Incest Life of Indian Housewife at In-Laws
Ch. 01

This is a work of fiction, a story about an Indian housewife who gets sucked into a taboo relationship in her In-laws house. Being set in India, it would contain some of the local and traditional customs that are still prevalent in certain places in the country. To those unacquainted with such traditions, it might be difficult to understand the reason and rigidity behind certain customs that exist, but that's how it is.

If the reader is not too keen on a story set in India or one that is inclusive of customs and traditions that are incomprehensible, then it is suggested that you skip this one. For easy comprehension, the meaning of some Hindi (Indian language) words used frequently in this story are given below. Use of these words in the local language is unavoidable for, to an Indian reader, the Hindi words carry more significance with which they can identify easily. These unavoidable insertions may please be ignored and excused.

Sasural - In Laws House
Mard - A virile man
Bahu - Bride and housewife
Babuji - father / father-in-law
Maike - Own father & mother's house.
Kurta - a long dress worn on top

All characters are over eighteen and once again, there's no similarity to anyone in real.

PRELUDE : Home-Coming

Sonam, the young bride who had just recently become a mother, was staying at her mother's place when she received a phone call.

Puran, her husband, had called her with the bitter-sweet news. He had been deputed on assignment to Denver for a medium term project that could potentially last for about six months, may be less may be more. Momentarily, Sonam was happy at the possibility of travel to the States. She had always dreamed about visiting that country. Yet, she was soon crestfallen. Given the short term of the project, her husband's family had decided that Puran would be travelling alone. He had concurred and reconciled to that decision.

"I'll stay while you leave?" Sonam had responded in surprise on hearing the news. But then she murmured sullenly, "Good! In that case I can stay here, at my mother's place during this period."

There was silence at the other end.

Puran was already torn at leaving her alone. "But...but ..."

"What..." She asked exasperated at his hesitation, although she was in no mood to hear anything else.

"You will have to come and stay at your sasural, Sonam. Babuji (daddy) would insist on it."

"No way, no can you ask me to!" She was almost in tears. Why of all the places did she have to stay in her sasural while her husband was away for such a long time? In a huff, she placed the phone back on the cradle. Being very sensitive, she was hurt at her husband's inconsideration.

Sonam's mother noticed her daughter in tears. Before she could find out the reason, the phone rang again. She waited for Sonam to answer, but her daughter had anguish written all over her face with tears rolling down her cheeks. The young Sonam made no attempt to respond, leaving the ringing to die into silence.

The phone rang again. This time her mother picked up and spoke to Puran. The news turned out to be more devastating for Sonam as she was required to travel to her sasural the next day. Her mother's consolation was of little help, and her sorrow didn't lessen in the least. She cried all night.

As she tossed and turned in bed, she felt anger and hurt. Her husband, despite professing so much love for her, didn't seem to be too caring, almost throwing her into a miserable plight and leaving her alone in wilderness. Newly born Varun, now barely 40 days old, needed lot of attention and care, as any infant of that age would. Timely breast feeding, changing of diapers frequently, visiting the pediatrician, attending to her own chores and so forth would take away so much of Sonam's time. She needed her husband's love and attention at this time, more than ever. And most certainly, she looked forward to being cuddled and cared for by the man to whom she was wedded and now this seemed like a virtual desertion.

Frankly, Sonam had spent very little time at her In-laws place and knew little of her father-in-law, Balwant Singh. They talked little among themselves, Sonam mostly remaining quiet in such exchanges out of shyness, when the newly wedded couple had stayed at the family 'haveli' soon after their wedding. She came to know that the patriarch was a wealthy landowner, and a local businessman, with large farm lands too. He was well regarded in the area and was always treated with respect. The conversation between the daughter-in-law and the patriarch usually revolved around her health and well being and whether she needed anything. But such discussions were always grave and serious and at times, the young bride felt rather intimidated. The middle-aged man usually wore local outfits, like colorful kurtas and dhoti that clung to his well built body. He held a thick head of hair, with some silver streaks at the edges, on this tall frame. And he sported a handlebar mustache that made him look more imposing.

Notwithstanding the father-in-law, she had quickly built a camaraderie with others in the family. Anurudh (44), Balwant 's younger brother, lived in the other wing of the haveli with his wife Anjali and two growing kids. Anjali was a beautiful woman and provided sisterly company to Sonam. They enjoyed good conversation and sharing of interests. Matasari (33), a care-taker in her thirties, took care of Balwant 's wing. Not only did she take care of all the young bride's needs, but she was also a kind person and turned out to be a reliable confidant, as the events would prove in the latter part of this narration.

There were other friends and relatives of the family - who were often around - and cared for Sonam. She and Puran had visited and hung around with people in their age group.

The fact that the place had some tourism brought a modicum of city culture, and the younger generation had obviously adopted much of these trends. It was just that they lived at some distance from the city where the people were more traditional and, to an extent, conservative.

The place where the haveli was situated was sparsely populated. Their largeness was surrounded by lush greenery and even fertile cultivable land nearby. There were other houses in the neighborhood, although not as big as theirs. The spacing among them provided a lot of privacy.

At this moment, however, she could have hated two persons - her husband for not taking her with him when he went abroad and two, her father-in-law. It was this man, the imposing patriarch, who must have stood in the way and blocked this opportunity for her to go abroad.

Yet, she had no choice. The air tickets arrived the next day. She tearfully bade good bye to her family and boarded the plane. The journey was uneventful, except for the embarrassment of feeding Varun in the clustered seats.

On the second leg of the journey, she had a momentary shuteye. An announcement from the flight attendant woke her up and soon, they were preparing to land.

It is in this situation that this narration begins, a narration of memories in a taboo relationship between two individuals, far apart in age, in their own eyes.

Sonam narrates

It was impossible for the twenty four year old Sonam to bear the two alarming news that her husband Puran told her over the phone. One, that even though her husband had bagged a nice post in USA for six months and possible extension thereafter, she would not be accompanying him in that journey abroad. The second news, which was equally devastating, was that she would have to go back to her 'sasural' (father-in-law's house) immediately the next day, when she completed the requisite forty days after childbirth at her mother's. She cried a lot, telling her mother to do something but alas! Her mother, helplessly, consoled her, told her that 'sasural' was really the heaven in a woman's world and it would be odd for Sonam to stay back at her 'maike' (own father & mother's house) and earn the ill reputation among relatives and neighbors of being a bad 'bahu' (house wife).

Sonam was a pretty girl and it was her beauty that sealed her marriage to Puran. Her marriage had been an arranged one, a process whereby the selection of a bride is undertaken by the groom's family, sometimes much to the chagrin of the girl and her family. Luckily, Sonam's father-in-law selected her the moment she had been led into the room by her mother. The man, her would be father-in-law, didn't even haggle on dowry, a notorious system which is still practiced slyly in certain places. He waived the dowry without a thought, insisting on an early marriage. And so, the ravishing, long haired, fair, demure, curvaceous twenty three year old girl with pouted lips, was wedded to this patriarch's obedient son, who too was rather young at twenty five.

Sonam's parents were from western India and, like most of them who were usually identified as a business community migrating to various parts of the country, her earlier generations too had settled down in Patna in the past. Her husband's family, however, had not migrated. They were Rajputs, which expressed in their rather handsome yet rugged features and good health and physique. But, as said earlier, the selection of a bride into this Rajput family really came about because of Sonam's ravishing beauty, a thing which traditional families stressed upon.

Sonam's marriage had taken place a year earlier, but her stay at her 'sasural' had been short. Her husband worked and stayed in Bangalore, to where the newlywed couple had left almost immediately after marriage. But, more reasons were there. For one, she was shy and far too young to adjust in a new family. Also, she was somewhat averse to facing her father-in-law too often. The man was very authoritative, angry, arrogant, much too traditional, had total control over his only son Puran, and Sonam almost shrunk in his presence. He expected total obedience, from both his son and his 'bahu'. Sonam felt that the man was too dominant and would be a terror if she had to live in the sprawling haveli. She thought she was lucky that her husband worked elsewhere, far away from her 'in-laws' house which meant she could move about freely. Of course, despite her fear, she respected her elders and particularly her father-in-law because she was taught and brought up from childhood to think likewise. So, it was both fear and respect which guided the young girl in her relationship towards her father-in-law. It couldn't be denied that this man was tall, muscular, tanned and, to some extent, dark complexioned. There could be no doubt that in his younger days he was really a strikingly handsome man and many women would have, undoubtedly, secretly fallen in love with him.

Balwant Singh, the father-in-law, never called Sonam by name, but always addressed her as 'Bahu'. Sometimes he hissed the word, particularly when he found her alone, much to Sonam's uneasiness. On occasions, he would ring her at Puran's flat in the city where he worked. Even then, he would deliberately repeat calling her Bahu and in that weird and almost hypnotizing tone. Sonam always addressed her as 'Babuji' which is the traditional way a father or father-in-law is addressed.

The initial days of Sonam's marriage went off rather smoothly. It was true, however, that Puran did not possess the rugged manliness of his father nor even his uncle. He was far shorter in height, just a couple of inches taller than Sonam, couldn't boast of a manly physique or sexual virility. Sonam experienced her husband's inept conjugal abilities, very often ejaculating much before his wife could reach even half of her expectations. However, luckily, he was not impotent for, very soon after their marriage, the young bride became pregnant. Varun, their son, was born out of their wedlock. Now, forty days after his birth, Sonam had to leave her 'maike' and go back to her 'sasural'.

At Patna Airport, there were scenes that usually go in parting. Sonam cried as her mother consoled and then she herself couldn't hide a few tears now that she had to part from both her daughter and grandson. Inside the aircraft, luckily, Sonam got a convenient seat that enabled her to breastfeed her baby in some privacy. Her breasts were too full of milk and heavy, a few drops oozed out of the nipples on to her bra and Sonam felt embarrassed. She had wrapped her breasts with the palloo (end of sari used as a stole to cover breasts or head), till she was conveniently settled down in her seat. She hugged and loved and suckled the child, not able to hide her tears at leaving her mother and father behind at Patna.

During the second leg of the flight from Delhi, Sonam gathered herself knowing that grief and grievance would be of little value in her present situation. She fell asleep for a while, helping her more to overcome her sadness. The plane landed about an hour later where Sonam's husband Puran was eagerly waiting for her. They hadn't seen one another for almost forty days, Puran having come away from Patna immediately after the baby's birth. His eyes already showed how much he longed for his beautiful wife, after waiting for this long.

Gleaming with happiness as he saw Sonam and Varun arrive from the gates to the baggage claim area, he was restless to be near them. As they trudged out, he looked at his beautiful wife, who stood out in the crowd. He walked fast now, dashing towards them and to take them in his arms. He was longing to meet his wife and his newborn son. It had been weeks since he had left them at Patna and the baby already seemed bigger and chubbier. Sonam looked splendid, her bosoms were full and even her lips looked fuller. He wished to plant his lips on hers but, in keeping with tradition, he did not kiss his wife in public.

The drive to the haveli (mansion) took more than an hour and, during this time, Puran quickly updated Sonam about what had been going on in the household. He offered reasons for his sudden departure to USA, also trying to explain, in the best way possible, why she had to stay back in India with her infant son while her husband left. Sonam nodded as if to say she understood, because she knew any argument would be futile.

