Adultery An Indian Marriage by rulerandcane
Story :- An Indian Marriage

Written by rulerandcane
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Meeta was a 23-year-old girl raised in rural India. She had quit school early on and spent most of her teens living in the small town of Varkala in southern India. Raised in strict and conservative upbringing she had little to no contact with opposite sex. She was extremely shy and reserved but like most Indian girls was being pushed into an arranged marriage by her parents.

Dinesh was a 28-year-old man who had gone places. Born in India, educated in the US, travelled around the world and now settled in London. Exposed to many cultures and many experiences he had lived a life to large extent. He had courted many a girl, had an active sex life but at the end of day never had fallen for a girl enough to get married. He was also a very calculating individual and after good thought decided to throw his hat into to the arranged marriage system.

Arranged marriage system in India has many pros and cons. At the simplest level it is like a dating site that facilitates meeting of two people and at the opposite spectrum it puts two complete strangers into a relationship such that their first date is the day of the marriage. In case of Meeta and Dinesh this was an even more complicated merger. Dinesh was well to do and that was the key requirement for Meeta's parents and she had little to no say in the selection. For Dinesh he had flown into India for few weeks, reviewed several girls, met a few and settled on Meeta as she checked most his boxes. Meeta was very malleable and submissive and that was key to Dinesh's plans. Dinesh asking several questions and Meeta giving short and shy answers dominated their first meeting. Dinesh also made it clear that he will be the one making all the decisions in their life. For Meeta, this was perfectly fine as all her life her decisions were made by someone else.

Once the initial selection was done, the wedding was quickly arranged and executed in the true but chaotic Indian style. An actual day included lots of rituals and ended with a 500+ guest marriage reception. The tired bride and groom went to a plush hotel for the 'first night'. The first night is a term using in India, which means the night the couple consummate, their marriage. Dinesh however had other plans. He was very tired and had no interest in sex but he did want to set the tone for the rest of their relationship. He quizzed her about her sex life, knowing well that she had none. It was done more to embarrass her. He made it clear the sex was important to him and for the marriage to work she had to satisfy his sexual needs. Since she had no prior experience and just a vague idea of what was required of sex, he told her that he would train her to make sure she knew the tricks of the trade. This 'sex' conversation was all that took on that 'first night' and Dinesh was soon asleep. Meeta, however was nervous and afraid of the sex thing. She was also afraid that she would not live up to his expectations. She had some inkling about sex but most of that came from Mom's coaching the day before her marriage. She had expected to have sex on that night and the fact that it did not happen made her ever more scared.

Just the day after their wedding, Dinesh and Meeta flew into London. For Meeta, this was her first flight ever & the first time she had left her family. She was going into the land of the unknown. They landed in cold London and drove to Dinesh's huge 5-bedroom house just on the outskirts. Meeta had never seen such a cosmopolitan city and such modern hours.

Once in the house, Dinesh poured some red wine and asked her to drink.

"I don't like this" said a hesitant Meeta.

"Drink it, you will feel good after the tiring flight", came the curt reply from Dinesh.

Meeta sipped it a bit. She did not like it but was not sure how to say no to him.

Dinesh smiled inwardly, this was going to plan. He was fully committed to this marriage but he had picked Meeta for one particular whim. He always fantasized about controlling women. In his porn exploits, he had taken a liking to stories and porn around spanking, control and mild bdsm. For him a key factor in this arranged marriage was fulfillment of his fantasies. He was confident that in Meeta he had found the perfect candidate.

Dinesh then got up and started cooking some food.

"Can I cook?", asked Meeta.

"No, you rest, I will make something quick and easy for now." replied Dinesh.

Within 30 minutes, there was cooked food on the table. Meeta marveled at the speed and execution using the various appliances he had in the kitchen. In her family, men never cooked.

"I like cooking", said Dinesh.

Meeta smiled and nodded.

"Are you tired?", asked Dinesh.

"A little but I am fine", replied Meeta.

"Did you like the wine?"

"Yes", came the meek and unsure reply.

"Wine is good for you and you need to start talking a little more. We need to get to know each other better", remarked Dinesh.

Meeta tensed a bit but smiled and nodded.

The rest of the dinner went quietly with Dinesh explaining how the house and kitchen was set. He also told her that they had 1 more week of vacation and he intended to use that to get to know her better. The wine had made Meeta light headed. This was her first experience of any form of alcohol. She mind went back to her town where alcohol was an absolute no-no and how her father had cut ties with one of his cousins because he drank occasionally.

After dinner, Dinesh asked Meeta to go to sleep, as he had to catch to up with email. Tired from the flight and dizzy from the wine, she fell asleep almost immediately.

Outside in the living room Dinesh was watching her moves via his camera system. He had cameras in every room, partly for security but also it pleased him to observe her. He would soon start the training sessions and just thinking about it made him hard. His mind wandered on the different pleasures he wanted to derive from this and masturbated to his sleep.
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Dinesh was an early riser and so he got up early, and , did a quick run on the Treadmill. He thought about waking Meeta up but decided to let her rest more. Around 10.00, Meeta woke up. Everything felt alien to her, the bed, the paintings on the wall, the person she was living with.

She drifted out of the room and could not find Dinesh anywhere. She looked around. Suddenly he stepped out of the bathroom in just a towel, still wet around his shoulders. Meeta dropped her eyes and could not look at him.

"Good, you have woken up. Feeling rested?", asked Dinesh.

"Yes", replied Meeta, still shy of his semi-naked state.

Dinesh put a hand around her shoulders and smiled.

"Let me show you the bathroom stuff so that you can get showered."

Dinesh showed her how the shower and other stuff worked and let her to get showered. He went and prepared some south Indian breakfast. He was not keen as some of the Indian food but wanted to ease her into the western way of life.

Meeta showered, dressed up in a traditional sari and walked into the dining room where she found Dinesh in his shorts and a t-shirt.

