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"Shit! I can't believe they cancelled it!"
It was my sister's angry voice crashing through the two sheets of drywall and multiple layers of paint that separated our bedrooms.
Her shout was followed by a loud thud a second or two later.
"Fuck! Now my phone's broken!" she wailed.
Whatever was wrong with her was escalating rapidly. Being the more level-headed of the O'Malley siblings, I decided to try to bring the boil down to a simmer before the pot overflowed. I abandoned my League of Legends game and raced over to her room.
Turning the corner, I saw Emma lying on her bed with her arm dbangd across her face and tears streaming down her cheeks. Her long red hair was splayed across her pillow. Her knees were in the air and her chest was thrust upward. I tried not to notice the perkiness of her breasts in her striped tank top at that angle, or the lovely sprinkling of freckles across the skin above her milky white cleavage. Or the fact that her legs were spread in such a way that a flash of her yellow panties was visible at the gap of her red short shorts. Colour-coordinated she was not.
I gave the rest of the bedroom a quick visual scan and saw her dismembered smartphone on the floor beside her dresser. She'd apparently flipped it across the room in a burst of agitation.
I walked over and picked up the pieces of the phone.
"It's not broken," I said. "The cover to the battery compartment just popped off. And the screen is fine."
After putting it back together, I walked over to her bed and handed it to her. The tears stopped and her look of agitation broke into a smile as she reached out to take it. Her delightful grin shone all the way to her eyes, so I knew her gratitude was genuine. That was always the tell-tale sign for me when she was trying to manipulate someone: cute dimples and glistening teeth, but no sparkle in those dazzling emerald eyes. But this time there were fireworks in those limpid pools. Not to mix metaphors in a completely contradictory way or anything.
"Thanks, Shame," she said gratefully.
I should explain. My name is Seamus O'Malley. If you haven't guessed, our family is of Irish descent, though we've been in Canada for three generations. Despite us being "Irish twins" born just 11 months apart, my sister Emma and I are the only progeny that our parents could muster. Or perhaps the Catholic imperative against birth control lost its grip on the O'Malley household.
Emma has seemingly forever enjoyed saying that my name is "Shame Us" - which she often shortens to "Shame." If she only knew where my thoughts about her had been lurking in recent months, she'd realize that "Shame Us" couldn't be more bang on. And "bang on" was exactly what I wanted to do to her delectable body. Of course, I had never dared let on that I was harbouring incestuous thoughts about my kid sister. I tried hard not to ever stare at her to the point of being noticed - just stolen glances when nobody else was looking. And what I saw in brief glimpses was the woman of my dreams. It didn't help that she was easily the best person I knew, notwithstanding her occasional propensity for manipulation with that megawatt smile.
Emma stood up and shoved the phone into her shorts pocket. Then, to my surprise, she leaned in for a hug. I felt the warmth of her supple young bosom invade my chest like a shot of tequila. Then she leaned her head on my shoulder and made a sound that resembled a purr.
"I'm glad I have you, Shame," she cooed.
If you only knew how much of me you have, Sis, I thought silently. I wrapped my arms around her and buried my nose in the fragrance of her shampoo, holding her close. And then I felt it, for the umpteenth time - my unmistakable reaction to her close proximity.
My erection was immediate and massive. I worried that she would feel it, too. And so I released the hug, grasping both of her shoulders and pushing her gently away while I held her gaze. I thought I saw hurt in her eyes, but it was displaced by relief after I spoke up.
"I love you, Enny. And I'll always be here for you."
So I guess you're wondering about "Enny." No, it wasn't a nickname that arose from me being unable to pronounce "Emma" as a young child. It was my deliberate retaliation for her use of "Shame Us" into our teenage years. I had declared to her that her real birth name was "Enema" and that the hospital administrator who'd recorded it for the birth certificate had misspelled it as "Emma." So I got my digs in by calling her "Enny" as a shortened form of "Enema."
"You don't know how much that means to me, Shame," she replied, sitting back down on the edge of her bed. "By the way, did you see the school announcement?"
"No - what's up?"
"There's sure to be an email in your inbox," she said.
"I only check emails once a week or so," I answered. Text messages were the only way to go if you wanted to get my attention. Emma knew that and nodded, showing no surprise at my response.
"Graduation is cancelled," she said glumly. "They're going to mail our diplomas in the fall."
"Oh, fuck," I cursed, surprising her. I was angry not for my own sake, but for Emma's. We were both due to graduate high school next month, since I'd been held back a year when I was slow to master reading at the start of my scholastic career. I'd caught up later and was now an avid reader, but Emma was downright brilliant. She'd excelled in school for 12 years, even in the 'virtual learning' environment we'd operated in since late March. Taking school classes from home was the reality in this strange new coronavirus world. Emma was a shoo-in to be our school valedictorian, with the reward of delivering a keynote address at our graduation. She'd been pumped about it and was already working on the speech. Now all of that was gone in the wake of social distancing due to the horrid COVID-19 pandemic.
"I'm so sorry, Sis," I comforted, putting a hand on her shoulder. I was safe for the moment in doing so, as my erection had calmed down with distance and bad news.
Tears began to well up in Emma's eyes. "I didn't give a flying fuck when they cancelled the prom," she said. "And it was okay to have a 'virtual party' online with my friends for my birthday. But this just plain sucks."
Emma is by no means a party animal and so the prom and her 18th birthday party were not high on her priority list. I, on the other hand, was really bummed about missing these social events. But graduation, as the culmination of 12 years of hard work, really bit the big one - especially for Emma.
"Yeah, it sucks," I said. "But maybe I can find a way to cheer you up."
Her face lit up, that genuine smile radiating to her eyes.
"Ya think?" she asked.
All the sudden, I was on the spot. I'd had nothing in mind when I said it, and now all that sprang to mind was ripping her shorts and panties off, spreading her legs right there on the edge of the bed while she lay back, and licking and suckling her teenage pussy all the way to a writhing, mind-bending orgasm.
"Um, yeah," I replied. A dead silence followed.
Finally, Emma quirked an eyebrow.
"Any ideas?" she asked.
I wanna make you cum, I thought. And then pound your beautiful pussy so hard with my dick that you forget all your troubles... and can't walk for a week.
"No," I said.
Emma's face blossomed into a mischievous grin. "I have an idea," she said.
You're gonna sit on my face and then grind on my tongue. Please, please, please. Pretty please, with a cherry on top...
"What'cha thinkin'?" I replied hopefully.
She smirked as if revealing a devilish idea.
"Let me cut your hair," she responded.
Well that came out of left field, I thought.
"Don't tell me," I answered sarcastically. "Let me guess. Since you don't get to do your valedictory speech, you've decided to become a hairdresser."
"No, dumbass," she replied, "I just have a creative side that needs expression. And I know that haircutting hasn't been deemed an essential service, so you can't go and get it done. Besides, you've been looking a little bushy lately."
I know of a little bush I'd like to look at, my Neanderthal brain spoke silently.
"But what if you do a hack job?" I said out loud.
"I've got skills," she said, standing up. She seemed to have taken affront at my question. "At least - at least I think so. Besides, you can't go anywhere for anybody to see you."
"But what about my online friends?"
"Both of them?" she laughed, that elfin grin returning. "But seriously, dude, you don't have to turn the camera on with them if you don't like what you see."
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Nice start
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And what's in it for me?"
"Um, like, wasn't it 'taking my sister's mind off graduation being cancelled'?" she observed correctly.
"Yeah, but now you're talking about risking my look!" I feigned indignance.
"Dude, it's not like I'm giving you a tattoo. Whatever I do, it's only temporary. And besides, you might like it."
There are lots of things you could do to me that I'd like, I thought. Somehow, 'haircut' wasn't the first ending I'd have given to the sentence 'I'd like for you to give me a __________'...
"Okay, okay, I get it," I said. "Making you feel better is reward enough for me."
Emma literally jumped up and down, her pert B- or possibly C-cups a split second of syncopation behind the rest of her body. Then she hugged me again. Little Seamus reared his ugly head again, so I found a way to gently turn my torso aside and sport a quizzical look.
"When do you want to do this?" I asked.
"I need to look at whatever gear we have available. I think Mom keeps some scissors and clippers in the basement bathroom."
"But Mom and Dad are working from home down there," I said. "We can't risk being on one of their videoconference calls to look for haircutting tools."
"Yeah, you're right - I guess you're not such a dumbass. I'll look through it tonight after dinner," she said.
"So tomorrow?"
"Yeah, I want to have natural light," she answered. "So not tonight, and not in the basement. We'll do it up here in my bedroom tomorrow after lunch."
Don't make promises unless you intend to keep them, my boner said to my other head. I felt a stab of guilt at my ever-present fixation on my beautiful younger sister.
"God, I'm such a lech," I said.
Emma did a double-take. "You're what?"
"Did I say that with my outside voice?"
"What - that you're a lech?"
"Oh, sh-shit," I stammered.
Emma stared blankly at me. I attempted a recovery.
"No, what I said was, 'God, I'm such a wretch' - for giving my sweet little sister a hard time about something as simple as a haircut."
"So it didn't have anything to do with me saying we'd do it in my bedroom tomorrow?" She batted her eyes playfully.
Busted, I thought. "Hell, no!" I said vehemently. I stomped out the door and down the stairs to the main level of the house, not daring to remain even just a room away while my sister pondered my obvious lie.
After dinner, Emma traipsed down to the basement. "C'mon, bro - let's get some ear-lowering gear," she called back over her shoulder. I instead bolted up the stairs to my room.
Everything was still lying on my bed from my interrupted game of League of Legends. I cleaned up the mess and arranged things on my desk. That was when I heard my phone ping. I picked it up and lay down on my bed to read the text message. It was from Emma.
U ok?
Sure, y not?
U left in a hurry. Earlier in my room + after dinner.
So I wanna make sure my big bro is ok.
Becuz I wuvs u.
God, now my baby sis is talking baby talk.
Not a good look for a valedictorian...
You'd rather me talk smack?
So how's this for smack? I think my big bro is avoiding me because he's perving on his baby sis. And he knows that's sick. The lech...
Oh, god. Oh, god, no. She was onto me.
Like hell, I replied. Yes, it was like hell. The one person that I wanted - and the one person I could never have, right there in front of me, day after day. Giving me hugs and telling me she loves me.
So you don't have a thing for your baby sis?
What would ever make u think I did?
Maybe the way u ogle my tits when you think I'm not looking. Or maybe the raging hard-on you sport every time I give u a hug.
Mayday! Mayday! She was definitely onto me. The only defense I could think of was a remnant of our childhood spats. Casting doubts - the fine art of misdirection.
So confident in ourselves, aren't we?
Hey, bro, I calls 'em like I sees 'em.
U sure u aren't seeing what u WANT to see? Erections just may be in the eye of the beholder...
Hey, easy there, big boy. Don't get your panties in a wad. Or whatever it is you wear under there.
So what're u doing looking at my cock anyway?
Not lookin'. I can feel it when you press up against me when we hug.
Oh, shit. I chose my next words carefully.
I'm at a loss for words, Sis. Except one word. Sorry.
That's better.
I'm a schmuck.
No. A lech, maybe - not a schmuck.
But you're right - I'm sick.
There was a pause on her end.
Um, I kinda think it's sweet.
So ur not mad.
Maybe I should be. But I'm not. I'm actually kinda flattered.
But u think I'm a perv.
Maybe. But a sweet perv. I still wuvs u.
Oh, god, not that again...
My dreams that night were filled with Emma. In my sleepy, lustful haze, I saw her swimming in a lagoon. Her flaming red hair barely crested the water. Sunlight glinted off her head, creating a prismatic burst of radiant colours. A waterfall splashed from high cliffs behind her. Palm trees and jungle brush covered the banks of the lagoon and the tops of the cliffs, swaying in the breeze. Emma swam directly toward me.
I was sitting in cool water that just cleared the top of my swim trunks. As Emma came within 30 feet of me, her swim strokes slowed. Then they stopped. She stood in the water, apparently feeling with her toes for the water's bottom. Her head ducked under the water briefly, so she swam a few more feet. Then she stood again. She found her footing and began to walk through the water toward me.
The waterline was just above her shoulders and below her chin. As she neared me, the water receded from her shoulders. I saw no hint of straps on her shoulders, nor any tan lines. Of course, there were no tan lines: she's a redhead. Freckles and sunburn would be the outcome of time spent in the sun.
Emma continued walking toward me. Her pace seemed predatory - measured steps but a readiness to pounce when the prey took off. As the water level reached a quarter of the way down her chest, a hint of cleavage began to show. My eyes went wide. I thought I saw a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of Emma's mouth.
She continued toward me, and suddenly there they were - the most magnificent pair of breasts I could ever have imagined. Of course, I was imagining them. I somehow knew I was dreaming, but it was tinged with reality. And they were perfect: milky white, a beautiful handful each, burnished by deep red aureola topped with nipples that jutted longingly toward the cobalt sky. Judging by her nipples, she was either aroused or cold. I chose to believe the former. My cock stirred in my swim trunks, and as always when my sister gave me the slightest reason to hope, I was immediately and massively hard.
Emma was now within 15 feet of me, and the water was down past her belly button. My distracted mind mused that she had an "inny" and wondered whether I should start calling her "inny" instead of "Enny." But then my brain riveted back to full attention - as did my penis - when the slightest wisp of fiery red pubic hair showed above the water. She continued slowly toward me.
"God, Enny, what're you doing?" I finally spoke aloud. My voice was strained and seemed to echo off the cliffs.
"Comin' to see my big brother," she said with a smile. Her smile reached her eyes. She was enjoying this.
"Put some clothes on, freak," I replied.
