Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
That night, I struggled with what I had done in the park. Lynn had had an orgasm.
Clearly, something was lacking in her life but I was thankful she hadn't woken up.
Getting felt up by her brother, someone she should be able to trust more than almost
anyone else, wasn't something she needed to deal with. I hammered my fist into my
thigh to emphasize my anger for endangering our relationship and my resolve not to
let it happen again. Just because I wanted it didn't mean she did too and I needed
to stop deluding myself. It was hard, but I stayed away from the balcony that night,
not that Lynn would have been there but I stayed away nonetheless.
It was the weekend. I hung around with kids and took them out for the day. It was
a beautiful day and they were excited to go for a drive in the Camaro but soon tired
of it. We ended up going to a matinee of all things. That night, we all played Monopoly.
Even Dale played for a while but he was he was quickly eliminated.
After the kids went to bed, I sat in the living room and read a book. Well, I stared
at the fireplace mostly, but I had a book with me. Dale was working in his office
working under the light of a single, jade lamp. Lynn had gone upstairs with the children
but soon joined me. Instead of sitting on her regular couch, she sat down beside me
with a crossword puzzle book.
"I thought you hated crosswords," I said.
Lynn didn't look away from her puzzle when she answered. "I did but I started doing
them after Mom went and I've been doing them ever since. I kind of like doing them
I left her to it, picking up my book and trying to read in earnest but my attention
was soon distracted by Lynn's bare feet next to me on the small couch. Loveseats,
I guess they were actually called. Lynn had tucked her feet up on the couch beside
her and was leaning over the arm where the puzzle book rested while she filled it
in. I couldn't help glancing at her legs. The sight of them reminded me of the incident
in the park and I was about to get up to remove myself from temptation when Lynn stretched
her feet out and wiggled her toes under my thigh.
"Are you cold?" I asked. "I can get you a blanket."
"No," Lynn replied.
"No, you don't want a blanket?"
"Do you want me to turn up the fireplace?"
I started to get up but Lynn stretched her hand out and pressed on my leg, pushing
me back down.
"Stay," she said.
I settled back into the couch but I was anything but relaxed. The warmth of Lynn's
feet transferred to my flesh. It was more excitement than heat. I kept my face in
my book, afraid to look at her legs or her hip and the curve of the tight brown tweed
skirt she wore. But I was weak and my eyes soon roamed over her bare lower legs and
onto her skirt and even up to the bulge in the side of her textured white blouse.
I turned, guiltily, and looked across the floor into Dale's office. He was looking
at me and smiled when my eyes met his. I smiled back and quickly looked away, at the
fireplace and then at my book and, a moment later, at my sister's feet. She wiggled
her toes as if in appreciation.
I tried hard to get into the story, flipping back a few pages to re-read what had
transpired — the words having entered my head without comprehension — jaw tensed with
determination. I succeeded, to my surprise, and was soon swept up in the action. The
hero was on the chase, about to save his lover's life. I turned the page, and lost
Hesitantly I dropped my hand onto my thigh and stared blankly at the fresh pages.
I tried to rebuild in my mind what had happened, not in the book but on the couch,
for my hand hadn't lifted from my leg to turn the page, it had risen from the side
where it had been cupping the back of Lynn's ankle. My skin prickled. Lynn's hand
found mine, and dragged it off my thigh and onto her heel, then pushed it up to her
ankle before returning to her crossword.
I kept still. All I could think of was pulling my hand back but instead my fingers
closed around my sister's leg. Lynn wiggled her foot and I started to pull my hand
away but she grasped it once again and pushed it back onto her ankle, then moved it
up and down to indicate what she wanted it to do before releasing it. I repeated her
prescribed motion and Lynn's hand returned to the puzzle book.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Need story (sexcellent plot) - by sarit11 - 08-08-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: "The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection - by sarit11 - 29-11-2019, 11:43 AM

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