"I have made some food. Eat a bit and here is some coffee."

"Ok", said Meeta and started nibbling around the food like scared mouse.

"You need to be less shy and more open with me. Talk a little", said Dinesh.

"OK", came another shy reply.

"I think we need to loosen you up a little", said Dinesh sharply.

Meeta gave a nervous smile. She was not sure what that meant.

"Did your mother tell you be a good and obedient wife?", came the next question from Dinesh.

"Yes", another nervous answer.

"What does that mean to you?"

"It means I should make you happy and...", started Meeta

Interrupting her, Dinesh asked "Do you know how to make a man happy?"

For this Meeta had no answer. She knew part of this was to do with sex but she was not clear what her role was in that context. Her conservative upbringing was not helping.
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Dinesh wasn't expecting an answer.

"Over the next week or so I will teach you what makes me happy and what you need to do. Be a good girl and obey."

Meeta was a bit afraid of the strict tone of her voice but she nodded.

"Say it, I will obey.", came a even harsher tone.

"I will obey", stammered Meeta.

Dinesh got up, patted her cheeks, and gave her a kiss.

Meeta froze. That was her first kiss by any man.

As if he knew what she was thinking Dinesh asked, "Was that your first kiss?"


"There will be several firsts for you. You and I will get to know your body better over the course of our lives" said Dinesh while running his fingers over her cheeks.

"Do you always wear saris?"

"Yes", Meeta had never worn anything else since she hit puberty.

"That will need to change. I will get your other dresses. I like saris but at the same time I don't want you in a Sari every day."

And to make a point, Dinesh removed the top of the sari that was covering her blouse and breasts.

Meeta's reflexed and her hand tried to intervene.

"Stop..I get to do what I want...Don't forget that."

Dinesh admired her perky breasts fully covered in a loose fitting blouse. There was so much he could do with his new doll. She had a good body. Her breasts were not very big but he was never a breasts man. Her body was shapely and the best part of her anatomy was her shapely hips and buttocks.

Dinesh left the sari top and stared at her breasts. Meeta dropped her eyes.

"Let's go to the living room.", Dinesh said

Meeta was not sure. Wasn't this bedroom material like her mother told her?

But she followed him while adjusting her sari

Dinesh collapsed into his large recliner in the living room. He was read y for the Meeta show.

"Come stand here in front of me."

Meeta dragged herself there unsure what was going to happen and how she was going to react to this.

"Undo the sari top again, M.", ordered Dinesh.

Slowly and shyly she lowered her top and instinctively covered her breasts with her hands.

"Hands on your side girl. Your body is for my viewing pleasure."

Meeta moved her hands slowly again.

"Make note, this is rule number one for our marriage."

"Say it loud", ordered Dinesh.

Meeta looked at him blankly. This was already beyond her comfort zone.

"My body..." helped Dinesh.

"My body is for your viewing pleasure.", came out the words.

"Relax, M, just relax."

"It's time to remove the whole sari. I am going to get a drink and when I am back I want the sari removed and you standing with the hands on your side. Got it?" - With that Dinesh got up and kissed on her lips and cheeks and went to the kitchen.

In her loneliness, thoughts swirled around in Meeta's head. She wondered how she was going to handle all this. Had other girls who got married done this? A remote part of her thought Dinesh was asking too much but she did not have the confidence to confront him and she was also afraid of messing up her relationship on her first day alone with him.

She removed her sari and in her petticoat and blouse stood there waiting for him.

Dinesh intentionally delayed his arrival. Part of this was mind games he wanted to play and increase her anticipation. He grabbed a beer and pleased with the situation so far went back to see his bride standing there.
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"Nicely done, keep your head straight, don't look down. You have a great body. Be proud of it." - Dinesh said in a mentoring tone.

He ran his hands over her hands and exposed tummy sending shivers down her body. It also tickled her a bit and she moved.

"Stand still, M" - quipped Dinesh and gently slapped her arm.

She went back into attention

All this submissiveness had aroused Dinesh and his cock was craving for attention.

He walked behind her inspected her blouse.

"Hold my beer" - he told her and she did.

"I think we need get you out of this blouse", he remarked and unhooked it slowly.

Meeta exhaled and tensed.

Dinesh let the blouse drop on the floor and walked in front of her. She was wearing a pale white bra. Her petticoat was tied by her hips and that was the next step in the 'unwrapping'.

Dinesh grabbed the strings that held the petticoat - "I think this can go to."

Her petticoat dropped to the floor revealing quite large white panties.

A cold sweat ran by Meeta's neck. She knew she was going to get naked in front of him but she had not anticipated this slow unraveling of her body. She was also aware that he was fully dressed. A part of her was more afraid of seeing him naked.

"Your choice of underwear is terrible. I will get you some nice ones" said Dinesh grabbing the beer back from her hand.

That comment embarrassed Meeta and she looked down avoiding eye contact.

Dinesh collapsed back to his recliner admiring the bra-panty clad wife of his.

"Strip naked. I want to see the rest."

Being asked to do the final act of getting naked with him sitting comfortably in a chair pushed Meeta to the edge. Her hands trembled as she unhooked the bra and tenderly removed it.

"Drop the bra and hands on your head", ordered Dinesh.

She complied and her perky breasts were in full display.

"Straighten your shoulders. Display them proudly", remarked Dinesh.

She complied and some reason she eased up and her tension went away.

Dinesh paused a bit admired her. "Turn around" he said.

"Bend over and try to touch your toes."

Unsure Meeta obeyed. Her body was not as flexible due to lack of any major physical activity and so she only went as far as her ankles. She realized her ass was now well displayed to him.

"Now very slowly lower your panties. I want you ass to be displayed little by little."

She lowered her panties over the ripe cheeks slowly as ordered, presenting a stunning firm, round bottom. Half way down her butt cheeks he ordered.

"Stop there."

He got up.

"You have a nice bum. I love it. I asked you how to please me and it is by displaying your assets to me in nice ways. This is one of them."

