Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
"Just drink your lemonade then. You don't want to get dehydrated in this sun."
Dad dutifully picked up his glass and took a huge drink, leaving less than an inch
in the bottom, set it down and closed his eyes. "It's so beautiful out," he sighed.
"Summer's been a long time coming this year."
Mom didn't answer. I expected her to stretch out and close her eyes too but she continued
to watch Dad, a small smile on her face.
I opened my mouth to speak, just to fill the void, but Mom waved me off, so I just
sat back and waited. After a minute, I succumbed to the effect of the sun and closed
my eyes too.
I opened my eyes with a start and tried to lift my head but it was too heavy. I must
have dozed off because I had that feeling of waking from a deep sleep though my slitted
eyes told me it couldn't have been more than a few minutes because Mom was still sitting
in the lounge across from me. The only thing that was different was that she had kicked
off her sandals and was propping both bent legs up with bare feet. It was very hot
and still, except for the sound of birds singing and flitting through the trees.
Mom was looking at me now instead of Dad. I kept still, watching through slitted eyes
to see if she knew I was awake but there was no indication. Her knees swayed from
side to side, legs tightly together. Still, I could briefly see the backs of both
thighs as her calves passed back and forth in front of them. It was several passes
before my brain twigged to something my eyes must have noticed right away ... I couldn't
see any panties. I should have been able to see them along the bottom of each leg,
joining to form a strip to rise up and disappear between her thighs, but there was
nothing. As I tried to strain my eyes to see better without opening them, Mom flattened
her legs out and stretched them, tightly together, along the lounge. Bummer.
I kept watching her, not moving a muscle because she was still looking my way. Her
hands raised languidly above her chest, still resting on her elbows beside her, and
began toying with the knot that tied her blouse together. Mom tugged at the ends and
slowly, slowly, the knot loosened. I wanted to turn my head to see what Dad was doing.
I knew he was there because I could see his feet at the bottom of my field of vision.
He must have dozed off like I had but he had to be still out if Mom was doing this
with me there.
Mom must have put his pill in the lemonade. That would explain why I had conked out
after taking a big drink of the glass Mom had explained wasn't mine. Would Dad wake
up too? Should I warn Mom that I was awake? Mom finished undoing the knot and pulled
her shirt apart. I decided to wait for a few more minutes.
Mom's fingertips trailed up her chest along the divide she had just opened in her
blouse, widening the gap between the sides, reversing direction to travel back down,
opening the blouse even further. She watched me as she repeated this twice more until
her tits were bare, small swells of flesh rising from her chest capped by long and
thick nipples. Mom smiled, then pulled her feet up and bent her knees, keeping her
retracting legs out to the sides so my view of her breasts wasn't obscured. After
pulling her feet up, pressed together sole to sole all the way to the bottom of her
thighs, she slowly pushed them back, straightening her legs but this time letting
her feet move apart, edging them part way down the sides of the lounge cushion.
Mom's legs were open now and I could clearly see that she wasn't wearing any panties
at all, her lightly haired muff plain to see, legs spread wide enough to open a pink
slit between her nether lips. Her smile widened and I knew then she was aware that
I was watching.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Need story (sexcellent plot) - by sarit11 - 08-08-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: "The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection - by sarit11 - 19-11-2019, 01:02 PM

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