture, Lynn looked up, smiled,
and then immediately looked down again, at her feet. Her right foot moved, scbanging
over the patio, then lifted to rest, braced against her left knee with the bottom
of her foot twisted up. Lynn looked up again and laughed. I couldn't see it but I
knew she was showing me that she had purposely stepped in my wasted semen.
Her foot dropped, and she slipped under the balcony into the night.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Need story (sexcellent plot) - by sarit11 - 08-08-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: "The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection - by sarit11 - 29-11-2019, 11:45 AM

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