"This can be improved. Lift your ass a bit and drop your back a bit."

He applied a little pressure on her back making her ass go up lewdly and her panties still half way.

Dinesh drank his beer as he admired the view. So far this was going to plan and while there was reluctance on her part there was not much resistance.

Meeta stayed in the awkward position, unsure what to do next.

Finishing his beer, he placed the bottle down on the table and walked back to her.

"Let's get this down further" he dragged the panties down to her ankles.

He tapped her ass cheeks and squeezed them a bit. It was a blissful experience, everything he had dreamed off.

"Step out of your panties and go get me a beer." - He ordered.

Her tension returned. So far she was stationary and her eyes away from him. Now being asked to walk to the kitchen completely naked in front him took her embarrassment to a new level.

She gingerly went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was loaded with bottles. She tried to remember what his beer looked like but in midst all the turmoil she was not paying much attention to his beer bottle.
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She finally picked one and brought it to the living room. He took the bottle from her.

"There is a bottle opener on the fridge, got get that."

"And be quick." – he punctuated that with slap to her ass

The slap burned a bit and he hurried to get it, her round cheeks offering a lovely view.

When she got back, Dinesh was back in his chair, looking comfortable.

"Come sit in my lap", he offered

She tried to sit down. He just pulled her and she collapsed into his lap, naked as the day she was born.

"Be comfortable in your nakedness. There will be lots of time when you will be naked in the next several weeks."

He played with his breasts and belly and slowly moved his hand down to her public area. Her public area was quite hairy. He rubbed her pussy and she let out a gasp.

"We need to shave you down there. I want this area completely hair free. Understood."

"Yes" – she said.

"I will show you how to shave it later" – he said while still playing with it. Her body was reacting to it a bit and she was getting a bit damp down there.

"Do you want to try beer?", he asked.


"What if I order you too?"

"I don't like it" – The first sign of her resistance.

"OK, you don't have too."

Dinesh wanted to sound reasonable and there would be other times when he will need to push her. He cuddled her and took her hands and placed in on his hard cock.

"See what you have done to me."

Her hands stayed stationary

"Don't just keep your hands still. Play with it. That is your toy."

She moved her hands a bit in her awkward way.

"I will teach you how to keep it happy. You keep my cock happy and our lives will be happy. I will get you everything you want."

She nodded and continued running her hands over his pants.

His cock wanted more attention. It wanted a release. It wanted some lip love as well.

"Get up, I will teach you something."

She moved slowly.

"Get down on your knees."

He lowered his shorts and his cock sprang out, erect, craving attention.

She stared it. She had never seen a grown man's cock before. She also was not sure why she was on her knees. Her mother had told her that he would put it in her pubic area.

"Kiss it." – he said.

"Lick it."

She slowly complied.

His cock twitched.

"Use your hands and control it. Make it wet with your mouth."

She complied. She looked cute like a girl with an unknown toy. Most women don't like giving blowjobs but her complete lack of sexual experience helped. She was doing as told with no reservations.

Dinesh moaned. " lips are awesome. Keep it up"

He held her head and guided her slowly.

"Remove your hands. Use just your mouth."

She did and instinctively moved her hands behind her back.

"Let me guide you and you understand the pace" Dinesh said and gently moved her head back and forth.

All the fun and games had brought Dinesh to an edge and he was about to explode any minute. He wanted to drag this longer a bit.
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He removed her head from his cock. His cock was nice and wet.

"Do you know what you were just doing?" - He asked.

"Making you happy." came the reply. He was not sure if that was innocent answer or a witty one. Either way it was a very good answer.

"Did you enjoy it?"


"Are you saying it to make me happy?"

She opened a bit.

"I am not sure. This is all new to me."

"There will be times when you won't enjoy it but remember this is for me. So you have to go with the flow", he reminded her.

She nodded obediently.

"How's your pussy?"

She stared at him. Not sure what pussy was.

"Stand up".

She did.

He rubbed her pussy.

"This is your pussy."

"Rub it yourself", he ordered.

She did.

"See it is getting a bit moist and that means you are also liking it."

"This is my cock. Do you want my cock in it?"

She nodded, as that seemed the right answer.

"Eventually. I don't think your pussy is ready for it yet."

"Your pussy is also called the cunt". "I only use that word when I am angry at you. Remember that."

"And my cock is also called the dick, got it?"

It felt like school, A for Apple , B for bat. She nodded.

"And what you were doing is called the blow job."

"I expect several of them from you."

"Now get back and start sucking."

"Should I use my hands," She asked.

"That is your decision" He replied, forcing her to think a bit.

She decided that using her hands was easier and she had more control. She dropped to her knees and started sucking. For a girl who have never done it before she was quite good. Clumsy but good.

As she began sucking, she felt mixed emotions again. Part of her was happy that she was making him happy but a part of her felt that her was taking undue advantage of her naïveté. She was a small town girl but she was not dumb. But she was not sure if and how to rebel against some of this. Her thoughts were interrupted by him running his hands through her hair and saying,
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"Good girl, but speed up a bit."

She did.

"Not that fast."

She slowed. It again felt like school.

Dinesh was on the verge and screamed.

"Keep that pace, I am ready to cum."

He exploded inside her mouth and groaned in ecstasy.

Meeta was not sure what to do. The fluid felt real warm but as a natural reaction she spat it out on the floor and took her hand off his cock. She sat on the floor naked unsure on the next move as she watched him close his eyes and moan.

Dinesh let the orgasm subside. It was pleasurable. Not the best blowjob he had but the control made it that much more better.

"Come back to my lap," he said told her.

She got up, her hands a touch sticky with his cum, her mouth a bit tired from the work she did and above all the reminder that she was still naked. She eased herself on his now naked lap and his cock touched her bum.

"That was good for a first time" "But you have a long way to go. I would only give you 5 out of 10 for this effort."