"Sonam darling," Puran said, "I have got to tell you something. Babuji has changed his bedroom. You know our bedroom is at one end of the first floor while Uncle Anurud is at the other end and earlier, Babuji used to sleep in a room which was in the middle? But he has shifted his bedroom to the one next to our bedroom, saying that in my absence he'll have to keep a watch to see that Bahu and the baby did not fall into trouble. Even to ensure that the requirements of the mother and child were easily met, if he happened to hear about it." Puran kept watching his wife, trying to sound as convincing as possible."

"I know you might feel that this may affect your privacy but please bear with it. Babuji is only being very protective and not purposefully spying on you." He went on saying.

Sonam didn't say anything but kept quiet. But, it was obvious, she was uneasy and was trying to fathom the extent to which she would be kept under observation.

In a while, Puran placed his hand on hers as he drove the car. He loved his wife a lot even though there was a lot of deficiency in him. Sonam kept looking at the road before she asked a question.

"Whatever Babuji says or does, we have to accept. So, there's no use feeling bad about it or grumbling. When are you supposed to leave for USA?" She was apprehensive, as she recollected Babuji's insistent phone calls, but she didn't want to tell anything about it to anyone, not even her husband.

Puran just patted her hand and said, "I leave day after tomorrow from Delhi, and we have two nights to ourselves. Sonam, two nights ... just imagine." It was obvious that he was already very excited.

When they reached the haveli Sonam had already customarily covered her head with her palloo, like a shy bahu.

Alighting from the car, she walked up to where the entire family had assembled to welcome the bride of the house. Anjali, Anurudh, the patriarch himself, Anjali's two kids and the servants. Anjali was the first to welcome Sonam, as she hugged the young housewife. She took the infant Varun in her arms and uttering sweet nothings to the baby with unbridled affection. She then bent down and touched the feet of Anurudh, who gave her a polite hug. Balwant stood a little behind, waiting possibly to get the due respects and attention from the young bahu and mother of his grandson. She walked up to her father-in-law very demurely and then bent down to touch his feet reverentially.

"How are you Babuji?" she asked, her eyes riveted to the floor like a young shy wife.

The patriarch bent down and, holding her at the shoulders, asked her to get up, which she did. He looked deeply at his young and very pretty daughter-in-law, as his mustache twitched over his lips.

"Bless you, bahu! May you live long and remain wedded for many, many years." And then looking at Varun, he asked, "How is my grandson doing?" He took Varun in his arms, his face glowing in pride on holding his grandson to his broad chest. A male heir in India even nowadays enhances the joy and pride in families.

Sonam looked at his father-in-law with curious eyes. She was unable to fathom this man. He was so aloof and arrogant at times and at other times so accessible and caring. And now, he was all smiles and glowing with his grandson.

The warmth of the family eased her distress and helped Sonam to overcome the earlier sadness that she had felt while leaving her parents. She went to her room and refreshed herself while her baby remained in the company of the other ladies of the house.

Later, the day was spent with Anjali and others from the extended family, chatting about Sonam's time away from them and whether she was looking forward to spending her time at the haveli. They all joked as they sympathized with her being away from Puran for an uncertain period. Anjali even offered to keep Varun for the night so that she could have uninterrupted time with Puran. She smiled and declined, as Varun had to be fed at regular intervals. As she spoke her swelling breasts caused some pressure and degree of discomfort and she wanted relief. She quietly took Varun to her room but, as she did, she noticed the probing eyes of her father-in-law following her when she left the living room.

She went past the door adjacent to her own room, wondering if it was the room that the patriarch had been occupying after relocating from the previous one. This was just next to theirs and, therefore, shared a common wall. She wondered if the wall was thick enough to prevent any sound to filter into the adjacent room. There were times when the young couple threw caution to the winds during sex and were noisy, unrestrained in their grunts and moans. She speculated if that night would be similar. She hurried. It had been a long time since the last feed and she was bursting.

As soon as she reached her room, she unbuttoned her blouse and quickly tried to unhook her bra. In her hurry the bra's hook, stubbornly, remained unmoved to her efforts. Having done that all her life, she was surprised at herself. In desperation she pushed down the cup of the bra and exposed the nipple partially while bringing Varun up on to her nipple. A jet of milk rushed out even before Varun's lips could be on it and, in the process, smearing her top and partially her bra. Varun hungrily kept feeding as Sonam sighed in relief. It had been a while since the last feed and she enjoyed the special moment, caring for her child suckling on her young breasts.

She had to clean herself, change her bra and top, and arrived back in the living room. She felt that all eyes were on her - observed by most but, most certainly, under the pointed scrutiny of the patriarch. Was it womanly instincts or her just being paranoid?
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They talked for some more time and finally, being tired and exhausted, she excused herself to retire for the night. Back in her bedroom, she recollected that this had been their room immediately after her marriage with the large nuptial bed facing the East. She loved the feeling of belonging to the room, their room ... her room! The bed was truly spacious and had witnessed nights of her lovemaking with Puran. Eagerly, she thought about the exciting moments that would follow soon behind the closed doors. It had been a long time since they had sex, perhaps months prior to and after delivery. Having completely healed after her childbirth, Sonam was beginning to feel amorous, as goosebumps flew through her supple body.

As Sonam kept feeding her baby, lost in her thoughts, she had to admire her father-in-law. Even before she had arrived at the sprawling haveli with her forty day old son, this elderly man had arranged for a crib in their room. It wasn't something that her husband had thought over and purchased as a husband, which should have been the case. Rather, it was the patriarch's careful foresight to provide one in their bedroom that inwardly Sonam appreciated. This fact was honestly admitted by her husband too.

She wondered what her father in law could be doing at that moment. He looked so big and strong and so very ridiculously manly! She shivered at a weird thought that flew in to her mind but let it pass quickly but not before blushing.

Varun suckled on his mother's overflowing breasts while she kept looking at the baby's face. So tender, so tiny, so lovable. Whom did he look like, thought Sonam? She softly hummed a lullaby for her child till he fell asleep, and Sonam placed him in the cot.

"Now Varun, don't get up at night and disturb Papa and me," she said in mock seriousness and smiled. Yes, they needed a lot of time to themselves - so many things to discuss before her husband left. And, she did feel the need to have her husband beside her and love her. She knew that there was some excitement in her that needed to be attended to, although, in all fairness, Varun's presence suppressed the arousal that were creeping in now and then. Mother's love ... natural and unchanged, as always, she thought.

Sonam washed her face and brushed her teeth and slowly got ready for bed. Like always, she wore a soft, sheer pink nightie but kept on wearing the exotic pink lingerie set, more unmindful than with a specific purpose. She sat at the edge of the bed, wondering what was keeping her husband still away from the bedroom and her. Was he still talking with her father-in-law? Quite a man, the patriarch, thought Sonam once again, so strong and robust in appearance. She quickly turned her thoughts away to something else by looking at the big windows with the big curtains blowing softly with the window.

At a distance she could see the tiny lights of the town, almost like twinkling stars.

Fortunately, there were no houses situated nearby and so the inmates of the room could enjoy their privacy.

At that moment, her chain of thoughts was broken when there was a knock on the door and, before Sonam could respond, Puran pushed open the door and walked in.

Once inside, he quickly shut the door as if there was a hurry and urgency. Filled with lust, Puran gaped at his pretty wife who, as always, looked stunning and desirable in that nightie with the lace outline of her bra visible underneath. He simply couldn't hold himself and rushed across to the bed and beside his wife. His hands were wrapping around Sonam with a towering passion. The bulge on his middle, even under the kurta and pajama, was clearly visible to Sonam and only increased her own need. But she was too reticent and inhibited in showing her own need and desire. Not so Puran, who was breathless just seeing Sonam in that provocative and alluring nightwear with the accompanying exotic lingerie clearly distinguishable underneath.

"It's been such a long wait, Sonam," Puran said, taking deep breaths just to utter these few words, "and now you are beside me. I can't control myself." He was virtually shaking in the throes of excitement.

"I don't believe you," Sonam said in mock sentimental anger," because if that were true you wouldn't have remained downstairs for so long."

"What could I do Sonam? The whole family was downstairs, and they know I'll be leaving in a couple of days. So, they didn't want to leave me, telling me they won't bother me after two days. But believe me, I kept thinking of you even when I was with them."

Puran tried to pull Sonam towards him, tried to turn her face to plant a kiss but the girl, young as she was, remained distant and sentimental.

"I don't want to talk with you. I have Varun, he will give me company," Sonam went on saying.

"Please darling," Puran said, "Don't get angry. Don't you realize my condition now? I have difficulty in keeping down this fellow here whose fire only you can douse." Puran was desperate now. He held Sonam's hand and lifted it first to his lips and kissed the back of the palm. Then slowly, he started lowering the soft, delicate hand to his chest and further down. In moments, it came and rested on his hardness that was trying to wriggle underneath.

The moment Sonam's hand touched that hardness of her husband she felt as if an electric current had passed through her, ignited all her sexual nerves, opening all her closed doors of resistance, erasing all thoughts of mock sentimental anger. Her lips opened in a sheer show of raw passion and lust. A deep breath showed that she too was just as eager and hungry. She squeezed the shaft, first with one hand and then placed both her hands on the still invisible shaft.

"You want that I take it off?" Puran asked in a trembling voice.

Sonam had lost her voice. She just nodded. But before Puran, she had herself raised her husband's kurta so that it rested on his chest and, after untying the knot, started to pull down his pajama. She smiled when she saw the brief that Puran was wearing. There was a big, wet area where his shaft had leaked a lot of pre-cum.

To Sonam, that sight was too much of an attraction and she quickly pulled down the brief and watched her husband's cock jump out. It swayed in front of her and she smiled at her husband before extending a hand and holding it.

"Shall I tell you something?" Sonam was already blushing and then shaking her head, "No, I shouldn't ... you'll think bad of me."

"No. no ... tell me Sonam, I won't mind in the least and how can I think bad of my wife?" Puran said quickly.

"I wish it were bigger," she said and then blushing like a beetroot, she quickly hid her face in the pillow.

"Hmmm ... so my wife needs something enormous," Puran teased her. "She's been thinking about big things, eh? Ok, we will see what we can do about that ... but for now my obedient wife would know how to please her husband, isn't it?" Puran laughed, seeing her wife blush and shake her head violently by hiding her face in the pillow.

In all fairness it had to be said that Puran could not honestly boast about his 'manhood'. It was modest at five inches when excited and even its girth was not one which could be said to be thick or a 'handful'. Puran knew this shortcoming in himself and wished it were 'manlier' and more robust than what he possessed. Nonetheless, he was too excited that night, having got his pretty and sexy wife after so many days. He turned Sonam's face so that she looked at him.

"How can it be big if you hide your face instead of giving this organ the warmth of your mouth and the touches of your eager tongue?" Puran asked in a tremulous voice. He unhooked the nightie to reveal her lingerie, his mouth opening at the sight of the enticing pair that had laces embedded on it.

"Oh my god!" He blurted, as he softly ran his hands over the pair of milk laden breasts still covered in such exotic gossamer. She really looked bewitching, he thought.

