Incest The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection
Don worked late even more often after that. He was usually home by nine but sometimes would inexplicably return to the office and not come home until eleven or later. I tried not to be suspicious but one Saturday I ran across his office mate while shopping downtown. Herb asked if Don was with me or shopping for a Xmas gift on his own. I’m sure my surprise escaped before I could compose myself but Herb gallantly didn’t acknowledge it.

“Of course,” I replied. “He loves to surprise me,” I answered.

Don had told me he had to go over some important papers with Herb for an important meeting on Monday. Jealousy initially hit deep but then I rationalized it away — don’t we always do that? Of course, I reasoned, Don was doing just what Herb suggested, buying a special present for me.

When Don came home I snuck out to search his car. There was no present. Of course, he could have taken it to his office, or arranged for it to be delivered later, but I was done with rationalizations. I was hurt and angry. Mostly angry.

Soon after that I began wearing lightweight bras that provided lift and emphasized shape. Within a week I was going braless under a t-shirt covered by a blouse, or under a blouse covered by an open sweater. I knew the relative freedom of my breasts would draw your attention too but I didn’t care. At least one man knew there was a treasure to be found at home!

I can’t believe I was thinking like that but in my defense I was an emotional wreck and felt sexually defunct. I was at the end of my stick. If only I knew how much worse it would get.

Evoking desire in other men proved too easy but, despite my accidental discovery, your attention was more elusive. Of course I knew, though it was taboo, most young men would at some point notice their mothers, if only because of proximity. I had caught you looking once and assumed you had done so more often but were adept at hiding such a forbidden interest. Therefore, I sought confirmation of my womanly prowess in your eyes just to make myself feel good, to be wanted.

Weeks went by where my thoughts were consumed by how to snag your attention with seemingly innocent poses designed to draw attention to my breasts. I repositioned furniture so I could surreptitiously utilize reflections to monitor your reactions and discovered, much to my surprise, that my lower body drew admiring glances longer and more often.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Need story (sexcellent plot) - by sarit11 - 08-08-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: "The Mom Memories" by 'alwayswantedto' collection - by sarit11 - 04-11-2019, 01:53 PM

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