Adultery Bong Housewife done by neighbor kid
My name is Mily I am the 39 year old stay at home mother of two children. I have two boys ages 13, and 10.
My husband Amit has been a good provider but has traveled for business a lot in our 19
I have for the first time in my marriage had some free time for myself. I have always stayed in pretty good shape just running after 02 children but over the last few years I have had to join a gym and work out at least a few times a week to keep ahead of gravity that I know will eventually cause the body to start sagging.
I have been told that my long dark hair and fair complexion accentuate my perky little body and my dark eyes.
My problems began a long time ago but until recently even I didn't see them coming. Dev has had a life-long friend named Sid that grew up a few doors down on our quiet street almost as a member of our family. My other children always had friends, but Sid is the only one that consistently joined in our family outings and vacations. He was older than dev and was 19.
I think his parents came from money but both had a bit of a drinking problem and Sid, as far back as I can remember always seemed to be alone.
Amit was pretty active with the kids when he wasn't traveling and both he and I used to go out of our way to make Sid feel like he belonged. Because of our focus on the kids, our sex life lost its passion a long time ago. Sex became more compassion than passion long before Sally was born. We just accepted it as the way it was. The one thing that Amit always reassured me was that he was serious about our wedding vows and hoped I was to.
Sid first started wandering into our lives when he was about seven. Because he and Dev were the almost same age and in the same school, it was not long before they were the best of friends. While my own kids treated me as mom Sid treated me differently. From about the time Sid turned 12, he started doing little things like bringing me little gifts or always sitting next to me at family outings. He would always be the first to volunteer to help me with clean up or running errands.
By the time he was fifteen, he would make up reasons to hang around the house when I was home even when Bill and the other kids were out. When he was 18 he started coming up behind me and putting his arms around me in a big hug. I just thought he was trying to find a mother figure in his life.
Slowly over the next year, his hands during one of his hugs would accidently touch my breasts. I never thought much of it until later. As he got more daring his hands would linger on my breasts or he would squeeze my bottom. I finally had to tell him that he was being inappropriate when just before his 19th birthday he came up behind me and boldly tweaked both of my nipples while standing so close that I thought I could feel his hard on against my bottom. As I spun around to express my displeasure he took my chin in his hand and kissed me on the lips until I pulled away and scolded him.
Almost 19 years old, Sid was not a little boy. In fact he was quite a handsome young man standing about 6'.. After I scolded him he put his head down and headed for the door.
It was then that I realized that Sid had actually started my motor running so to speak. Here I was almost 38 years old, the mother of 2 and this good looking young man couldn't keep his hands off me. Rather than create a scene or embarrass him, I decided to keep this to myself.
For the next few weeks Sid seemed to disappear. I guessed it was because he was embarrassed or maybe afraid to face me.
With my kids getting older their interest in doing things as a family became less. I was taken by surprise when Amit was able to round up all the kids for a Saturday hike. I had made plans to get my hair done that afternoon and in spite of all the encouragement to join the family, I decided to take a me day and let Amit have some time with our kids. The family loaded all their gear and was on their way at the crack of dawn for a long hike up a nearby mountain.
I took a long leisurely shower and had breakfast out on the balcony. My plan was to run a few errands, get my hair done and then be back in time to join the family for dinner .
As I was putting the dirty dishes in the sink dressed only in my under ware and a dark blue house coat there was a knock on the door. Thinking nothing of it I answered the door to find Sid standing there. Before I could ask him what he wanted he stepped in and said hi Mily Aunty. I know that my behavior has been a problem for you and I just wanted to find you alone to say that I am sorry.
Without thinking I stepped forward and took him in my arms. I looked up into his eyes and said no harm done let's just keep this as our little secrete Ok.
I'd like that a lot Mily Aunty. You see I have had a crush on you for a long time and I know that my inexperience with girls probably led me to offend you.
Sid, I am old enough to be your mother and I have always treated you as a son. Why don't I get some coffee for the both of us and let's sit and talk thru this.
As I joined Sid in the living room and set the coffee on the small table, he sat about as close to me as two people can sit. He took my hands in his and said I really like you a lot and being with you has become an obsession with me. I know you see me as a kid but I am not a kid any more.
He seemed to be pouring his heart out to me and I didn't have the heart to stop him as his hands started rubbing slowly up and down my arms. As he talked he ran his hands over my shoulders and started massaging my neck. When I told him that even though what he was doing felt good and that I was flattered by his interest in me, he was once again being inappropriate.
He must have heard only the first part of what I said because he smiled down at me and held me tight as his lips touched mine. As I struggled to get free Sid's hands were all over me. Covered by my thick house coat I am not quite sure what Sid’s hands could feel but I knew that he was looking for something and that if I didn't stop him soon, I was in real trouble.
As I opened my mouth to tell him to stop, his tongue darted between my lips and into my mouth. Determined to stop him, I tried to pry his hands from my breast but he was much too strong. He held both my arms pinned between us with one powerful hand. The other hand slipped inside my house coat as he touched my bra clad tits.
Just about the time I thought he was letting up, he found the clasp of my bra between my tits and unclipped it as I struggled to get away. No one but Amit had ever touched me and I was doing whatever I could to keep it that way but this young man was just too strong.
In one motion, he pulled my bra and my house coat open to reveal my firm breasts and dark nipples. He let go of my hands but kept me pinned to the sofa with his body. He used his hands and his mouth on every inch of my exposed breasts and upper torso. Pinching my nipples with his fingers, he used his tongue in long wet strokes across my chest.
