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Right age for loosing virginity and marriage
Hi xossipians,
             Our society is changing every day. 50 years ago, the right age for marriage was about 15-20. now its almost 25-30. Both men and women used to wait for their marriage to loose virginity. Once again that's not the case anymore. Personally I am of the opinion that nature is the best judge for all things good or bad. When you reach puberty, its nature's way of telling that you are ready for sex. when you fall in love, once again its nature telling you to start a family and have kids. But then everyone is entitled to their opinion and I would certainly love to hear yours on the same. So go ahead. Put on your thinking caps and start typing. Thanks in advance...
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
(29-02-2020, 12:05 PM)Bhavana92 Wrote: Hi xossipians,
             Our society is changing every day. 50 years ago, the right age for marriage was about 15-20. now its almost 25-30. Both men and women used to wait for their marriage to loose virginity. Once again that's not the case anymore. Personally I am of the opinion that nature is the best judge for all things good or bad. When you reach puberty, its nature's way of telling that you are ready for sex. when you fall in love, once again its nature telling you to start a family and have kids. But then everyone is entitled to their opinion and I would certainly love to hear yours on the same. So go ahead. Put on your thinking caps and start typing. Thanks in advance...

During the period of invasions of our vast land, some of which had been completely lost and became ---c nations and the reduced part is now being called India, people used to marry off their kids at tender age due to abductions and bang of young woman and girls.  There are many instances where married woman were also abducted, bangd and pushed into harem of the then rulers.  In the british era too marrying off  at early age was continued due to that fear only.  Partition of British India into India and Pakistan had witnessed mass brutal killings, abductions and bang of many women.   

Now, I would say things have changed a lot for the new generation.   If we take reproductive age into consideration 20 should be the minimum age to get married to get good offspring That's my opinion based on what I had seen in many people lives.  By 30's people (not everyone) will start having problems of some sort related to sexual organs and reproduction.   Whether to have sex before marriage or after marriage is purely a personal choice and need.  Lucky is the person who gets to deflower his wife on the first night.  Its the ultimate gift that a wife can give to her husband.  Same goes for the man.  So its better for both man and woman to wait for sex until they married.  If one tastes sex before there won't be much thrill in the marriage except having sex with one more person.   Onset of puberty doesn't mean that one's body is completely ready for sex as the sexual organs need to be fully developed for both the sexes.   Falling in love has nothing to do with starting a family and having kids.   Of course nature has it own role in love and sex and no body can deny that.   Getting married in 20's is the best choice as there will be ample time to enjoy ones life.  30's somewhat better and in 40s its bad as there will be less time to enjoy and manage life.  So its better if one gets settled in life and gets married by 25-28.  this is purely my opinion and people can have a different opinion  Heart Heart Heart
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(29-02-2020, 04:41 PM)kasimoddatelugu Wrote: During the period of invasions of our vast land, some of which had been completely lost and became ---c nations and the reduced part is now being called India, people used to marry off their kids at tender age due to abductions and bang of young woman and girls.  There are many instances where married woman were also abducted, banged and pushed into harem of the then rulers.  In the british era too marrying off  at early age was continued due to that fear only.  Partition of British India into India and Pakistan had witnessed mass brutal killings, abductions and bang of many women.   

Now, I would say things have changed a lot for the new generation.   If we take reproductive age into consideration 20 should be the minimum age to get married to get good offspring That's my opinion based on what I had seen in many people lives.  By 30's people (not everyone) will start having problems of some sort related to sexual organs and reproduction.   Whether to have sex before marriage or after marriage is purely a personal choice and need.  Lucky is the person who gets to deflower his wife on the first night.  Its the ultimate gift that a wife can give to her husband.  Same goes for the man.  So its better for both man and woman to wait for sex until they married.  If one tastes sex before there won't be much thrill in the marriage except having sex with one more person.   Onset of puberty doesn't mean that one's body is completely ready for sex as the sexual organs need to be fully developed for both the sexes.   Falling in love has nothing to do with starting a family and having kids.   Of course nature has it own role in love and sex and no body can deny that.   Getting married in 20's is the best choice as there will be ample time to enjoy ones life.  30's somewhat better and in 40s its bad as there will be less time to enjoy and manage life.  So its better if one gets settled in life and gets married by 25-28.  this is purely my opinion and people can have a different opinion  Heart Heart Heart

Thanks for your reply Kasi. Regarding right age for sex, to my knowledge, humans are the only species that wait even after reaching puberty. so don't you think that isn't natural. If our sex organs are not fully developed at the time of puberty, that is probably bcoz of the harmful chemicals that we eat as food these days. A normal person reaches puberty when his/her body is ready for copulation.