She was not pleased at this remark. She felt she had worked a bit on something she had no experience.

He continued.

"Tell me how you felt?"

"It was OK."

"Explain it more. I want more detail."

She felt nervous again. Being told to explain something that she had no control over unnerved her.

"It felt strange. I have never taken a cock in mouth."

"Did you like it? Be truthful."

"Not really", she managed to find the courage to tell the truth.


"It felt dirty. And I did not like the taste."

"I see." He played with her nipples.

"In time you will get used to it. My cock is yours to please."

"The other thing you should do is learn to swallow my cum. Don't spit it like you did."

"I will show you a video on how to blow me and we will do this again."

"We will do this like an exam. You will be rewarded for good work."

"How does that sound?"

She nodded. It was like school after all.

"Speaking of reward, did you ever get punished in school or home?" He asked.

"Sometimes", She said.

"How were you punished?"

"In school, they used to make stand up in front on the class. At home my dad just scolded me. My mom once did slap me."

"Remember when you said you will obey?"

"If you don't, I will punish you. I will be just but if you break a rule or displease me, you will be punished. Is that acceptable?"

He knew the answer but he wanted her to contemplate this and accept her fate to some extent.

This did surprise her a bit.

"What the rules?" – That felt the best question to ask.

"In due time, I will tell you. Don't worry I am not going to abuse you. I am going to teach you how to enjoy some of the punishments as well. "

"What will be the punishment?" – Another obvious question.

"Again in due time, you will find out" "Your beautiful bum might get some of it." – He laughed.

"But since you did a decent job with my cock. Let me play with your pussy."

With her in his lap, he started fingering her. She was no longer wet. Her embarrassment and fear had interfered with her arousal.

"Close your eyes and feel my fingers."

She did. It did help her escape from some of the embarrassing stuff she was doing till them. She had done yoga for some time and so she slipped into that mode. But soon she realized that there was a tingling sensation in her pubes. She had occasionally touched herself but it felt dirty and she never went all the way.

Dinesh was skilled at this. His former girl friends had marveled at his ability to work his fingers. He got to work. He wanted to make sure that she started feeling the pleasures of all this. While his pleasure would take precedence, he was not planning to just use her.
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After about a minute, her wetness returned and she was suppressing her moans. Dinesh stepped it up a bit and she shuddered.

"You can moan if you want. Let yourself go but don't open your eyes."

She gasped a bit. It was definitely giving her sensations but her embarrassment still overrode other feelings.

Dinesh continued probing her clit and her moans got louder. She was letting herself go. Then she shuddered and climaxed , probably, for the first time in her life. She curled into his arms like a baby. Dinesh put his hands over her and gave her squeeze.

Dinesh let her lie quiet for some time. He was getting more convinced that he had a winner. Not only was she submissive she was receptive to sex. She would make a nice sex partner and toy.

Once her pleasure subsided, Meeta opened her eyes. Her shyness returned and she realized that she had put a good show for Dinesh

"One hot pussy you have", exclaimed Dinesh.

She smiled.

"You liked my finger in your pussy?"

"Yes" – She replied shyly.

"No, tell me in a full sentence." – He demanded

"I liked your finger in my pusssy..." she stammered.

"Not quite good, try again and what about sucking my cock" – He pushed her more.

"I really liked you playing with my pussy and me sucking your cock" – She tried unsure why he was making her do this.

"I need you to start using your own words and longer sentences when explaining your experiences. Let's call that another rule."

She nodded.

"So two rules for today were?"

"I know only one from just now."

"Say that."

"Use my own words and longer sentences when explaining my experiences."

"And the other one was to that your body is for my viewing pleasure" – Added Dinesh.

She nodded.

"No repeat it" – He forced it out of her.

"My body is for your viewing pleasure." – She said a little more confidently.

"Good, and there will be punishment if you don't obey."

"Are you tired?"


"Good, let's get you shaved. I did not like the hair on your pussy."

"Get up."

She did and he took her by the hand and dragged her to their main bathroom. She followed her breasts bouncing alongside.

In the bathroom was a huge bathtub and he asked her to get into it and spread her legs. She complied but felt terribly exposed.

He bought a kit and a small stool and sat near her. He took out his electric trimmer and started his gardening project.

She watched him at work and realized that he was barely paying any attention to her face and his full focus was on her pussy. As if he read her mind.

"Trust me, once I am done, you will enjoy me playing with your pussy even more. This good for both of us."

Once the hair was trimmed he applied lots of foam and went to work with the razor.

"Stay still, don't move. This can be tricky."

She wondered how he knew it was tricky. Had he done this to other women. The razor work did feel similar to his fingering and she closed her eyes.

Dinesh carefully continued his work. When he was finished he looked up to see Meeta had closed her eyes. He slowly pinched his pussy. Startled she opened her eyes.
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"My girl is getting pleasure from this. Isn't she?" – He teased.

She smiled shyly.

Using the showerhead, she sprayed some warm water over it and cleaned it to reveal a freshly shaven pussy. He then took a towel and dried it nicely. He then got up and she took that a cue to get up from that embarrassing position.

"No stay still. We are not done yet."

She went back to the position.

He removed a cream from the kit and applied it generously on her pussy. He then massaged it for a good 30 seconds.

"Good. See this. I want your pussy to be like this all the time. You start learning to shave yourself. I can help a few times but I want you to maintain it like that. Got it?"

"Yes" – She nodded. Was that another rule she wondered.

"Good. Shaving is done for today" He got up and she followed.

He went to the living room and turned on the TV. She went there and not sure what to do next, went and picked up her panties.

"What are you doing?"

"Wearing my clothes", She almost whispered.

"No, I think you should stay naked for now. I want you get comfortable with your nakedness. Take your clothes put them in the bedroom closet and come back."

She did as told and returned.

"If you are feeling cold, let me know I can adjust the temperature. Let me show you the house."