As I begged him to stop he touched me wherever he wanted to and started giving my breasts wet little kisses all around my nipples. He would then take one nipple at a time and bite to where it was actually painful.
With my hard little nipples standing straight up and nothing to shield them from Sid, I was at his mercy as to what he was planning to do with me. I couldn't believe this young man that had been like a son to me was capable of what he was doing but I had no way to stop him.
I was able to grab the open ends of my house coat and just as a camera appeared out of nowhere Sid released me as I pulled hard on the hose coat and covered myself from Sid's eyes.
The bulb flashed somewhere in the process and as I pulled myself together yelling at Sid to get out of my house, he just sat there smiling. Not knowing what Sid was going to do, I tried to take the offensive and got up to open the door. Before I could get to the door, Sid calmly said Mily Aunty, you have beautiful tits. I turned to yell at him to get out but he just sat there and said come take a look at this.
As I angrily sat next to him and tried to grab the camera, he pulled back and said sure looks like you are trying to seduce an innocent young man. As I stared at his picture, it looked as if he was right and that I appeared to be opening my garment and offering my tits to the camera instead of what I was really doing in an effort to cover up.
I screamed at him to give me the picture but he pulled it back and smiled as he said that if I didn't do as he asked, Amit would be getting a copy of this. Having been part of the family I realized that he knew that seeing a picture like this Amit would probably divorce me without even listening to what I had to say. I felt like a trapped animal but I knew that I had to do something to get that picture. I flew at Sid with my fists aimed at his face and my feet aimed at his crotch as I fought to get the picture back.
Sid had little trouble subduing my 5'2 body and he held me up in front of him as he all of a sudden wasn't a little boy any more. When I stopped struggling and realized the predicament I was in he let me go. I said Sid what do you want from me and he said that I have to leave for a short time. When I get back, I want you to be in your bed wearing one of those sexy see through negligee's you keep hidden in the back of your closet. You can call whoever you like, but if you try anything funny, this picture will ruin you.
Please Sid I said don't do this. You are a handsome young man with your choice of pretty girls. If you give me the picture I will forget this ever happened.
He stood up and said, I don't want a girl Mily Aunty, I want a woman. With that he left, fully expecting me to co-operate when he returned.
Realizing that I had a big problem I went into panic mode trying to come up with a way to stop all this. He had shown me that he could over power me any time he wished but there was no way that I would ever give him permission to take his desires any further.
I had no idea how long he would be gone but I found myself heading up the stairs to my room. I sat on the bed and cried but all I could think of was that Amit would leave me. I couldn't focus on the task at hand and there was no way that I would be able to find that picture so I had to come up with some way to remove his position of power over me or at least delay the inevitable in any way I could.
I slowly pulled out the box of night wear hidden in the back of my closet. I hadn't used the contents in 10 years and I wondered how he knew it was there. In a state of shock, I pulled out my old favorite white negligee with see thru panties and began to put it on.
Looking in the mirror, I had to admit that I probably looked more like 25 than 39 and cursed myself for trying so hard to look good for my husband. My tummy was still flat and my breasts didn't have a hint of sag. My ass was soft but firm and my pubs were covered in thick black hair.I put my discarded clothes away and put the box back in the closet. I closed the curtains and climbed under the covers hoping that I could come up with some way to stop what I was sure was about to happen.
I had never considered myself a prude, but Amit was the only man I had ever slept with and this was far beyond anything I knew how to deal with. I was absolutely certain that Sid was intent on banging me.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door. I thought at that moment the least I should have done was lock the doors, but it was too late for that as I heard him come up the stairs. Dressed in the negligee as requested, I lay on my back with the bed cover pulled tightly to my chin. Sid said softly, are you ready my love as he slowly opened the door.
Appalled by the thought of this young man thinking that he could call me his. I looked at him and again asked him not to do this as he opened the curtains to let all the light in. Even though we were on the second floor and afraid someone might see I meekly asked him if it wouldn't be more romantic with the curtains blocking out the light without realizing what Sid was carrying. He said Mily Aunty, if you are a good girl, what I am going to ask you to do will not be painful and it will be over quickly. I was floored. I didn't know what to say so I sat and watched as he set up his expensive camera and the recording device. Still hiding under the covers, I asked him what it was he was planning to do to me. He just said you will see in a minute.
When he was done he turned on all the equipment and said Mily Aunty, next month I am going away to College. I will be gone for four years with only short visits home. I want something to remember you by so come out from under the covers and pose for my camera. Knowing he already had a damning picture hidden somewhere I still wouldn't agree to this so I held the covers to my chin and said Sid, please don't do this.
Taking that option away, he simple yanked the blankets off the bed and smiled at my see thru garment. He said I would like to remind you that with today's technology, I can remove any part of this that isn't perfect so you can do this the easy way and play for the camera, or I can get into bed with you and have my way with you until you are ready to play for the camera.
Knowing he had the strength to use me in any way he chose, I defiantly said that I don't want to give you more ammunition against me because what you already have is more than I can handle.
Mily Aunty I can see that your nipples are hard and I would be willing to bet that your pussy is wet. You have an incredible body and I want a memory for my time away. What happens after today is up to you.
Knowing he was right about my nipples and feeling my juices flowing from my pussy, given the choice between forced intercourse and a few more pictures to someone that already had one, I got on my hands and knees and crawled across the bed toward the camera forcing myself to smile. Before I could reach the camera in the hope of destroying it, Sid stepped in the way and told me not to do something stupid.
