Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
Finishing her face, I held the tube out to her but she simply opened her eyes and
said, "Do my neck for me, sweetheart."
She kept her eyes on me as I loaded my fingers once more and reached past her pretty
face to dab it on the side of her neck, first one side then the other, then under
for the back of her neck.
"Don't forget the front," she spoke quietly, then closed her eyes.
I was free to look down her shirt, as long as I dared risk that she wouldn't open
her eyes. I applied a larger amount to my fingers and gingerly applied it to her throat.
Squeezing more on my fingers, I applied a second coat, working it in more slowly.
"Mmmmmm," Mom sighed in appreciation. I could feel the vibration of her throat against
my fingers, and it excited me.
"It was nice to hear you humming, Mom. What was that song?" I asked.
"I don't remember. Would you like me to hum it again?"
"Yeah," I answered.
"Ok," she replied. "Do right down my neck, sweetie. I don't want to get burned."
As I digested this instruction, she resumed humming and I looked down the valley between
her breasts, her shirt open all the way to the point where the swells swept away from
her chest to jut against her shirt. Was she serious? Had I understood her? I looked
up at Dad, happily paddling away.
"Go on," she opened her eyes, "or I'll stop humming," she teased, closing her eyes
again. She must have seen where I was looking. Prompted into action, I accidently
squeezed too much cream into my palm and quickly slapped it onto her chest before
it could slip off.
"Ohh," she cried out, surprised, but she didn't open her eyes. My hand moved, spreading
the lotion into her skin. I moved up and down from the valley between her breasts
to her throat. Mom broke her humming just long enough to direct me, "Make sure you
get all the skin that's shows, Nick."
Obediently, I let my fingers stray, pushing just far enough underneath her blouse
to lather her fair skin. Adding even more lotion, I let my hands work their way down
between her breasts to the point where her buttoned shirt impeded further progress
except for a furtive poke toward her navel. Her humming never stopped.
Working my hand back, I let it stray farther under her lapel onto the swell of her
breast, the white part that hadn't yet been exposed to the sun. Mom's nonchalant humming
continued as if her impudent son wasn't stroking the side of her breast. Encouraged,
I moved to the other side and rubbed cream into the side of that breast as well. I
kept working the lotion into her until it was gone, then replenished my hand and rubbed
that in as well, attending only to the sides of her breasts.
When that was done, Mom thanked me, adding, "That should be enough for now."
She was watching me. I don't know how long her eyes had been open but she could have
been watching me for several minutes. She smiled and dipped her head. I picked up
my paddle and dipped it into the water again. Dad turned his head, "It's about time
I had some help," he growled.
I couldn't tell if he was angry or just kidding, but I didn't care. I had just had
the most erotic moment of my short life. With my mother!
I watched as she hummed, her toes dancing as before but with a difference. She stroked
her legs even though she wasn't applying any lotion, her long fingers trailing up
and down the insides of her thighs. I watched, enthralled, mesmerized.
"Steer left," Mom whispered. I jerked my eyes up and paddled hard to correct my course
just as Dad started to turn back but changed as he saw us return to the correct path.
When I glanced back down at Mom, she pulled her knees back and hooked her feet around
the gunwales. Her legs were now wide open to the sun. "That feels so good," she said,
to no one in particular, "It's beautiful out here."

I relished the gorgeous view myself as she kept her knees pulled back almost all the
way to our next campsite, closing her legs only as we came into view of others already
there. She only needed to correct my course twice more but it wasn't because I was
paying more attention to where I was going. I don't think I even glanced away from
her open display, most likely innocent but appearing wanton nevertheless. I had to
wait even longer to get out of the canoe this time, so long that my father noticed
and told me to help set up camp. My mother didn't look but I could see her smile.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Need story (sexcellent plot) - by sarit11 - 08-08-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: "The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection - by sarit11 - 21-11-2019, 05:33 PM

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