"But I don't wanna," she said. She continued at a measured pace on her trajectory toward me. I remained seated in the water.
"What do you wanna do, then?" I asked.
She now stood within a couple of feet of me. A large drop of water seemed to defy gravity as it clung to a wiry strand of her flaming red bush. She had not trimmed, but from my vantage below, her pubic curls did nothing to obscure the view of her puffy vaginal lips.
"I wanna see your dick," she replied. "Take those trunks off."
"Why would I do that?" I asked.
"I've shown you mine. Now you show me yours," she said with a smile.
I stood, entranced. The wet trunks bunched up around my massive boner. There was no way she could miss the effect she was having on me.
"Somebody's happy to see me," she laughed, "or else he caught a giant fish with his swim trunks."
Hesitation be damned. I dropped my trunks and flung them into the water. My dick jutted out toward Emma, bouncing up and down with my desire for her. She reached out and grasped it, stopping the bounce but not the pulsing.
"So now what - are you planning to fuck me?" I asked, shocking myself.
Emma smiled a forlorn smile, disappointment in her eyes.
"I... I only fuck someone I'm in love with," she said.
"But... how do you know you're in love?" I asked.
"It takes two," she stated simply.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, starting to panic that this was some sort of unwinnable riddle challenge.
She gently squeezed my cock and stroke it up and down a couple of times.
"Let me know when you figure it out," she replied, releasing my dick. She turned and began walking back toward the deeper water.
I was caught up in watching her lovely white ass for several seconds before it dawned on me that she was truly leaving.
"Emma - what the fuck?" I called out to her.
She froze in her tracks, her backside still toward me, her voice echoing off the cliffs.
"I'm sorry, Shame. I - I love you."
Somehow my sexual frustration turned to anger.
"Damned cocktease!" I shouted.
Emma turned back toward me, her tits displayed in all their glory, her bush a perfect but wiry match to the hair on her head.
"No, I'm really not," she said sadly. Then she ran toward the deep and dove into the water, swimming rapidly away.
I awoke with morning wood, but it quickly deflated when I remembered my dream. I was ashamed of myself. I had the hots for my little sister and was having dreams about the two of us being naked together. "Shame us" indeed.
After taking a massive piss and washing my hands, I decided to wander down to the kitchen to see if Mom had cooked some breakfast. To my surprise, Emma was standing over the stove flipping a pancake on a griddle pan. Mom and Dad were nowhere to be seen.
"What's up?" I asked innocently.
"It's grocery day," she replied, "Mom and Dad decided to go to the supermarket early to avoid the lines outside the store."
Another vestige of our COVID-19 times, I thought. Limits on the number of shoppers in the store meant long lineups outside, each shopper spaced the requisite 6 feet apart.
"So you decided to cook?"
"Pancakes and bacon," she replied, "with homemade maple syrup. We have some left from the Mennonite farm we visited before the lockdown."

[img=60x60]https://uploads...'.001/009/029/1009041-5859_default.jpg[/img] thanks
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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(11-12-2023, 11:09 AM)neerathemall Wrote:

I was probably around 6 years old when I started realizing Abby was different from other people. She was brilliant for her age, quiet and reserved, and she was very particular about things. Her toys, clothes, books, and everything else had to be in a certain order, all with it's own little place, all labeled with Abby's prescribed name. The labeling didn't stop at her things, however. Every single item that Abby may end up using is labeled, even if it already has labeling on the packaging. I'm talking everything. Toilet. Sink. Door. Couch. Chair. Table. Bleach. Bread. It was like an obsession, and my parents went along with it when she was younger expecting it to change. It never did.
That's something I love about Abby, she never changes. When she was 10 years old she seemed to have the maturity of a young adult, and now as a young adult she is her same old self that she's always been. One thing about Abby has changed, however, and that's my relationship with her. It all started 4 years ago. We were on a family vacation in Myrtle Beach, I never got the impression Abby really liked our family vacations, but she tolerated them. But she never, not once in her life, swam. I'm not sure why, she didn't seem scared of the water by the way she'd sit poolside with her feet in the water, she just always refused to fully get in and swim.
Well one day, when I dragged her down to our rented condos pool, she fell in. Just like that. She was walking by the pool in her jean shorts and tee shirt, I called something out to her causing her to turn, stumble, and fully submerge in the 7 foot deep pool. I immediately dove in after her, getting her head above water as quickly as possible. She did her best to doggy paddle, but really her limbs were just flailing wildly, desperately trying to keep her above the surface. Once I had her in my arms, she calmed and let me carry her to the edge of the pool, where I helped her out and she sat on the edge of the pool.
"Thanks." She whispered.
"Are you okay?"
She nodded, and mopped her wet, jet black hair out of her face. She was visibly shaking.
"You sure?"
She nodded again, and then wrapped her arms around my neck to hug me. Hugs from Abby were rare occasions, usually reserved for special moments. Sometimes they'd come at complete random and take you by surprise, but typically you'd get a hug from her when you either really needed it, or you did something particularly nice for her. I guess saving her from drowning might qualify as particularly nice.
I hugged her back, enjoying the intimacy I rarely get to share with my sister, until she unwrapped her arms from my neck. She pulled at her shirt and jean shorts, obviously displeased with her being soaked. I pulled myself out of the pool, stood, and extended my hand out to her. "Come on, let's go get you changed." She took my hand with a slight smile and I helped her stand, and we held hands all the way back to the condo.
Following this, me getting a hug from Abby was no longer a rare occasion, it turned into a daily occasion. More than hugs, different kinds of physical intimacy too. Holding hands more, or random touches here and there, cuddling in bed or on the couch, she even started giving me a peck on the cheek. It changed so much so that by the time I was 18 we were probably as close as siblings could get without seeming strange.
I loved it. Physical touch was my love language, I hugged my mom, dad, friends, and now that I could walk up and hug my sister who I loved so dearly when I wanted it was like a dream come true. But there was just one issue, Abby was not stopping her ever so slow escalation of our intimacy. Three years ago she first kissed me on the lips. A short, small peck that I understandably thought was a mistake meant for my cheek, until it happened again. And again. And again. My parents waved it off, even thought it was a good thing, and that it might help her, "get out of her shell". And maybe it wasn't such a bad thing. It wasn't, really. But the boners I'd get from them... now that's bad.
What can I say? She was my first kiss, and I couldn't help myself. And once I crossed the barrier of masturbating with my sister on my mind, the fantasies just got worse and worse until I was imagining having sex with her. It also caused me to look at her in ways I never imagined, checking out her butt, her chest, even her feet. It didn't help that she didn't seem to have any self awareness about how she dressed around the house. Panties and tank-top, always.
I guess now is as good a time as ever to describe us, Abby stands a measly 5 Feet and 1 inch tall, weighing in at just around 100 pounds. She has long, jet black hair that she cuts constantly to keep "nipple length". Her words, not mine, and I'm not sure why. She has hazel brown eyes, perfectly straight white teeth, and a cute slightly upturned nose that makes her look like a Who from Whoville from certain angles. She has thin curved lips, and a serious, pouty brow that can make her look almost intimidating to strangers. Her breasts, well they're breasts. I'm no expert but I'd say a small B Cup? I don't know, she doesn't wear bras. She has a nice round bottom, perky but with full cheeks that can just about hide her panties between them.
I share my sister's jet black hair and hazel eyes, but that's as far as our physical similarities go. I am 6 foot and 2 inches tall, 210 pounds. Bit pudgy, but a bit of muscle on me as well. I keep clean shaven, and have been told I have a gentle, friendly face. My dick is 6 and a half inches long, perverts.
Anyway, now to the point of the story and reason for the title. Ever since I could remember Abby had kept a diary. Last time I saw, she had over a dozen used diaries completely filled, each 100 pages. For someone who sometimes only speaks a couple dozen words a day, that's insane. It's quite possible there are more words written in those pages than my sister has said her entire life, and they're locked away from me. No one, and I mean no one can read her diaries. She keeps the filled ones in her closet with a padlock only she has the key to, and the one she currently uses is either always on her, locked away with her used ones, or hidden very well.
As you can imagine I'd always been incredibly curious as to just what she was writing in there. There was just so much Abby seemingly had to say that she just... didn't. And it was all right there, just out of my grasp. Until one day it wasn't.
Abby had somehow gotten COVID, this was back in mid 2021, right in the middle of COVID lockdowns being lifted and everyone in our household was vaccinated. I'd already made my peace with the fact that if she was getting it, I was getting it, and I'd hold her in bed for quite some time most nights until she was able to fall asleep. One night, after she'd fallen asleep and I was able to slip out of bed, I noticed something that surprised me. She'd left the key in the padlock. Deathly sick as she was, Abby was so particular about things I didn't believe my eyes at first, but they weren't lying.
Quietly, I tip toed over to her closet door, pulled the lock open, and slowly opened the closet door while my heart thudded in my chest. There they were. The books I hadn't seen in years. They were labeled by date, first entry to last entry. I grabbed the first book on the pile, the most recently completed one, and opened it to a random page.
October 26th, 2019
This morning I woke up at 8:00 AM, used the restroom, brushed my teeth, showered, and then dressed. After dressing I left my room, heading downstairs for breakfast. As I passed Jake's door I heard him masturbating again, right on schedule. I stopped and listened until he ejaculated this time, Mother nor Father would be likely to catch me at this time on a Saturday, and it was quite exciting to be doing something so naughty. Afterwards I walked down the steps to join Mother in the kitchen, and since I was feeling delightful this morning I verbally greeted her. She was making my favorite breakfast on Saturday's, two pancakes with three blueberries each. I was feeling so well I asked her for three tablespoons of syrup, rather than two. Jake and Father joined us shortly, I studied Jake's right hand to see if there were any dried ejaculate like there had been before, but I did not spot any and was disappointed.
I stopped reading and looked at Abby sleeping in bed. What the fuck? I was so taken aback. After the initial shock wore off, I started growing hard, and wanted very badly to keep reading. I flipped a couple pages, and read again.
November 12th, 2019
This morning I woke up at 8:00 AM, used the restroom, brushed my teeth, showered, and then dressed. After dressing I left my room, heading downstairs for breakfast. As I passed Jake's door I did not hear him masturbating, and was disappointed. Afterwards I walked down the steps and nodded to my mother, she was making my favorite breakfast on Tuesdays, plain scrambled eggs with toast. I was feeling so displeased this morning I did not opt for any butter on my toast.
It went on just like the last entry I read, and the next. It seemed she was just as particular about her entries as she is about most things. I did feel quite guilty for reading these, but my curiosity was too great to prevent me from doing so.
I returned everything to it's proper place, left her lock just as she left it, and snuck out of her room. I laid in my own bed and struggled to wrap my head around what I'd just read. Not only did Abby know I masturbated, she actively listened when she had the chance, and seemed to enjoy it. A plan started formulating, a plan that would not only allow my sister to listen to me masturbate, but watch as well.
About a week and a half had passed and Abby was back to her normal schedule. It was a Saturday and 8:15 AM, I could hear the shower running and knew Abby would be out shortly, and would soon be outside my door. However this time, one thing was different, my door was left cracked open just about an inch. I heard the shower stop, and began slowly stroking my hardening cock, both excited and nervous about what was about to happen.
I heard her bedroom door open. This was it. I started stroking as I normally would, completely above covers, knowing Abby would easily be able to see me if she were to peak through the crack. I kept my eyes partially opened, and watched the crack of my door for movement. Then I saw it. The light coming through the doorway was blocked by a figure, and I knew my sister was now watching me masturbate.
It was an unbelievable turn on knowing I was being watched, so much so I had already come close to cumming after just a few minutes. I quickened my hand, and without a thought as I came, a single word escaped my lips. "Abby" I groaned as my cock pulsed and I splattered my stomach. That was not my plan. I have no idea why I said her name, I never had before, I just... did. By the time I finished and looked to the door, her figure was gone. 'Fuck.' I thought, 'What did I just fucking do?'
My stomach was in knots as I dressed. She'll never look at me the same, never feel comfortable around me again, never hug me again. I was ashamed and terrified. When I finally made my way downstairs I struggled to look at Abby, but when I did she was just looking at me with the blank expression her face typically carried. 'She doesn't seem disgusted, that's a good sign, at least.' I thought to myself.
After I finished breakfast I stood and announced I was going out for a bike ride, typical for my weekend mornings. Abby stood, hugged me, and pecked my lips as she normally had for the past few months. That was a good sign, and it helped a great deal to lighten my mood. "I love you." I heard her whisper, taking my by surprise. It's not like she never said it, it was just odd for her to say it on a normal, or maybe not so normal morning.
"I love you too." I said, before heading to the garage for my bike. A long bike ride works wonders to clear the head, and before I knew it I'd biked 3 miles from home thinking of Abby. I'd decided to myself that this morning was a huge mistake, it seems plainly obvious, setting it up so your sister sees you masturbating is clearly wrong, so I would never do it again. I was resolute in that decision until the following morning, as I lay in bed with an erection, and heard Abby's shower running.
'If she didn't like it, she won't watch again this morning. Just one last time, to see.' I thought as I cracked open my door, justifying this to myself. I started stroking myself again once I heard her bedroom door open following her shower, and again her form was just visible through the crack in my door as I masturbated.
As I got close I wasn't thinking straight, just thinking of her, and again her name escaped my lips as I came. I came a copious amount as I held my eyes shut and imagine it was my sisters mouth it was landing, not my stomach. I opened my eyes, expecting to see her gone again, but this time my door was open, and Abby was just a few feet from my bed.
"Why do you keep saying my name when you masturbate?" She asked as soon as my eyes were open.