I need this to look like you are seducing me he said.
I looked at him and said defiantly that I haven't even done that with Amit since before you were born. I am not going to play your game.
All right Mily Aunty, then I will need to give you some encouragement.
With that he reached for the shoulder of my negligee and pulled it so hard that he ripped my negligee off and I was left wearing only my see thru panties and a torn negligee with my upper body and my breasts completely exposed.
I can sit here and admire your beautiful chest all day Sid said. But given the fact that we have a diner engagement in a few hours, I need you to start co-operating.
I tried to cover my exposed body with my hands but I knew that even at my age, I was going to have to convince this crazy kid that I wanted him or he would end up hurting me. I put my hands to my flat tummy and started running them up and down my upper body while Sid watched. I played with my breasts and pulled on my nipples moaning softly as the camera recorded my performance.
To my amazement, I was feeling like I hadn't felt in years. My nipples were tingling and my pussy was getting wet. I couldn't believe this was happening as I buried myself in my little show. I held my tits from underneath and offered them to Sid as I licked my lips and smiled as seductively as I knew how.
Sid just sat smiling and telling me that I was beautiful. I want this to last forever he said. You have incredible tits and a pretty face. I am really going to enjoy learning about woman from you.
After what seemed like a long time Sid told me to remove the panties. I knew he wasn't asking and I knew that this young man was going to see a part of me that had been the sole pleasure of one man. Reluctantly I reached for the band holding up my panties and slowly lowered them down my legs.
When I tossed them to the side, Sid said let me see what you have between your legs and smile for the camera.
Sitting up-right in the middle of my bed, I slowly spread my legs and revealed myself to Sid as I placed the fingers from both hands on either side of my cunt and spread my lips in an attempt to show Sid my clit and the pink skin protecting my female organ. To my surprise he started yelling this will never do. I want to see pink and your pussy is hidden under your pelvic hair. It has to go.
I looked at him and asked what do you mean to which Sid said maybe it isn't so bad. I just expected that you would be clean shaven between your legs but now we can shave you together.
I was dumbfounded as I said I couldn't do that. If I let you remove the hair, Amit will surely know something has happened. Sid said I don't care. Get in the bathroom and get started so I can watch you shave your cunt.
Not given any choice I knew that I had to do as I was told. I sat on the closed toilet seat and carefully clipped away the long black hair growing over my pubes. I then took a razor to the rest and as I pulled the skin tight, I shaved myself for the first time in my life as Sid just sat on the bathroom floor and watched.
When I was done Sid took a warm cloth and cleaned me up before ordering me back on the bed. That was the first time he had touched me between my legs and I started to tingle from the soft attention he was giving me.
I spent the next half hour spreading myself open in any way I could think of as Sid and his camera took it all in. I could feel my body betraying me as my juices ran down my legs and my dark nipples pointed straight ahead like two little pebbles seeking attention. I inserted two fingers into my pussy and brought myself to the edge of an orgasm as I moved my fingers in and out.
With me on the verge of a much needed release, Sid stood up and started packing up his camera and recorder. As I sat and watched Sid went thru my things and picked out what he said I would be wearing for my diner appointment.
Surprisingly he picked a black saree and a sleeveless blouse. He then went and picked a reasonable bra but the tiniest panties I owned. He told me to shower and get dressed and he would be back to pick me up in time for dinner.
As he started to leave, I got on my knees still naked and said Sid, I am begging you to let this end here. He just walked out the front door and left me to wonder what he had in store for me. I couldn't have imagined that he would be joining the family for the evening after what he had done. The more I thought about it the more worried I became that he would do something really stupid.
Sid picked me up promptly at 6:45 and was a real gentleman as he opened doors and seemed to say all the right things. As mad as I was at him, I had to be careful not to do anything to set him off. We arrived at the restaurant at about the same time as everyone else and were seated in the far corner of the restaurant. No one thought it was unusual when Sid slid into the booth next to me as they were all talking about their hiking trip. I was on the far inside against the wall on one side and Sid on the other. Dev sat on the other side of Sid.
All through diner Sid and I sat quietly and listened to the tales of the day's adventure. About half way thru the meal he calmly placed his hand on my leg and started running his fingers up and down my thigh. Fearful that someone would notice, I didn't attempt to stop his hand from roaming. I could only hope that no one saw what he was doing.

Contd ....
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As the evening wore on, Sid slowly moved his hand over my leg and under the hem of my saree as he started slowly massaging my inner thigh. I had all I could do to focus on the conversation and my old body wasn't co-operating as I felt my panties getting wet from my juices.
When Sid's fingers touched my pussy thru my tiny panties, I let out a moan that got everyone's attention. Sid quickly removed his hand and I forced a cough to divert the attention.
The rest of the evening went by without incident as I think Sid realized how close he had come to messing up.
Two weeks later, Sid went off to school. I hadn't seen him in that time and I was beginning to think that maybe the film was all he was really after.
I had plenty of time to myself for the first time in my life and I spent a lot of it thinking about what Sid had done and how I must have encouraged him. I decided that as wrong as it was, I was actually flattered that a man less than half my age would find me attractive.
About a month went by when I picked up the phone one morning and heard Sid on the other end. I should have hung up the phone but instead I asked Sid how he was doing.
He started by saying hello Mily Aunty, I was hoping to reach you and I figured everyone else would be gone at this hour. He took a deep breath and must have tried to sound like he was in control. Sid said, I have been invited to a party this Friday and I need you to be my date.
