Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
Actually, I was kind of excited. The way Lynn was sitting, I could see the back of
both thighs all the way to her... panties. Lynn was wearing panties under the towel.
I was sure she had been naked the night before. If fact, I was positive. When she
had leaned forward to ruffle her hair, I had seen all the way down her back and there
had been no sign of panties then. Still, this was great. I could see Lynn's plain
white panties stretched tightly over her sex as I pretended to examine her toenails.
"Hmmmm," I mused. "I'm not sure I like this color after all. It's not really pink,
is it?"
Lynn leaned forward to look herself, opening her legs wider and causing the towel
to fall toward her hips. I dipped my head to get around hers which was now partially
blocking my view. God almighty, the panties were stretched so tight now I could clearly
see the groove between her lower lips. I had never before been treated to such an
intimate display of my sister's charms.
Lynn's head snapped up.
"Well, it is pink and I like it," she said.
Lynn shuffled over beside me, fluffed a couple of pillows up and leaned back against
"Pass me the remote and pour me a wine, little brother," she instructed. "It's chick
flick time."
We drank wine and watched a movie which Lynn soon tired of. We ended up talking about
anything and everything as we finished the bottle. After the second glass was gone,
Lynn got up to go to the bathroom. I was still refilling our glasses when she returned.
The towels were both gone and she was wearing bra and panties and nothing else. She
settled in as if nothing had changed but thankfully browsed for another movie so I
didn't have to uncomfortably avert my eyes.
After the last glass was done, Lynn leaned across me to put her empty glass on the
bedside table instead of asking me to do it. Her breasts brushed across my chest and
caused an instant reaction, stiffening my already semi-hard cock in my jeans. Lynn
settled back to watch the movie but a few moments later suggested I get comfortable
"No, I'm fine," I declined. If I got down to my underwear, there was no way I could
hide my erection.
Lynn slumped against me after that but it was at least twenty minutes before I realized
she was sleeping. I turned off the TV and the light. I got up and turned the covers
of her bed down, then turned and leaned over to pick her up. I didn't pick her up
right away. Instead, I let my eyes rove over her underwear-clad body. She really was
quite a beautiful woman. Reluctantly, I slipped one hand under her back and the other
under her thighs. Picking her up, I swiveled her around to her own bed despite every
bone in my body, and one in particular, screaming for me to keep her in mine. After
setting her down, I took one last, long look, then covered her up.
In the dark, I undressed to my underwear which was tented up with my huge erection.
I sat on my bed, swung my feet under the covers, and stretched out. I wanted to relieve
myself in the bathroom but refused to go. It was going to be a long night. I turned
my head and looked at my sister. I could see her eyes glinting in the dim light.
"I love you, Ty," Lynn whispered, then turned around. "Goodnight," she said.
"Goodnight, Sis."
I couldn't visualize Lynn's breasts that night. My dreams were filled with her white
panties, stretched tightly over her mound, the shadowy groove dividing it beckoning
to me. I awoke in the night to a soaking pillow: I had bunched it into my mouth and
was sucking it. I flipped it over and turned around. Lynn's eyes were glinting again.
"Are you having trouble sleeping?" she asked.
"I guess," I answered. "Are you?"
"No, you woke me up. You were talking in your sleep."
"I was? What was I saying?" I asked, afraid to hear the answer.
"I don't know, you were kinda moaning. You were saying something but it was too garbled
to make out."
Thank god for that, I thought. I didn't doubt I was calling her name in my sleep.
Then, Lynn said something odd.
"Do you miss Mom at night?"
I wasn't sure what to say. Why would she think that after hearing me moaning in my
"Yes, I guess so. Why?" I asked.
"I just wondered," Lynn replied. "Goodnight, Ty."
"Goodnight, Lynn."
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Need story (sexcellent plot) - by sarit11 - 08-08-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: "The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection - by sarit11 - 29-11-2019, 11:37 AM

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