"Abby!" I yelped in surprise, hastily covering my body. She just stood there in her tank top and panties, awaiting my response with her blank expression. "I'm... I'm sorry, Abby." I said.
She sat on my bed next to me, and said plainly, "Typically people fantasize about things that please them sexually when masturbating, but you say my name. I want to know why."
I was lost for words. I just didn't know what to say. "You're... pretty?" I said.
"I'm pretty." She repeated. "Okay." She said, stood, and started walking out of my room.
"Abby." I called to her back. She stopped in the door way and turned to me. "Are you going to tell mom and dad about this?" She smirked and shook her head before walking out, leaving me sitting in my bed, head spinning.
Breakfast was normal, besides Abby studying me like I was a painting. She seemed in a really good mood, which normally would make my day, but given this morning it made me feel a bit off. She hugged and kissed me as normal before I left for my bike ride, although I could swear her lips lingered for a fraction of a second longer than usual.
Once home from biking and after I showered, my mom asked me, "Jake, why don't you take your sister to bingo today? She's been wanting to go all week." Abby loved bingo. Something about it just holds her attention like nothing else, and I've never seen my sister smile so large, or be so quick so speak in front of strangers than when she gets bingo. She'd just been playing again the past few months since places opened back up, but she seemed to love it more than ever.
"Sure, mom, no problem." I looked to Abby and she flashed a quick smile, which I returned.
In the car, just a few seconds down the road, Abby said, "Thanks for taking me to bingo." She was pretty talkative today.
"Of course. And I'm sorry about earlier."
"About what?"
"You know, when you caught me..."
"Oh. That. It was honestly quite flattering to learn you find me attractive. You have a very desirable penis." If I was drinking, that would have been a spit take.
"Huh?" I asked, sounding quite goofy.
"Well, it appears to be around 7 inches in length which puts you well above average, but not overtly intimidating. I didn't get to inspect it long enough for me to determine circumference, but from what I saw it'd fit comfortably in my hand." She said, and curved her fingers like she was holding an imaginary penis. She continued, "Those two points along with it's aesthetically pleasing shape and proportions drew me to that conclusion."
"Wow. You thought about that a lot." Is all I could think to say.
"Quite." She said, and held my hand. We sat in silence the rest of the drive, with Abby letting out an almost imperceivably gasp and squeezing my hand tightly when we pulled into the parking lot of the community center. She was so cute when she was excited. Most of the people there, as usual, were older. Of the people partaking in bingo, Abby and I had to be the youngest by at least 30 years.
We sat and patiently waited for the next game to start, and when it did Abby was fully enthralled. When she gets super focused on something her tongue comes to life, flicking around in her mouth or around her lips and now was no different. I watched her as she focused intently on her board, scanning and memorizing it so she would know every single number she would need. She caught me looking.
"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" She asked.
"Like what."
"Like... That."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
A few minutes of silence goes by and round is over, she did not win. She let out a groan of disappointment before moving on to her next board. She accused me of looking at her a certain way, but I felt like she was looking at me differently, too. I caught her eyes flicking up to look at me much more often than they usually would during bingo, and for longer durations too. Almost like I was distracting her.
I noticed with her free hand she was scratching at the side of her thumb with her index finger, something she does when she's nervous or focused, and sometimes she could even make herself bleed for doing it for so long. So I took her hand in mine, and held it. It seemed to help stop the fidgeting and she relaxed.
About a half dozen games in I heard her giggling to herself and she was squirming in her seat, she had a couple winning numbers and was brimming with excitement.
Abby was out of her seat with her hands in the air in an instant. "Bingo!" She yelled happily. She walked quickly up to the front desk, I could barely keep up, and handed the employee her board.
"Looks like we have a bingo!" He announced over the microphone. "What's your name young lady?" He said, pointing the microphone towards her mouth.
"Abby." She said with a smile. I found it funny because the employee knew her, had known her for years, but still asked for her name every time she wins.
"Let's hear it for Abby!" He said to a round of applause.
Abby grinned shyly realizing how many people were looking at her, and quickly walked over to the prize table. Most of the stuff you could tell was for older folks to gift their grandchildren, toys and knickknacks and such, but one thing caught Abby's eye, a small metal locket. She grabbed it and pulled me back to our seats by my hand so she could be in the next round.
She was happy, and it made me happy. She caught me smiling at her and she smiled back, but said "There's that look again."
"I'm just looking at you."
"Okay." She said, returning her focus to her board. She didn't win again, but before we knew it we'd been playing for two and a half hours. She'd play all day if you let her.
After one last game I said, "Alright, let's go. You hungry? I'm hungry."
She stood, looking disappointed, and just nodded. Her after bingo meal was always Steak 'n Shake, without fail. Oddly enough I don't think she's ever asked for it despite after bingo. This was back when Steak 'n Shake didn't have servers so we just had to order from a kiosk, but a girl who worked there recognized me from school and walked up to us.
"Jake? How's it going? How have you been?" The tall blonde said. Jennifer, I remembered as things started coming back to me. Jenny for short. She was always a pretty girl.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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The sound of my alarm was unwelcomed, it meant my time spent cuddling with my sister more intimately than ever was over. It was odd, I did not feel how you'd expect me to feel after masturbating in front of my sister. Guilty? Nah. Ashamed? No way. Disgusted? Absolutely not. What I was, was horny. I guess that's what having a naked woman in your bed will do to man, sister or not. I loved the feel of her breasts against my abdomen, her bare leg folded over mine, hear breaths against my chest.
Once my alarm started going she stood. "I'm going to take a shower now. 7:30 this evening, yes?" She asked.
"Uh, yeah, sure." I said.
She smirked and started dressing, and as she walked from my room I couldn't stop myself from looking at her butt. What was happening to me? To us? To be entirely honest I didn't know what the hell we were doing or exactly how I felt about it, but all I knew is I didn't want to stop.
Abby and I found it hard to not look at one another during breakfast. Seemed every time I looked at her she was already looking at me. After breakfast I had to go to work, Abby gave me big hug and I lifted her off the ground. She gave me two pecks on the lips before I set her down and left.
That evening we repeated the events of this morning, and we did the same throughout the week. I could tell that with each passing day, she was enjoying it more and more, and by the time I would cum she would practically be oozing arousal. I don't know how she had the self control to not masturbate.
Saturday morning when she came into my room, she didn't undress immediately which left me a bit worried. "Everything alright?" I asked.
"Yes. I've been thinking."
"What we've been doing."
My heart sank, I thought she was about to end this. "And?"
"I think you should just use my body instead of your hand."
"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.
"There's many ways you could orgasm using my body. I could masturbate you, suck your penis, or vaginal and anal sex."
My head spun, and I struggled to understand what she was saying and compute my answer. "Uhh, why?" Is all I was able to choke out.
"I want to please you. I want to be the one causing your orgasm, not your hand."
She said, as she finally started to undress. I immediately noticed she'd shaved all her pubic hair.
"You already are the one causing it." I said as she sat in bed next to me.
"Kind of. But I want it to be all because of me. I want to feel you ejaculate, not just see it."
"Abby... I don't know if this is a good idea."
"All ideas aren't good nor bad until they are put into practice." She said as she pulled my covers down. "What would you like me to do?" She asked after she'd exposed my erection.
"I want you to do whatever you want to do." I said, unsure of how to answer. "I want to please you too."
She wasted no time, she quickly gripped my erection and started stroking me using my foreskin as she'd seen me do with a smirk on her face, then quickly bent over and took the head of my penis in her mouth. "Jesus Abby" I groaned at the sudden pleasure.
I widened my legs and she seemed to get the message, crawling between them and laying on her belly. She hiked her lower legs up and kicked her feet happily as she suckled on my head. She pulled away and began licking and kissing around my head then down my shaft.
"I watched so many dirty videos to get ready for this." She said, adding in a cute giggle at the end.
"Bad girl." I said with a smirk.
She smirked back and said, "I really am, aren't I?" before she got back to the task in front of her. Seeing Abby between my legs with her mouth on my cock was a surreal moment. Never ever in a million years did I think anything like this would ever happen.
It really didn't take long for me to get close, and she sensed it. "Do it Jake. I want to drink all your tasty sperm." She said as she briefly took her mouth off me. If I wasn't about to cum I would have laughed, was that her attempt at dirty talk?
She took it like a champ, keeping her lips wrapped around my head as she jerked me off and looked up towards me, exactly how you'd expect it to go in one of those "dirty videos" she talked about. Something about looking in Abby's matching hazel eyes as I came in her mouth sent a shiver of pleasure down my spine. After a few moments, she released me and opened her mouth, showing my load pooled on and under her tongue, causing some to fall out. She promptly swallowed, and licked up what she'd dropped.
Crawling over me with her eyes beaming and a big grin, she asked, "How was it?"
"Amazing. Thank you Abby." I said as she settled on top of me and I wrapped my arms around her back. Our faces were just inches apart and I felt her lips calling to me, so I kissed them. We kissed and kissed, and I slowly moved my hands down her back and cupped her bare bottom. "I want to do the same to you." I said, and she froze.
"No, that's okay, you don't have to." She said.
"I want to." I replied, but she still looked uncertain. "What's the matter?"
"No ones ever... touched me like that before. I'm nervous. You can if you really want to." She said, and started to get up.
I pulled her back down against my chest and said, "No, no, it's okay. We can wait until you're ready. What were you going to do, when you propositioned me like that, if I just said I wanted to have sex with you?"
"I would do anything you want Jake." She said simply, and kissed me again. "I love you."
"I love you too."
We cuddled in bed until my alarm went off and started our normal routines. I could not stop lusting over Abby throughout the day, just a week prior the thought of anything sexual with her was just outlandish, but now it was all I could think about. 7:30 PM couldn't come fast enough.
Abby and I spent much of the day at our local park, walking the trails and just enjoying each other's company. The way we'd walk together, looked at each other, and kissed each other made her feel more like my girlfriend than my sister, a feeling I enjoyed quite a bit.
Once we got to a spot we'd visit regularly, a fallen tree off a trail that overlooked our states' river, things got a bit more intimate. We started kissing and just couldn't stop, and soon my hands were wandering under her shirt and groping her breasts.
She let out a soft squeak into my mouth as I gently tugged on one of her nipples, and her hand wandered down to stroke the bulge through my pants.
"If you keep that up we're going to have to break routine." I said.
"We might need to add an additional appointment each day on the weekends." She said as I kissed her cheek and neck.
"What time is it?"
"Just before noon."
"Noon on the weekends it is." I said and grabbed her hand. "Let's go home."
We quickly walked hand in hand home, but after a few minutes I let go and let my hand wander down to her butt. It felt as nice as it looks, and a big part of me wanted to strip her right there.
When we finally got home Abby ran past our parents and scurried up the steps on all fours, my mom looked at me and asked, "What's with her?"
"Uh, nothing. Just wanted to write in her diary I guess." I said and headed up the stairs myself. By the time I got to my room, Abby was already naked and sitting on her knees on my bed, bouncing excitedly.
"C'mon, hurry! I want to suck it." She said impatiently. I walked over to the bedside and dropped my pants, she didn't even let me get in bed, just flopped to her belly and grabbed my erection, then lead it to her mouth.
"Ohh fuck." I groaned at the intense pleasure. "You like doing this, huh?" I asked.
"Mhmm." She mumbled with her mouth full. I brushed her hair out of her face as she sucked me, and once again enjoyed looking into the hazel eyes we share as I filled her mouth with my cum. Again she opened her mouth to show me my load before swallowing it down and sighing like she just had a refreshing drink on a hot summer day.
"Did I do good?" She asked me again.
"So good. Good girl." I said playfully, which made her face spread into an embarrassed smile. "Whenever you want me to, just let me know and I'll return the favor."
I got into bed with her and pulled her close, loving the feel of her body against mine. We kissed as my hands roamed her body, but eventually we just laid there cuddling till we dozed off.
I woke up just about an hour later with Abby's chest against my torso and her head resting on my chest, sleeping. I studied her face as she slept, and ran my hand up and down her back until she stirred. When her eyes opened, I greeted her with a kiss and a grope of her butt.
"We're beginning to act like lovers as we are siblings." She said simply.
"Yeah... Is that a problem?" I asked.
"No, I've always wanted it this way."
"Oh? Is that so?"
"Maybe not always, but for a few years at least. You're the only man I've ever wanted."
"What exactly do you want, Abby?"
"To please you."
"There's more to it than that. What do YOU want?"
She looked away from my face and said, "It's not important."
"It's important to me."
"It might ruin things."
"I promise, nothing could ever ruin our relationship."
She looked back up to my face and contemplated it, before looking away again. "Okay. I want to be your girlfriend."
"Yeah." She said.
"You already are my girlfriend." I said.
"You are. We spend as much time together as we can, kiss and cuddle, and now, well, you know. You are my girlfriend already, if that's what you want." She turned her head back up to gaze at me. "Do you want to know what I want?"
"What?" She asked, a happy smile across her face.
"To be your boyfriend."
Abby sort of scoffed, then giggled, and giggled, and giggled. She was laughing so hard she had to roll onto her back so she could breath better. After a few moments she rolled on her side, and I rolled onto mine to face her. She was still giggling, but to a lesser degree, and they finally died off when I leaned over and kissed her and pulled her body to mine, my erection mashed up against her leg as we kissed.
"Touch me, Jake." She said after a moments break.
I didn't need to be told twice. I ran my hand down her back, over her butt, and to her thigh. I directed it upwards, and Abby spread her legs giving me access, and for the first time I touched her pussy. Instantly her body tensed, she shook like a hypothermic seizure victim, and she squealed like she'd just been burnt. "JaaAAAAAKE." She moaned loudly, and came.