Sid I said, I really don't think that is a good idea to which he said I know that Amit is out of town for the next few weeks and I am only an hour's drive away. The party starts at nine so you should be here no later than 8:30. Call me at this number when you get here. If you choose not to join me, Amit will be receiving a package in the mail. Before I could say anything he hung up.
For two days I tried to call Sid but he didn't answer and I didn't dare leave a message. I was worried sick about where this was headed. I was not too old to be attending a party and Sid had no right to expect me to drop everything and be his date.
Up until the time I went to bed Thursday night, there was no way that I would consider driving an hour to a party of young college kids, even if Sid had the power to ruin everything for me. When I woke Friday morning I didn't have to think about it twice, I had to go and I had to find a way to get my hands on those pictures. I got out a black saree that and a sleeveless black blouse. I did buy a push-up bra and matching panties that wouldn't be mistaken for panties just in case things got that far. With a conservative pair of two inch heels, I was ready to go.
I took a long hot bath and again shaved my pelvic hair knowing that if I didn't Sid would humiliate me again by making me use the razor as he watched. With Amit out of town, I hadn't been put in a position of having to explain my bald pussy to my husband. I did know that sooner or later that would have to be explained but like everything else I thought that the longer I postponed it, the more time I would have to make sense of what was happening to me. I wore very little make-up and did my hair so that it didn't look like an old lady as I tied it in a long pony tail.
I knew where the college was and planned it to arrive at exactly the right time. This time when I called, Sid answered on the first ring and told me how to find his room.
I took my time finding his dorm in the hope that I wouldn't be alone with Sid for long in his room. To my horror, Sid answered his door dressed only in a pair of jeans. He pulled me into his room and locked the door saying that his roommate was gone for the night but that he didn't want anyone just walking in.
The room was set up with a bed, a dresser and a desk on each half of the room. It was a typical college dorm room and certainly no place for someone my age to be meeting a date.
Sid took me in his arms and started kissing my lips. When I tried to pull away he just held me tighter until I relented and he pushed his tongue past my lips. Locked in an embrace with my son's best friend, I knew was not right. I just didn't have the strength to fight. I had never really noticed Sid's physic but as he held me in his arms, I could see that in addition to his good looks he was in very good shape.
What I couldn't comprehend was why he wanted me.
As we kissed, I felt him reaching for the top button on my blouse, after brushing off my saree pallu off my shoulder. I was so busy trying to remove his tongue from my mouth that I let him slowly undo each of the 5 remaining hooks of my blouse. I had to admit that I was getting pretty hot having this young stud undress me but as he started to remove my blouse I still begged him to stop.
Sid paid no attention to my demands and pulled first one arm and then the other free of my blouse, leaving me standing in the room of this young hunk revealing my new push-up bra covering my 34B tits much sooner than I had hoped, as the pallu of my so called saree , lay on the floor.
As he continued to kiss me, Sid reached behind me and quickly unsnapped the bra clasp in the middle of my back. Unlike the amateur he claimed to be, he removed the undergarment from my chest and left me completely topless as he crushed my tits to his chest.
Surprised that he was intent on getting me out of my clothes so quickly, I did everything I could to discourage him.
Finally he just picked me up and lay me on my back on his bed. There was hardly room for one of us on the small mattress but he managed to lie next to me and play with my hard little nipples as he continued to kiss me.
By the time he pulled my saree up over my tummy, I was on fire. I hadn't been this turned on in years and I was beginning to lose all control. Sid slowly ran his fingers under my saree until he reached my panties. My cunt lips were clearly visible thru the tight wet material covering my crotch and when he touched me there I let out a loud moan of pleasure.
Taking this as a sign of my approval, he started rubbing my clit thru my panties faster and faster. Suddenly he just stopped, leaving me right on the edge. He pushed my panties to the side and found my soaking wet hole with two fingers. Because I was so wet he had no trouble inserting his fingers into me as far as he could go. I bit my lip to keep from cumming for the first man other than my husband to touch me inside.
I was in a state of total helplessness. I wanted this to end and for my life to go back to the way it was, but I also knew deep inside that I wanted this young man to use my body and to continue pleasuring me.
Knowing that it was no longer my decision, I lifted my hips to allow Sid to remove my panties and I let myself enjoy the sensation as Sid buried his tongue in my pussy. As he kept trying to stick his tongue deeper into me, I had all I could do to keep from reaching orgasm. Finally I lost control and with a loud moan I pulled his head into my pussy and let out aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgggggg, don't stop. Fuck mmmmeeeeeeeeeeeee as I had the best orgasm of my life.
When I came down, I reached down and unzipped Sid's jeans. As quickly as I could, I turned so that I could remove his swollen manhood from his under-ware. I slowly licked the large purple head of his cock as I ran my fingers up and down his magnificent dick.
As I sucked his monster into my wet mouth, Sid pulled me on top of him and spread my legs so that he could continue to tongue fuck me. If I was going to be told to do this, I decided that I was going to get my own pleasure from the experience.
I couldn't suck Sid all the way in as fully hard, he was probably 8 inches and twice as thick around as the only man that I had ever had. I did my best to take as much of his manhood as I could manage into my throat. I used my fingers to massage his balls and keeping my lips wrapped tightly around his hard cock, I raised and lowered my head as I helped him fuck my mouth. Never missing a beat, Sid kept his tongue and lips busy on my wet little hole.
I had not given Amit a blow job in years but I was really getting into this. When Sid finally erupted deep in my mouth, I did the best I could to swallow every wonderful drop of sperm as I had my own simultaneous orgasm.