Sonam didn't wait further. She held the shaft in both hands and quickly brought her face nearer to this excited length of meat. She watched how the pre-cum had gathered at the tip and brought her lips on the spot. In seconds, she was eagerly brushing her red lips on the wet tip, allowing these to make her lips to shine and gloss, making her seem a lot sexier to Puran. Her tongue searched the head of the shaft, the mushroom that formed above the crescent and took this portion inside her warm, wet mouth, nibbling it teasingly for a while. Puran squirmed in bed in excitement and knew if this went on he would soon ejaculate his load. He had had this problem always ... the inability to retain in the face of extreme arousal.

But here was Sonam, excitedly sucking the modest cock and sometimes taking it out of her mouth and licking the shaft all over and smiling contentedly at her husband. She moaned endlessly, and Puran feared that these sounds would penetrate the walls and escape into the adjoining room where his father had only shifted a day earlier.

Suddenly, and without warning, Puran ejaculated. It was impossible for him to control and hold back his load in the face of this frantic cock sucking of his young wife who herself was in an extreme stage of arousal and heat. His hot load quickly drained into Sonam's mouth, who swallowed it fully, not allowing even a drop to fall out of her mouth.

But, at the end of it, the poor wife knew that once again she would have to do without the cock in her wet, eager and impatient womanhood. She could almost cry at being deprived of the ultimate pleasure once again. She didn't know how she would be able to abstain from physical proximity with her husband for long six months. Although she expressed little, in her heart of hearts, she knew how much she loved and longed for sex and her insatiable appetite for it!

Small drops of tears that had formed at the corner of Sonam's eyes did not escape Puran. He quickly had his arms around her.

"Sonam? Baby? Why are you crying?" he asked.

"Oh! I'll miss you so much for such a long period. I love you so much and now I'll have to spend sleepless nights in this room alone," she said in tears.

"True. But Varun will be here, and he will keep you occupied and busy," Puran tried to console.

"I know I'll have Varun and he is the apple of my eyes. But a wife needs her husband ... and a man beside her ... and, at night, she needs fulfillment of a different type. Where will I get that? Who do I go to? On whose shoulder do I cry? Who will have his arms around me and comfort me? Who will keep me warm in these long and bitter winter nights?"

Sonam went on saying, and in her sorrow the pitch of her voice was far from suppressed. Puran feared that her voice might have been audible to anyone who kept his ears open in the next room. He placed a hand on her lips to quieten her.

Sonam went on sobbing, her breasts heaving to suppress herself. Puran lovingly went on caressing her, running his hands over her head and down her long stresses of hair. He really hadn't anything to say or comfort her with.

There was silence in the room excepting for the soft sobbing of a pretty, young and emotional girl.

Little did the couple know that their intimate privacy had been invaded and someone else had been privy to every act, every word, every emotion and all the lust that evolved between a husband and his beautiful, hot wife.

Balwant Singh narrates

Balwant was not his usual self for the past few days. Ever since he came to know that his son was being deputed to Denver for a medium term assignment, his mind always went back to that first visit that he and his family had made to Patna and meet Sonam and her parents.

...They had been looking for a beautiful and docile bride for their son and, on the suggestion of a close acquaintance who vouched for her beauty, made this trip together.

The moment she had walked through the door to meet them, her innocence coupled with that rare beauty and fullness, struck him. She was beautiful in the conventional sense, the traditional rather than the modern. Yet, she had something that made her unique. Was it that she displayed a sexual aura that made a woman a woman? A woman to be tended, seduced, loved or even taken with force. The pouty lips had made her ever more desirable and, quite often, he had gaped open mouthed.

At that moment then, at Sonam's house, he was suddenly jolted out of this lecherous thought. Oh my god! What was he thinking. He was here to look for his son's bride and yet he ...!

He had shaken his head. But the thoughts would not go away. His eyes had remained on Sonam. Given the nature and purpose of that visit, that of selecting a bride for his son, nobody could fault him for glancing repeatedly at this girl. It was a selection after all and needed scrutiny. Yet, what was so special in this girl that he could not take his gaze off her even when the choice was made in his mind? Was it some pheromone, some exquisite fragrance, that covered her in an aura that sucked him in? His desires hidden for so long, ever since he had become a widower, were coming to the fore very rapidly.

A sensation engulfed him in a manner that had never happened before, certainly not when he had visited the homes of other prospective brides for making a choice.

Soon their talk had revolved around other matters to make the match happen. There seemed to be a cultural difference between Sonam's family and his own. While they were all educated and big city dwellers, he and his family, excepting his son, were hardly educated. They were rustic dwellers, more accustomed to farming and business, than intelligent and cultural discourse.

As per the tradition in the family, the final decision had had to be made by him. Puran had nodded his assent. All eyes had been on Balwant Singh, the head of the family, the all-knowing patriarch. His heart had been beating hard, he had been seriously engaged in his own thoughts, assessing the value of the girl to him and his family. He did not like the fact that she was educated and a city dweller who would not want to stay with them in their rural set up, no matter how rich they were or how big a 'haveli' they had. Yet, he was mesmerized by the sexual aura of the innocent girl. His vicarious dirty-self had conjured up possibilities although, in his sane mind, he kept thinking that it would never happen. But then, what ...what ...if he were to ever get this girl. The raw, crude, lecherous thoughts had swept through him. He had felt an uncontrollable stirring in his loins which, fortunately, he had quickly stifled before anyone could realize anything amiss or awkward.

He had nodded and looked at Sonam. Their eyes had met for the briefest moment. For once, she hadn't bowed down but held her gaze and looked straight at his eyes. He had just nodded, there had been a mild twitching in his eyes, as if silently expressing to the girl only that he found her acceptable, before he had turned his face and had said aloud, "I would feel honored to have Sonam as my bahu. She will be a treasure to our family and the perfect bride for Puran."

He had then looked at the girl's father "Our choice is made. We will be honoured to have your daughter as our bahu. We are sure you will not turn us down."...

There had been a boisterous applause and a sigh of relief all around. The marriage had been sealed on that day.

The patriarch's reverie was broken at the sudden wailing of the infant in the next room, obviously that of a hungry Varun throwing his arms and legs about.

His mind moved to the present, as he sat on his bed, removing his shoes from his weather-beaten feet. He heard a voice from the other room. It was Sonam, comforting and assuring her baby.

The last few days he had been thinking about the arrival of the young Sonam. He had made quite a few arrangements for her, beaming with an inward happiness at the looming certainty of the arrival of his 'bahu'. The change in his bedroom to bring it next to the couple's, a crib for little Varun, special bedding and dbangs for the windows of the couple's bedroom and providing them with a big screen TV, and such other things that he felt necessary. In thoughts of her imminent arrival, he had often found himself aroused. He could not help but touch himself. Every night, for past few days, he had masturbated and had cum hard, sometimes even whispering Sonam's name in silent moans.

The two bedrooms were divided by a thick wall, but like many ancestral homes, there was a door that connected the rooms. The door did not seal shut, as would any door in a modern home. A small opening had formed between the two panels of the door, due to continuous usage and wear and tear over the years. This gave a somewhat obstructed view of the other room. Also, it did not stop the sounds escaping from one room to another, especially in the wee hours of the night when silence would blanket the entire 'haveli'. Balwant was apprehensive that the couple would know about the relatively porous door that was supposed to seclude them in privacy. He had got a night lamp installed in the couple's room that provided adequate illumination inside, even when the main lights were switched off. Of course, with his own ministrations, the bed was situated right in the middle of the room, just in line with the porous crack on the partition door.

He had changed into his night clothes that consisted of a sparse dhoti. He had long ago given up wearing briefs to bed. He turned off all the nights in his room and tiptoed his way to the interconnecting door and was amazed at what he saw in the room.

Puran was lying naked on his back on the bed, with his pajama and brief lying scattered around on the floor. Sonam, on the other hand, was not fully naked. But, what she wore was enough to raise Balwant's desires. She was sitting beside him, holding his hardening appendage in her small hands. She was looking down at him, as his head rested on the pillow. They spoke for a few moments, the patriarch eavesdropping into each word that aroused him more and more. She saw Sonam smiling and then bringing her face down.

Tentatively, she brought her lips to the shiny glans and licked it off. The brazen act sent a shiver through Balwant. He was right. Always right!! She loved to suck her husband's cock.

Her tongue swiped of the precum that had oozed out of the tip. Balwant let out a silent groan, careful that it did not pass on to the next room. His own fingers reached inside his dhoti, finding himself hard. His fingers clasped his rapidly growing cock while his eyes remained glued inside, watching his bahu take the phallus of her husband.

Was this voyeuristic act wrong, he asked himself? He shook his head in rebuttal. He stroked himself, pumping his dark and monstrous shaft with eyes locked on the once innocent girl who was his bahu. But Sonam had taken the puny cock of her husband inside her mouth, coating it with her saliva. She waited and savored the sensation for a moment. She slowly eased off and then took him fully in her mouth, her pouting lips circling around the trivial girth before bobbing her head up and down. Her delicate fingers stroked him, as she sucked deep and hard like a whore. The sound of moans, the jingling of her bangles and slight creaking of their bed now and then, were drifting easily through the door, like some heavenly music, giving enormous pleasure to Balwant. The man's lust continued to surge.

Never in his life Balwant was so aroused. He abruptly pulled his dhoti off his waist and, standing naked in his own room, he aggressively started pumping himself in unison with his bahu's head movement. The sounds from within the next room grew both in intensity and frequency. A loud popping sound resonated when Sonam pulled her mouth out to get air. A line of leer connected the tip of the cock right to her lips. Her pouty sensual lips, now coated with juices, were shining in dim light. Impatiently, Puran pulled her back for her to continue his ministrations. This time he started pushing his pelvis upwards, fucking her mouth as she tried to push down. They were in gay abundance, not knowing or caring of anything in the world. She was a picture of a slut whose mouth was full though not stretched. From where he stood, Balwant wondered how much those pretty lips could be stretched. Would it hold something much thicker, longer, harder? Oh god!
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Suddenly and without any warning, Puran let out a cry. His back arched and went rigid as he went into a climax. In rapid spasms, he shot into her mouth and quickly ejaculated.

The young woman, not aware of what was coming tried to move away. Her bewildered eyes, still full of lust, was waiting for more to come. But like a dutiful wife and woman, she let him ejaculate inside her mouth without letting a drop to spill out.

On this side of the room, Balwant was still playing with his own cock, wishing the scene to continue before his eyes. He was in no hurry to hasten his own climax. He was certain that the girl was not satisfied and held himself back. He had hoped that his son would take her in his arm and fuck her. Instead, all he saw was that she was in tears and that Puran was trying to console her. He felt sorry for the deprived Sonam, so unsatisfied and let down by her own husband!

He pricked his ears, for Sonam was saying something that rang a bell, "...and, at night, she needs fulfillment of a different type. Where will I get that? Who do I go to? On whose shoulder do I cry? Who will have his arms around me and comfort me? Who will keep me warm in these long and bitter winter nights?"

Oh! God! What was she saying? Oh! Bahu! You have me, me. He wanted to shout for the girl to hear and let her feel happy and stop crying.

Quickly, Balwant went to answer nature's call in the bathroom at the back of his room, before rushing back to his vantage point. Tying his dhoti back again, he stood at his post. Looking in now, he found Sonam with her blouse open, her pink bra unhooked and pulled open, the cups hanging down and Varun latching on to her right engorged nipple.