I was amazed at how quickly it happened, although I shouldn't have been surprised with the arousal she'd experienced the past week without release. "That's it baby, cum for me. Cum for your boyfriend." I said as she continued to shake and grip onto me tightly. I brought my hand up to my mouth and finally tasted her. I could go on and on and on about her taste, but let's just leave it at I wish I had an endless fountain of her arousal.
I eased her onto her back and laid over her as I kissed her and rubbed soft circles over her clit, making her continue to squirm underneath me. She spread her legs wide and this left my erection just inches away from her pussy, something she noticed. "Does this mean we are going to have sex now?" She asked.
"Is that something you want?"
"I think so."
"Well when you know so, let me know. Because I definitely want to have sex with you."
"Well, I do. I definitely really do. I'm just afraid that I'll be bad at it."
"That doesn't matter, my love. No one is good at sex their first time, and there's no way to be objectively good at sex. It's all about preference, and the only preference I have is you." I said, continuing to rub soft circles over her clit.
An embarrassed smile spread across her face and her eyes bored into mine. "Okay. I know so. Put it in me." She said.
I smiled and said, "As much as I'd love to right now, we gotta be careful. I will call out of work Monday, and we can have the whole day to ourselves, how does that sound?"
She grinned at me, "Awesome. Do you think you could put it in now? Just for a little? I want to feel your penis inside of me."
I debated it in my head, part of me thought I wouldn't be able to stop myself from just thrusting in and out of her, the other part just wanted to get my cock in my beautiful sister. "Okay, just for a little. We have to be very quiet, okay?"
She nodded and covered her mouth with her palm. I positioned myself, slipped a finger in her to see if she was prepared, then started pushing. I was amazed with how easily I sank into her, and how incredible it felt. Abby let out one big muffled groan as I somehow slid in until our bodies met and I was completely enveloped.
It took everything in my power not to start fucking her. My eyes didn't leave hers as I studied her face for any signs of discomfort, but all I saw was my love and devotion reflected. I pulled her hand from her mouth and used my lips to muffle her groans instead, the steady throbbing of my cock giving her little jolts of pleasure.
"Jake, it feels so good." She whispered.
"I know baby. You feel amazing. I love you."
"I love you."
She wrapped her legs around me and somehow pulled me deeper. I felt like her pussy realized I wasn't thrusting in and out, so it started trying to milk me itself. I could literally feel it constricting against me, and I realized if I didn't pull out soon I was going to cum. I started to extract myself but her legs pulled me back in, which just got me even closer.
"Abby. I'm very close."
"Yes, me too." She said as she closed her eyes and started rocking her hips.
Even from just the slight movements, I was somehow barreling towards an orgasm that I had no hopes of stopping. "Abby! I have to pull out!"
"Don't." She said in my ear, all four of her limps now wrapped around me.
So I didn't. I felt a familiar, but much more intense sensation at the base of my penis before my orgasm rocketed up and out of me. Surge after surge went from me, to my sister. She groaned loudly, something primal-like that I'd never expect to come out of my sister's mouth.
We moaned and groaned together for a moment before I sat up and extricated myself from Abby's depths, followed by first a dribble, then a big glob of my cum. Abby had a big, beautiful grin across her face which made it hard for me to worry about what I'd just done. Instead of worrying, I just appreciated the sight in front of me. My beautiful sister, face rosy and smiling, legs spread with my love pouring out of her, looking at me with all the love and adoration in the world.
"I loved that." She said after a few moments of us silently grinning at one another.
"Me too. I love you Abby."
"I love you too. We're doing this again this evening."
"I have to ask... Do you know where you're at? In your cycle, I mean."
"I'm most likely ovulating."
"Shit." I muttered to myself.
"It's okay, I want your babies."
"Abby... It's a bit early for that, don't you think?" I said as I laid next to her.
"Not how I see it. We've already been together two decades. I want your babies." She said, molding her body to mine.
"And what would we tell Mom and Dad?" I asked, imagining Abby with a big round belly.
"The truth. They will be happy."
"And how are you so sure?"
"I spied. Mother and Father were speaking in whispers one day so I was curious. They were talking about us kissing, and said Mother said she hoped you wanted me like I wanted you because it would 'Kill two birds with one stone'." She explained.
"She said that? And she knew how you felt?"
She nodded. "I told her when she asked why I was kissing you."
This threw me for a loop. Apparently I was the only one in my family that didn't know how Abby felt about me. This whole time I'd been worried about our parents catching us, but it seems they'd actually been encouraging it. My mom knew how my sister felt, but encouraged me to kiss my sister as she kissed me. "Well, okay then. Still doesn't mean we need to have a baby right away though, you know?" I said.
"Well I'm not going to try to get pregnant, but I'm not going to try not to either. I don't want birth control and condoms are gross."
I chuckled at that. "May not matter anyways." I said, putting my hand on her stomach.
"Yeah, you filled me with your semen. Millions of little sperm cells in me looking for an egg to fertilize." She said. "I'll definitely be ovulating by Monday so if not now you'll likely impregnate me then." She finished, as if it was the most totally normal conversation.
"I don't have to finish inside you every time, you know." I said.
She looked at me like I just said something incredibly stupid. "Yes, you do. I don't want you to do it anywhere else, it felt so nice. It still does feel nice inside me now. Now that I've had it I don't want to go a second without your semen inside of me."
Abby truly had a way with words, her clinical terminology was some how a major turn on. "Okay. If that's what you want. You're going to get quite messy often though, if I'm finishing inside you all the time."
"A price I'm willing to pay." she said.
"We should probably get up before someone comes to find one of us."
She pouted and groaned, and I took that as a no, so we laid there and kissed, talked, and kissed some more for a while, until almost 5pm when she got up and said, "I need a shower. I'll see you at 7:30." She kissed me before leaving my room, not bothering to put her clothes back on.
I laid back in my bed and thought about what we'd just done, and what we're going to do. Few days ago Abby even knowing that I masturbate was a gut wrenching piece of knowledge. Now, we're together, and I'm going to impregnate her if I hadn't already. Oddly enough I wasn't worried, or even feeling any negative emotion whatsoever. All I felt was love for Abby, and excitement for the future.

जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Then his tongue was in my mouth. Slippery hands on my breasts. I was gripping his steel-hard cock. My brother's cock, like it was the most important thing in the universe. You shouldn't be touching your brother's cock, I heard my mother say in my ear. But there I was, touching. Stroking. Both of us soaking and steaming hot.
I remember the exact moment his fingers breached my pussy. The instant his digits filled my wanting, grasping sex. I'd expected, I don't know, something fumbling. My other boyfriends had always approached my vagina like some foreign thing, and I doubted my clumsy little brother was going to be much better.
But as soon as the tips of his fingers slipped inside me, I felt like I was his. A puppet on his string. He held me there, supplicant. Even the smallest movement enough to shake me to my core.
We stood in the shower, loving each other. Worshipping each other's bodies. Moving in a strange, sibling concert. Our only reason for existence to get the other off.
My brother went first. I felt his dick swell lovely in my hand before it burst -- spewing forth like his car had only a little while before. Covering me, once again, in warm liquid.
But this time, I didn't feel anything but ecstasy. Like his cum somehow triggered mine. I abruptly shot from feeling good to feeling GOOD.
I gasped as the pleasure overtook me. I've never been vocal, but the screech escaped my lips. High pitched and aching. The orgasm exploded out of me at the same time. Illicit pleasure, evoked by my own brother's hand. By his spend. It squeezed me down and wrung me out.
I blinked myself back to consciousness on the floor of the tub. Kevin wrapped around me, holding me tight. Light kisses on the side of my neck. His hands now entangled in my hair. Shushing me as I shivered like a baby unable to be soothed.
All of it echoed in my ears. Kevin's low groans. My ardent cries. My brother's strong arms encircling me. Wetness everywhere: the shower, my brother's spend, my own cum, the oil, my tears.
"Oh Jacey," Kevin said. Again and again. "Oh Jacey. My dear, sweet sister. Oh Jacey I'm so sorry."
My brother wrapped me in a warm towel, holding me close while I shivered, inexplicably, in our steamy bathroom. The whole time he kept apologizing. I didn't know why. He had nothing to be sorry for. Not one damn thing.
"It's OK," I said through the trembles. "I did it, too."
Kevin spun me around and looked me in the eyes. Fuck he was so gorgeous. My sexy brother. Fuck.
Slowly, Kevin led me to my bedroom. I saw scratches on his back and realized they were from me. I don't know why -- I'd done a lot of very wrong things in that shower -- but the marks on my brother seemed to bother me the most.
When we got into my room, I saw my open book on my desk. Waiting for me. It sparked something in my mind for a moment. But then it was gone. I didn't have the energy to chase it. I climbed into bed, slipped under the covers, and let sleep overtake me.
Someone was shaking my shoulder. I blinked my eyes open and saw Kevin hanging over me. His dark eyes running over my face with something that looked a lot like love.
"You OK?" Kevin asked.
"I fell asleep," I said, stating the obvious. I looked around my bedroom, like seeing it for the first time. How could such a familiar place feel so strange?
I gradually roused. Everything flooded back. Like opening a spigot, all those moments and emotions rushed into my mind. I couldn't make sense of it all. I never would. The bed felt warm. My brother's body warmer. Everything was fuzzy and strangely comforting.
Considering what we'd done, I knew I should feel ill. A twisting pinch in my stomach that screamed out the incorrectness of what I'd committed. That's your brother, your own flesh and blood, you needy slutYou jerked off your brother. Came on his fingers. What is WRONG with you? But for all that my remaining bit of rational brain was shouting, it was muffled from all the other contented things that were filling my mind. I felt, weirdly, accepting of it all. Even a bit blase.
I guess A can be for Amorous. There's nothing wrong with that, exactly.
"I'm fine," I said, "I'm sorry about before. I guess I kinda, I dunno, lost it."
"It's all right," Kevin said. He stroked my hair, lovingly.
"How are you?" I felt oddly fearful of how he would respond.
"Fine," Kevin said, mirroring my own word. "Better than fine, actually. Maybe kinda fantastic."
I smiled, broadly, despite myself.
"Jacey, that was more than I. You're incredible. My big sister is incredible." He mumbled that last bit to himself.
Kevin moved to kiss me, and I let him. His lips felt so warm on mine. Welcome. I became very aware of the fact that I was naked. That my brother, in my bed, was equally bare. I felt his hardness stiffen against my thighs. Warm honey leaked down my leg. Oh God. Not again. Please. Again.
My brother's tongue pressed at my lips, and I let him slide it in. He pressed his body against mine, so tight I felt like he was trying to squeeze me down. Like we couldn't ever get close enough.
As I kissed my sibling, I felt that same, hurtling dizziness as I had before in the shower. Like my body was taking the wheel, leaving my conscious mind to sit back and watch, powerless.
For some reason, I thought my brother was going to stop there. But he started kissing down my neck. Through the valley of my breasts. Over my tummy. He pushed my legs aside. I knew what he was about to do. But for some reason I was still surprised when he kissed my pussy.
Maybe it was the passion of it. I'd had boys go down on me before, but they always made it feel like a chore. The necessary step they had to make before they could get to the good stuff.
Kevin licked and slurped at my pussy like it was the only possible conclusion. As if eating me out was the ultimate goal of all existence. At least I just showered, I thought, stupidly, as my little brother went to town on my twat.
My brother. Oh damn. My baby brother was seeing my pussy. Smelling it. Tasting my essence on his talented tongue. Incest. The word came to my mind unbidden, like a strange little factoid. I'm having incest.
Maybe I would have stopped him. The logical bit of my brain had finally poked through and perhaps I would have paused things. But I didn't. Because at the moment that pesky i-word popped into my mind, my brother curled his tongue inside my pussy and my body responded in kind.
My back arched. My eyes rolled back. I shoved my pussy forward at my brother. My entire body supplicant to his sucking mouth and slippery tongue.
Like I said, I'd had a couple of couplings in my time. A few somewhat serious boyfriends, none of whom lasted all that long. Some random hookups -- I was at college, after all. I realized in that moment, as my brother brought me to my peak, that I'd never, truly orgasmed with any of them. Maybe I'd had little cums. Or tiny cum-like objects. Or maybe I'd never actually cum ever. Because this? This was like nothing I'd ever felt before. It was more like a bomb. Blowing the top of my head clean off.
The pleasure spiked, like getting doused in endorphins. My body went taut -- muscles crushing down to eke out every molecule of ecstasy. Toes and fingers clenched so hard they'd ache for hours afterwards.
My chest burned and I realized I'd forgotten to breathe. I sucked in a huge, gasping gulp of air. Almost louder than a scream. I fell back onto the bed. I swear, it was like one of those dreams when you're falling. I landed on the mattress like I'd dropped there from the ceiling.
My orgasm wriggled out of me. My whole body shook in little spasms of pleasure. My eyes, my arms, my legs. I slowly came back to consciousness.
"Wow," Kevin said.
I saw he'd stopped licking me. Was watching me from between my legs, like looking at a piece of art. Glorious and glorifying.
"Wow is right," I said, then started to giggle. I'd cum so hard, I felt a little broken. I pulled my brother up so I could kiss him, and he let me. I tasted something salty on his lips and I realized it was me.
"Did I do OK?" Kevin asked, strangely self-conscious.
"Way more than OK," I told him.
"You're incredible, Jacey," he said, "Thank you."
"For letting you give me the best orgasm of my life?" I asked, almost laughing again. "Don't worry about it."
We lay in bed for a bit, appreciating each other. I felt my brother's cock pressing against my thigh. I realized I needed to return the favor. I slid my hand down and held his hardness. It felt so full in my palm. Masculine and strong, yet also strangely approachable. I never wanted to let go.