I am saying this from my own experience. I lost my virginity one month after reaching puberty. I was only 13. To be honest i used to get more pleasure in my early teens than in any other time since. If anything the pleasure is only decreasing with each year.

Now, love may not be the right measure for getting married because the love you feel at 13 is different from the love that you feel at 30. Then again people in North America and Europe tend to have more successful marriages in their 40's than in their 20's. So its a topic with a lot of ifs and buts.

Going forward please mention the age at which you lost your virginity, whom you lost it to and, if you are married, please mention the age at which you got married as well. This will help others understand if you are telling your opinion or talking out of experience. Thanks
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In my view ,lots of things are changed now ...both men and women have diff opinons , some may agree some may refute .

coming to ur first one loosing virginty depends on the person and situation ..some may do it earlier some may wait for the person ..

According to a survey in india girls mostly in urban cities moslty loose their virginity in their 15-16 . women likely to have more partners

than men . boys loose their viriginty in 17 some may in 20s. n rural india it was the same girls around 15 boys 15-16 .

the second one , right age to marry in todays time might be 29 for boys .for a girl it might be around 26 or 27 . most people who

married in their late 20s have an idea of the life and responsibilty and more mature to understand things .

i guess i shared something worthy .
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(29-02-2020, 08:26 PM)Bhavana92 Wrote: Thanks for your reply Kasi. Regarding right age for sex, to my knowledge, humans are the only species that wait even after reaching puberty. so don't you think that isn't natural. If our sex organs are not fully developed at the time of puberty, that is probably bcoz of the harmful chemicals that we eat as food these days. A normal person reaches puberty when his/her body is ready for copulation.

I am saying this from my own experience. I lost my virginity one month after reaching puberty. I was only 13. To be honest i used to get more pleasure in my early teens than in any other time since. If anything the pleasure is only decreasing with each year.

Now, love may not be the right measure for getting married because the love you feel at 13 is different from the love that you feel at 30. Then again people in North America and Europe tend to have more successful marriages in their 40's than in their 20's. So its a topic with a lot of ifs and buts.

Going forward please mention the age at which you lost your virginity, whom you lost it to and, if you are married, please mention the age at which you got married as well. This will help others understand if you are telling your opinion or talking out of experience. Thanks

Right age for sex differs from species to species.  Here we have to consider three things mainly how fast the species grows, biological clock of the body and what is it's life expectancy. Those three factors and other things come into picture for deciding the right age.   For any species on earth it's the nature that decides.  Survival and procreation are the only two things for other species but for humans it is different.

70+ can be taken as normal life expectancy of humans these days. If we go by what naturopaths say our bodies have the capability to survive up to 200 years.  What we consume as food, sedentary life style and food our choices have reduced our life expectancy to a great extent.  

Growth phase of humans is much slower when compared to other species.   For a kid to become an young one and then transforming into a full fledged adult takes years.

We don't attain puberty in a single day.  Changes in body happen gradually and it's not sudden for any species.  

One who attains puberty is in the initial phase of becoming a full fledged adult.  If we look at it, puberty  itself is a process that usually takes 1-2 years time to happen.  Starting of menstruation or production of sperm does not mean that one has become a complete adult. It means bodies are getting ready for the reproduction and sexual act but it's not complete in all respects.  It takes few years time for the sexual organs to fully develop.

Western media and doctors often express concern over teenagers becoming sexually active and becoming mothers.  Becoming sexually active at an early age is associated with health risks.
I once overheard a veterinary doctor advising a pet owner that a young female dog which has attained puberty shouldn't have sex until it's grown to the full extent.  Early indulgence in sex will lead to paralysis of back legs.

Hence one has to wait up to that age which is considered as fully grown from view point of doctors at least.

Losing virginity at an early age is risky for the girl especially if she becomes pregnant.   Many parents are making queue lines at various hospitals for aborting their child pregnancy as per the news reports ( India only). In the Western countries too it's happening a lot.

If one attains puberty by 12 or 13.  To  have sex one needs to wait at least 5 years to let the body completely grow in all aspects.   It's good if one can wait until they become a complete adult to experience sex for the first time.  Waiting also helps in gaining more knowledge about sex and life too. If one waits for sex it is not at all unnatural.  It could be the  morals or lack of opportunity or  choice of that individual.

