Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
"There's no reason to be sorry," Mom replied. "Did you have a nice drive?"
"Get thing's all sorted out?"
"It's amazing how a drive or a long walk can do that."
Just then, the microwave buzzed. Mom waited until the fifth buzz before opening the
door. She never opened the door until the buzzing was done and always gave me heck
when I did, saying there was lingering radiation that wasn't good for me. She handed
me the plate with a warning that it was hot and told me to sit down. She poured a
large glass of milk and brought it to me, sitting down at the table in the chair across
the corner from mine. She smiled while I ate but let me eat without interruption,
not talking until I was almost finished. Her presence made my chest feel tight and
my skin hypersensitive.
"So," she said huskily, "are you going to braid my hair for me?"
I nodded, not trusting my voice, afraid it would break into an unmanly squeak.
"Good," Mom smiled, her foot rubbing my shin briefly before she stood. "Come up after
you put your dishes away."
She paused just before the door and turned half back to face me, "Maybe you should
put your pajamas on before you come. It might take a while."
I was vaguely aware of Mom telling Dad she was going upstairs so I could braid her
hair and that he should lock the doors and turn the lights out when he came up. I
was already imagining the feel of her hair, and her soft behind.
I had to run really hot water on my hand to shock my mind off of Mom but it was the
cold water that finally dampened my boner enough that I could leave the kitchen and
walk past Dad on the way upstairs. I rushed to my room and put my pajamas on in record
time. It was all I could do not to run to Mom's room.
She was waiting for me, seated on the bench in front of her makeup dresser, where
she had been the first time she'd let me touch her. As then, I approached her back
slowly. Her hair was spread evenly across her back, outside her robe. As I neared,
I could see that her robe was open down the front, about four inches apart, not enough
to bare her breasts but my cock still stiffened to half mast.
Her smile was alluring and knowing, aware of the effect she wrought upon my male sensitivities.
Hovering behind her, my eyes couldn't stay on hers and were pulled down her reflection,
through the gap in her robe, between her hidden breasts and over her slightly pouting
tummy with its sexy, beckoning navel, and on to her flesh colored panties.
"Do you like pussy willows?" she said, mouth turned up in one corner in obvious amusement.
There was a faint design etched in the front of Mom's panties but that wasn't what
I was looking at, and she knew it.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do," I answered, playing it up.
"A connoisseur, are you?"
"Yes. Yes I am, of sorts."
Mom's smile broadened in delight and I could feel an intense enjoyment spreading through
my own body from this playfulness.
"Perhaps you'd like a closer look?"
Mom's knees parted a little, exposing more of her panties.
"I would certainly appreciative that. I think you have a rarity there, a real collector's
"Really?" Mom cried, opening her legs a little more, enough for me to see the sexy
way her thighs widened as they flattened on the seat. "What makes you think that?"
"There's a hint, a lascivious quality. I can't quite explain it, but your item seems
to possess a life force that cannot be denied."
I thought that sounded really lame but Mom seemed to like what I'd said. Her legs
opened even more and her panties puffed forward delineating their underlying sculpture
so finely that a permanent memory was burnt into my retinas, forever associating that
particular image in my mind with the word 'pussy'.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Need story (sexcellent plot) - by sarit11 - 08-08-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: "The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection - by sarit11 - 19-11-2019, 01:12 PM

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