Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
"Ready?" Dad asked. He was wearing the same hiking outfit Mom had on.
I nodded, speechless.
"About time," Dad said, brushing past me through the door. "Emily, you ready?" he
called out.
"Waiting for you," Mom shouted back.
So off we went. Dad drove and an hour later we arrived at the trailhead. He and I
carried the packs. The only good part was that he led the way and I followed Mom,
eyes on her sexy behind all the way. We passed a few people on the way, going up and
down, and two couples at the lookout. We hung around looking at the view until the
others left, which took about fifteen minutes. After Dad was sure they were gone and
nobody else was coming, we carefully picked our way down around the bluff. Our preferred
site was empty. We had it all to ourselves.
Mom pulled a large blanket from one of the packs and spread it over the moss. Our
lunch was emptied from the other pack and we sat down to enjoy the view while we ate.
It was a beautiful sunny day. Dad finished eating first and leaned back on his elbow
to relax. Mom and I were still sitting, she with her legs crossed, me with my elbows
resting on my knees. After a few minutes, Dad arranged one of the packs under his
head and lay on his back. Mom and I continued to take in the view, finishing our lunch
in silence.
Mom finished her sandwich and tipped her water bottle up to take a long drink. I took
the opportunity to watch the way her shirt stretched over her small breasts. I was
pretty sure she wasn't wearing a bra. Mom tipped the bottle up too high and water
spilled outside her mouth, running down her neck. She jerked the bottle down and pulled
it away from her mouth, lifting one arm to wipe her mouth with the back of her hand.
I continued admiring her front and she smiled at me. I wasn't worried about Dad. His
head was out of sight behind Mom's back but I was pretty sure his eyes were closed.
Disappointment welled up inside me again as I thought about how wonderful this would
have been with just the two of us.
Mom put her bottle down and started brushing crumbs from her legs. Her action was
quite mechanical but that changed when she looked up to see me watching her closely.
Then, she stretched one leg out, leaving the other with its foot curled underneath
the thigh of the outstretched leg. Now, more slowly, she continued to brush away crumbs,
though I couldn't see any. Brush ... brush ... brush. Her movements became more languid,
more sensual, her fingertips removing unseen crumbs from the very tops of her thighs,
seemingly to be found all on the inside. Mom batted her eyelids.
"Do you have any water left?"
I replied that I did, looking down at the water bottle she had set down on the blanket,
still half full. Nevertheless, I retrieved my bottle and held it out to her, but she
ignored it, continuing to brush away phantom crumbs. I unscrewed the lid and offered
the bottle again but Mom still ignored it. Changing my position to lean close to her,
I held my bottle to Mom's lips.
She drank. A small sip. I held the bottle an inch away for a few seconds, then offered
it to her again. Mom took another sip but this time she spilled some from her mouth,
letting it run down her chin and onto her thighs below. I was surprised because I
had barely tipped the bottle and she could have easily handled what spilled into her
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Need story (sexcellent plot) - by sarit11 - 08-08-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: "The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection - by sarit11 - 19-11-2019, 01:28 PM

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