As we lay there tenderly holding each other, I teased Sid by asking if that was the best he could do. When he suggested that he was just beginning, I started to think about how big he was down there and wondered how I could handle such a magnificent cock in my tiny pussy.
Moments later, he stripped me off my saree and petticoat and rolled me onto my back and spread my legs. I was worried that I could accept the monster cock that he was lining up with my pussy entrance but grateful that I was so wet already.
In all my years with Amit, his recovery time usually limited us to one hard cock per night. Sid appeared to be ready to go again and I was not about to stop him now.
His lack of experience all of a sudden became painfully obvious as in one hard push he buried all his inches into my cunt and started pounding into me while I was still screaming from the pain. After realizing that he had not torn me open, I got used to the size of my intruder and started to feel the sensations deeper than I had ever been fucked. Having already cum twice, I wrapped my legs around my bed partner and dug my high heels on his back and encouraged him to fuck me harder and deeper. My body hadn't felt these sensations in years and I was in total ecstasy having this young stud so deep inside me.
As I hung on Sid brutally pounded away at my cunt. I watched his face as he finally gave one deep hard push and dumped his second load into my ravished pussy. I used my vaginal muscles to squeeze every last drop out of his cock while simultaneously trying to keep him deep inside me.
As we lay in the afterglow of incredible sex, Sid asked me if I was OK with what he had forced me to do. I said Sid; you really can't do this to another person.
Would you have come tonight if I didn't have those pictures he asked? Without a second thought I said NO, but now I am glad I did.
If that is how you feel, would you let me fuck you again? All I could do was smile as I said we'll see.
Mily aunty I want you to meet me here at the same time next Friday Sid said. To that I said Sid, you have just used my entire body, please stop with being so formal and call me Mily.

Insisting that I answer him, he asked again about the following week. I asked if I had to and he said it would be better if it didn't come to that.
As I started to get dressed I said, I will think about it and I left. All the way home I had this incredible feeling inside. I knew that I was just playing hard to get and I knew I would be returning for more.
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With Amit away on a long term assignment and the kids out of the house I had plenty of time to consider what had happened to me. My reaction was to add a few extra exercises to my morning workout and to take a long hard look at my wardrobe.
I liked feeling young again and to get the attention of a good looking college freshman at my age was making me realize that with my 39th birthday only a few short months away that maybe I could fight father time, at least for a while.
I also found that my once or twice a month morning masturbation was not satisfying my need for an occasional release. In fact it was getting me more turned on by the day.
Just thinking about Sid and what he might do with my body on Friday kept my panties wet most of the week. Knowing that I would surrender myself to this young stud kept my nipples so hard that I had to buy new bra's with a bit more cushion to keep my nipples from showing thru.
By Thursday I was so worked up that I spent most of the day wearing nothing below my waist so that I could finger my aching pussy and play with my clit as I got the housework done.
Finally it was Friday afternoon. I was alive sexually for the first time in many years as I tried to hurry the clock along. I realized that I had not spent a single thought all week on my husband other than his daily phone call.
I made myself an early dinner but was only able to pick at it as my thoughts of Sid had my stomach in knots. By seven I had showered and had done my makeup and tied my long dark hair in a ponytail. I dressed in the tight skirt that reached less than half way to my knees that I had bought that week, I had never worn such skirts till now. Under it I wore thong panties that actually covered my pussy while doing nothing to hide the folds of my pussy lips. My matching halter exposed so much cleavage that I had to think twice before heading out the door wearing it. I wore 3 inch heels with an slim anklet on my left leg and a big smile as I headed off to find out what Sid had in store for me.
I had not spoken to Sid all week as I think he knew that I would need no encouragement to make the hour drive to his bed. I parked and headed up the three flights of stairs to his room. When I got to the third floor I noticed immediately that there were small groups gathering in many of the rooms and unlike last week when it had been rather quiet, the music was already getting loud.
As I got to Sid's room the door was open so I just walked in. Instead of finding Sid getting ready or half dressed like last week, I found Sid sitting on a recliner wearing jeans and an old t-shirt. The two beds were pushed against one wall and there was a big TV against the opposite wall.
Instead of being alone, there were 5 other guys and two girls in the room with us. A short guy turned to Sid and said your entertainment is here.
Frozen like a deer in headlights I started to panic. How could Sid have told all these young people about me? How could I be getting introduced as entertainment? I had this strong feeling that I should turn and run. Instead I stepped forward and stood in front of Sid who was still seated in his recliner and I asked what was going on.
Sid said his friends had come over to watch the game which would be over within the hour and then we can talk. He yelled over his shoulder hey Abhi, can you grab a beer for Mily Aunty.
All of a sudden I felt very old. As Abhi handed me a beer, I tried to correct the situation as I shook Abhi's hand and said Hi, my name is Mily.
Abhi smiled and said I thought Sid was kidding but you really are hot Mily. Why don't we blow this joint and get to know each other.
I just smiled meekly and said thank you for the compliment but I think I'll stay here with Sid.
Suit yourself Abhi said as he found a space on the bed to sit.
Sid smiled up at me and said I saved you a seat, pointing to his lap. I put my beer on this tiny table next to his recliner and started to sit on Sid's knee. Sid put his arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. I tried my best to keep my knees together but I think two of the guys sitting on the floor got a good view up my skirt as I was pulled into position. I have no idea why seeing up my skirt would matter when my tits were almost entirely on display even fully dressed.