The beautiful breasts filled with mother's milk provided the most beautiful and sensual picture of the girl, a mother now feeding her offspring, who rightfully was the descendant of his own clan, thought the proud Balwant. He could sense a feeling of relief in her face from her earlier lust filled contortions. Puran was on the bed, letting of a soft snore. He was not even awake to take care of his wife.

The picture sent a feeling of both amorous rage and a feeling of empathy for her daughter-in-law in Balwant Singh's mind. She was a woman. A young girl turned into a woman in the span of a year or so. She was someone who had got a taste of sexual arousal but was yet too far from satisfied. Of this, Balwant was certain.

As a patriarch and head of the family, he could not let that happen!! After all, he was 'mard' (a virile man) and he simply couldn't turn a blind eye on the suffering of his deprived 'bahu'.

To be continued...
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Ch. 02

[This is a continuation of the story with the same name. To repeat, it is set up in India and is about an Indian housewife and her growing, intimate relationship with her father-in-law and patriarch of the family while his son is away. It is a taboo relationship, and for those who do not prefer stories of this kind nor stories set up in India and some of the prevalent customs, you may like to rethink before you decide to read. A few words in the local language had to be unavoidably inserted because of their significance but their meaning has been provided in bracket just beside them.

Once again, there is no character in the story who is underage. Also, if there is any resemblance to living characters, the fault is unintentional.

Comments are welcome even if they are critical without being indecent.]



A little while later, even before Sonam could recover from the sadness that filled her mind, she saw her husband turn around to face the other side and fall asleep. She could hear his soft snoring too, as if he didn't have a care in the world. At first, Sonam cried alone - not because her husband would be leaving the day following the next, but because she had expected so much that night after her long absence. And yet, it just fizzled out once again to leave her deprived and dissatisfied. After all, they had abstained from any copulation for a few months prior to child birth and later, during her postnatal convalescence. Also, Nihal her husband, had come away from her father's place the very next day after Varun was born, depriving each of them of any form of sexual relief even when actual copulation was not possible. At this moment, she was truly unfulfilled, and the lust that grew in her could not be quickly doused.

She stared at her husband's back helplessly, her mind still filled with carnal desires and the uneasy thought of facing many months more without her husband and a man, no matter how inept he was in sex. People thought that only men craved for sex, little realizing that even women had strong desires which they kept hidden, she pondered in her present stage of craving. She felt so deprived! So lonely!

Nonetheless, her thoughts were quickly broken when Varun suddenly started to cry. Yes, it was now time for him to suckle milk from his mother's breasts and Sonam got up hurriedly. She came near the crib and, uttering sweet words to her baby, picked him up and took her to bed. She had parted the soft nightie in the front and held the right cup of her bra and lowered it to free her breasts. Holding her breast near the areola, she pushed her oozing nipple inside the baby's greedy mouth. Sounds of the baby's suckling, even if these were soft, could be heard.

Sonam was content, she just brushed Varun's tiny head and the little hair on it and softly sang a lullaby. Sonam looked so very appealing, the perfect picture of a mother suckling her child, a live image of DaVinci's eternal masterpiece 'Litta Madonna'. She had wished that even Nihal would possibly want to suckle a breast and the thought had excited her, but now she knew that was an impossible wish. Her husband was completely indifferent to these things, she felt.

Shortly, with both her baby and husband asleep, Sonam also started feeling sleepy. By now, her physical desires had somewhat subsided but not entirely gone. She shrugged her shoulders, realizing that it would be best to retire for the night and catch up on sleep.

But first, she went to the attached toilet. It was really a very modern bathroom, carved in beautiful marble and a bathtub big enough to accommodate a couple. The flooring, plumbing material and appliances, soaps and fragrances were by Sonam's own standards, exquisite. Inwardly, she was happy and could not help but admire the patriarch - for it was he who would have planned and arranged this extravaganza. Inwardly,

Sonam was very happy, for she guessed that the patriarch must have kept his affectionate 'bahu' in mind when the bathroom was being readied for the young couple. It was always a nice feeling to find oneself loved in her 'sasural' (in-laws house) and worthy of getting attention.

Inside the toilet, Sonam knew that her husband was now asleep and there was full privacy in the room. She didn't bother to shut the door of the toilet. Nimbly, she lifted her nightie that revealed the curly bush covering her crotch. Her public hair was jet black and somewhat thick and, even at a distance, anyone would be able to make out the triangular dark area. She sat on the commode, her shapely legs on both sides, as she started to relieve herself.

For no specific reason, just then Sonam was swept in an unexplained uneasiness. She imagined she was being watched, that her actions inside the bathroom were privy to someone's eyes and she was overcome with a sense of shame and apprehension. But logic and reason came to her aid. How could anyone possibly watch her here. This was as enclosed and secluded that it had privacy written all over it. Her initial fear quickly left, for she knew no one would have the courage to dare do anything mischievous when the patriarch was there.

The only thing that embarrassed her now was the noise that usually accompanied in such situations. She would pee after very long intervals when her bladder was stretched to its limit and relief came about at the expense of embarrassing hissing sounds. She had an uncanny feeling and wished that she had shut the door of the toilet, because she was embarrassed when this happened in the presence of her husband too. But it was too late now, as she had already commenced emptying her bladder.

Once she had finished and had washed that area of her body she went and lay down on the bed beside her husband. Her thoughts went back to her physical needs and involuntarily, a hand went towards her vulva as she ran a finger along the slit. She liked her finger at the place, rubbing her vagina softly at first before she had inserted a finger into the wetness. She consoled herself, her need was far from satisfied. She was starving for the male phallus as she moaned and moaned. She forgot that her moans were no longer soft and that it revealed the needs of a horny housewife. Her wild imaginations took her to a different world, and she thought of the pleasures of sex that a virile and only a strong man could give her.

Without warning, a known face of a man who was just over fifty years with his rugged, rustic, broad shouldered, dark complexioned and dhoti clad manly figure, loomed in her thoughts. She wasn't even aware that she was whispering a name, a name that fired her imagination - 'Babuji, Babuji ...,' her voice certainly loud in the end till she came out of her stupor. Oh my god, what was she thinking. How shameful! She quickly admonished herself for having these wicked thoughts. How could she ever have this thought, she wondered annoyed at herself. She turned to see if her husband was asleep or had awakened by her incessant chants and moaning and was relieved when she found that he was still snoring away. Thank God!

But Sonam felt terribly ashamed to have had this crazy thought cross her mind. How could she? And how would she ever face the man the next day when she knew that this wild, horny, lustful imagination revolved around him and her?

At what point she fell asleep she didn't know, but when she awoke it was almost morning. She quickly came to the cot and picked up Varun lovingly in her bosom. On the bed, she parted the soft nightie once again and fed the nipple to her baby who hungrily suckled her milk. Soon Varun was asleep in bed and she turned and saw her husband sleeping peacefully. She kissed him on his lips.

"Get up, get up ... it's already morning," Sonam said.

"Aw, Sonam, let me sleep sometime more," Nihal appealed lazily.

But soon they were up and getting ready. During her bath Sonam recollected the events of the previous night and blushed when she remembered how she had thought about someone else. But, like previously, she quickly pushed the thought away.

Yet, downstairs at breakfast, she could hardly look at the patriarch. Somehow, she had a sense of guilt creeping in although she did nothing at all except unmindfully thinking of him. But now, at the dining table, she stole glances at the patriarch. She saw his wide wrists holding up the large tumbler of milk, the wide shoulders holding up the unbuttoned kurta, and his partly visible chest with the thick mix of black and grey hair.

Even as she sat, there could be no doubt that her father-in-law was a stretch taller than the rest. So rugged and manly, Sonam thought once again. Suddenly, Balwant looked at Sonam. She blushed and quickly looked away. Quickly, she finished her light breakfast before she got up and went to attend to Varun.

The rest of the day was busily spent. Nihal had many things to purchase and he and Sonam took the patriarch's permission and went to do the marketing. They had lunch outside, with the patriarch's permission of course. He had some reservations, however, because that was the last day Nihal would be having lunch at home before he left the next day. Nonetheless, when Sonam softly said, "Babuji, please allow us. This will be the last time I will have lunch outside with him before he returns and that too I don't know when."

Possibly, only it was only because Sonam had appealed to him that the rigid man agreed. Sonam felt happy when the patriarch gave permission and was instantly grateful to him. Sonam realized that she was slowly taking a liking towards this man instead of her earlier fear and indifference. Anyway, when she and Nihal returned in the evening they were very tired and quickly completed whatever packing was left before coming down to dinner.

Dinner was not a very enjoyable one for any of the members of the household. Everyone, starting from the patriarch to all the family members and the house staff, felt sad at the imminent departure of Nihal. Nihal and Sonam sat beside one another, trying to make the most out of the last dinner before departure. The patriarch, surprisingly, came and sat beside her instead of sitting on the one next to Nihal. She took it as a gesture of his love and affection, possibly sympathising with her sadness at Nihal's imminent departure the next morning.

Back in their bedroom after dinner, with the door bolted, Nihal and Sonam kissed one another very deeply and passionately. Nihal ran his hand over his wife's soft buttocks, squeezing them a bit as he pushed in his tongue into her mouth. Sonam was overjoyed at this display of love and passion and responded by sucking his tongue. Soon, their tongues swirled against one another and saliva trickled down the corner of their lips.

"I love you Sonam, I really do," Nihal said emotionally, "and I shall miss you very much."

Sonam too cried out, "I love you too my darling. Oh! How I shall miss you. Take me to you soon if you can ... and if Babuji allows it."

"I want to drink your milk tonight honey. Your breasts are so full. They must be seeking relief," Nihal said, "Oh! I will miss this lovely pair."

They were quickly undressing, each helping the other, till both were fully naked. Nihal ran a hand on the thick bush of Sonam, playing with the lustrous curly hair.

"Mmmmm ... so lovely," he said. They were both standing very near to the connecting door between the two bedrooms, forgetting that there was another occupant, immobile and but attentive in the next room.

Soon, they were on the bed with Nihal resting his head on Sonam's lap while she bent down and holding the end of her right breast pushed in the nipple into his mouth.

"Hungry baby ... take mother's milk," she said laughingly as she squeezed her breast herself. Milk rushed into her husband's mouth and he made erotic noises, suckling whatever was offered. His phallus was already on the rise, and Sonam let her hand hold it so that it didn't sway any more. She squeezed it a few times before running her thumb on the tip. Nihal was squirming crazily, it was too much of an excitement for him. He suckled roughly on the nipples, moving his mouth from one to the other, pressed the breasts to push out more milk and repeated his 'oooohs' and 'aaahs' in succession.

"Sonam ... I must have my cock in you this instant ... or I'll again cum like yesterday," he said desperately.

Sonam was the obedient wife, trying to help and satisfy her husband. She quickly lay on her back, almost ready for copulation. As Nihal came over her, she held his manhood and guided it to her wet pussy. In moments, her pussy had swallowed the modest cock and Nihal proceeded to bang his shaft into it. They gripped one another, kissing and biting each other's lips. Sonam was waiting for this union for a long time and she dug in her nails on her husband's back.

"Take this ... and this ..and this, my sexy wife," he was uttering loudly and Sonam feared that the words were floating into the next room. But she didn't have to fear for long.