End of part 1.
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An Indian Marriage Ch. 02

He took her around the house and explained the different rooms. The main bedroom, guest room, exercise room and the study.

She did not seem to have the curiosity. She seemed to be more concerned about her nakedness. As they were walking back, she felt his hand on this ass and it wandered down to her pussy. He flicked her clit and then on the way back squeezed her cheeks.

"Let's see how fit you are", he said as he opened the room.

The room had a TV, few mirrors, a treadmill and some exercise equipment.

"Did you do any sports in India?"


"I like to stay fit and want you to do the same. How much can you run?"

"I have never run much", She said

"Hop on to the treadmill, let's find out."

"But I am naked."

"I don't think you are getting any clothes today. You need to get comfortable with your body and a bit of naked running might loosen you up. Hop on."

He punctuated that with slap on her ass.

"Let's get your ass moving."

She cringed at the idea but seemed trapped in this room, in this country, in this relationship. He adjusted the treadmill to a basic one-mile per hour speed and got her legs moving. Her body was shapely but no way was she athletic. He admired her breasts as they bounced and enjoyed the shapely jiggle of her ass.

After a minute, he increased the speed and she quickened a bit.

"Is that too fast?"


She was gasping. He slowed it down.

"Run for 5 minutes. Let's see how fit you are."

He jumped on the other treadmill and joined her. He was a good runner and he wanted to make sure she got in on the fitness wagon.

Two minutes later, she was panting.

"I can't ...stop this."

"Press that red stop button."

She did it right way. He admired the sweaty and naked body of his newly wedded wife.

"Good. We will get you into more shape. You will have lots of time to work on this"

"We can tone this area more", He said looking at her tummy.

"Let's get showered"

He led her to the shower and to her surprise stripped of his shorts and got into the shower with her. She was getting used to her nakedness but showering with him was not something she was expecting. He turned on the shower and warm water hit her naked breasts.

"I will bathe you and you do me"

He soaped her taking time to roam his hands over her entire body. He also spent good time on her private parts and then rinsed her off.

"Your turn."

She gingerly started returning the favor. She was a bit tired from the running and mentally drained from the activities of the day. For a girl with no prior sexual contact she had spent the day stripping for him, sucking his dick, his pussy played with and now she was showering with him.
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She started from his chest and as she reached his genitals she tensed.

"Don't be afraid of it", He laughed.

"Spend some time with my balls."

She gently massaged him with soap. His dick grew hard.

"Give it a kiss and it will be happy."

She looked up to be sure he was serious and lent and kissed his soapy cock.

"One each for my balls", he added.

She complied.

She rinsed him off and they got out of the shower.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes, a little."

"Let's order food."

She dried herself and sat on the bed. For her showering followed by dressing up and it felt odd that she was sitting naked. His words about making her comfortable with her nakedness still rang in her head. She knew he was expecting her in the living room in her naked state. Drying her hair she walked in to the room.

"Can I wear my clothes? I feel odd without them"

He paused and considered the request. Without answering her he walked into the bedroom. He rummaged in his closet for a t-shirt from one his cousins who had left it there. He could have given her one of his but that would have covered too much.

"Here you can wear this. That's all you get." -- He smiled

She put it over her head and the touch of cloth felt good. She pulled it down to realize that it only covered part of her ass. Her ass cheeks peeked out, as did her pussy. She looked up at him like a deer in headlights.

"A bit short but you look cute in them. You bum peeks out nicely."

She smiled. She did not see the humor in it but it was better than being naked. She felt dominated by his decisions on what she could wear but was afraid to say anything. She was standing in a t-shirt that barely went beyond her waist and he was dressed in shorts and t-shirts.

He pulled out a menu from a shelf and asked her what she wanted to eat.

"Just rice and dal."

She was hungry but did not feel like reading the menu. He made a call and started ordering. She took a seat in one of the couches. The leather felt weird on her naked ass.

"Food will be here in 45 minutes."

"Do you want to call your parents?"

She thought about it. They had spoke to their parents when the landed but it was quick call.

"Let me dial the number."

Her dad picked up the phone and he exchanged formalities. It was a very formal conversation and he handed it over to her. She was not that close to her dad. He was always a strange figure to her. He provided her with all the things but was not the type who would cuddle her or talk a lot with her. Her father asked the usual questions about the place, the weather etc and then handed it to her mother.
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While she was talking to her mother, he moved next to her on the couch. He ran his hand over naked thighs and close to her pussy. She shivered.He laughed.

"If you want take the phone into the bedroom."

That sounded like a good idea. She got up and with her naked swaying hips went to the bed room. She had a long conversation with her mom. She invented stuff to say and nothing in her morning activities was something she wanted to discuss with her mom. When she finished she walked out. The food had arrived and he had laid it on the table.

They ate while chatting about the life in London. He explained his schedule and what he usually did on weekends and who their neighbors were etc. It was a normal conversation.

After lunch, he made coffee and they sat on the couch watching TV for some time. He then got up and went to another room and bought a small book.

"Here, this is for you."

"What is this?"

"It is a diary of things."

He opened it and flicked a few pages

"On the first few pages you need to write down the rules we agree on. Go ahead, here's a pen."

She took the pen and paused. She could only remember one rule and she wrote it down.

My body is for your viewing pleasure

Then she looked up to him hoping for help.

"You forgot already? We just spoke about before lunch."

He sounded angry.

"Rules need to be remembered. Let me make that point clear."

He got up and sat on one of the chairs. "Come here"

She went and stood by him

He pulled her over his knees, her face down and her ass nicely placed.

"Spank." His palm struck her

"This is for forgetting the rule. Also this is also an example of what punishment you will get if you disobey me or displease me."

"Spank" "Spank" "Spank" "Spank"

He rained more blows. Her cheeks burned. This was not a playful spanking. Her eyes welled up, not from the pain, but, from the embarrassment and fear.

"Have you learnt your lesson?"

"Yes" -- She squeaked.

