Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
My god! She was naked. She stepped forward two or three steps and stopped again, turning
her head aside as if to listen for any sign of discovery from behind her.
It was Lynn!
Several more steps and she stopped again. Rather than turning her head to the side
her whole body twisted on her feet, bringing her breasts into profile and emphasizing
her left buttock as it torqued to push her body around. The moonlight washed around
her, defining a halo around her form but leaving her back dark, yet I could still
make out the topography of the muscles in her legs and back, and the divide between
her buttocks. Her head turned and looked directly back at me. I froze on the balcony,
afraid to move, impaled by two glinting points near the top of her head. Could she
see me?
Lynn turned and moved eloquently toward the pool. She paused at the edge and I readied
myself for her disappearance, expecting her to dive into the water as suddenly as
she had appeared below the balcony. She stepped forward and down into the pool, surprising
me. Of course. This was the shallow end. Lynn waded into the water and didn't stop
until it washed around her thighs just below the swell of her buttocks. Her arms rose
and lifted her hair high above her head, pausing to let it fall piece by piece. I
could see the swell of her breasts peeking from her sides, bulging from the narrow
waist that flared so sharply out to her hips but still in a quintessentially feminine
manner. She was luscious.
She was gone, her presence only hinted at by the moonlit ripples spreading over the
surface of the pool until the water was still. Was she standing in the middle outside
the slash of moonlight or clinging to the side? I leaned forward, peering intently
into the dark. Ripples. She was coming back, wading into the light, arms still held
high, breasts swaying from side to side as her legs pushed through the water, her
dark form disrupted only by the two glints near the top.
I ducked down, crouching behind the stone railing until only my eyes peered over the
top. Lynn stepped out of the water and stretched, arching her back and thrusting her
naked breasts toward the evening sky. I imagined, even at this distance, that I could
see her nipples piercing the night, drips of moonlit liquid dripping from their points.
She was coming. My breath caught in my throat and my mouth went dry. Those piercing
glints were directed straight ahead as she walked confidently back, but not on the
ground. They looked up, directly at my balcony.
I peered through the slats when she got too close to see over the railing. She paused
there in front of me and I strained to see her bare breasts and her naked pussy, probably
still shedding water from the pool. She moved forward and out of sight.
I stayed in my crouching position until my cramped muscles screamed for release. I
stood and leaned over the balcony but couldn't see anything below. Lynn was gone.
I looked out over the yard to the pool and imagined I could see her again, walking
slowly out, pausing to display her beautiful figure, continuing on to the pool and
entering the water, then strolling triumphantly back.
My cock was in my hand. When Lynn's imaginary figure stopped below the balcony, the
strokes grew longer and faster. I was pulling it hard now, huffing and puffing, whispering
my sister's name, "Lynn... oh god, Lynn... so beautiful," I gasped, frantically yanking
my pud. I dropped my left hand onto the railing and leaned forward, stretching up
on my toes to get past the railing. I was close. My body went rigid and my balls launched
my load into the moonlight. "Lynn," I whispered hoarsely, a scream in everything but
sound. "Lynn," I whimpered twice more as more streams of spunk lurched over the balcony,
catching the light of the moon as they fell silently until they hit the patio below
with a splat.
Chest heaving, I stood up straight and dropped my cock, my head falling back as I
stared at the moon. If only Mom hadn't made me promise, I thought, and then, Thank
god she did.
I was about to turn around and go to bed when I heard the soft click of the glass
door below.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Need story (sexcellent plot) - by sarit11 - 08-08-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: "The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection - by sarit11 - 29-11-2019, 11:40 AM

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