Nihal couldn't wait any more and, in his frenzy, he started to ejaculate inside her. Little spurts hit the walls of Sonam's pussy and she, although disappointed at this quick ejaculation, basked in the pleasure of her husband's cum filling her. They breathed heavily when they were spent.

"You realize that this place of mine that you love so much will cry for the next six months at least, if not more? I don't know how I'll bear it. Such a long wait! It would be so painful to stay without you," Sonam cried.

Nihal didn't have any words to comfort or reassure her. There could be no substitute for a woman's husband and she would have to bear the vacuum till they were together again.

"I know dearest, I know. I can't promise but I'll surely try to be here after six months. Please bear with me and keep yourself busy with Varun. And I am sure Papa, Uncle Anurudh and Aunt Anjali will take good care of you," he said to comfort her. "And besides, you'll always have Matasari to help you with Varun."

"Yes, you are right. Varun gets up frequently at night and keeps me awake. Matasari can attend to him during the night," Sonam said while agreeing with Nihal.

"Rather, I will suggest that after you last breast feed Varun at night, let Matasari attend while Varun sleeps in the cot. The cot will be in her room. In the morning she'll bring back Varun to you. In that way you can sleep undisturbed." Said Nihal. Then, after some thought, he said, "I'll tell Papa about this and then he can get this arrangement done."

The next afternoon Nihal left. Sonam silently cried and Anjali came and comforted her. Everyone felt sad, even the patriarch who usually showed little emotion outwardly. The maids and servants too couldn't hide their sadness.

Towards the evening Matasari came to her room and cradled Varun in her arms, rocking him and uttering sweet nothings.

"Madam, the Master wants that after Varun has been fed at night, he should sleep in my room, so that you can sleep undisturbed. The servants will come and take the cot upstairs to my room. I'll bring back the baby by 6.00 AM before his morning breast feed," Matasari said in a while.

Sonam realised that Nihal must have spoken to Babuji. She knew that it would be useless opposing and kept quiet, hoping that the arrangements would be reversed after a few days. After fifteen minutes the servants came and took away the cot.

Before dinner Sonam dressed nicely, a magenta colored chiffon sari and a sleeveless blouse to go with it because Nihal always insisted on sleeveless blouses. Her petticoat was similarly of magenta color, but she wore white lingerie, an exotic pair that Nihal had selected for her. She became a typical bahu, by covering her head with her pallu (end of the saree used as a stole). The mangalsutra (a necklace that symbolizes marriage and is worn by a bride till her husband's death) around the neck, however, was clearly visible as she came down for dinner. As she entered the dining room, everyone looked at her

admiringly. The look on the patriarch's face was even more pronounced as he gaped for a few moments before recovering.

"Come Bahu," he said, patting the chair beside him, "your place at the dining table is here."

Sonam came and demurely sat down beside the patriarch. She would have been happier and felt easier if she could sit beside Anjali.

"Are you feeling sad Bahu?" the patriarch asked.

"A little, Babuji," Sonam said softly. What a question! She could already feel a lump in her throat, but she stifled her cry.

"You'll be okay in a couple of days, I am sure of that. You will surely overcome and feel different and happier," Balwant, the patriarch said.

The patriarch pampered Sonam, entreating her to take more of sabji (vegetables), or roti (thin, round, Indian wheat bread) or sweets, pointing to the plates that were laid out on the table. But Sonam was a frugal eater, conscious of her figure. She declined politely.

"For our grandchild, you must eat. Take this sweet ... you must," he smiled and insisted, but when he extended his hand it touched the delicate softness of Sonam's, who had extended her hand to prevent him from adding more on her plate.

Then, at one stage, he put his arm on the backrest of Sonam's chair and once or twice, his arm grazed Sonam's shoulders. Just when Sonam got up after meals he also got up, almost simultaneously, and his chest touched Sonam's soft breasts. Everything seemed unintentional and purely by accident and no one might have seen it also. But Sonam felt a trigger on her sensual nerves, her face flushed in uneasiness. The patriarch, however, remained indifferent and no one, not even Sonam, was the wiser.

After dinner the entire family watched TV for a while before the patriarch said that it was time for all to retire and insisting on immediate compliance. Besides, as he said in finality, Varun would have to be fed by his mother.

In the privacy of her room Sonam fed her breast milk to Varun. Just when he had finished and fell asleep, Matasari had come to take him to her room. Sonam felt bad but handed over her baby to Matasari for the night, telling her to get him back at 6.00 in the morning.

Alone in her room Sonam sat on the bed thinking of Nihal. Then, with a shrug of her shoulders, she got up and changed into her nightie. Having done so, she sat in front of the mirror, and started brushing her silky hair. Her shapely legs crossed over each other, partly covered in the soft fabric of her nightie and partly exposed. The young Sonam looked at herself in the mirror not knowing that a silent admirer was just few feet away in the next room, his mouth drooling in need and lust.


Despite the lust that had engulfed him, Balwant was pained to see the incompetence of his son. Such a sexy wife, such a woman full of desires, a woman far from satiated and crying for attention and there was his progeny, blissfully sleeping without a care! He wished he could punish his son, give him a hiding like he did when he was a lad. He cursed and swore.

Just at that moment he saw Sonam getting up from bed and walk up to the crib, lift her baby and return to the bed. Soon she was breastfeeding her hungry son.

Balwant watched his bahu feed Varun, shifting his head now and then to get a better view. The light brown engorged nipple sent a shiver through Balwant. He involuntarily rolled his tongue over his lips wondering how it would be to taste this engorgement that continued unabated. He visualized the nipples between his lips, squeezing them to extract the white 'honey' that he sought. Oh god! If only he could lie on her lap and suckle from the juicy gbangs that were so beautifully carved and giving her bust such an awesome shape.

Sonam, unaware, continued feeding and staring at her son. There was so much love in her face as her fingers stroked the infant's head. She was so caring, expressing her love for the child that was born out of her womb. She shifted Varun from one breast to another, exposing the one that had been fed upon without cover. The shapely breast was in full display with the nipples standing proudly on them. The patriarch gaped, the sight making him more restless than before. But, he had moored himself at the spot.
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He watched Sonam finish feeding and then patted Varun on his back for a customary burp.

Soon, she was getting ready for the night, changing into her usual nightwear. As she parted with every item of her apparel, each moment only helped to excite the middle aged man. In the final stage, she had unhooked her bra and finally slid her panties down her legs and stood out of it. For a moment, she was stark naked.

The patriarch would have loved to walk in and hold that soft, delicate body of his bahu. God! Oh god! How well she has been endowed with, he thought. But quickly as she became naked, just as quickly she had put on her nightie. To Balwant, by wearing that apparel she wasn't fully naked but, oh heavens, she was no less enticing, no less desirable and each contour of her body seemed well defined underneath.

Lying on bed, Sonam appeared restless, unsure of what to do next. With her husband fast asleep and her son fed and quietly sleeping, she just fiddled with her fingers before Balwant saw her getting up and start combing her lustrous hair. Soon, Balwant could see her walking into the bathroom that adjoined the two bedrooms. It was here that the patriarch had conjured something else as well. An inconspicuous tiny gap had been deliberately created into one of the wooden panels. To some one unaware, it would always escape notice. He rushed towards it now, careful not to make a sound.

He had hardly placed his eyes at the opening when he heard a hissing sound, that of water gushing out from a fissure. In the silence of the night, the sound was unmistakable. Peeing ..was she ...? His heart thumped much too fast. Oh god! Help me, he thought. Let me look away, let me respect her privacy! He turned, resolved to walk away.

But the sound become louder, as she emptied her bladder in full force. He paused, fervently trying again to resist the temptation. But his lust and passion had taken a stranglehold on his senses. He shook his head, surrendering to what was unthinkable of a father-in-law, and placed his eyes over the opening in the door as stealthily as he could.

He gaped at the amazing view before him. At a short distance, his lovely bahu was perched on the toilet. Her nightie was rolled up to her waist, her smooth thighs were wide open, and her shapely legs and dainty feet rested on her toes. Each nail on her feet were brightly polished a crimson red and Balwant was almost delirious in an overwhelming need to kiss each of them.

Because of his height and the vantage point he could gleefully witness the stream of pee jetting its way into the pot, emanating a variety of sounds. She had a full bladder, for it took time till it slowed down and went into a dribble. The sound seemed to mesmerize Balwant, until she stood up. Her sculpted thighs had possibly added a couple of inches in childbearing but, to Balwant, these couldn't be shapelier. Her butt curves were clearly visible, now that she stood up, and the patriarch gaped open mouth at the shape and the crack that parted the curves.

Somewhere hid her bud, the tempting third hole, the one that women are reluctant to yield. In a fleeting second, Balwant imagined ravaging that one too, a craving that had jumped notches now that he had seen it! He looked down at the dhoti that he was wearing. He was making a mess of it, drenched as it was in the unstoppable pre-cum of his robust organ. Quickly, he placed his eyes back where they were. He had to quench the thirst of his lust filled eyes.

As she cleaned herself, she turned around facing the door. The patriarch was breathing heavily, even risking that she may guess something amiss and look up. But his lust did not permit him to leave. He stayed put. His cock now harder than before, throbbing underneath his dhoti and wanting, as he saw her darkened triangle.

The dark, curly, public hair were rich and perhaps a little trimmed, Balwant guessed. His eyes pierced through, aching to see more, but she turned away after cleaning herself and left the bathroom after flushing the toilet. But, for a while, Balwant's hands continued to stroke his hardness, and seeing his own organ he was reminded of his heydays. It was after a long, long time that he was aroused so much, and he was inwardly praising his bahu to have brought back what he was so proud of at one time. He was a 'mard' (a virile man) and he was proud of it.

Waiting for a few moments, he was back at his previous lookout, almost like a predator who had identified his prey and didn't want to let her out of her sight. He was peering into the main bedroom again.

In one moment, he could guess that his loving bahu was restless. There was no doubt in his mind and he was curious to find out more. He stayed put with his hands on his firm phallus, which he continued to stroke vigorously.

The night was to become a revelation, almost hallucinatory to an extent, to the patriarch. His eyes remained glued on his daughter-in-law, as she lay on her bed, alone and lost in thought. She just squirmed on the white linen bed-sheet for a few moments before she had pulled up her nightie up to the waist and began tapping her fingers over her vulva before playing at the yawning crevice that lay in between.

In a flash she had inserted a finger inside the vagina, softly playing on it at first before the finger moved faster and faster, inserting and withdrawing in quick succession. Suddenly, she stopped but the finger remained inside. Inserting another finger, she was moaning and squirming, throwing her legs about and Balwant guessed that she could be pushing and squeezing her clit with the inserted fingers.

He peeked in awe and lust as he watched her restless movements with her eyes closed. She raised her pelvis, possibly imagining her lover and meeting his cock. He heard her moan and cry out unintelligible and incoherent words. Maybe she was calling out her lover, thought Balwant.

He stroked hard, feeling the pressure build within his groin. His balls strained inside the scrotum, the cock ever so sensitive at its widest and the longest.

She was thrashing her body left and right, words becoming so guttural and incessant in her rants that Balwant could hardly make out any meaning or name. She heaved herself up and down, here and there on the bed. But whatever she did, her finger remained embedded and anchored. Her face contorted as she went over the cliff in her desire and passion. Oh god! She was in so much heat and yet she would have to spend so many months without her husband, Balwant kept pondering.

