Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
"Goodnight, son," Dad responded.
"Where are you going?" Mom said. "You're not finished yet."
"Not finished?" I mumbled.
"No," Mom said, holding her hand out to me. "You need to rub a little oil in my braids
to make them soft and shiny." She shook her hand, beckoning impatiently. "Come on."
Mom led me into the bathroom, leaving the door open so wide that we couldn't see Dad
reflected in the mirror, or he us. She picked a squeeze bottle up and handed it to
"Here," she said. "Rub this into my braids."
I squeezed some of the clear, light oil into the palm of my hand.
"Not too much," Mom said.
I started running my palm down her braid. Looking nervously at the door, reassured
by the sound of a flipping page, I pressed forward and applied my stiffness to Mom's
"That's it," Mom said aloud. "Rub it in good."
I did. I took Mom seriously about rubbing the oil into her hair but I kept shoving
my cock up and down her soft behind. I lost myself in that and was on the third long
braid when I realized I hadn't heard a page flip for a while. Anxiety welled up from
my stomach, spreading through my chest.
The snap of a light shutting off defied the laws of physics by arriving in my brain
before the fact of darkness in the bedroom impinged on my mind.
"Did you take your pill?" Mom yelled, her calm voice belying the danger of the situation.
"NO," came the muffled response, sounding like it have been emitted from a face buried
in a pillow, or at least under the covers.
Mom didn't answer. I continued braiding, and stayed still. Two minutes passed. My
cock couldn't stand it and started nudging mother's cheeks again, but soon ramped
up to full fledged rubbing. Mom was rocking forward from my little shoves, her hands
grasping the edge of the counter to help steady herself. I had a hand on two of her
long braids and tugged them, pulling her head back and face up, but her eyes stayed
on mine.
I grimaced and ground my cock into her ass, tugging harder on her braids. Mom answered
with a silent laugh, her face flushed, eyes burning and exuding excitement. I responded
with a series of quick, violent shoves into her behind accompanied by almost as exuberant
tugs on her braids.
I stopped, panting for breath, realizing I was getting carried away. I glanced toward
the door and the dark bedroom beyond, desperately trying to get a grip on my mind,
to regain some semblance of control, but when I looked back at the mirror, into Mom's
eyes, I lost it.
She did something with her ass. It seemed to soften, relax and open, welcoming me.
I was enveloped, ensconced between her cheeks, even through the robe. If it was possible,
my cock hardened even more in response to her invitation. I let go of her hair and
grasped the lapels of her robe, parting them to reveal her bare tits.
I knew if I grabbed them, I would be lost, but her eyes begged me to do it. I couldn't
resist and almost cried aloud when her nipples pierced my palms and I closed my fists
tightly over them. I sunk my teeth into the crook of her neck, hunched into her ass,
and adjusted my hands until her long nipples were poking out between the circles between
my thumbs and index fingers.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Need story (sexcellent plot) - by sarit11 - 08-08-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: "The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection - by sarit11 - 19-11-2019, 01:25 PM

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