"Oh, you don't have to do that," Kevin said.
"But I want to," I said, "You made me feel good. I want to return the favor."
"I appreciate it," Kevin said, "I don't want it to feel... what's the word? Like a business exchange?"
"Transactional," I said.
"Yes, that," Kevin said, "Besides, I'm sure you want to get back to studying. I've already taken up too much of your time."
I sat up in bed and stared over at my desk. Sure enough, my stack of texts, my special study notebook, were all sitting there, waiting expectantly. It was strange, but for the first time, I didn't have the urge to even look that way. Like, seeing all that stuff, I wasn't exactly sure what I was supposed to do with it. Read it, I guess? But why?
"That can wait," I said, "I want to take care of you."
I slid under the covers, grinning like a fool. There was my brother's hardness, all purple and pulsing. I gave him a couple of setup strokes, then opened my mouth and let him slip inside.
Feeling his hardness on my tongue was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. He felt hotter, fuller than I'd expected. But it was more than the physical. There was a larger connection there. An emotional whirlwind of desire and need. I'd given head before, of course. But it was nothing like this. And again, I wondered at what I'd actually been doing all these years.
I slurped up and down my brother's cock. Tasting and testing at what he liked. I used my fist too, gripping just enough to let the skin slide up and down on his shaft. Tongue and fingers. Mouth and palm. All working together to bring my brother to release.
Release. His end. I'd never wanted something so badly. I wanted my brother to feel the same pleasure he'd given me. I knew I could never make it so good. But a fraction, a sliver -- it would have to be enough.
My brother's cock swelled. He let out a hitching sob. Hot, slippery liquid burst into my mouth. It caught my throat, and I choked. Coughed. I steered his dick downward so his load would dump over my tongue. That was so much better.
Again, my brain tried to betray me. I'm swallowing my sibling's spendMy baby brother's baby batter is going in my tummy. If it was supposed to shame me, it didn't work. It only fueled me all the more.
Hungrily, I gulped down my brother's cum till there was nothing left. Then I licked him clean, lovingly. Like caring for something precious and perfect. Which, of course, it was.
His fingers were in my hair. He gently tugged me upwards. Same as before, we kissed. I had some of his cum on my lips, but he didn't care.
"That was amazing," Kevin said.
"I did ok?" I asked. It mattered to me so much for some reason.
"A-plus," Kevin said with a teasing smirk.
He knew that I'd take that.
Our day had been so full, we'd gone straight to dinner time without even noticing.
We both stumbled downstairs and raided the kitchen for what we could find. Neither of us could be called a good cook, but we boiled the crap out of some water and Kraft Mac and Cheese isn't the worst thing in the world. Honestly, I needed the carbs after everything we'd done.
"I guess you'll want to go back to studying now," Kevin said. He couldn't keep the pout from his voice.
I got up and started clearing our empty bowls.
"Why, what would you like to do?" I asked.
"We could watch a movie?"
"I'm sorry, Kevin," I said, "I need to get back to it."
He nodded, understanding.
After we cleaned up the kitchen, I went up to my bedroom. The whole way, I tried not to think about how I'd spent my day. I couldn't stop thinking about it.
What had I done? What were we doing? Had we rolled into a onetime thing? Or was this far more permanent? Was I in a relationship with my little brother? That didn't seem right. But I was struggling to see it any other way.
In the shower, that one time, it could be explained away. A mistake in the moment. Emotionally charged and out of control. But then we'd woken up naked in bed together and done it all again. Done more. That was less easy to explain. Once can be an accident. But twice is a choice.
Even that, I could live with it. The problem wasn't what we'd done already. It was what I knew, in my heart, I still wanted. That was the issue -- so thorny it scratched me up inside. Yet those same spines had lodged in me so deep, it'd shred me to get them out.
I sat down at my desk and stared at the pile of books. The whole day I'd been planning to have was so far gone, I couldn't retrace the shape of it. I reached for a text. Just opening the cover felt like an impossible weight. The words were out of focus. Getting through a sentence, all I could think about was all the other things I'd rather be doing in that moment.
I went to the top of the stairs. Kevin was on the couch, staring blankly at the TV.
"Movie sounds great," I said. I bounded down to cuddle with him on the couch.
Despite what you might assume, I did not do dirty stuff with my brother that night. Instead, we committed an act that was far, far worse.
We sat on the couch, snuggled against each other and watched a movie. I rested my head on his broad shoulder. He cradled my side and stroked my hair. We sat there, wrapped around each other like it was the most natural thing in the world.
After the movie was over, we did something even more hazardous. We talked. Kevin told me about his dreams of being a mechanic. I spoke about being an oncologist -- how one day I was going to cure cancer.
"And I'll custom your car so you can go pick up your Nobel Prize in style," Kevin said. And we both laughed. So easy and accepting.
Then, worst of all, we kissed and went to sleep. Separate beds sure, but still. God, how could we be so stupid?
I passed out that night, telling myself that the next day would be different. I'd go back to studying and Kevin would return to being my goofy, lunkhead of a little brother. But I knew that wasn't true. We'd done something far worse now than fool around. Physical pleasure is addictive but fleeting. Your mind can shove those urges away.
But love? That's a whole other, inescapable problem.
I woke up that morning, ready to take my study session to the max. One lost day wasn't so bad. I still had all Sunday plus free time between classes during the week to take this bad boy down.
But first, I told myself, I needed a shower. Standing under the hot water, soaping myself, my mind couldn't help but drift to the day before. My brother's muscular body encircling me in the dripping heat. But I stopped myself.
Once I was dry and dressed, in a comfy t-shirt and jeans, I sat down at my desk to start working. But then my stomach rumbled, and I realized I was hungry. So, I went to the kitchen and made breakfast. I did something simple. Just a bowl of cereal. But of course I needed coffee so I set that up, as well.
OK. This was good. More than good. I was ready to go. I went upstairs. Placed my mug on a coaster that I kept on my desk and opened my book.
I looked down at my phone and saw my parents calling. Well, I had to take that. So, I picked up and said hello.
They were having a lovely weekend away. Everything was fine at the house. No, my brother and I hadn't had any wild parties. Yes, we'd see them that evening for dinner. Very much looking forward. No, just studying. Yes. No. OK. Goodbye.
I put down my phone. Finally. I opened up my book and squinted at the words. The sun, blaring through the windows, was exceptionally bright. I looked outside and saw clear, blue sky. It was one of those days that seemed warm from a distance. Comfortable.
I took a deep breath. Well, there was nothing saying I couldn't read outside. I gathered my things and carried them out to the backyard. We had a little patio out there with a table under an umbrella and several semi-soft chairs. I sat in one and set out my things. Sipped my coffee and set to work.
A group of kids were giggling and screaming in the distance. A bird chirped from a nearby branch. Cars roared as they rolled down our quiet street. I got up from my seat, gathered my things, and brought them back up to my bedroom.
I make it sound like I was inattentive to the work. As if I couldn't make myself focus. The truth was, the thought of reading all of it yet again was exhausting. And I was easily distracted.
But the real problem was, every time I looked at the words, they didn't make any sense. I'd read a sentence over and over, and for some reason none of it was sticking in my brain. Like it'd gone all slippery.
I put my things on my desk. There was only one thing that I could keep in my mind that morning, and I knew I had to deal with it first.
After all, A stands for... Crap. I couldn't think of anything in the moment. But A stands for something that's for sure.
"Kevin!" I called out from the top of the stairs. I hoped my brother hadn't left for the day.
I found him -- where else? -- back in the garage. He was hanging halfway under the hood of his car, the metal resting on his back. The way he was leaning over, head stuffed in there, made me think of when we'd been back in my bedroom. His mouth buried in a far more intimate place.
"I thought you fixed that thing," I said, twirling my brown hair in my fingers as I stared at my brother's firm backside.
"Shut up," Kevin said, whiny, from under the hood. The height of sophisticated sibling discussion. "I've almost got it."
"Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked.
"No, I've..." the words must have finally hit my brother's brain because he popped up, banging his head on the hood. He cursed and slid out. "Don't you have a bunch of studying to do?"
Kevin brushed off his jeans; his shirt was streaked with black. He ran his fingers through his hair. He eyed me, oddly, like I was a mirage.
"Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?"
"That's OK, I know you're busy and I'm..." Again, the delay between my brother responding and his brain actually processing my words. "Oh. You mean hang out."
We tumbled to the hard, cement floor. Clothes quickly joined us on the ground. Naked bodies wrapped around each other, needy.
Did I actually mean hang out? I'm honestly not sure. But it doesn't matter what I intended because in moments my brother's tongue was buried in my snatch and his cock was well past my teeth.
Everything in that moment mixed together to make me lose myself in ecstasy. Even the things that should have worked against it. Especially those things.
The oily, industrial smell of the garage. The cold, hard floor. The fact that anyone could walk inside and see us naked, splayed on the ground.
Knowing that it was my brother bringing me that pleasure. The illicit incestuous act. That sucking a guy like this, getting sucked, was bad. But succumbing to it with my sibling was straight out broken.
And then, the enthusiastic slurping sounds coming from my brother. The way his tongue deftly plied at my folds. The warm wet muscle probing, pushing at my clit. My pussy clamping down on his dexterous fingers.

जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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And finally, my brother's peak. His vulnerable little grunt as I took him over the top, his salty essence squirting lovely on my tongue. His hot, hard cock swelling, bursting, then slowly going soft.
All of that combined to make me CUM so hard I saw stars. My legs and fingers tight enough to snap. My pussy squeezing hard. Eyes rolled back. A long, low (embarrassing if I'm honest), "AAAAAAAUUUUUUUgggggggggghhhhhhhh" bursting from my lips as the orgasm grabbed hold and ground me down to nothing.
I found myself lying on the floor. Panting. My brother staring over at me. His expression a wonderful mix of satiation and want. Attraction and anxiety. Pure, undaunted lust and the purity of sibling affection.
Fuck. Me.
So yeah, I didn't get any studying done on Sunday, either.
My parents came home that night, and we all had dinner together. They asked how our weekend went and Kevin and I shared a dirty look. The sickening twist in my stomach -- that horrible feeling of guilt and remorse -- only made me horny. Dammit.
But my parents' arrival served as a final period on the end of that rambling, run-on, incestuous sentence my brother and I had been writing. We shared glances. Little accidental touches. But nothing more.
The following week felt like the person who binge-watches the story of my life accidentally leaned on the skip button. It wasn't that things sped by, exactly. More like, everything seemed to be happening outside myself. I'd never gotten high, but I felt high anyway. Everything felt fuzzy. A bit skewed.
I preferred winding down with reading, yet whenever I tried to pick up a book, I found myself doomscrolling my Twitter feed. Instead of my usual diet of documentaries and PBS shows, I got hooked on some silly reality thing on Bravo. Rather than my usual day spent learning, I found myself wandering around the neighborhood, enjoying the scenery around me.
Kevin and I were both busy with our own lives, so we didn't see each other. Yet, it didn't feel like we were distant. If anything, I felt closer to my little brother than ever before. I thought of him, constantly. Everything I encountered reminded me of him in some way.
So yeah, I didn't study. Didn't review my notes or even crack open a book. I just let the hours race by, like there was nothing but time in the world and I needed to spend it as wastefully as possible.
By Wednesday afternoon, right before the test, I was conscious enough to know I'd screwed up. By Thursday I was aware enough to feel guilty about my wasted weekend. Finally, on Friday, when the test results were posted -- that's when cold, hard reality finally kicked back in.
Still when I looked at the screen and saw my grade, that didn't make it any less shocking. My whole life, I'd looked for steep angles and sharp points. Hard, perpendicular lines that formed my forever mark of success.
But what I saw instead was this strange curvy thing. All lumpy and rounded. Misshapen and odd looking, like someone had strapped a couple pillows to a lamppost: B.
Not even a B, actually, a B-. How that little stupid line could make it all so much worse I can't explain. But it did. B was for better. Build. Bright. B-, well, there's no word that starts that way. It's just an ugly mark on the page.
I told myself it wasn't bad. That one grade on one test wasn't going to be even slightly noticeable in my final GPA, let alone my ability to achieve my dreams. B is for bump. A little thing, truly, that's easily overcome.
By the time I'd closed my laptop, I was ashamed. When I got back to my car to leave the school, I was freaking out. And so, when 2am rolled around and I finally found my way back home, I was drunk. Very, very drunk.
Like a lot of things around that time, I'd tumbled into it. On my drive home from getting my grade, I called one of my closest friends at school, another pre-med girl named Brooke. In confidence, I told her that I hadn't done as well on the test as I wanted. She'd given me a disbelieving snort, but she was a good friend and stayed supportive.
Brooke knew about a frat party happening that night on campus and, in my weakness, I agreed. I turned my car around and headed to Brooke's place. We pregamed at her dorm room before we headed over. I'd been to a few of those things, and they were all the same. Loud music. Louder bros. They even had the little red Solo cups.
I told myself to be careful. That a frat party was not a good place to lose control. I got sloshed anyway. The dizzying effects of the week before and that awful, ugly grade combined to help me throw caution to the wind.
Fortunately, Brooke had my back. As soon as she realized I'd had more than enough, she grabbed my arm and helped me limp back out into the cool, night air. The stars bright; the ground spinny. I think I threw up in a bush. I'm not totally sure about that part.
If this all sounds a bit unclear, that's probably because it was for me, as well. A lot of these are details that other people filled in for me later. Apparently, Brooke tried to bring me back to her dorm room to sleep it off, but I vehemently refused. So, instead, my friend dumped me into her car and drove me home.
If that part before is a bit dim, the rest of it is straight up dark.