At one moment, Sonam had withdrawn her wet fingers, staring intently at them for a moment before taking it in her mouth to taste her own sex. Quickly, she inserted her finger back inside her gaping and hungry vagina.

Balwant was a witness to all her actions, following her deep arousal intently, while pumping hard on his own robust organ, pushing his pelvis forward and backward till, suddenly, he shot out his jism with a guttural moan. "Bahuuuu". His voice trailed even in silence, as he ejaculated time after time, hitting all his goo into the door panel in front. He continued pumping to release the last drop until he was spent, and the pleasure of his orgasm seeped through his body and soul.

Even in his wildest imagination he hadn't thought that women would frig themselves as men did.

He watched his bahu put her own hand over her mouth after her orgasm, realizing that she was calling someone aloud at the height of her arousal. Not moving, she appeared rested and in peace. Her eyes closed, she slowly covered herself with her blanket and slowly drifted into peaceful sleep. Balwant, drained but still not exhausted, stayed on till he was sure that Sonam was asleep. He turned and went back to his bed. In moments, he had crashed into bed and, within a few minutes, he was fast asleep.

Balwant rolled over early at five in the morning the next day, as he always did. The dhoti was in disarray. He felt the familiar morning tugs of his hard-on. Lying on his side, his engorged monster of an organ lay nestled within his thighs. He recollected the events of the previous night, the scenes quickly unfolding once again in his memory. Instantly, he felt a surge of blood flowing through the veins of his phallus, enlarging it somewhat.

He remained in the bed, not willing to get out of the cover of the warm blanket that covered him. Sonam was wrecking his perverted mind and he simply couldn't get her off her head. Oh! How she had played with herself in bed, and even how she had relieved her bladder in the toilet! The very thought sent the blood rushing in again. Like a teenage boy he had his shaft in his hand again, rubbing the hardness himself.

The next day moved at a hectic pace. It was the last day the couple would spend together, and Balwant didn't object to their having lunch outside or spending some moments outside the busy household.

That night the patriarch was not feeling well. Having remained in just his light dhoti in the bitter cold of north India the previous night, albeit inside his bedroom, he had a slight fever. He resisted the temptation to take up his post at the door and watch his bahu copulate with her husband. Besides, he was certain that the couple would avail of this last opportunity before departure and knew too well that the outcome would be similar.

His son would fail once again and leave his wife to cry. Balwant knew he would get numerous opportunities later, of this he was certain. Months, in fact, to satiate his lascivious mind and savour the beauty of this irresistible woman.

Balwant came down much later the following morning. He felt much better after a good night's sleep and some ayurvedic medicines that he had taken when he started feeling ill the previous day.

To his surprise, even though Sonam continued to be shy, she was trying to come out of her shell. Her earlier hesitations seemed to have lessened and she talked much freely now when they were together. Sometimes she would be seeking his approval, sometimes she would demurely reply to questions that he posed, even smiling with those pearly white teeth.

Nihal left that evening for the airport and journey abroad. Like all departures, the parting was painful. Sonam was full of tears but, to the patriarch, even that made her look beautiful. She was unable to stay at the gate even for a moment after Nihal left, almost running inside with Varun, as soon as the car accelerated. Anjali hurried to pacify her, wanting to share some of her loneliness.

Balwant also felt sad at his son's departure. He felt sad for his bahu too but, in all fairness, it was because she would feel lonely and not for any other reason. Dinner didn't take much time but Nihal's empty chair made his absence look harsher and gloomy. Frankly, it brought about a lump even in the impassive patriarch. He stayed in the living room for some time after dinner, allowing the household to pass into silence with everyone retiring to their respective rooms. He got up in the end as he himself felt like like retiring for the night. Walking to his room, he decided to check with his daughter-in-law before turning in.

"Bahu?" He knocked on the partition door that separated the two rooms.

There was pause and then he heard shuffling feet before the door opened. Her eyes moist and lowered. She was wearing a nightie, but she had pulled on a 'dupatta' (a sort of stole) across her top to cover her chest.

"Babuji...," her voice couldn't hide her sorrow.

"Bahu, are you okay?" His voice laden with concern.

"Yes Babuji..." Her words trailed on, as if she wanted to say something.

"Tell me. Do not be shy," Balwant waited.

"Babuji... Varun"

Balwant was concerned. "Is he alright?"

Her eyes looked up and met Balwant's. "Yes. Yes. He is fine. He is with Matasari, just like you said."

"So...?" He knew that his grandson would be with the maid.

Her face showed anguish of a mother without his offspring.

"I am feeling...alone.. and ahh..lonely," she sniffled a sob,"I miss my son and want to hold him in my arms."

At that point it struck Balwant that he should not have asked the maid to keep the child with her for the night. The infant should have remained in her room with his mother. How could he take such a heartless decision? He looked at her face. The intensity of her anguish was unmistakable.

He watched a teardrop that was about to trickle down her cheek. Lifting a finger, Balwant wiped the nascent tear from his bahu's face. He raised both hands and held her face.

"You should never hesitate to ask about anything, Bahu," he consoled her, "Your babuji is always here. Remember that."

Balwant Singh ran a hand over Sonam's head, consoling her, comforting her. He drew himself nearer, held her for some time with an arm around her as he tried to absorb her sorrow with empathy and feeling. She made no effort to move away but stayed still, except for her sobs. In a while, Balwant saw that she had almost stopped weeping. She was now taking deep breaths which Balwant thought were because of her weeping heart. Balwant too breathed heavily, before he moved away from her.

"Babuji...," she whispered, as if reminding the man to act on the decision to bring back the child to her.

"Yes. Yes. I will take care. You take care of yourself, Bahu," he assured her.

Turning briskly, he called out to Matasari and bellowed instructions.

"Bring Varun back to Bahu's room. I want him to be with her in the night ... all nights, do you hear me?" he instructed, "If she ever needs your help she will ask for it. Now hurry up."

"Yes, Malik (Master)!" She said obediently.

Matasari bowed and hurried back to her room and picked up Varun. Holding Varun in her arms she dashed back till she came and knocked at Sonam bedroom. She saw the patriarch standing like a sentry in front of her door, wanting to see for himself that his command had been complied with.

"Oh! My baby, my baby," cried Sonam as she got Varun back in her arms. Even a separation of few minutes was too much for her. She had raised her eyes and saw her father-in-law at the door. Her eyes met with Balwant's and she was overcome with a sense of gratitude and happiness. There was a faint smile on her lips and Balwant just nodded his head.

"Thank you babuji. I will sleep better tonight," Sonam said after Matasari walked out of her room.

"Very good bahu. You take care of my grandson. Keep him well fed."

"Yes Babuji." She was warming up to her father-in-law.

"And please remember, I do not want you to feel lonely. This is your home and you should never think otherwise. Nihal may have left, but we are all here. I am here." He was caring just as much as he was forceful in his words.

"Yes Babuji," whispered Sonam.

He drew closer to mother and son and ran his fingers over his grandson's head, and then whispered almost in an undertone, "Anytime... need..." he paused," you will knock on that door." He motioned to the partition door inside her bedroom that separated their respective rooms.

She was silent for a moment, trying to absorb the import of what he had whispered. A lump formed in her throat as she was almost inaudible "Yes, Babuji".

She looked at him for a moment, looking into each other's eyes, before she brought her face down, overcome with shyness.

"Live well, live long, Bahu," he blessed her, before he turned and walked out of the room.


Having finished her dinner Sonam returned to her room with a heavy heart. Tears welled up in her eyes as thoughts of her husband came to mind when she retired to her room. She breast-fed her baby and, kissing the infant, she was about to place him on the bed when Matasari, the maid, arrived. Exchanging a few words, she secured the child in her arms and walked out of the room. The loneliness of the young bahu was complete.

With neither her husband nor her child. She regretted having agreed to allow her baby to sleep with Matasari at night and wondered how she would pass so many nights alone in the big bedroom. And to make it worse, she could never sleep alone!

She shook her head and then got up from her bed. No use crying now, she felt and prepared to go to sleep. Changing into her nightie, she sat on the bed combing her hair. Just then, she heard a faint knock on the partition door. Since this came from her father-in-law's room, she didn't feel scared, knowing it was her caring and respected Babuji himself. She got up and hurriedly placed a dupatta across her bosom and quickly walked across to open the door. To be honest, normally, in this nightie she would have worn her housecoat on top in front of anyone other than her husband.

Strangely, she only placed her dupatta for her father-in-law. Was it because she didn't want to keep her respected father-in-law waiting or did she think him to be just as close and dear? She really didn't have an answer. Sonam opened the door and then respectfully stood aside, allowing the towering man to step in.

Sonam only looked at the floor as she respectfully whispered, 'Babuji'. She was the obedient bahu, enquiring of her father-in-law if he required anything, or if she had any task to do. But there was a hidden sadness when she addressed her father.

"Babuji, I am sad... and ahh...alone ...and ah ..ah.. lonely," she sniffled a sob, "I miss my son and want to hold my little baby in my arms."

Her father in law was immediately sympathetic. She began weeping, bursting into tears that trickled down her cheeks. The patriarch was moved when Sonam cried in this manner and stood in front of her. Holding her face in both hands, he lifted Sonam's face and looked into her tearful eyes.

Initially, Sonam felt a bit uneasy. This was so very romantic, one which happened more among lovers than in the relationship she had with this man. He wiped a tear and almost breathed into her face. Sonam could inhale the nice smell of the betal leaf that the patriarch usually chewed after dinner. Her eyes almost closed.

The towering man's words of concern were so comforting to Sonam. Once he got to know the reasons for her sorrow he had immediately barked an order, sufficiently aloud, for the maid to bring back the infant baby to the bahu's room.

The moment Sonam heard him calling out for the maid she quickly picked up the housecoat lying on the bed and wore it over the nightie. What would Matasari think of her? A bahu in this flimsy dress in front of her father-in-law? Sonam was surprised at her own behaviour - she was ashamed to be dressed in the nightie in front of Matasari, a woman, while she did not appear to be at all ashamed standing in front of the head of the head of the family, the patriarch! She had only placed the light dupatta to cover her breasts!

The maid brought the baby and, seeing the master, she quickly left after handing over the child to Sonam. The young mother was relieved and happy and crazily hugged her baby, cuddling and kissing him, in a show of unending affection in front of her father-in-law.

"Thank you Babuji," she said at last, grateful to the man who had made that possible. The more she saw the man, the more Sonam warmed up to him.

She could feel an undercurrent of belonging to this haveli, this family and particularly, this man. He was no longer that distant, aloof and imposing father-in-law anymore. He didn't have that serious face all the time. Rather, he only advised her to take good care of the child and see that he was fed timely. He even told Sonam not to feel lonely and to consider the haveli as her true home. So caring of him, Sonam thought.

Before leaving the room, Balwant came and stood in front of Sonam and her child. He patted his grandson on the head, ruffling the sparse hair that it had on his infant head, twitching the tiny cheeks. He was very happy and proud, of this Sonam was sure. Then, just before leaving the bedroom, he turned and looked at Sonam. What he said made Sonam think over again and again. The words were so mysterious and yet so meaningful, thought Sonam.
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"Anytime ... anything need," he had paused before continuing, "you will knock on that door. I will be there in that room, right beside you my bahu."

