Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
We had a quick dinner and got dressed for the theater. Mom came downstairs wearing
a different dress than the sexy number she had tried on earlier in the afternoon.
This one fell closer to her knees but displayed the top of her small bosom through
a square-cut bodice that was large enough to almost show her nipples. Her legs attracted
my attention because the high heels caused her calf muscles to tense nicely with each
step. At the door, as Dad put his coat on, Mom asked me to help her with a shawl she
pulled out of her purse. As I stood behind her, arranging the silky shawl with fashionably
frayed edges, I couldn't help looking over her shoulder and down her dress at her
loosely confined, braless breasts despite the fact that my father was standing right
next to us.
At the car, I held the door for Mom and though the dress was conservative, I did enjoy
the sight of Mom's lower legs as she teasingly pulled them slowly inside. The theater
wasn't a fancy affair, it was more of a small community effort. Mom removed her shawl,
folded it neatly, and put it on her knees. As she chatted to Dad, it fell between
her legs and was in danger of falling to the floor except Mom caught it and pulled
it higher. Mom checked the shawl's status several more times as she talked to my father,
each investigation resulting in a short tug higher up the seat. I wasn't really that
interested in the shawl, other than its removal from Mom's shoulders and subsequent
revelation of her open-necked dress, but every time Mom assured its safety by pulling
it further from the edge of the seat, her hand happened to brush the hem of her dress
higher up her legs. Now, that was worth watching.
At one point, Mom lifted and opened her legs to make room for the folded shawl, bringing
her hem more than halfway up her thighs. Just before the play started, she pulled
the shawl out and spread it over her lap but I noticed she didn't push her dress back
down. Our seats were near the back under the balcony so when the play started and
the lights dimmed, it became quite dark. After a while, my eyes grew accustomed to
the darkness and I noticed that when Mom leaned forward to see better, catching the
light from the stage, I could see down her bodice as the material fell away from her
breasts. I leaned forward with her to extend my viewing time.
Mom had laid her hands on each arm of her chair, one over mine and one over Dad's.
After one hard look down Mom's front, I looked over at Dad when Mom leaned back to
make sure he hadn't noticed my transgression. I don't think Mom was aware of my illicit
attention but I was relieved to see that Dad was already glazed over and may have
been actually dozing with his eyes open.
Working my hand loose from Mom's grip, I let it fall from the armrest on Mom's side.
Though I didn't move, I'm sure Mom was aware of the light touch on her thigh and,
a minute later, I knew she had to have felt my hand move underneath the shawl. I reasoned
that her lack of response meant she had decided to allow my touch under the discreet
cover of darkness even with, or maybe because of, my father's presence right beside
her. I played it safe for awhile, just letting my hand rest on Mom's thigh under the
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Need story (sexcellent plot) - by sarit11 - 08-08-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: "The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection - by sarit11 - 19-11-2019, 12:42 PM

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