On Marriage:

99% of women don't prefer unemployed, low earning men to marry and people these days unlike the previous generations have different choices, preferences and take into account many other things like career, growth etc.  Hence we are seeing many people getting married near and late 30s.

With regard to pleasure:

You still have the potential to feel much more pleasure than what you had felt during your teenage. As we age many things take back seat and our priorities change with time.  Owing to the hardships and other issues of life many lose interest in sex.  When you have it, the pleasure is not that great.   Its quite normal and happens in everyone's life.  Make time for yourself and try to find where the problem is.  I hope you will get the answer.

For many people to be happy in life love,sex and  money are the most required things.  But not everyone gets them the way they want.  That's the cause of many problems.  Some need just love and some only sex and some both in various proportions.
I fully agree with you that what we feel at 13 is definitely not the same what we feel in 30s.

For a marriage to be successful and happy, needs of partners be it physical, emotional, love and affection, caring and many other things need to be fulfilled. 

I have been trying my luck with love, sex and money.

I lost my virginity when I was 23 to a hot pubjabi house wife.  I am not married yet and I am in my 30s and there were 3 women  in my life.
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Purely my personal opinion, based on below facts:

1. Humans Sexual Desire are at its Peak between 18-25 years
2. Healthy Sexual Life has a Lot of Impact on Emotional Connection as well at in first few years of marriage
3. Women have difficulty in conceiving after a Certain age and its becoming more problematic with Increase Stress levels such as Jobs
Children eventually become the backbone of a family and the bond which make families stronger
4. India doesn't have any Human Labor laws which protect the service class, they are used and thrown by Companies at will, Its Hire and Fire
Culture here and do not expect it to get better. Overtime, Over load is common and in fact promoted, this is Inhuman and is the main reason for many issues
the service class faces
5. The Higher the Job profile, it becomes more difficult to take breaks for women to raise family
6. Families(Children) cannot be raised by servants or maids
7. Humans actually become most mature and stable all over when they reach late 30s or early 40s but then Biologically they are declining
8. If One has many sexual partners before marriage, the excitement in marriage is relatively less
9. Young humans are very adaptable, have less ego and very motivated, which is very important in marriage
10. Young Humans can find excitement and enjoyment in many ways not just status and money
11. A Normal Service class may not even become financially fully stable at 40-45, considering the low pays and treatment by companies
12. No one knows a Child better than a Parent

Keeping above in mind.....for a family which is Average middle class, with No major financial issues
I would definitely advice a Marriage in Early Adulthood (Not the Typical Unknown Arranged Marriage but in a more known manner)
Meeting prospects through social circles, family,parents, etc and taking some time to know each other
The Boy can get married when he has completed his studies and employed, to progress further...Around 21-24
The Girl also to be married when completed studies....Around 21-24
Marry...enjoy the way only young carefree souls can...and have a kid after 1 year
Once the kid if born....and around 3-4 years old....and Going to school...things are more or less well settled

The Biggest problem I see nowadays is Career is given more importance....result...time passes too fast...people waste their youth working too hard
and companies basically misusing is effected...etc etc
The biggest gainers from this system are infertility clinics and divorce lawyers and of course the companies who suck the juice from youth

Marry early...start family early....not only you enjoy youth but also will have the time to push ahead in career

I often see late 30s, early 40s parents....too stressed with jobs, low energy and then they blame kids....
Having kids too late is not at all recommended

I personally know a 45 year old Highly successful Woman, who had completed her college at married....continued to do higher studies and gain professional skills.....had a Child at 23....and by the time she was 27....she completed her full professional qualifications...gained decent work experience through some part time work and when her child started going to school.....Became a full fledged career oriented woman....and now is in Top league

On other side, i have also seen women marrying at 30-35.....and then difficulties having kids due to harmone/age issues....unable to take breaks from the careers which are peaking....then hiring maids to run their families.....low on energy , etc

Youngsters have started wasting their youth in Live Ins.....if one can spend so much on Live Ins....Girlfriends and other stuff......Then one can definitely spend it on their wife and enjoy a wholesome and meaningful relation

To be with someone and grow together is the best....

