Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
"That's it, that's it," she cried, hugging me close. "Give me everything, baby, squirt
it in me."
She disappeared quickly again but no matter, I wasn't going to ask her anything anyway.
I was happy the way things were going. It was only a week away now.
You'd have thought she might have some mercy that last week, especially after telling
me I wasn't getting any more until Father's day. But no. She wore the same tight shorts
and ass-defining jeans but added short skirts to top it off. But that wasn't the worst.
Every night in the living room, she sat opposite me, twisting her hips to the side
and pulling her legs up but holding her feet far enough out that I could see her accented
bottom and the bare backs of her upper legs. And she always found a moment to suddenly
look at me and flash that enigmatic smile, slowly closing her eyes just long enough
for her lashes to flutter on her cheeks.
Ah, cheeks. I couldn't keep that word out of my head. I pictured those beautiful globes
for hours in my head, at home and all day at school. I couldn't think of anything
else. All my time on the internet was now spent watching ass fucking or reading up
on how to get a woman to enjoy anal sex. That was a good thing because my first impulse
for Father's day had bee to upend Mom at the first opportunity and shove my hard cock
into her behind. I learned that if I did that, it would be the shortest ass fuck in
history, and my last, at least with Mom. So I researched and read carefully.
Slow, slow, everything I read told me. Use lots of lube and relieve yourself first.
This latter was usually a caution to women readers to get their lover off first so
they didn't lose control and ruin the experience for both of them. I did the equivalent
of a year long correspondence course in anal sex in one week. If astrophysics was
ass fucking, I would have been put in charge of the space program.
Friday. I left school early so I could get a ride home with Mom from her club before
she went home, thinking I might even be early enough to catch her still working out.
No such luck. I spotted her sitting in the food court on the way in. I was about to
join her when I recognized the woman sitting with her. It was the one we'd met on
the trail, the one that had watched us from the bluff.
I figured they knew each other but I thought in just a passing fashion, like recognizing
someone you passed when changing machines. Not a coffee partner. Yet, there they were,
in cheerful, animated discussion, hands waving, and tossing smiles and laughs in abundance.
What the hell was this?
I slunk back into the hallway outside the cafeteria, lurking and watching, trying
to figure out what this obviously closer friendship meant. They hadn't seemed so friendly
on the trail. Was this new, then? Or, had Mom been surprised to see her friend and
felt uncomfortable given what had happened only moments before? As my mind chewed
through the possibilities, both women suddenly stood and turned to the exit, walking
toward me, still talking. Mom's friend looked up, spied me, and said something to
Mom who then looked up with a big smile, beckoning to me.
"Michael, what a lovely surprise," she said, walking up to me and taking my hand.
Turning to her friend, she said, "Do you remember Alicia, from our hike the other
I shook my head and though I'm sure Alicia had seen the recognition in my face when
she had first spotted me, she graciously played along.
"Hello, Michael. It's so nice to meet you. Your mother has told me so much about you."
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Need story (sexcellent plot) - by sarit11 - 08-08-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: "The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection - by sarit11 - 19-11-2019, 01:38 PM

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