"Use my own words and longer sentences when explaining my experiences. That was the rule you forgot. Now I am going to go out and will be back in 2 hours or so. Make sure you complete the diary"

He punctuated that with a few more slaps on her ass. Her brown skin did not change much color but it did get a bit warm. He moved his hands down and felt her pussy. No wetness. He was just checking to see if the spanking arose her. He lifted her on her feet, got up, and kissed her on her lips.
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He went to his room and was back in few minutes fully dressed. Meeta had stayed in the living room, stunned to some extent, the diary in her hands and a stinging butt.

"Bye Bye darling -- I will be back in 2 hours. Write the rule in the book."

Meeta had never been spanked like this. She went into the bedroom and inspected her butt in the mirror. There were no visible marks as such. She sat on the bed and thought what she was going to put in the diary. She finished writing it enough to satisfy him.

She looked at the watch. It was about 5.00 PM. Dinesh said he would be back in 2 hours. She was not sure what to do for 2 hours. She got up and walked around the house looking at different things. She was tempted to wear clothes as the nakedness still bothered her even though there was no one.

Dinesh shopped for some groceries and other items. On the way back selected a nice short and silky nightdress for her. He was done in one hour and so decided to head back and surprise her. He went in and rang the doorbell.

The doorbell caused panic in Meeta. She was not sure who it was and there was no way she could open the door in the clothes she was in. She looked for her clothes but could not find them. As she was looking, she heard the door open and Dinesh walked it.

"Forgot I had the key", He smiled

"If someone rings the bell, you can go to the door and ask who it is. You don't need to open it."

"He placed the grocery bag on the floor and fumbled in another bag."

"This is your phone." - He gave her a phone

"I have saved my number."

"When will you go to work?". She asked.

"Not for another week."

"I also bought you some soaps and shampoos. He started taking the items out of the bag."


"Also here's a dress for you wear. Remove the t-shirt."

She slowly took the t-shirt off. She was stark naked again. He walked over to her and slipped the dress on her.

The silky dress felt weird. It was like someone was touching her. It did cover her better than the t-shirt. Her ass cheeks were no longer exposed.

"Looks good." -- He said running his hands over her back.

"Covers you more."

He lifted her dress to take a peek as if that was not desirable.

"Coffee, tea?"


"What do you want to do now?"

She had no idea. She was not hungry and she was not sleepy. She was not sure what to do in this situation.

"I don't know."

"I you don't, then I will give us something to do."

He felt ready for another sexual encounter. He looked around and found his laptop. He then opened it, typed a few keystrokes.

"Here's a task. Your morning blowjob was OK but can be improved. Here's a video to watch. Take this to the bedroom and watch it. You can rewind it if you need to watch again. When you are done, come back to the living room."

In the room she played the video. It had a blonde young woman and tall man. They were talking in English and she tried to understand the accent. He went and sat on the bed. She was wearing just her panties and her breasts were exposed. She walked towards him and dropped on her knees and started undoing his pants. Within seconds she was licking and slurping his cock. It reminded her of how she used to a lollipop in her school days. Licking moved into sucking. She seemed to know what to do and spent some time licking his balls. He was moaning now. This went for 15 minutes. Meeta watched it intently like she was reading a textbook. The fact that it was a porn video was lost on her. Then the man in the video grabbed the woman by her hair and forced her further. She sputtered saliva coming from her mouth. Meeta was shocked but she continued. After another few minutes , she started working his cock with her hands and with increased pace. He started groaning and ejaculated. She took his cum on lips and swallowed it. She continued licking the cock but more gently. He patted her head. She got up and went into another room and the video ended there.
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Meeta sat there for a moment. She knew that Dinesh expected her to enact the video. He asked herself if there was anything she needed to review. It seemed mostly around sucking and licking. She closed the laptop and walked into the room.

As she walked in, Dinesh undid his pants and his boxers. His cock sprang out.

"Time to see if you have learnt."

She went down and started licking just like the woman in the video. She tried to repeat everything that woman did.

Dinesh watched it while playing with her hair. She was very accommodating. He loved it. There could be other things to do.

Several minutes had passed. Dinesh was controlling his arousal. He wanted this blowjob to last. Meeta was working hard. Her mouth was starting to ache.

She looked up.

"Am I doing it right?"

"Yes, keep it going."

She kept on sucking and licking. She worked on his balls and tip. He responded with a few moans. This went on for another 10 minutes or so. She was getting tired. She decided to take a break and slipped the wet cock out of her mouth.


"Yes", She said in between her breaths.

"You are doing fine. Much better than the morning. You get your break when I cum. Until then it's your mouth and my cock"

He was enjoying the control he was having over her. He sensed a rebel in her waiting to get out but she seemed to play along at least for now. He loved the mind the sex games they were having and it was only day 1. After a few moments she resumed her work on his cock. She sucked furiously and she wanted to get done with this. Her renewed vigor seemed to excite him more and his cock stiffened further. She sensed that and continued at the pace. He was moaning now and no longer playing with his hair.

"Ohh", He moaned as he spurted his cum.

"Take in all in"

She did but her reflexes did not allow her to swallow. Gagging a bit, she rushed into the bathroom and spat it out. Coughing she came out and found him lying eyes closed. She sensed she had done a good job. She had spent over 45 minutes sucking his cock.

"That was good. Real good."

"Come here."

She did.

"Why did you not swallow?"

"I don't like it."

"Over time we will work on that. It gives me great pleasure to see my women take all my cum in.". He lectured.

He leaned and kissed on her cheek.

"Good job."

He moved his hand on over her thigh. It tingled.

"Do you want some pussy love?" He asked as he moved his hands over her mound. There was some dampness but it was more from her sweating the blow job.
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She was not sure what to say. She liked what he did in the morning but was embarrassed to ask for it.

"Yes or no?" His fingers circling her clit as he stared at her.


That seemed like the easier answer.