Also when one is well settled...its more about money u make and status which would be the factor for Prospect partners..specially wives

Young....its not so much

Marry young....Enjoy Youth.....and then grow as a family
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Losing virginity:
Less than 17 is definitely not advisable

and while it could be a lifetime memory experience for some to have a few partners before marriage only
People who engage in several one night stands, prostitution, post marital sex etc have more chances of developing multi issues and they are
best avoided
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I am male so i can tell from male point of view. A boy can loose his verginity around 20 years of age.
If he get a right partner he can even loose his virginity at 15 years also. But after 20 also if he didn't loose his virginity then it will be a emotional problem for him in the future.
Marraige can be done from 20 yrs to 28 yrs age. By that time he should get financial, social and emotional stabilty and should be abe to controll his life.
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(29-02-2020, 12:05 PM)Bhavana92 Wrote: Hi xossipians,
             Our society is changing every day. 50 years ago, the right age for marriage was about 15-20. now its almost 25-30. Both men and women used to wait for their marriage to loose virginity. Once again that's not the case anymore. Personally I am of the opinion that nature is the best judge for all things good or bad. When you reach puberty, its nature's way of telling that you are ready for sex. when you fall in love, once again its nature telling you to start a family and have kids. But then everyone is entitled to their opinion and I would certainly love to hear yours on the same. So go ahead. Put on your thinking caps and start typing. Thanks in advance...

Nice.. quite a thought provoker...
I said
Marriage: Mind steady and Body already ready.
Sex: Mind is ready and Body fresh ready.

So mindful of social context which eminent members have cited from their research, the act of union has been practised at early age.... Which meant that Sex starts at a tender age. Idea and cautions may have been many, Invaders pillaging and precautions ate not the main reasons. It's nature's way to get going procreation. Start early, bear progeny and that's how civilizations formed.

Now it's getting later in age as life expectancy, social structure and security has evolved. In Western society the Marriage is becoming redundant and family may be formed even without that. But that another story, because procreation takes a back seat, fornication happens rampant and all the time, even in backseat.
But on topic of Virginity, Boys n Girls start getting curious and urges. When puberty happens, it is the time. When flower blooms the honey is sweetest and attractive for sex. The most passionate and fun sex at Youth indeed. But as We mature, Sex also matures and becomes more pleasure. We can do it longer, more erotic and indeed more pleasure.

Bhavs -  why say pleasure is decreasing? Oops....
At 40s my game and pleasure, given n taken, got higher and crazier. And I do have regular partners who enjoy and keep cumming back. 
There's a lot of foreplay, erotic touch, passion and pleasure to keep the excitement building and to consummation. Fitness for one, but attitude is the key. 

My start was early, several encounters..... The first one full act was as a teen, seducing a married young woman.....  ithose days, most girls in 20s used to be virgin. Needed to be handled with care.
Nowadays don't think I'd find a virgin past her 16. Not that I am looking, I prefer a girl who can handle herself well, and handle me like hell.

A veteran of Love, a connoisseur of Lust
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(07-03-2020, 12:14 PM)RocketRaj Wrote: Bhavs -  why say pleasure is decreasing? Oops....
At 40s my game and pleasure, given n taken, got higher and crazier. And I do have regular partners who enjoy and keep cumming back. 
There's a lot of foreplay, erotic touch, passion and pleasure to keep the excitement building and to consummation. Fitness for one, but attitude is the key.

You r right that guys above 40 tend to do a better job than youngsters most of the time. But as you know, sex is not just about pleasure, its also about the excitement of exploring the unknown. Once there is very little left to explore or experiment, you sort of do it only for the pleasure, which is never the same. I feel bad about saying this, but, nowadays i get excited only when the guy is volatile and a bit sadistic. Strangely it adds to the pleasure as well.
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(07-03-2020, 02:38 PM)Bhavana92 Wrote: You r right that guys above 40 tend to do a better job than youngsters most of the time. But as you know, sex is not just about pleasure, its also about the excitement of exploring the unknown. Once there is very little left to explore or experiment, you sort of do it only for the pleasure, which is never the same. I feel bad about saying this, but, nowadays i get excited only when the guy is volatile and a bit sadistic. Strangely it adds to the pleasure as well.

O Good....
Surprisrd to hear.... Is it U have the submissive streake or have turned over to that side. It happens. Need to be taken beyond, and stretched..... perhaps adventure and settings ?

Aggressive, taking charge and heavy action seems to be in fashion. Have seen this need come up in my woman, even a strong  personality woman , she needs thatr in her Man.

Agree with U, Exploring, variety, simulation and creating the excitement is key.
finally it's all ding dong bells, so it has to be exciting... it s up to each other. 
 I do play differently to diff setting, situation, moods. 
Have the good fortune and partner that makes each time joy, different and high.