Before I could check out the two guys any further, Sid whispered in my ear --thanks for coming. I turned to smile at him as he pulled my chin to his and started kissing me. I was so hot and so ready but there was no way I was going to do anything with all these college kids watching.
Sid reached for my tits and I said please don't. He said I had nothing to worry about as he started putting his fingers into my exposed cleavage. Again I begged him to stop but he told me that he didn't think I was ready to perform for his friends yet.
To get my point across, I pulled back from his kiss and said stop, please. I don't want to perform for all your friends. He reached up, took hold of the top of my halter and yanked it part way down, exposing more of my tits to his friends. It was at that moment that I noticed one of the two girls I had seen when I first walked in. She was sitting on the bed with her back against the wall. She had one guy on each side of her and they were fondling her young chest thru her thin blouse as they tried to remove her blouse in spite of her protests.
With my arms covering my tits, I abruptly asked him what they were doing to the girl on the bed.
Sid said, oh that. Well it seems that last night Rashmi the big one in the corner with the camera caught Aparna, the one putting out for Abhi.
I asked what do you mean she was putting out.
Sid responded almost annoyed saying Mily, she was fucking Abhi.
When I asked what that has to do with us Sid said the guys in this dorm have an understanding not to mess around with each other's girls, without permission. Rashmi told Aparna that if she was going to be his girl, she had to fuck each of the guys in this room tonight.
I gasped in horror as Sid went on to say that she had to do all these guys while her best friend Dolly watched. When Aparna is done and Rashmi hasn't told her this part yet, she will have to get Dolly to take Rashmi to bed.
I tried not to sound so old fashioned when I asked so what if one of the girls won't play.
Abhi, who had been sitting close enough to hear our conversation said well then Rashmi sends his video to Aparna's mom.
I had the feeling that Sid didn't want me to know that part.
All of a sudden it hit me and I asked Sid what he meant by his comment that he didn't think I was ready to perform yet?
Sid said he couldn't answer that but that I would be the first to know when I was ready to perform.
With the game on TV now in the background, I watched along with every guy in the room as Aparna was pushed on her back and had her clothes removed while she was held down.
I ashamedly couldn't remove my eyes from her firm young body as she screamed in protest while each guy in turn dropped their boxers and fucked her young cunt. None of the guys used her mouth and all of them deposited their load in her unprotected pussy before they pulled out. I found myself getting so turned on that I forgot that I was in a room of college kids less than half my age. My body was aching to get a release. I had just watched as 4 healthy young men exposed their hard cocks and basically bangd Aparna Though I had to admit that by the third cock she was starting to encourage the guys as her young body shook in one orgasm after another in response to what they were doing to her.
I was brought to my senses when the fifth guy finished with Aparna's firm little co-ed body and the guys all started chanting Sid, Sid, Sid.
I don't know if he saw this coming or not but we both knew what he was going to do. Sid picked me up, set me on his chair and dropped his shorts and boxers as I looked on, jealous and burning with need yet unable to stop him.
I watched as Sid mounted Aparna and slowly buried the head of his beautiful cock into a pussy other than mine. I prayed that he would stop as he pushed slowly until I could no longer see his massive organ. I knew that Aparna was not comfortable with the size of the dick in her cunt. I could see the look of pain/pleasure on her face as she slowly got used to the depth of his penetration. I watched as Sid fucked her right in front of me. I listened as Aparna once again went over the edge and screamed aaaarrrrgggg I'm cuuuummminnngg. FFFFUUUUkkkk mmeeeee hhaaaaarrrrdddeerr.
I think she came three times with Sids cock buried inside her cunt. All I could do was watch and hope that I would get a turn with my young stud. God I was turned on. I watched as Sids face contorted and he buried himself as far into Aparna as he could. I could tell he was dumping his hot sperm into her and I watched as he pulled out and Aparna became a river of cum leaking from her cunt.
Sid put on his shorts, picked me up and set me back on his lap. I wanted all these people to go away. I needed Sid's big cock inside me. I was busy purring quiet fuck me's into his ear when all the yelling started.
It seems that dolly had seen enough and had no interest in letting Rashmi into her pants just to satisfy Aparna's need to hang on to the jerk. I privately cheered dolly's spunk as she ran from the room followed by Aparna and all the guys except Abhi.
Abhi quickly shut and locked the door.
I looked longingly at Sid and said I thought we were going to be alone, implying that Abhi should leave.
Sid said, Mily Aunty, you are being rude. Abhi is my roommate and we have no right to tell him to leave. He went on to try and tell me that he and Abhi had a hands off policy with each other's girlfriends unless invited.
I think I made Sid angry when I said yeah right, wasn't it that same policy that just got Aparna gang bangd?
I knew he was mad when he lifted me off his lap, stood me in front of him and pulled my tank top down to my waist exposing my entire chest to his roommate.
He refused to let me cover myself with my arms as he said go ask Abhi to massage your hard little nipples.
But, I, was all I could mutter.
Do it Sid said angrily.
Totally embarrassed at having my tits on display as two guys bartered over how they were going to use them was more than I could take. I said I won't ask Abhi any such thing.
I was told in no uncertain terms that if I didn't do as I was told, Sid would strip me naked and Abhi would be the first, not the only cock shoved into my pussy.
Understanding that I had no way to stop this, I decided that giving a college kid a free feel of my 39 year old tits was the least of the bad choices I seemed to have.
I slowly walked over to the door where Abhi was standing, did a little curtsy and said Abhi, would you please play with my tits.