He had motioned to the partition door and had said these words in a hoarse whisper. It didn't escape Sonam's notice that her father-in-law had added 'my' to the way he addressed her. May be it was a slip, may be she shouldn't put too much meaning in it. But, nonetheless, Sonam blushed before she could respond.

Shyly, she whispered, "Yes, Babuji. I know."

Both looked into each other's eyes deeply, absorbing the impact of the words before the patriarch turned and left, closing the partition door behind him.

Sonam sat on the bed for five minutes, still trying to fathom the import of the words of her Babuji. Then slowly, she got up and, walking up to the door, secured the latch. She was now in the privacy of her bedroom and, except for the man in the next room, there was no one else on that floor, excepting her six weeks old child.

The haveli was a big place and had numerous rooms but lacked the numbers to occupy this surfeit of accommodation. The haveli was otherwise secured, and the servants and maids mostly occupied the rooms in the backyard. The top floor was occupied by Anurudh and Anjali. Matasari too had a room on this floor. The first floor was the one where Sonam had her bedroom and, of course, her father-in-law.

Sonam, however, was scared. She was the fearful type, something that grew on her since childhood. To be honest, Sonam got scared easily and even at Patna she had a habit of sleeping with her mother. She feared sleeping alone, awoke at the faintest of noises, was terrified at the cracking sounds of lightning, and once you grow into this fear you can rarely come out of it. These traits were not unknown to her own parents and now even her husband Nihal knew about it. But none of them were beside her now, nor anyone be beside her in the days that would follow and that caused her a great deal of worry.

Lying down on her bed Sonam kept thinking of Nihal and what he would be doing now. Was he on board the aircraft soaring in the sky or was he still waiting for the international flight to take off? Her baby had already taken her breast milk around eleven o'clock so Sonam was relieved that nothing had to be done immediately. Of course, sometime around three he might be feeling hungry and then he would be taking milk again.

Sonam kept thinking how the day had passed and how it felt when her husband left. She thought of Anjali Aunty and how she came and stood beside her when the car with Nihal sped off. Also, she recollected Uncle Anurudh telling her, "No crying Sonam Beti." But, most of all, one person occupied a greater part of her thoughts and he was her father in law.

His behaviour was so very comforting that she knew her days might not be as sad as she had apprehended when she left Patna. He would take good care of her and give her due attention, of this she was certain. She also thought of the intimate moment when he wiped her tears and came nearer, almost hugging her. He had placed an arm around her, ran them down her arm once and comforted her. At that moment, she hadn't thought of anything.

But now, alone in her room, she felt nice recollecting those intimate minutes with her father-in-law. That arm around her seemed so strong and reassuring, an arm that could instantly console and comfort. She felt a tingling sensation run through her body. God! What was happening to her, thought Sonam. She quickly turned her thoughts away ... away to her son, and far away to Nihal.

At what point Sonam fell asleep she did not know but she awoke suddenly. Two or three deafening sounds, that of lightning, had awoken her. It could rain any moment, for she could feel the howling winds. Unseasonal rains would mean a further fall in temperature, Sonam was alarmed. The lightning awoke Varun too, who started to cry out loudly. No matter how much Sonam patted her, he went on wailing as the crackling sounds continued unabated. She too was scared, just like she always did since childhood. She wished someone could have stayed in her room.

At that instant she heard a knock on the partition door, softly at first but then more urgently. Soon Babuji's voice could be heard.

"Bahu, Bahu! What happened? Why is Varun crying so much? Please tell me. Please open the door ... I am worried," Balwant was imploring her to speak.

Sonam quickly got up from bed but in her hurry, she forgot to put any cover over her nightie. The skimpy nightie was hardly anything to hide her very sexy and desirable body, not to mention her very appealing breasts. She just came and opened the door.

"I think he woke up because of the lightning," Sonam said softly.

"No, I think he may be hungry. Won't you feed her now Bahu?" he asked.

Sonam hadn't been able to say this and so had said about the lightning. But she too knew that the child would not stop till he had her nipples in his mouth.

"Feed her Bahu, he is hungry," the father-in-law insisted. He was looking at Sonam's breasts and she blushed and quickly turned so that the breasts were out of his sight.

"Yes Babuji," whispered Sonam.

Just then heavy gusts of wind started blowing and a window pane flung open. Lightning crackled repeatedly.

"I am so scared Babuji," Sonam said honestly.

"This is just lightning. Don't be afraid. But if you are so scared ... you keep the partition door open, so you will at least feel someone is nearby. Will that be ok?" Balwant asked.

Sonam thought for a while before she nodded her head.


The loud crack of lightning shook Balwant out of his sleep. He stayed awake for a while and then heard the wailing child in the next room. Balwant got up immediately. He heard his bahu trying to pacify his grandson. The frequent crack of lightning led to more cries and it seemed Sonam was having a hard time.

Balwant paced his room up and down, not wanting to barge into his bahu's room at that time of the night. With each cry his heart went out to his grandson. He felt for Sonam too, wondering how she would be able to care of everything herself.

And then abruptly, without further thought, he knocked on the intervening door. By now, the crying had become louder. He knocked again this time with distinct emphasis. He called out to know the reason and to offer possible help. Soon, the door opened slowly and Balwant saw Sonam. The sheer nightie hugged her as she tried desperately to cajole and quieten her son. Balwant reached out to take the baby in his arms and to pacify him.

Sonam was no longer wearing a duppata across her breasts and to Balwant she looked like a beautiful goddess, a desirous woman with a child in her arms, her hair somewhat ruffled giving her a sensual aura that Balwant found difficult to look away from. He was now very close to his daughter-in-law.

He could inhale a fragrance that fired his loins and he kept looking at her unkempt hair, her disarrayed nightie which gave glimpses of her ample and alluring breasts, her soft smooth skin undulating from her face till the top of her nightie and all that could tempt any man, not just Balwant himself.

Balwant stood there mesmerized at what he saw, forgetting that it was improper of him to do so. He turned his face away and instinctively tried to pacify his grandson. But his eyes flickered and traversed from grandson to bahu.

"Bahu..."he said at last.

"Jee Babuji"

"Varun is hungry..."

Sonam looked up to Balwant, not sure how to answer to the patriarch.

"Babuji.." She paused. Her shyness barring her from speaking out.

Balwant's rough fingers continued to stroke his grandson. The child's cries simmered down a notch.

"I can tell that he is hungry." Balwant was adamant.

"But babuji... I..I fed him a little while ago," Sonam tried to convince her father-in-law.

"Then why is he crying?" Exasperation seemed to coat his words.

"Babuji.. It must be this lightning. He started crying when it began," Sonam tried to explain.

Meanwhile the rain was still pelting, but the thunder had calmed down a little.

"Possible..but you should know that little ones have a small stomach and they get hungry very quickly. I hope that you feed him often enough," Balwant went on.

This talk about feeding was embarrassing Sonam. But she stayed put where she was.

One, for he was comforting her son and two, she did not dare move away without taking permission or being asked to move.

"Babuji... I do. He always cries out aloud when he is hungry."

A sudden bolt of lightning lit up the room for a second, quickly followed by a loud thunder. Balwant heard her shriek before the scared bahu almost fell into his chest. Varun started crying aloud once again, afraid. Balwant opened his arms and engulfed both his bahu and the child in his arms, giving them comfort and protection. Sonam dug her face into Balwant's wide chest while the recurrent thunder continued. Varun too found comfort, and his wailing subsided.

They just stood there, a step or two inside Sonam's room, waiting for the thunder to pass and Varun to calm down.

"Bahu..." he whispered, the two bodies still pressed together, and Varun wedged in safety.

"Babuji?" he heard his bahu's soft voice.

"Are you okay?"

There was a cackle of thunder again.

"I am afraid ...I am scared, Babuji."

"Don't be. I am here" He said emphatically, trying to assure her that he was there to take care of her as well his grandson.

She nodded. She was feeling safe in his arms. The man she had felt so alien even a couple of days back was now so close to her and providing everything she needed. Her comfort, safety and security.

"I am not sure that I will be able to sleep alone in this weather," The urgency in those words did not escape Babuji.

Balwant held them close to himself. His arms could feel her soft body. The sides of her breasts squeezed into his chest. What if her nipples rested on his chest? He quickly brushed the thought away. Yet, the feeling of her soft touches was soothing and gave him pleasure. He wanted this to continue for some more time.

Balwant's thoughts wavered. Was it right? She was his bahu and it was his duty to protect her dignity and moral integrity. He was her guardian. And the need of the hour was to provide her with comfort.

"You do not have to be afraid bahu. You can be with me. And this baby, he is my grandson, my own blood, he should sleep in my room too," Balwant said.

She peered up and her eyes gazed at him questioningly. Possibly, she hadn't expected this offer from her father-in-law.

"Babuji.. But...?" Sonam said hesitatingly.

"Bahu.." He looked at her sternly. Just a single word and eyes of admonishment was enough.

"Yes. Babuji". She nodded acceptance. .

"Come .." he said firmly. And, with an arm still around his bahu and the child within the other arm, he slowly walked her to his king size bed. The roar of thunder continued unabated. Yet, Varun for some strange reason was somewhat quiet now.

All this time their bodies remained touching each other. The flimsy nightie providing little separation as did the kurta that Balwant was wearing. Unknown to her, her touch had created a pronounced erection under his dhoti. Balwant was acutely aware and tried to distance his body in a manner that would him to avoid contact. He hoped that she would remain unaware of what he was going through his mind and body.

With the child sleeping in the middle of the bed, Balwant lay down beside him and, advising his bahu to sleep on the other side of the child, he closed his eyes. Gradually the weather improved, and the thunder slowly died down. Silence returned. It had been a long day for all of them and soon they all fell asleep.

Unsure what time it was, he awoke when he heard Varun's soft cry. Balwant, always a light sleeper, was quickly awake.

"Bahu..." he called out. Sonam who seemed to be in deep sleep barely moved. His own eyes were roaming elsewhere till they were glued on to the rounded mounds pushing against Sonam's nightie. The taut nipples of his bahu stood out haughtily and Balwant feasted on them for some time.

He waited for some more time, continuing to feast his eyes on her bosom and face and those amorous lips. Oh god! Oh god! If only he could bend down and kiss those pairs.

But Varun cried again. His mother had to be awakened immediately. Balwant give her a light touch on her arm once more, hesitantly. Then followed that up by shaking her twice on the arm.

"Bahu... Bahu... ," Balwant said with a loudly before he saw her open her eyes.

"Varun is hungry," he informed.


Sonam started feeling more and more terrified as the intensity of the lightning increased. If she had not been required to take care of Varun, she would have cried like a scared little girl herself. She was hardly twenty four and rather young to be a mother in these days when women married late and became a mother even later. Now, with her husband away, she felt so very lonely, scared and helpless. She had a trying time to stop Varun from crying and feared the baby would choke.

Just then, she heard the knock on the partition door, faintly at first before it became more insistent, revealing the concern of the man on the other side. Sonam didn't hesitate and, without a thought and without even thinking of what she was wearing, she went and opened the door. Her father-in-law just walked in and took the baby in his arms, showering his love for his grandson.