And it's not jus me the fortys boy, my partner nottyfortys woman doesn't cease to surprise me. I guess the mature they gets, wilder they are. Andso is her demand getting higher.

A veteran of Love, a connoisseur of Lust
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(07-03-2020, 03:04 PM)RocketRaj Wrote: O Good....
Surprisrd to hear.... Is it U have the submissive streake or have turned over to that side. It happens. Need to be taken beyond, and stretched..... perhaps adventure and settings ?

Aggressive, taking charge and heavy action seems to be in fashion. Have seen this need come up in my woman, even a strong  personality woman , she needs thatr in her Man.

Agree with U, Exploring, variety, simulation and creating the excitement is key.
finally it's all ding dong bells, so it has to be exciting... it s up to each other. 
 I do play differently to diff setting, situation, moods. 
Have the good fortune and partner that makes each time joy, different and high.

And it's not jus me the fortys boy, my partner nottyfortys woman doesn't cease to surprise me. I guess the mature they gets, wilder they are. Andso is her demand getting higher.

I think all women are submissive when they are with the right man. I prefer being completely dominated, but if the guy is weak, I take charge. Sometimes a little bit of female domination is exciting but it is not a sign of healthy relationship, in my opinion. Whenever we try to do something against the natural order, it backfires or doesn't last. A large number of divorces can be avoided if men know how to awaken our feminine side.
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(07-03-2020, 03:26 PM)Bhavana92 Wrote: I think all women are submissive when they are with the right man. I prefer being completely dominated, but if the guy is weak, I take charge. Sometimes a little bit of female domination is exciting but it is not a sign of healthy relationship, in my opinion. Whenever we try to do something against the natural order, it backfires or doesn't last. A large number of divorces can be avoided if men know how to awaken our feminine side.

Fanny-taste-stick! I mean Fantastic....
U said it so well and practicality that comes with experience and wisdom that comes understanding.

Totally agree with U..... There's a natural order. It's not as much as an egoistic domination but a rhythm. I like it when you say to take charge when the guy is weak.... Its also exciting when the woman drives and intends to pleasure her man and herself. 

Awakening the feminine side.... The desire and beauty to be tapped. This is indeed the true pursuit..... 
I wish Men and Women realize that rather than being selfish and trying to exploit the other.... the man on his woman. It's not by force or by subjugation but when done a passionate way, tender and intense, the woman offer herself to give him the highest pleasures and derives the same. 
Nneeds a lot of maturity and understanding. Lucky to have it.

A veteran of Love, a connoisseur of Lust
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(02-03-2020, 12:49 AM)stockyz Wrote: Losing virginity:
Less than 17 is definitely not advisable

and while it could be a lifetime memory experience for some to have a few partners before marriage only
People who engage in several one night stands, prostitution, post marital sex etc have more chances of developing multi issues and they are
best avoided

Hey Stocky
I don't advocate or support sex under the legal age. But practically any Boy or girl after puberty can and are ready for sex. Need to handle with Care because the genitals are developed but still growing  and tender. Tight n sweet indeed...
hormonal cycles is still a new experience and body takes time to adapt to her new sensations and exploration. Needs stimulation and unsure how and why what.....
Emotionally they are tnder too. Can get hurt both ways...
But I know they are active and get action. Nowadays won't find a Virgin 18yr old...

A veteran of Love, a connoisseur of Lust
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I lost my virginity at the age of 17 to my bf at that time. I think it was the right age for me. Marriage happened at 27. once again I felt it was the right time. The age of a person should be secondary in my opinion. It is their state of mind that really affects how they deal with both sex and marriage. Some people mature early. Some don't. So the correct age would be different from person to person. An even more important factor is their partner in both these instances. If you are with the right partner, then both will be positive experiences. Else you will always regret them.
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(08-03-2020, 11:20 AM)niharikap Wrote: I lost my virginity at the age of 17 to my bf at that time. I think it was the right age for me. Marriage happened at 27. once again I felt it was the right time. The age of a person should be secondary in my opinion.  It is their state of mind that really affects how they deal with both sex and marriage. Some people mature early. Some don't. So the correct age would be different from person to person. An even more important factor is their partner in both these instances. If you are with the right partner, then both will be positive experiences. Else you will always regret them.

Nicely put your experience different people maturing different. 

I would say there is a RIPE age and a RIGHT age. Ripe is when body is ready for sex, right is when mind is ready for commitment. So 17 was ripe, lucky love. And 27 was right.... Happy love.