All I know is, I woke up in my brother's bed. Both of us completely naked. I blinked myself back to consciousness. His strong arm wrapped around my middle. Like the world's best safety belt. His hardness pressed into the cleft of my ass. His warm lips brushing the back of my neck.
"Hey," he said, feeling me stir.
"Did we?" I felt around my body, like I was going to be able to find evidence that I'd, once again, fooled around with my younger sibling.
"No," Kevin said, kindly. "Your friend Brooke dropped you off. I got the door before you woke Mom and Dad. As soon as you saw me, you dragged me to bed. Then you passed out. You snore like a horse, by the way."
"Gee, thanks."
"It's cute," he said, "Like cuddling with Mr Ed."
"It's an old TV show," Kevin said, "Doesn't matter. You OK?"
"I fucked up on my test," I said.
"Oh. Well that's OK. It's only one thing, Jacey. You don't want to know how many exams I've messed up."
I turned back to give my brother a withering look. The expression on his face was so adorable, I could barely hold my disdain before finally smiling, instead. My brother was such a hottie. I mean, you know, for a brother.
"I just mean, like, I'm still here, right?" Kevin said. He did that cute thing where he ran his fingers through his thick brown curls. "Tests are important. I get that. But in the grand scheme of things? It's not life or death."
I chewed my lip. I wanted to make a smart-ass response, but my head ached from all the alcohol. And the strange, alluring scent that was filling my nose. Clean and masculine. My brother's body pressed against mine. His hardness against my backside.
I rolled onto my back. Kevin was on his side. He looked down at me lovingly. He traced his fingers up my bare flank. My traitorous little pussy leaked out warm honey.
Oh fuck.
"So anyway, no, to answer your question, we didn't do anything," Kevin said.
His strong hands danced around my skin. They felt so hot, I shivered.
"But," my brother continued, "I can't help but notice we're both naked now."
A thousand thoughts flooded my mind. Our parents were almost certainly in the next room and rousing. I was still feeling the guilt of what I'd done the week before. There were plenty of other tests to come, and I desperately needed to study for them. That was the only way to turn this thing around. I may have been hungover, but I could feel my mental clarity kicking back in. If I could arrest the situation now, I was certain I'd be back to normal in no time.
And sure, my brother's body felt amazing. His deep brown eyes held me captured in their gaze. But that's the point: my brother. Fooling around with my baby bro wasn't a bad idea, it was the most disastrous thing any human being could ever do. People would be more understanding if I stabbed him.
But my sibling silenced all of that with one hard, sensuous kiss.
His lips pressed to mine, and my thoughts were gone. His tongue slipped into my mouth and my brain wiped clean like it was a whiteboard. My body rose to meet his. Hands laced around his neck.
My brother kissed lower. My neck and chest. He latched onto one of my little nipples and I shifted gears once again. I let out a soft, sharp squeal.
Oh fuck!
With my breasts well engaged, his hands slipped down between my legs and found my pussy. Any lack of desire I might have pretended at was pulled away as my brother felt the sloppy wetness of my sex slosh over his fingers. I knew it, too, because he let out a little whine.
"Jacey you're so wet," he said.
No. Not Jacey. Sister. I needed to hear him say it.
"My sister is dripping," he said, and I felt a little orgasm run through me just from that. Like the shock of static electricity. A tight little thing that passed quick but clear.
I reached down and found his hardness. Had he grown bigger in the week we'd been apart? It felt like a hot, pulsing, telephone pole in my hands. My fingertips barely touching as I gripped it.
"My brother's so hard," I said back to him.
He groaned when I said that. I stroked his dick up and down. Glorifying in the hold that I had on him. He moved his digits up to my clit. A perfectly deft touch -- the right amount of tease and pressure -- and I was off to the races. All those wasted years of boyfriends that could barely find the thing. Turns out my sibling knew my sex better than even I did.
I was lying there, completely supplicant to whatever my brother wanted. And that's when he slid his mouth, wetly off my little tit. He pulled his fingers from my crotch. Pushed my grasp from his cock. I whined with need as my brother abandoned me.
"Ke..." I stopped myself. "Please," I said, "Take care of your big sister like a good little bro."
"I am," he said, so confident. Any shred of silliness was gone. Burned away. I startled at the man I'd found myself in bed with. Worse, my own assurance was shattered. My brother had me. Held me. And it was truly wonderful.
He shifted himself between my thighs. Unbidden, I felt my legs curl around him. He grabbed his cock and aimed it into place. For a moment my thoughts faltered. Oh-my-God-my-brother's-cock-is-going-in-me-no.
But it was far too late. My little bro's big dick pressed forward into my folds and my stupid, slippery pussy welcomed him in so easily it was like he was meant to be there.
I felt my sex clamp down around his cock, like sealing him in for safety. My brother let out a low groan as he finally got his dick inside his sister.
And just like that, it was done. We'd committed this irreversible, unforgiveable act. So casually I can barely conceive it. And because it'd happened how it did, it was even worse. If we'd done it in the night. If I'd come home in that state and we'd fallen into it, that would have been excusable.
But no. We'd waited until the morning. I couldn't say it was a drunken mistake now. Oh no. I was stone cold sober. Any hope I had of rationalization had been rendered moot. Any deniability had been destroyed.
"Oh, Jace... Sister. Oh big sis, I'm inside you."
"I know."
"It feels so good," he sobbed.
"I know."
My brother held himself in there, feeling the walls of my pussy ripple around him. It felt amazing, like there was some part of me that had always been missing this piece of itself. That pause gave me a moment to regain my wits.
My little brother's hardness was in my pussy. I'd never had a bare cock in me before. And oh, there was a reason for that. I'd always used condoms before because the pill messed me up something awful. And now the very first time I was skin-to-skin it was sibling-to-sibling. I needed to...
My brother thrust into me, and every last conscious thought I had was, again, obliterated. Sparks shot out from my toes, up my body and right through the top of my head. My legs and arms and eyes all squeezed down. That little orgasm from before that I'd compared to a static shock? This was like getting plugged into the wall.
My brother was feeling it too. He was clearly trying to talk but only nonsense came out of his mouth. "Fuh. Uh. So. Uh. Good. Sissy."
I wasn't much better. "Yeah bro. Oh. Fuck. Fuck me. Fuck your big sis. Make her feel so good."
"Yuh. Uh. Yeah. Fucking. Fucking my big sister. Oh God. Even better."
Both of us devolved from there. Nothing but grunts and moans. Tight, tortured squeaks and low, full out groans. Between the sounds we made, the slaps of our coupling, and the slams of the bed, we must have been making an awful racket.
Reality didn't come for us. Maybe because we were no longer on that plane. My brother humped me, and my body accepted all of it. Down to sensations. Heat wet want. Thrust squeeze ache.
His hands pinched my nipples. His fingers strummed my clit. I grasped at his muscular ass. My legs cinched at his waist. Tongues and mouths all over like devouring a meal.
I don't count off my orgasms here because they were all encompassing. I went off in one great storm from start to finish. Maybe it was a bunch of cums all rat-tat-tatting off like a machine gun. Maybe it was one massive cum that grabbed hold mercilessly and didn't let me go.
I don't know, truly. I just roiled in bliss while my brother rutted me into the bed. But I know when we reached our end.
I felt my brother's cock swell in me. His beautiful eyes widened with a kind of urgent panic. I knew what he was asking but speech was well beyond my capacity. At the last moment, some lingering thread of self-control must have found my brother.
He ripped back out of me. Grabbed that beautiful brother dick and stroked it. I felt something near-burning splash my chest and knew my brother was covering me in his seed. Impossibly, I hit one last peak as his sperm splattered on me. I let out a long, strangled, "aaaaAAAAHHHHHH!"
My brother fell forward, shaking like he'd been left out in the snow. I curled around him and held him tight. Kissed his cheeks while his pleasure overwhelmed him. Finally, he stilled. Breaths coming in great, ragged gasps.
"Oh sis," he said, "Sister. So good. I'm sorry, we shouldn't but."
"It's OK, Kevin," I said, "I wanted it too."
He looked up at me. Deep eyes wide and wet. Like he was about to cry.
"You did?"
I nodded, vigorously. I really, truly did.
"Oh, Jacey, I love you so much," Kevin said. He clasped me close, and I knew in my heart that he meant it. Not in the sibling way or in the sense that we all say silly stuff post-sex. My little brother loved me. That way. As no sibling ever should.
I didn't know what to say so I just lay there and held him. Stroking his hair and cooing at this man, my own sibling, who'd made me feel like no other.
We finally got out of bed, tentative and bashful as hell. I didn't care that my brother saw me naked (actually, I kind of liked the way he goggled at my skinny body). I certainly enjoyed looking at him. But we were both sure our parents had heard us. Were now waiting downstairs to destroy us both as soon as we arrived.
We quickly threw on our clothes from the night before to face the music. But when we stepped into the hallway the house was silent. My parents' door was wide open. Their room empty.
We found the same situation downstairs. All that was left for us was a note on the table. Our parents had left for errands hours ago. Well before my brother and I had even awoken. What had felt so terribly dangerous before was actually the safest moment we'd have all weekend.
We both laughed and sighed with relief. I went upstairs to shower and change. Kevin started making us lunch in the kitchen (we may have slept in a little later than I'd realized). I felt almost giddy -- the sense of relief from having escaped the executioner's axe -- was almost as good as the orgasms my brother had given me.
When I got out of the shower, I went back in my room to pick up clothes. My legs felt unsteady from everything that had happened. And everything seemed weirdly hilarious. Like, everything.
I saw my books stacked up on my desk and they seemed so foreign, I hardly recognized what they were. I got out my usual clothes and they all felt so useless and frumpy. Finally, I found a tank top in the bottom of one drawer and a pair of mesh shorts in another. I didn't bother with anything else. Panties or a bra? So constricting!
I went downstairs, feeling my nipples rub free against the cloth of the tank. My bare pussy lips tickled against the gusset of my bottoms. That kind of stimulation used to bother me but now it felt neat. Kinda awesome actually. I giggled again.
"Hey big little bro," I said, twirling my hair with my fingers.
Kevin was standing in the kitchen. He had a pan full of bacon in one hand and a plate with eggs in the other.
"Hi," Kevin said, warily.
"Or is it little big bro," I said. I stumbled over to the breakfast bar and climbed onto a stool. I almost slipped off, then started laughing. "Whoops!"
Kevin put my plate in front of me. "You OK, Jacey?"
"Oh hell yeah," I said. I took a bite of my food. "Bacon! So good!"
Kevin eyed me oddly but sat down next to me and started eating. We both tore through the food like we hadn't eaten for days. After we were done, I grabbed everything and went to do the dishes.
"Jacey, are you wearing underwear?" Kevin asked as I leaned over the sink.
"Nope!" I threw my arms in the air. One of my little titties poked out of the arm hole of my tank. I wiggled my pert little butt, sticking my backside out like I was an animal in a mating documentary.
"You want to help me in here, big little big bro?" I asked.
Kevin walked into the kitchen. His eyes threatened to pop out of his head. He ran his fingers through his hair. I swear I saw a trickle of sweat run down his forehead.
"Damn, Jacey."
"I know, right?" I said, "There's a lot to do here and I'm totally going to need some ASSistance." I swung my butt with every syllable.
"Dad will have a conniption if he sees you like this," Kevin said, "Mom will murder you."
"Well, you'll just have to stab me first," I said, giggling.
"Let me do the dishes," Kevin said, shoving me over roughly. "You go get dressed. Dressed dressed. For real this time."
"Kevy!" I pouted.
"Kevy?" He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Kevin?" I tried again.
My little brother gave me his sternest look. He couldn't stop being adorable though and it made my heart crack a bit further.
"Go get dressed and get to studying," Kevin said, "I'll do chores down here. Everything needs to be normal when Mom and Dad get back or we're both dead."
"But that's the thing," I said. I traced my finger over my brother's bulging bicep. Thinking about touching other parts of him that were no doubt also slowly expanding. "They're not here. Not now. Don't you want me to help you with your chores little brother? There's one in particular I bet I'd be awful good at."
"Jacey, please," Kevin said. He gave me a shove. Not hard. He looked really worried now. In a way that almost frightened me. "Just go upstairs and do what I asked. I promise we can do stuff later. When it's safe."
I felt a bit of anger fill me. Not real rage, only a little bit of heat. I don't know why, but something about Kevin taking charge bothered me. I was the big sister. The responsible one. They call it Type-A personality for a reason, you know. And who was an A if not me?
I shoved my brother back, harder than he'd done to me.
"You want to pretend that everything's normal but it's not," I said, "We did incest. We made incest. You fucked your big sister. I know what my brother's dick feels like in my pussy. You know what face your sissy makes when she cums."
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Kevin growled.
"Does that make you angry, little bro?"
"No," he said, his voice barely controlled. "It makes me want to do it again."
"Good. That's what I want to hear."
Kevin grabbed my shoulder, tight. "But not now. Our parents are heading home. And if they catch us? Mom and Dad love us both, but you know they won't get it. We need to be smart about this. Safe. OK?"
I glared at him, but I knew he was right. "Fine," I said, then flounced upstairs.
I finally settled on a t-shirt and shorts. I put on panties but no bra. Honestly, I barely needed the thing most of the time anyway and for whatever reason the straps were chafing me. Almost as soon as I got dressed, Mom and Dad came home. So, I guess my brother was right about that.
Getting caught in the kitchen with my brother's dick in my pussy would have been bad. I might have been feeling weirdly empty-headed, but I wasn't stupid enough to convince myself otherwise. I was feeling amazing, but if I wanted to feel that way again, I needed to be cool.