"OK, you just have to ask. Remember that. Don't be embarrassed in asking for pleasure"

"Do you want to go out?"

"No. I am bit tired."

It was a busy day indeed. She had sucked his cock twice today, did a bit or running, got a spanking and lots more.

"OK, relax then. We can watch TV and stay at home"

And that's what they did. He explained the different channels and also how to get the Indian ones. He also explained the TV system and collection of remotes. They ordered food again and went to bed early.
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An Indian Marriage Ch. 03

Next morning when she woke up, she found his side of the bed empty. She wandered out and found him in the exercise room.

"Morning dear, want to run again?" -- he asked

She looked at the clock.

"No running." -- She smiled.

"Maybe later." -- He said as we turned of the treadmill.

"Today we go outside and do some shopping. You up for it?"

She nodded.

"Ok, get showered. I will make some breakfast"

She trotted back into the bedroom. She showered and got out with her towel dbangd around her. She was not sure what to wear. She decided to check with him.

"What should I wear?"

Breakfast was already on the table.

"How about nothing?" -- He mocked her.

She smiled sensing the joke. He decided to give her one of those moments. He got up and walked to her.

"We can decide after breakfast" -- Saying that he gently removed the towel and leered at her naked body. She became nervous again. It was a wrong question to ask.

"You are still not comfortable being naked, right?" He asked

She nodded honestly.

"The more you do it, it will get better" -- He assured. Secretly he wanted her to stay shy. It made these conversations more fun.

"Sit." -- He offered the chair in front of her.

She sat and hey eyes could not meet his. Why do I have to be naked she thought. Hasn't he seen enough of me?

She ate silently. He made a few comments on where they were going today.

"Do you have anything but a Sari?"

"Yes, I have a salwar kameez"

"What about jeans or a skirt?"

"No, I had a skirt at home"

"Saris not suited for here. We will get you some western outfits. Salwar kameez is fine for now and we can get some of those too"

"Let's keep Saris only for special occasions."

She had always worn a Sari since she was 18 or something. It felt odd hearing that she won't wear Saris.

"I like Saris", She muttered

"So do I."

"They are not suited for here. I like you to wear more skirts and jeans or salwar. "

"Let's get you dressed."

She got up as well but instinctively she covered her pubic region with her hands. He thought she was cute in the pose.

He went in opener her luggage and started looking.

He took out her underwear. "These are boring. We need to get you these as well"

"Come here." - He ordered with her panties in his hand. He held out her panties and she took it from him. He tossed her a bra and the salwar. She started getting dressed. He stripped and got dressed as well.

"Let's go."

They drove out to a large mall. Meeta had never seen something that big. It was also very crowded and lots of people. She saw lots of women dressed in really short skirts with their underwear almost showing. She dreaded that he would ask her to wear them. When she left for London, she had told herself that she would try to be as modern as possible. But there were still several things she was not comfortable with.

"Where do we start? Jeans or Skirts?"

"Jeans", she replied.

They went to a store and into a women's section. This store was not as crowded as some of the other ones.

"What is your waist? 28 or 30?" - He thought she was a 28.

"28", she replied.

He picked a few and asked for her opinions on the colors. They then walked to the change rooms. To her surprise he followed her to the rooms. Once they were inside he closed the door.

"Get undressed", he ordered.

She fumbled on her salwar and stepped out of them.

"Remove the top as well. It is coming in the way", he commented.

She did as told. Now she was in her bra and panties. She took her jeans and wore them. It was quite tight around her hips but it felt comfortable.

"Fits well", he said rubbing his hands over her thighs.

He made her try a few more of those. They finally selected 3 that they were going to keep.

"Skirts and tops are next", he said as they were paying for it. The sales lady smiled at them. She smiled back nervously.

The next store was crowded with lots of women and girls. There were hardly any men there. He took her to a section, which had long flowing skirts. She liked them a lot and they spent about half and hour picking few of those. They then went to another section, which had tops. She looked at them and was not sure if she would wear them. Most were sleeveless and some were transparent as well. He took over from her and selected a few.
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The next section had shorter skirts and she was appalled at the size of them.

"These are too short", she commented, afraid that he would make her wear them.

"They are a bit. Don't worry we will try a few and you don't have to wear them outside till you are comfortable with them. Maybe you start by wearing them at home.

With their selection they went to the change rooms. There was bit of queue for the rooms. She felt like an alien with her Salwar and all these western people dressed in their skirts and jeans. She also saw some awkward stares as she was standing there with him. He did not seem embarrassed standing in between all the women. They squeezed into the small change room.

"Time to dress my doll", he smiled.

She was indeed his doll and she felt that way. She did like that he was paying so much attention to her clothes but at the same time she felt he was making most of the decisions for her.

She removed her clothes and tried the long flowing skirts first. She liked them all. They were beautiful and colorful. She admired herself in the mirror.

"Like them?" He asked sensing her excitement.

"Yes, they are all very pretty", she replied.

"Let's keep them all"

"No, it is too much. I don't want to spend too much money", She replied. Her mother never allowed her to buy many clothes. They were not very rich but at the same time her parents did not waste much money on things like clothes.

"Don't worry. Money is not a problem. Plus you can return them later if you decide"

"Ok", she mumbled.

They tried the different tops and Meeta picked up 5 of them. They finally moved to the shorter skirts. As she got into one of them she realized that they only rode till her thighs. She felt naked in them.

"Turn around", asked Dinesh.

"See they make you look pretty."

"I don't like them. I feel naked."

He gently grabbed her shoulders.

"You will get used to them. Plus I like you in them and it gives me access to the good stuff". Saying that, he moved his hands under her skirt. He slid his hands under her panties and cupped her bum. She froze realizing that they were in a public place. But he was not done, his hands roamed further and played with pussy. He then pulled her panties down to her thighs. She resisted instinctively trying to push his hands away.

