Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
I knew my swollen member was pressing into the black material of Mom's stretchy pants
but there was nothing I could do. The letters were gone but Mom continued scrubbing.
Finally, she stopped and, after a brief pause, pencilled in a new word and sighed
in satisfaction as it meshed with several others crossing its path.
Mom continued with the puzzle. I had hoped my erection would subside but it didn't.
It was as rigid as ever but Mom paid it no notice that I could detect even though
she must have felt its presence. She didn't lift her soft buttock or acknowledge its
impudent presence in any way.
Twice more, Mom made mistakes. This was unprecedented. Mom never made mistakes and
she had made three on this puzzle alone, all on longer words. The prolonged scrubbing
to remove the offending marks didn't help my mental attempts to quell my swollen cock.
Quite the opposite. I was now beyond worrying about its growth, or the rude announcement
of its presence. There was nothing more it could do to attract additional attention
except rub itself into Mom's bum but that ability was beyond its control. That could
only happen if I allowed it.
Despite myself, I did shift my weight a couple of times. They were small, involuntary
movements but they increased the tingling sensations in my cock almost beyond control.
Mom still didn't react but a short time after the second one, she finished the puzzle
and pulled the page back to reveal the previous one again. She stared at the offensive
words for half a minute before writing below her own words, "leave her alone", adding
"PROMISE" in capital letters in an empty seven-letter slot. She turned to look at
me and I nodded immediately. The puzzle was covered again.
"Well," Mom said, drawing Dad's attention. "Your sister will be home in a few weeks.
We'll have to plan a proper reception for her."
"She's just left," Dad said, seemingly annoyed at the interruption. "What brought
that on?"
"Oh, I don't know. I was just thinking about her and hoping everything is going well.
I just want everything to be perfect for her when she comes home. It must be so stressful
going to college and I want her time at home to be as relaxing as it can be."
The last phrase was stated with added emphasis. Mom turned and fixed me with a steady,
firm gaze. I nodded, feeling uncomfortable and seeking relief from her attention.
"I suppose so," Dad mumbled, already returning to his book though I think he'd been
watching TV when Mom spoke. None of us had been to college so we had no idea what
it was like there.
Mom moved to get up and I pulled back to make room. She put her hand on my leg to
help herself up. I might have been imagining things but I think she squeezed it more
than necessary to lift herself up.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Need story (sexcellent plot) - by sarit11 - 08-08-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: "The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection - by sarit11 - 29-11-2019, 10:47 AM

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