We spent the rest of the day as a family. Doing chores, running errands. We went out for dinner and watched TV. The whole time I felt outside myself. Odd. The night before I'd been smashed so bad I barely remembered a lot of it.
Yet I felt even drunker that whole day. Desperately trying to sober myself but unable to. I broke into giggles again at the Home Depot with my dad. I walked into a blank wall on the way to the bathroom at dinner. I mean, it was weird.
Every time, at every moment, someone asked me if I wanted to break to study. Because, you know, that's what I did every other day of my life. And I could honestly reply 'no' every time. The thought of even opening a book felt so off-putting to me. Why would I ever waste my time with that?
When our shows were done, my parents switched off the TV. I got up to go to bed (and later, to sneak into Kevin's), but my parents stopped me.
"Jacey, we need to talk," Mom said. Dad nodded his agreement. I looked over at Kevin, sitting on the couch, but he wouldn't meet my eye.
I took my seat next to Kevin. My parents sat across from us. You could have picked the two of them out of a catalog. Dad nearly bald with a bit of a gut, wearing a plaid dress shirt and jeans. Mom in a dress, her hair tied back in ponytail. Both of them worked white collar jobs in the city. They were serious people who believed in doing things the 'right' way.
Weirdly, they seemed to struggle with both their kids. My drive was valued, yes, but neither parent thought it was altogether healthy. And Kevin's lack of seriousness was always something they tried to squeeze out of him.
But I knew my parents valued my work ethic and intelligence. And I was certain they loved Kevin's good humor and easygoing attitude. In other words, my parents were the usual mix of imposing and approachable that I think most kids in healthy families come to expect.
But in that moment, Mom and Dad seemed as commanding as two CIA agents with all the evidence and none of the compassion. The way they eyed me made my skin crawl.
"Kevin told us what happened," Mom said.
He DID?!
"We want you to know, it's OK," Dad said, "It happens to all of us."
"And while it may seem like the end of the world now, I think it's a good thing for you," Mom said. "Truly. You need to experience stuff like this. It's how you grow."
"I remember being your age and going through the same thing," Dad said, "Well, I mean, OK. Not exactly the same. But still."
I tried to picture my dad and Aunt Kelly. There was no way, right?
"Personally, I know it sounds weird, but I'm actually happy for you," Mom said, "I know it feels off right now but it's really the best thing."
OK. I'd officially entered an alternate universe. There was no other explanation that made sense.
"I'm so confused," I said.
"It's not even that bad," Dad said, "I mean come on. I think everyone on Earth has had one. Just because you didn't till now doesn't mean anything."
"One what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"You got a B on your test," Dad said, like it was obvious.
"Kevin told us you were stressing it, honey," Mom said.
"A B-minus, actually," I said, weirdly pressed about that point.
"Oh, well that's not that bad either," Dad said, "Honestly, there were some classes in college I'd have killed for a B-minus."
"Seriously," Mom said, "College is hard. Especially what you're doing. I mean, pre-med -- there's a reason it has that reputation."
"Anyway, your brother is really worried about you," Dad said, "He told us you got drunk last night and that you've been acting strange all day."
"It's OK to be upset about a bad grade, and honestly letting off a little steam can be a good thing," Mom said.
"But you should know better than to take a risk like that," Dad said, "You could get yourself in real trouble."
"Sorry Dad," I said, head appropriately bowed to the ground.
"It's OK sweetie," Mom said, "We get it, and we're glad you're safe. But we both know this is barely a setback. You'll take your next test, ace it like always, and be back to normal before you know it."
"But in the meantime," Dad said, "We'd like you to stick close to Kevin for the next few days. So, he can make sure you're feeling alright."
"We know you don't want your little brother barging in on your life," Mom said, "But we all feel it's important."
Oh my God. I looked over at Kevin. He was desperately trying to keep a straight face. Both of us -- eyes widening, jaws dropping. A mirror of our shared incomprehension of what we'd stumbled into.
"Um, thank you?" I said. I quickly pulled myself back on track. "Thank you both. I know I'll be OK. But I appreciate you being there for me. And I agree, I don't want to get hurt. So, I'll stay close to Kevin."
"Thank you," Dad said, the relief filling his voice.
"Like, maybe, if it's alright, I'll sleep in his room tonight? Just to make sure."
"Now Jacey, your brother is worried about you. But you can't put him out like that," Mom said, "Kevin, would that be too much of an imposition for you?"
My little brother coughed to cover up whatever reaction he was about to have. "Yes. Sure. That'd be fine."
Mom beamed. Dad grinned. They gave us both huge hugs.
"We've got great kids," Dad said, "We're so proud of you both."
So, as sanctioned by my parents, I went to my brother's bedroom that night to sleep. I'll have you know, I put on a perfectly appropriate set of pajamas -- top, bottoms and everything. The fact that all of it came off seconds after I climbed into bed, well, that's my little brother's fault. He's the one that ripped them off me, after all.
Within moments, my brother and I were both naked under the covers, wrapped around each other like vines. He pushed himself between my legs. Grabbed his cock and steered it forward, a mirror of that morning. I shot my hands down to stop him.
"Wait," I gasped out, "We need to talk. About what happened this morning."
My brother's gorgeous face shifted to a sulk. God, he was so puppy-adorable.
"It's OK," I said, "I want you to know I'm not protected. I mean, like, I'm not taking anything."
"Oh," Kevin said, "Oh fuck." Man, it really did take the poor boy time to process. "Why not?"
"The pill makes me feel all itchy," I said, "I think I'm allergic."
"That makes sense," Kevin said, "I guess it's a good thing I stopped then. I mean, the time before." He smiled, dopily, as the memory brushed past him.
"Definitely," I said, "That's why I wanted to tell you now. We need to be careful."
"I don't have condoms," Kevin said, sad again. "I can get some."
"Don't worry about it tonight," I said, "We can still, you know. Stop. When it's time."
"Right," Kevin said, "Of course. Don't sweat it. My pull-out game is on point."
It was such a boy thing to say, but Kevin made it sound almost cute. Kind of weirdly sexy in a way that only my brother could accomplish.
"So, we can still do this, right?" Kevin asked. So eager. He made me think of a golden retriever pup with oversized feet and far too much enthusiasm.
My brother saw me smiling and took it for a 'yes.' He shifted himself again and put his dick at my entrance.
"Wait," I said, "There's one more thing."
Kevin eyed me, warily.
"I want to be on top this time."
I rode my brother with abandon. Little boobs doing their best to flop in time with my movements. Hips arching and aching. Urging us both to our climax. I explored every way to make us feel good. What hit the right spots for him, for me.
If I sort of undulated back and forth it felt good, but it didn't do much for my brother. If I humped up and down it drove my bro wild, but it was just ok for me. Also, really super tiring. So, I switched around and did whatever felt right in the moment. That was plenty awesome enough.
The whole time, my brother lay back, watching me work him with a kind of stunned wonder. Like I said, I'm not much to look at. My little breasts and skinny body. But he gazed up at me in a way that made me feel like the hottest woman in the universe. Like some kind of sex goddess.
My brother traced his hands over me. He squeezed my tits and clenched at my hips. But it was his eyes. Those deep, dark caramel orbs that exactly matched my own. The way he stared at me made my heart nearly stop.
I got wilder as I went closer to my end. I rubbed my clit with one hand. Pinched my nipple with another. My movements faltered and I went. Like a rocket, rising from the center of my pussy and right through my chest till it blasted through my brain.
"ahhhhhhhAAAHHHHH!" We'd been trying to keep things quiet this whole time, but it was way too much for me.
I fell forward and Kevin held me close. Pressed his lips to mine. I knew it wasn't really a kiss, more of a way to keep me quiet as my orgasm shredded me to the atoms.
I got up giggly and panting. My hair plastered to the side of my face.
"Did you?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.
My brother shook his head, smiling. I think he liked how dopey he made me. I started moving on his dick again. My cum had made me cinch up tighter. My thighs and arms burned from the exertion. I think he noticed because he grabbed my sides and, not gently at all, flipped me onto my back.
Right there, no pause, he railed into me. There was no attempt to be gentle. My little brother was filled with need and desperate to get it out. It felt fantastic, the aftershocks of my earlier cum now echoing through with every thrust. I didn't think I was going to go over the top again, but that was OK. All of this was amazing in a different way.
I felt my brother's cock swell and I knew he was about to finish. He pulled out of me, hurriedly, and grabbed for his dick. I don't know why the urge came over me, but it did. There was no conscious decision, no thought and response.
As my little bro started to stroke himself, I took my turn to shove him onto his back. I slid down and swallowed his cock in one greedy gulp. Now it was his turn to make a noise that was way too loud.
"Ohhhh...FUCK!" he shouted as my lips closed around his cock.
Again, my brother felt so warm and full in my mouth. I tasted myself, my own pleasure, on his skin -- mixed with his wonderful masculinity -- and, strangely, it turned me on all the more.
Slurp. Slurp. Slurp. I coaxed out my brother's cum. He stiffened. Shook. Hot seed jetted out of him. Again, I got the wrong angle and choked. But I was able to steer the rest to the right place. Salty, slimy spend filled my mouth. I swirled it around then swallowed it down. My brother gasping and grunting beneath me.
Finally, the both of us stilled. I let his dick slip out of me with a lewd, wet plop. Kevin reached over and stroked my cheek with a kind of wonder. I knew he wouldn't want to kiss me, what with my sperm-and-vagina-soaked lips. But my brother surprised me and did it anyway.
We curled into each other. I fell asleep warm and sticky. Wrapped in my brother's arms.
The next few weeks we found a kind of rhythm. Kevin worked on his car and hung out with his friends. He told me he went to a few job interviews, though it didn't seem like there was anything promising.
I went to school like usual. Attended class and took notes. Followed my standard routine as best I could. Nothing felt right. I got my usual A grade a few times, but there were just as many Bs and even a C once. Every time it happened, I became more used to it. But it never seemed like normal.
It was like I was sick with some strange fever. Or maybe my consciousness had switched to a different body. Nothing made sense to me. It's not that I didn't try with school because I definitely did. But everything seemed fuzzy or weirdly complex. It made it hard to do much of anything except nod along and hope that some of it would stick.
Instead, my focus was always on something else: the things I did with my brother when our days were done. We didn't always have sex. Sometimes we went back to oral for the variety of things. We stroked each other off a few times. And once I put on a little show for my brother, strumming my clit and crying out his name. He spermed my face as I rubbed myself silly. That was a good one.
We tried different locations, too. We might choose my bedroom or Kevin's. When our parents were out, we'd fool around in the shower. Then there was the time he took me driving.
Kevin had been working on his little GTI for what felt like forever, but one weekend he finally got it working and insisted we go for a drive to celebrate. So, I got in the passenger side and put on my seatbelt. The car felt oddly small around me. I noticed the differenced immediately -- the lack of screens around us. The stereo had a tape deck in the center. It was like a strange, gas-powered museum. I reminded myself that I trusted my brother. Still, my heart pounded in my chest as he fired up the engine.
When Kevin peeled out of our neighborhood, I noticed the other difference about this car. It was fast. The GTI was small and light, so even going a normal speed felt strangely aggressive. Like spinning around the streets in a go-kart. And my brother didn't spend a lot of time going normal speed.
It was thrilling, invigorating, terrifying. So of course, we ended up parked on some quiet street, pants around our ankles, in the back seat. It wasn't comfortable or even really enjoyable. Squished and squashed while I slicked my brother's cock. When he reached his end, I took him in my mouth so he wouldn't stain the seats.
Then we got up, brushed ourselves off, and drove home.
So yeah, in some ways my life was pretty good. Almost kind of perfect. There was only one problem: I couldn't stop hating the person I'd become.
We were going to come to an ending, I knew that. But I didn't expect the way it finally happened.
It's not that I was focused on how things would fall apart. But the truth is, I'm sure that both of us could see the cut off coming. The school year would finish, but we could have continued to do things over the summer. In fact, it might have been even easier, having the house to ourselves all day.
But eventually I would graduate. Despite everything that had happened I still had Harvard Med on my mind. But if not, there was going to be somewhere else, and it almost certainly wouldn't be nearby. I would move out of the house. We'd move on with our lives. I couldn't spend the rest of my existence having sex with my sibling.
So, I told myself I was prepared. Convinced my heart that Kevin felt the same. Only, it all went down much sooner than I anticipated.
The Saturday after our joyride, my parents had another weekend away. I'd spent the whole week excited beyond explanation. But when Mom and Dad finally shut the door behind them, and I grabbed my brother to bring him up to my room, Kevin dragged me back to the living room couch.
He sat me down, gently. There was a look in his eyes that I couldn't place. My mouth went dry, and my stomach twisted.
"There's something I need to tell you," Kevin said, grasping my hands across the cushions. Our denim-covered knees touched.
"You're breaking up with me," I said. The words shot out of me so fast, I didn't realize they'd been readied.
"What?!" Kevin shook his head. A little smile formed on his lips. "No. Jacey, you're my sister. We literally can't break up."
I was pretty sure that we could, but I got my brother's point. We were bonded in a way that went beyond the usual relationship. They say blood is thicker than water, but the truth is, it ties tighter than semen and girl-goo, too. Yet I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen.
"No, I wanted you to be the first to know," Kevin said, "I got a job."
"Really? That's fantastic!"
"There's a garage a couple towns over," Kevin said, "They're going to take me on. Just little stuff for now, cleaning the place and whatever. But they said they'll show me the basics and they're going to work my schedule so I can go to technical school."
"That sounds amazing," I said, "I'm so proud of you."
Kevin flushed. He looked me dead in the eyes. "It's because of you," he said.
I shook my head. "No, that's not true," I said, "Your accomplishments are your own. You worked hard for this. You deserve it."