"Ahh. Don't resist. Your body is for my pleasure remember"

"But... We are in public"

"Yes, I know that but no one can see us."

She tried to get out of his embrace. This was too much for her conservative self.

"Now Meeta, don't make me angry. Don't make me put you over my knee here and give you a spanking."

The word spanking sent a shiver down her. Her eyes dropped and she walked back into his arms. Spanking would definitely be worse, especially here. She complied.

He played with her pussy as he kissed her. He sensed the resistance in her but wanted to push her a bit.

She heard some voices near them of other people in change rooms. She was too embarrassed and then all of a sudden something snapped.

"No, I can't do this." She pushed him away and grabbed her panties and pulled them. She then started removing her skirt.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to go home." Her eyes were a bit watery.

"No, we have not finished shopping."

"I can't do this". She started fumbling around looking for her salwar.

He was amused at her rebellion.

"Are you disobeying me?"

"Please, I can't do this. Sorry...", She mumbled. She had finished wearing her salwar.

"Stop dressing up. I said we are not done."

But she had already decided and she walked out of the changing room leaving him with all her clothes.

He was angry now but realized that he finally reached a point where she had the courage to respond back. He knew this would happen and he had plans for this. He walked out.
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She was standing outside, he head bowed down. There were a few people staring at them. They had heard their coversations.

"Let's go"

She followed. He did not say another word.

They went to the car park and she got in. He looked at her but still did not say anything. The drive was a quiet one and this scared her. She had angered him and she started doubting herself. Had she overreacted? He was only showing his love after all. Several thoughts raised through her head and she hoped she had handled it better

Once the entered the house, he closed the door angrily.

"Terrible. Your behavior was very bad. Disobeying me, making a scene." He spat angrily.

"I am sorry...It is all new to me"

"Yes, that is why you should follow my directions. Didn't we agree you would obey me?"

She nodded

"So you except that you made a mistake?"

Not sure what to say, she replied, "I am sorry."

"So you admit it was an mistake?"

"Time for some discipline. I think you need a lesson."

"Get naked. Now" -- He got up and went into the kitchen. He had decided this was the time to provide a real punishment and see how she reacted.

She fumbled her dress nervously. He was back within seconds and had a wooden spatula in his hands.

"Hurry up dear. Delaying is only making me angrier"

She hurriedly stripped of her dress. "I am Sorry", she squeaked.

"That's enough I will tare care of the rest." -- He pulled her over his lap.

The reason for the wooden spatula now dawned on her.

He tugged her panties down to her ankles and went to work.

"Splatt" -- the spatula came down.

"Splatt" -- more rained

This was much worse than the hand spanking he gave her. This really hurt. She tried to protect her defenseless butt.

He held her hands with one hand and continued. This went on for a good two minutes. Her ass was showing signs of remorse.

"Splatt" "Splatt" "Splatt"

"Am I getting through?" "Splatt"

"Yes, I am sorry. Please stop." - She cried. Tears filled her eyes.

"Good, but this is not over yet. Get up and grab your ankles."

She lifted herself and could not resist the urge to rub her butt.

"Grab you ankles." He gave her another spank on her ass.

Panties down her ankles she did as told. She managed to try one more apology.

"I am sorry. I will behave from now on."

"Yes, once I have warmed your ass enough. You will remember it next time." He had no sympathy.

"Grab lower. Ass higher. This has been a bad and naughty ass today"

She pushed further.

"Get your ass further up and spread your legs" - He pushed on her back to enforce the position.
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Her ass rose high in the air and her cute little pussy peeked as well. His cock got harder. If it had not been for the pain , Meeta would suffered from the humiliation of the position but right now her brain was thinking of the stinging bum.

"How can I get out of this?"

"I really made him angry, didn't I?"

Several such thoughts were running through her head.

"Hold this position and after every spank say I am sorry and I will obey"


"I am sorry I will obey"


"I am sorry I will obey"


"I am sorry I will obey", She squeaked

"Splatt." One more landed on her cheeks. He was making sure that he was covering all parts of her ass. He felt sorry for her but his spanking fetish and the need to assert his dominance trumped that. He had spanking experiences with his prior girl friends but he was never in such control and command. His cock agreed with this and was straining for some action.

He felt her ass and rubbed it a bit. It was warm. He was contemplating stopping now. She liked his touch. It was easing some of the pain.

"Have you learnt a lesson?" He spanked her with his bare hands.

"Yes, I am sorry." She wanted this to end.

He spanked her several more times with his hand, admiring the shapely jiggle they did. These spanks did not hurt as much as the ones with the spatula but with ass already a bit sore they did add to her discomfort.

"Spank." "Did my girl learn a lesson?"

"Yes, I am sorry." She repeated.

"OK, you may stand up."

She stood up, her eyes full of tears, her ass on fire. She soothed it with her hands. For him this was a wonderful sight

He kissed her on her forehead.

"I'm sorry I had to do this. But it is important that you know who is in command. Your ass pays the price if you make me angry. Understood?"

She nodded, still rubbing her ass. She was angry but was afraid of saying anything. He then sat on the recliner. He unzipped his trousers and got his cock out.

"Thank me for punishing you and start sucking."

She stood there for a minute. It was humiliating to be spanked liked a child that but it went to a new level that he wanted her to thank him and suck his cock again.

"Hurry up unless you want a repeat session. I don't think your ass is ready for it."

She definitely was not ready for one more and so she quietly went down and took his cock on her hands. As she was getting ready to put it in her mouth

"I think you forgot to thank me" - He took the spatula and gave her ass a real hard smack.


"Sorry, Thank you for punishing me," She cried

Her ass still stinging from the spatula work, she started sucking.

"From now on, every time I spank you, I want you to do this. This is your way to saying sorry for your infractions." He lectured.

His cock was real hard and in a weird way she could take her mind off the spanking and what had transpired by concentrating on his man hood. Her mouth had gone a bit dry during the spanking but she managed to get his cock wet enough.
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