Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
I had no idea what she was talking about. She pulled me toward the walk-in closet
and I turned to look at Dad and then forlornly at the makeup dresser that now held
such a special place in my heart, and another organ.
"Thank god I have someone to help me choose what to wear," Mom said in that same,
half normal, half quiet voice.
Dad was breathing regularly but wasn't snoring, and the room was barely dim even though
the curtains had been drawn.
Mom entered the closet and began moving clothes about, evidently not worried about
the noise of rustling hangers. I stood in the doorway, watching her petit but lithe
"How about this?" Mom held out a dress, still on its hanger. She quickly discarded
it and held another in front. "Or this?"
I nodded to both. Mom retrieved two more dresses while I looked confused at the dresses
she had so casually tossed to the floor, quite unlike her.
"This one?" she asked, holding a green dress that nicely offset her long, auburn hair.
"Or this?" Mom held up a similarly colored dress made of a silkier material.
I nodded, "Yeah."
Mom tossed the rejected dress to the floor and pulled the winner off its hanger. She
held the dress out to me, "Hold this."
I had to step inside the closet to reach the dress.
Mom slipped her flats off, then said, "Turn away for a minute."
I turned my head away but Mom's hand reached out and turned my face back toward her,
holding it steady for a few seconds. I realized then the instruction was spoken for
my father's benefit. Looking me straight in the eye, Mom suddenly crossed her arms,
grabbed her top and pulled it over head, then tossed it to the floor. Her mouth opened
in a silent laugh as her breasts bounced on her chest, her expression of mirth fading
to a smile as the enthusiastic chorus settled down, flatter I'm sure than when she
was young but now accompanied by larger, more mature nipples. Mom seemed pleased by
my very appreciative regard, my eyes actually jouncing in unison. I stepped toward
her but she held her hand up to stop my advance, taking the dress when I jerked to
a stop.
Mom pulled the dress over her head and settled it over her body. The front dipped
low in the front and left a wide gap through which the sides of her tits were visible.
Looking down, following my gaze, Mom pulled the two sides of the dress together, fingers
twisting some kind of snap into place that held the dress together while still leaving
tantalizing glimpses of the breasts underneath. She looked beautiful and very sexy.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Need story (sexcellent plot) - by sarit11 - 08-08-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: "The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection - by sarit11 - 19-11-2019, 12:36 PM

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