"But that's my point. Why did I work hard?"
I shrugged. Why did anyone try at things? Because we wanted to grow up, live our own lives, become self-sufficient. The usual stuff.
"I did it because of you, Jacey," Kevin said, "I watched how much effort and care you put into the things that matter to you. I knew I couldn't live up to your standard and it used to get to me. But you always told me I could do it, be more. It was like following a beacon. I found my way because you led me there."
My brother looked at me with such earnest emotion. Such true respect and awe. I burst into tears. Kevin leapt forward, wrapping himself around me. I could hear the confusion in his voice as he tried to soothe me. Supportive but unsure.
"I'm not that person anymore," I said. Sobbing. I buried my head in my brother's arms.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not. I don't. I'm stupid now. I really am."
"Jacey, that's ridiculous," Kevin said.
"No, it's true," I said, "I can't think. Can't concentrate. I haven't studied in weeks. Ever since... Ever since us."
Kevin grabbed me by the shoulders, looking at me with the most intense expression I'd ever seen on his face. He'd looked less serious at Grandma's funeral.
"Don't be mad," I said, "I love this. Love what we have. But ever since that first time together my mind's been all jumbled. My grades have crashed. I'm such a mess."
"And you think it's my fault," Kevin said.
I gave my brother an exasperated look. "Of course not!"
His expression finally softened.
"It's the sex," I said, "It's just so good. I can't stop thinking about it. About you. All I ever want now is to ride that big, beautiful brother cock till I blow up."
"I think you broke my brain," I said.
I stared down at the floor. I didn't know what else to say. My brother admired me. Only that 'me' was someone who no longer existed. Before, when I thought I was only letting myself down, I guess I could live with it. But if I was betraying Kevin, too? It was more than I could take.
"Jane-Christine," Kevin said my full name with a kindness that made my heart ache. He pulled me close. "I'm not the smart one in the family. Like, at all. But I have a thought."
"Uh huh."
"I don't want to tell you how you're feeling, but I want you to consider something, OK?"
I nodded for him to continue.
"You've met someone new. Well, not new new. You've expanded your relationship with someone you've always known. You get my point."

जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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nodded. I actually did which was kind of frightening, honestly.
"Anyway, you're having a fun time with this new not-new person. You're discovering all these different ways that you can act and feel. It's kind of intoxicating, right? I mean, I know it is for me."
Kevin smiled at me and stroked my hair. I could tell he was looking for reassurance, so I gave it to him. Then he continued.
"Maybe you didn't suddenly, magically lose your intelligence. Maybe you're just excited about everything you're experiencing. It's new and fun and so it's natural to be a bit distracted by it all. Do you think that maybe that's possible?"
I thought about it. "Do you feel that way?"
"Of course! Why do you think it took me nearly a month to get my car fixed, finally? When we, um, started, I was halfway through the new God of War game and, guess what, I'm still in the same spot. And last night when I went out with Jordy, I realized it was the first time I've seen him in weeks. Do you think that sex with my sister made me bad at repairing cars or ruined video games or forced me to stop hanging out with my friends?"
"Hell no! It just made me want to spend more time with you," Kevin said, "But maybe I'm a little less surprised by it. That's all."
"I've been in relationships before," I said with a snort.
"But have you ever been in love?"
I had to stop and think about that one. Had I ever really, truly been in love before? The more I thought about it, the more I realized the answer was no. That is, had been no. Until now. But wait, did that mean I was in love with my little brother?
"I love you Jacey," Kevin said, "Not just as my sister. I know it's wrong, but I can't stop. And, if I'm being honest, I've loved you for a long, long time."
"You did?"
"I probably shouldn't admit this," Kevin said, "But yes. And when we were naked in the shower and you kissed me, it was like every dream I've ever had coming true. Like finding a magic lamp, winning the lottery, and getting struck by lightning all at once. It was the luckiest day of my life."
I didn't know what to say to that. It was flattering but also kind of scary. To realize someone, my own sibling, saw me that way. My brother loved me. Did love me, had loved me, would love me. Holy fuck was that disorienting.
"But," Kevin said, and here he went back to looking strikingly serious, "If you truly believe that being with me is changing who you are, we'll stop. I'll go somewhere different or do something else. And I'll never stop feeling the way I do about you. But I'll give you the space you need. You mean too much to me, Jacey. I don't ever want to do something that will hurt you."
I saw in Kevin's eyes that he meant it. He'd really give it all up. And that's when I knew for sure.
"I love you, too," I said.
Kevin smiled, wistfully.
"No, I mean it," I said, "I didn't realize I had those feelings for you, but I think I always have. And maybe, well, maybe I've learned from you too. About the things that matter in life. How to let go. Stuff like that."
Kevin leaned forward and kissed me. I fell into his arms. Once again, it all went tumbling.
We tumbled. Onto the living room floor. Rolling between the couch and the coffee table. Bouncing against the hardwood. All those pictures of our family staring down at us. Watching as two siblings rutted on the floor.
I don't remember getting naked, but we did. My need for my brother's strong, warm flesh overcoming any other instinct I might have had. We kissed like our lives depended on it. Maybe in some way they did.
This wasn't anything new. Not in the mechanics of it. If anything, we'd done things that were way more risque than standard intercourse (missionary if you must know) on the floor. But there was something more to it, that exceeded the passion and the taboo of everything else put together.
Maybe that's why it happened.
Kevin covered my body in kisses. He nibbled and teased at every sensitive place he knew. There were times, before, where it was clear we weren't so much having sex as we were using each other to get off. To fulfill our unconscionable urges. We moved beyond that. Raced past it.
My brother celebrated my body. I worshipped at his. We did everything we knew to make the other person feel incredible before moving to the inevitable, inescapable end.
Kevin reached between his legs and aimed his dick at my pussy. I didn't think anything of it, not more than how much I desperately needed my brother's hot hardness inside of me. The fact that he was bare, I was well aware. The truth that I was also ovulating, well, I didn't know it at the time. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't have some suspicion.
For all that I'd become obsessed with intelligence, we weren't stupid -- we knew what we were doing. What we risked every time we went at it. We'd talked about getting condoms. Lots of times. But somehow neither of us had ever actually gone out and purchased the stupid things. We'd relied on my brother's 'on-point pull-out game.' My own ability to stay sensible in the moment. And a whole fuckton of dumb luck.
It was a bad decision. It always had been. Particularly this time. But with my brother's naked cock knocking at the door to my unprotected pussy, none of those things entered my mind.
Kevin slid his hardness inside my waiting, wanting pussy. My tight little cunt slurped him up like the world's most wonderful treat. My little brother filled me with his massive dick, not even a whisper of protection, and all I could do was shout his name.
I swear he felt bigger every time he fucked me. That afternoon, it was like his cockhead was poking my guts. His shaft was splitting me in half. Kevin had barely gotten himself inside me and I was already cumming. Twisting and writhing under the spell of his magic wand.
The first orgasm wracked my body. The second, when my brother began thrusting, blew out my brain. I could tell it was happening to him too. Kevin's body trembled with every thrust. He gripped my back, my thighs, my ass, like he couldn't bear to let go. His kisses on my neck and chest so needful. Every moment he could grab breath, he expelled it with my name.
"Oh, Jacey Jacey Jacey, you feel so good," he rambled out, "I love you so much, my amazing big sister."
We were saying each other's names now. The final veil of sister/brother had finally been torn away. It was more than just dirty talk. It was an acceptance, a confession, of what we were truly doing.
My little brother. My baby bro. The goofy boy that had always made me laugh. The closest thing I had in this world to a clone. Kevin. He was making love to me.
And his older sister. His big sis. The oh-so-serious woman who always held him to a higher standard. Me. I was loving every moment of it.
And so, I did one last stupid thing.
My brother's cries turned into deep grunts. His rhythmic thrusts collapsed into these little, needful spasms. I felt his cock swell in my waiting pussy.
We both knew what had to happen.
"Jacey?" Kevin asked.
I could feel it. We were wishing for the same thing. The one choice we knew we shouldn't, couldn't make. But in that moment. Neither of us could deny our desire for it.
I responded to my brother's question by wrapping my little legs around his waist. I pushed down on his perfect butt, thrusting him as deep as he could. My brother let out a tight, strangled cry. Something closer to a sob than a sound of pleasure. I felt him swell inside me. His body jerked once, twice. I thought that was the end of it.
I felt something hot spurt deep inside me. Like a bag of boiling water had burst. Then another slimy, steaming rope. My pussy clamped down. My legs kicked out. My toes curled and my fingers tightened. My back arched, eyes rolling into my head. Mouth open, tongue rolled out.
Remember when I talked about being plugged into the wall? This was like getting hooked up to a nuclear power plant. Every nerve and neuron fired. Every cell in my body screamed. The pleasure of it gripped me and there was nothing I could but shout.
"Ohhhhh FUCK!"
I wish I could say I'd lost myself and that's why I did it. But as the orgasm overtook me, my brain was almost hyper aware. Repeating the same words over and over. My brother is cumming inside me. He's filling me with his fertile seed. My little bro, my love. We're making our baby. He's putting a baby inside his big sis. Fuck it feels so GOOD.
I dropped back to the ground -- my skull hit the floor with a loud crack. I could barely feel it through the endorphins. Instead, I kicked out my legs as long as they could go. Drew out my orgasm even further. Shaking and shivering under my brother.
Kevin's own orgasm slowly receded. I felt his cock soften. How could something so massive, so present, simply melt away? It was weird and oddly wonderful. The flow of his hot seed turned to a trickle. Still, my brother held me tight. He kissed my forehead and my cheeks. Whispered my name like some kind of prayer.
I felt my body gradually become my own again. I kissed him back. But our passion quickly peeled away to cold hard reality. What we'd done. Kevin gave me a wary look. I nodded, resigned.
"Fuck," he said.
"Yeah," I said, "Fuck."
The word was everything we needed to communicate to each other. This was so bad. Beyond terrible. Every stupid choice we'd made, all the way back to that morning when my brother had insisted that I help him with his car. They'd fallen like dominoes to bring us to this moment.
The problem wasn't that my brother had filled my unprotect pussy. The concern wasn't that I was certain he'd put his baby in my womb (and I was). No. The biggest disaster of all was, I loved every second of it.
And I couldn't wait for him to do it again.
I finished the school year with a solid 3.9 GPA. Yeah, I know. I can't decide if I'm embarrassed it wasn't a 4.0 or relieved it wasn't a 3.6 or worse. A is for accepting. All things considered, I was very much OK with how I'd done. And I was only a Junior. There was plenty of time to turn things up a notch if needed.
But that was the thing: I realized that I didn't need it. Harvard Med is nice and all, but my brother isn't there and that's kind of a deal breaker these days. State has a very strong medical program, is only about a forty-minute drive away, and will take a 3.8. In other words, I just have to keep going as I am, and I'll be golden.
In the meantime, Kevin and I are doing our best to keep our incestuous activities quiet. Now that it's summer and all, in some ways it's even easier than before. Sure, Kevin's busy with work. And unlike the university, technical school doesn't take summers off. But we've got plenty of time.
One overwarm evening after dinner, my parents said we needed to talk. Kevin and I both sat on the couch, eyeing each other nervously. We couldn't imagine what this could be about, but we were desperately worried we knew exactly what was about to go down.
My parents held each other's hands and beamed at us from the opposing chairs. They took a deep breath. Oh God. I braced myself like I was about to get shot in the stomach.
"Your father and I wanted to tell you how proud we are of what you both are doing together," Mom said.
You are!?
"Yes," Dad said, "What you have certainly isn't for everyone, but we know that it's the right thing for you both."
It is?!
"The way the two of you are together," Mom said, "Honestly, it makes me jealous. I wish my brothers and I could have been the way you are."
I tried to picture my mom getting DP'd by Uncle Pete and Uncle Nick. Actually, I could kind of see that happening.
"So, we want to make sure you know you have our full support, no matter what you decide," Dad said.
OK. There was no way they were talking about what I thought they were talking about. Right? Either I was desperately mistaken, or we'd been dragged into some alternate dimension.
"I'm so confused," Kevin said.
"You think you're being clever, but it's clear to us," Mom said.
Oh no. It really was what I was afraid of.
"The way you both have started working together," Dad said, "Kevin, we all know that your success lately with the garage and school has been because Jacey is helping you."
"And Jacey," Mom said, "Don't think we haven't noticed how much more easygoing you are now that Kevin's been pitching in."
"OH! That," I said, "Yeah, well, I think we've figured out that we can learn a lot from each other."
"Wel,l it's wonderful to see," Mom said.
"Seriously," Dad said, "It's like the two of you make the perfect human together."
Kevin and I both shared the same shocked, scared look. About that whole 'making a human together thing'...
"Anyway," Kevin said, quickly standing, "I know I have a lot of studying to do. So, I'm going to get to it."
"I'm actually going to hang out with my friend Brooke tonight," I said, "There's this place downtown that has live jazz."
That night, when I slipped into my brother's bedroom, I knew everything was going to be alright. Sure, we were going to have some challenges. Eventually we'd have to tell our parents what was going on. But for the moment, we would be OK. Our future may have seemed uncertain, but it was perfectly clear to me.
We made love under the covers as quietly as we could. My brother's body undulating under me. His mouth on my little, needy nipples. My nails digging into his back.
Sex with my brother didn't make me stupid. In fact, it was quite the opposite -- I've become so much smarter. Life isn't about perfection. It's about balance. You do your best when you can, but you also need to enjoy things.
It took me a long time to learn that. But now that I know, I'm sure that everything will turn out just fine. A is for amazing, after all.
And like I said, the one thing you need to know about me is that I'm a straight-A student.
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