I was almost crushed with rejection as Abhi just stood there with his hands at his sides saying nothing.
I decided to ask again. Again I was rejected.
Sid then told me that Abhi would only do with my girlfriends what he asked them to do. Go ahead and test him if you want. Ask him to do whatever you want.
I knew Sid was challenging me but I also knew that I had to get laid and laid quickly. I grabbed Abhi's right hand and pulled it directly toward my wet pussy. Before I could feel even his fingers on my thong, Abhi pulled away.
I took by breasts and lifted them as if offering them to Abhi as I asked if he would play with them. Again I was rejected.
Sid looked at me again and said Abhi take hold of Mily aunty's nipple and bring her to me.
Feeling like his puppy dog, I cringed as Abhi took my left nipple and led me over to Sid by pulling hard on my nipple.
Abhi just stood there squeezing hard on my nipple until Sid asked me if I would like to feel Abhi's finger in my pussy.
I cried out no, please don't do that.
To my amazement Sid said, then thank him for touching your nipple.
Not wanting this to go any further I did as I was told and thanked Abhi.
Now ask him to set up my camera Sid demanded.
All I could say was but, why....
Tell him you want a video of being fucked by me.
I won't do it Sid. I am already in to many of your pictures.
This time Sid didn't ask me. He said Abhi how would you like to fuck this bong lady?
OK,OK I'm sorry I pleaded. I turned to Abhi and said would you please take a video of Sid fucking my pussy? Please? Knowing full well how Sid would use those pictures and that Abhi would get to share my inner most experiences, I hoped I had stepped in before Sid turned me over to Abhi.
I knew I had at least gotten a momentary reprieve as Sid said show Abhi how you like to give me blow jobs.
Knowing I would look like a cum hungry wife on the tape, I got on my knees with my tits totally exposed as I undid the zipper on Sid's shorts, reached thru the pee slit of his boxers and took his massive dick slowly into my mouth.
Knowing that every movement was being taped by a complete stranger, I found myself getting even hotter knowing I was being watched by another man while I serviced Sid's large penis.
Inch by inch, I took Sid down my throat. I used my fingers to pump his exposed penis and to massage his sack.
I was so turned on that I had to do something about it. I took my hand from Sid's balls and reached to play with my clit.
Sid saw what I was doing and said that my focus was on him. If I needed release that badly, I should ask Abhi to finger fuck me.
Repulsed by the thought, and my mouth full of hard penis, I tried to say I'm sorry. It came out MMMHHHmm.
I turned my entire focus to pleasuring Sid in the hopes that he would then be ready to fuck me.
I choked when his cock hit the back of my throat. Determined to take all of him this time in the hopes that he would reward me, I kept swallowing. I gasped for air where I could but I was determined to take all of him into my throat. During my week in retrospect, I knew that I would not be satisfied just taking most of him like I did last Friday.
I had to find a way to accept Sid in his entirety. Just when I began to think I couldn't take any more, Sid took the back of my head and pushed. His cock was forced past my gage reflex and I took the last 4 inches easily.
Still holding my head, Sid started to move his hips as he fucked my mouth. I could see Abhi out of the corner of my eye getting it all on tape. I was getting a head ache from the relentless pounding as Sid fucked my face. I had to be careful to keep my lips from getting between his pelvic bone and my teeth because his thrusts were so powerful that it really hurt.
I could feel Sid going over the edge as his hot cum splashed into my throat. I didn't really have to swallow as he shot load after load directly down my open throat and into my stomach.
When he was finally done using me, he abruptly pulled his dick from my throat. I heard a popping sound as the air rushed into the vacuum he had created.
After a degrading high five with his roommate, Sid removed his t-shirt and climbed onto the two beds pushed together. Sid watched my face as he said Abhi, get mily aunty ready.
My Clit was on fire. I had to have a cock in me soon but there was no way that I was going to agree to let Abhi into my panties. Dressed in cut off shorts and an old beer t-shirt Abhi got on his knees in front of me. I could see the bulge of his cock trying to escape from his shorts and I was soaking wet from all the stimulation but giving him access to my lower body was wrong.
I said half to myself and half to Sid, I have done whatever you asked me to do, please don't share me with your friends. Sid was behind me and said nothing as Abhi reached behind me and unclasped my skirt.
As he pulled my skirt slowly over my hips and down my legs, he smiled and said Sid told me that you have hair on your pussy.
Well that made me feel old. Here I was a 39 year old mother of 2 children standing in front of two handsome young 20 year olds wearing only thong panties and knowing how badly I needed to cum.
Abhi reached for my hips and started to pull on the small band holding my thong in place. I slapped him across the face and told him if he touched me again I would scream.
I started to plead with Sid but he just reminded me how I was there for his pleasure and had sealed my fate the moment he snapped the picture of my exposed tits.
He then told me to apologize to his friend and to ask him nicely to help me undress.
Hating myself for allowing myself to have gone this far, and loving the feelings that were taking over my mind and body I meekly said Abhi, would you please remove my thong. I am truly sorry for treating you so badly.
With that I allowed Abhi to remove the only modesty I had left. This time he took the band of my thong in his fingers. He slid his fingers from my hips so that he had one hand in front and the other in back. As he slowly pulled my thong down, he stopped as he reached my pussy and used the opportunity to spread my pussy lips and finger my clit. He quickly realized that my pussy had been shaved clean and he would have to wait for another time to see my  haired pussy. With his other hand he found my rear entrance and without making any effort to penetrate, he played with the entrance to my little brown hole.