You seem to be a sensitive person?
If You are ripe, you need and have sex often ..... Till the right partner, be casual n don't take it too hard (I mean, he'd be hard, but don't be hard on yourself ?) , jus enjoy the fling and if itsnt so good, forgrt it and move along. 
Why regrets....  Never regret, just forget.
If you had fun, then go get more, repeats.?

A veteran of Love, a connoisseur of Lust
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for losing virginity i dont think there is any right age.

but i am not sure whether it is worth getting married except for society sake. it is big risk in india. dont get me wrong. i am happily married. wife takes care of basic needs. but max excitement i get from my girl-friend. she is NRI who came to india and is putting all cases against her husband. poor guy, he lost everything and even his parents were arrested in some false dowry case. now he is fighting to clear his name. many stories like that. so marriage is scary and risky. thankfully my wife is not like that and his loss is my gain haha.

but if i had choice, i would have stayed unmarried because with so many divorces, there are many women looking for affairs and what not. it is easy to meet them with some effort and have great sex with no strings attached.
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(10-03-2020, 10:01 AM)cognoscentus7812 Wrote: for losing virginity i dont think there is any right age.

but i am not sure whether it is worth getting married except for society sake. it is big risk in india. dont get me wrong. i am happily married. wife takes care of basic needs. but max excitement i get from my girl-friend. she is NRI who came to india and is putting all cases against her husband. poor guy, he lost everything and even his parents were arrested in some false dowry case. now he is fighting to clear his name. many stories like that. so marriage is scary and risky. thankfully my wife is not like that and his loss is my gain haha.

but if i had choice, i would have stayed unmarried because with so many divorces, there are many women looking for affairs and what not. it is easy to meet them with some effort and have great sex with no strings attached.

It's not fair to blame all females for few negative examples. You can't imagine how much sacrifices females have to make for sake of love, family and society. Now a days it's pretty common for girls to fall prey and loose virginity in later teens (just few months before 17 to bf in my case) and may be it was physically right but real issue is mental trauma one have to bear after that golden period as it's not possible in most of cases to marry the same person whom you lost virginity in teen age. One have to marry other person rather than the one whom you gave your best and then you have to love him, respect him, entertain him physically along with family responsibilities. It's not about age (23 in my case) but it's about your mental state and willingness to gel with hubby for sake of you family and you will soon get rewarded in most of cases for your efforts by love of hubby. It takes a lot of efforts and sacrifices to forget everything and to be submissive to hubby and if you are willing it's not very difficult to get love of your life partner and can even enjoy openness after marriage by proper understanding rather than being selfish and being open minded to fulfil each others desires and fantasies in safe zone within two years of marriage as in our case.
It was extremely difficult but now I am quite happy and enjoying three years of married life.

And yes it's true most of us females wana to be submissive and like to be dominated but only by right and real man who deserve us, love us, understand and fulfil our inner desires. It's natural part of feminine side.
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(10-03-2020, 02:04 PM) Wrote: It's not fair to blame all females for few negative examples. You can't imagine how much sacrifices females have to make for sake of love, family and society. Now a days it's pretty common for girls to fall prey and loose virginity in later teens (just few months before 17 to bf in my case) and may be it was physically right but real issue is mental trauma one have to bear after that golden period as it's not possible in most of cases to marry the same person whom you lost virginity in teen age. One have to marry other person rather than the one whom you gave your best and then you have to love him, respect him, entertain him physically along with family responsibilities. It's not about age (23 in my case) but it's about your mental state and willingness to gel with hubby for sake of you family and you will soon get rewarded in most of cases for your efforts by love of hubby. It takes a lot of efforts and sacrifices to forget everything and to be submissive to hubby and if you are willing it's not very difficult to get love of your life partner and can even enjoy openness after marriage by proper understanding rather than being selfish and being open minded to fulfil each others desires and fantasies in safe zone within two years of marriage as in our case.
It was extremely difficult but now I am quite happy and enjoying three years of married life.

And yes it's true most of us females wana to be submissive and like to be dominated but only by right and real man who deserve us, love us, understand and fulfil our inner desires. It's natural part of feminine side.

i agree somewhat, but the problem is law is totally biased against men. so even good women are tempted by lawyers to file false case for money.

anything woman says is taken as gospel. if marriage breaks, man gets case. if relationship breaks, man gets case.
[+] 1 user Likes cognoscentus7812's post
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Hey Cognos - chill dude.
You got to enjoy the thing when its good. No strings indeed.

A veteran of Love, a connoisseur of Lust
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