I decided that if Abhi's fingers were all I had, I was going to use them to get the release I was so desperate for. I spread my legs to allow Abhi to touch me.
Just as I was starting to think my orgasm was going to happen, Abhi pulled his fingers out of me, roughly pulled down my thong and told me that it was Sids turn.
Abhi helped me place one knee on each side of Sid's hips as Sid lay on his back. No one had to tell me what I was being asked to do.
I took Sids hard cock in my hand and pointed it at my throbbing pussy lips as I lowered myself onto his monster. I had always heard that once a woman takes an oversize cock into her pussy, smaller cocks are unable to satisfy her. I don't know if that is true or not but I was quickly able to impale my pussy with Sid's hard member without the pain of last week while Abhi filmed my every move.
I quickly buried him into my swollen pussy and started riding him like a horny rabbit. In no time my first orgasm exploded as I screamed and dug my nails into Sid's chest.
Once the orgasm subsided, I held perfectly still with Sid still inside me. I looked him in the eye and mouthed a big thank you as he pulled me forward and we just held each other.
In a trance from the incredible feelings going thru my body, I didn't feel the bed moving as Abhi set the camera on some kind of stand and climbed on the bed behind me.
With Sid still holding me forward Abhi reached under me and used my juices to wet his fingers. He then slid those fingers up my crack until he got to my little rear entrance.
When I realized what he was about to do, I tried to get off the bed only to be reminded that Sid was still inside me, basically keeping me in place with his cock buried in my swollen pussy and one hand on my back. I started to cry as I said please Sid, I am a virgin back there, please don't let Abhi violate me, please.
Abhi stopped moving his fingers as he waited for Sid's approval to bang my ass.
Looking into my eyes Sid very matter of fact said, Mily Aunty, I am a big boy. I kind of guessed that you have never had your ass reamed before. I really wanted to be the first, but then I thought I might do some serious damage because of my size. I asked Abhi to do the honors so that when I do fuck your ass, you will be a little better prepared. I don't expect you to thank me but I do expect that after a little discomfort, you will actually enjoy this.
Sid wasn't giving me a choice but I was determined not to think of it as anything but disgusting and vile. I screamed as Sid penetrated me with his finger. In fact I screamed every time he pushed it further into my dark hole.

Contd ...
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When he could push no further he stopped to let me get used to having a finger up my ass. Just about the time I stopped screaming from the pain, Abhi started wiggling his finger inside me. Again I started to scream and cry.
Finally he pulled out his finger but I couldn't stop crying because I knew what he was going to do next. With Sid remaining perfectly still inside my cunt, Abhi inserted the head of his penis through the little muscle at my rear entrance and stopped as I tried desperately to get out of my predicament.
Knowing that this pain would make his finger in my hole seem like nothing, I turned my head to look at Abhi and said give it to me. I thought that like pulling a band aid, it wouldn't be as bad if it went in quickly.
Abhi smiled and gave me what I asked for. If I didn't pass out from the pain, I came very close. It hurt more than anything I had ever experienced. And then with Abhi holding still it all of a sudden stopped hurting. I never would have believed what happened next.
With Abhi buried up my ass and Sid's big dick in my cunt, they started working together so that as one pulled out the other pushed into me. In no time I went over the edge with AAAAAARRRGGG, FFFUUUK MMEEEEEEEEEEEE, Iiimmmm cuuuuummmming. I kept telling them to fuck me harder and fuck me deeper as I came again and again.
Finally the cock in my ass started shooting his sperm deep in my rectum and that triggered Sid to dump his load deep into my cunt. Not yet having started menopause, I wondered how likely it would be for me to get knocked up.
When they were finished the three of us lay there in a tangle of bodies with cum leaking from both my holes.
When we stopped breathing so hard and were able to talk, Sid asked Abhi to leave.
When we could actually move, Sid spread me open and played with my clit as he got ready for round two.
We played with each other and fucked each other until we fell asleep. We woke to the sound of young adults running up and down the hall outside our tiny room. Sid had let me keep my sore back door closed for the night as he never asked me if he could have me there.
As I hurried to get dressed I realized that Abhi had taken my panties so I dressed in my tiny skirt and halter top as Sid started to go back to sleep.
As I headed for the door I turned to ask Sid if I would be seeing him next Friday. He sat up and said it wasn't likely. He said, I have other plans for the weekend but well I might as well tell you now. I lost a bet with Abhi so for next weekend you will be his. I want you to do whatever he tells you to do. You are to meet him here on Friday and you are free to go home Monday morning no matter what he says.
I interrupted by falling to my knees crying. I demanded to know how he could do this to me and asking why I should be treated like a whore.
Sid looked at me and said well first you are a whore, and you will fuck who I tell you to, no questions asked or there will be consequences.
I ran crying to my car. How could I let Sid treat me like a whore and how would I get those videos back so that he didn't have such power over me.
I had already come to terms with the fact that I would have to service one young stud, but to have sex with an endless supply of hard cocks was more than I could handle. All these horrible visions kept me thinking about what I had become all the way home. How long before I lost everything? How could I allow myself to get off on all these young hard bodies?
I vowed never to go to him again without leaving a change of clothes in the car. I turned around and went shopping, figuring it would be better to come home later with the excuse that I had gone shopping than to show up now with no excuse and looking like a whore.
What would I do if Abhi thought of setting up a double date? I had never considered being with another woman, but until two weeks ago I had never considered being with a man other than my husband.

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