Frankly, Sonam felt relieved at his towering presence, as if a rock of support had come in her moments of fear and loneliness. He seemed very concerned about Varun, insisting that Varun was hungry. Even when Sonam said that the baby had his stomach full, he continued to tell her to feed Varun, much to Sonam's embarrassment because feeding meant breast feeding and she felt so uneasy talking about it.

At the same time, she could feel his glances roaming over her body as she stood in her most revealing and exotic nightie. Sonam felt uneasy but, just at that moment, another deafening lightning struck somewhere nearby and, involuntarily, she threw herself into the strong, rugged looking, fifty year old man's chest where she hid her face.

The man too did not hesitate but held an arm across his bahu's back. In the other hand, he still held the child. The way he had put an arm around Sonam, and pulled her into his chest, only showed how protective and caring he was of her bahu and grandchild. Yet, more than that, it seemed so romantic, a man holding a lovely woman and her baby within his broad chest, like a lover or, more realistically, like a doting husband. It was a picture of a couple protecting a baby so dear to them.

Both were breathing heavily, almost into one another, breathing in what the other breathed out. It was so ethereal and romantic, but within themselves they could hardly acknowledge that feeling for its sheer absurdity. Romance between a woman and her father-in-law! So ridiculous, so preposterous! But now, even if Sonam might have wished to draw away out of this embarrassment, she dared not do so without the patriarch's approval. He commanded respect always and now, as Sonam saw another side of the man, he drew admiration from her.

They remained clung to each other for quite some time, she trying to overcome her fright and he trying to comfort and sooth. Sonam could feel his hands on her back and unmindfully drop down to her butt curves, drawing her more into him. But the endless lightning was enough to draw her attention away from these touches. She shook in fright and honestly acknowledged her deep rooted fear to the patriarch.

"I am afraid, Babuji. I am not sure that I will be able to sleep alone in this weather."

The patriarch pulled her even nearer when she said these words and Sonam could feel the side of her breasts pushing into the man's body. Fortunately, her nipples didn't touch him, or she would have died of shame.

The man comforted her more and then, almost in a commanding tone, said that she needn't sleep alone but could sleep with her baby in his bedroom, on his king size bed. No matter how uneasy she felt, she realized that it could be the best option to her scared mind. Besides, the words of the patriarch were an order and she knew she would have to obey. She just meekly lowered her head in acceptance.

The patriarch continued to have his hand around her as he led her to his room and to his bed. Why he had to bring the king size bed to this room when the man was already a widower, that too just before Sonam's return from Patna and Nihal's departure, was a question that lurked in Sonam's mind as she saw the wide ornamental bed.

As he led her, she could feel the strength in his arms and the sheer manliness of this rugged man. When they walked through the narrow door she had to bring herself nearer to the patriarch. Her swinging hand had accidently touched the front of the patriarch's dhoti covered body. She got the surprise of her life! A hardness in an organ, whose size she could only leave to imagination, sent an electric current through her entire being.

Her mouth opened in shock and amazement but fortunately the patriarch couldn't see her. Her first thought was making an unintentional comparison with the modest size of her husband's, the one that she had lovingly sucked and had sex with. But that would be seem so ridiculously small and insignificant to this one that Babuji possessed. Quickly, she recovered from these inappropriate thoughts and followed the man who remained unmoved at the touch.

Babuji was a man who now showered utmost concern and consideration for his grandson. He quickly made the arrangements by bringing the infant's bedding material from Sonam's room and placed them in the middle of the bed. He went and switched on the night lamp, a soothing blue, switched off the brighter lights of the room. Instantly, the room had an altogether different aura about it - peaceful, serene and romantic.

Without further word the patriarch went and lay down on one side of the bed.

Sonam placed her baby in the middle and she too lay down on the other side of the child. As a mother, she needed to face the baby, which she did while patting the baby's forehead and goading him to sleep. The patriarch too was facing towards the baby, and for a few moments they looked deeply into each other. The look between them, Sonam felt, was not just between a Bahu and her father in law.

It was something else ... something she knew was improper and yet something that was almost hypnotic. She closed her eyes, not out of disgust but out of shame. What on earth was happening to her, why was she thinking these things which she was not supposed to. With her eyes closed she recollected how the man had held her close to him, how strong and robust and manly he was, of the sudden hardness she had touched for a second a little while ago. But the man turned and faced the other side of the bed, possibly saving further embarrassment to his bahu.

Sonam must have fallen asleep but when she opened her eyes the first thing that they fell upon was her father-in-law. He was now lying on his back, a hand outstretched over and above his grandson and partly even over Sonam's pillow.

He was in deep sleep, no doubt about it. But what Sonam saw soon was unimaginable to her. She hadn't been able to resist even if she wanted to. She glanced down from the man's head, to his chest and down below to the man's middle. The man's dhoti had now formed into an enormous tent, a bulge of unthinkable proportions. My god, Sonam thought. Can a man really be endowed with something so big? And this was not even fully free and open.

Sonam was mesmerized. She stared at it in disbelief, awe and admiration. And she was scared too. What if he suddenly awoke and saw her staring at him? 'Shame! Shame!' she cried to herself. Just then, the man turned and faced the other side again in his sleep. Sonam's hand almost went to her mouth, thanking her luck that she had not been caught watching something which she shouldn't.
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After some time, Sonam too fell asleep but not before she thought about what she had seen just then and how that 'thing' got so hard and so big, and who, on earth, the man was thinking of?

Sonam awoke much later when Varun started crying and she heard Babuji calling her aloud. He kept telling her that the baby was hungry. Yes, Sonam realized, she had to breast feed him then, for it was time for the infant to get his next feed. And her breasts were too full of milk, almost bursting for relief.

The patriarch repeated, his voice almost hoarse, "Feed him now Bahu. ..don't delay...he's crying so much because he is hungry." It seemed that he was hungry himself!

Sonam looked at the patriarch and then at her hungry baby. She had to feed her baby. But she simply couldn't feed the baby in that room, in front of Babuji. She blushed, her cheeks crimson on her fair skin. She fumbled for words as she got up from bed and stretched her hands to pick up Varun.

"Babuji... shshh ..should I ...I g ggo to the other room?" she stammered, wondering if Babuji would excuse himself to save her from embarrassment.

There was a stern look from the man which Sonam could only interpret as an instant disapproval. But his words were still very comforting and caring.

"No Bahu, you feed Varun here, on the bed. Don't feel shy. You are a mother who is going to feed her baby and that's natural. Come, sit on the bed and take the baby on your lap," her father-in-law said. He had stretched his hand to hold Sonam's hand and pulled her softly on to the bed.

(To be continued...)
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nice one.... keep it comming
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Ch. 03

[This is the third chapter of the story with the same title. It is about an Indian housewife and her intimate physical relationship with her father-in-law. As the readers might have seen in the previous chapters, there has been a growing attraction between both the principal characters. However, till now, they haven't overtly expressed their deeper and more amorous feelings for one another. But the opportunities now open out, desires and hunger surface in different degrees between them, expressions become more brazen and erotic, and as this chapter unfolds, their suppressed feelings are explicitly explored.

As mentioned earlier too, it is a taboo relationship, and for those who do not prefer stories of this kind nor stories set up in India, you may like to rethink before you decide to proceed further. However, if Kamasutra (Ancient Indian Book of Texts on human sexual behaviour) interests you, then there is a promise of unrestrained sensuality in these pages.

Some words in the local language, very few really, had to be unavoidably inserted because of their relevance to the plot or to add flavour to the story. But, for the unknowing reader's benefit, their translations have been provided alongside, within brackets.

Once again, there is no resemblance to any living characters and it would be pointless reading too much between the lines. A story is a story, and an erotic story more so - to be read simply for fun and pleasure.

Comments are welcome, for they enrich an author's creativity. However, it is expected that such criticisms do not lead to insults or taunts.]


To recapitulate the events described in the last few paragraphs of the previous chapter, Balwant had woken up with a start on hearing the soft cries from Varun. Although he was not sure about the time, he guessed it was possibly around 4.00 A.M. That would be a few hours since they had begun sharing his bed, very soon after the cacophony of the rampaging thunder had subsided. Now, however, it was calm outside. He was certain that the baby was crying in hunger and had earnestly made attempts to awaken his daughter-in-law.

Sonam, startled at being shaken out of her sleep, had got up quickly and, holding Varun in her arms, shyly expressing her embarrassment to feed her son in front of her father-in-law. She tried to find excuses, wanting to go to her own bedroom and feed the infant in privacy.

"Babuji... sho ..should I ...I g ggo to the other room?" she stammered, wondering if Babuji would excuse himself and leave the room on his own to save her from embarrassment.

"No Bahu, you feed Varun here, on the bed. Don't feel shy. You are a mother who is going to feed her baby and that's natural. Come, sit on the bed and take the baby on your lap," he said, trying to make her easy and to settle comfortably on his bed. Sonam stayed where she was, uncomfortably shifting on the bed and wondering how she could explain what was in her mind.

The patriarch was quick to understand Sonam's uneasiness in feeding her baby. Even if they had proceeded to stay together in one room and sleep side by side on the master bed, it was another thing for Sonam to part her flimsy nightie and give her nipple to her baby right in front of her father-in-law. He should have realised this, Balwant thought, instead of inconsiderately insisting on her staying in that very room itself to suckle her baby. He rebuked himself inwardly but, at the same time, he made an instant arrangement so that she could at least partially overcome her uneasiness.

Like a considerate father-in-law, he got up, reached into his cupboard, and brought out a thin towel, often called "angocha" in rural India. Made of handloom cotton, it had stripes over its body and the fabric was light in weight. It was big enough to cover the upper portion of Sonam's body, including her breasts where she would be holding her child while he suckled.

"Here ...," he offered it to Sonam to provide her a semblance of privacy.

Relief from impending embarrassment was written on Sonam's face as she gratefully accepted the towel, realising quickly that it would help her to cover her taut, dripping nipples and breasts overflowing with milk. She quickly wrapped the towel in the front of her body, running it over her shoulders, breasts and covering her lap too. Balwant saw her working under the towel, as if to open the front buttons of her nightie to release her breasts. Her face still registered the uneasiness and awkwardness in the task in hand, considering their relationship as a bahu (daughter-in-law) and father-in-law.

Having covered her bosom and, with Varun lying cosily on her lap, Sonam held her nipple to the baby's thirsty mouth. Varun started feeding instantly and suckling sounds could be heard by the patriarch who sat beside her bahu.

It was a wonderful picture of a lactating mother holding her baby and feeding her milk from her overflowing breasts. Honestly, Sonam's pair was literally about to burst. The patriarch had been pampering his Bahu with the most nutritious food ever since she had returned from Patna. There too, she was fed properly by her own mother. As they always say, the baby gets her nutrition from the mother ... feed the mother and you feed the child. No wonder that Sonam's breasts were too full of healthy milk. And there was enormous relief for Sonam when her baby started to draw out the milk from her swollen breasts, heavy and painful as they were. Caringly, she arranged Varun's hair, even kissing the baby's head that was partly visible. The rest of the child lay hidden underneath the 'angocha'.

Sonam looked up from the child to her father-in-law who kept looking at her intently. Sonam felt grateful to the man for taking so much care of her. She felt happy and seemed to be overcoming the loneliness that she initially felt when Rajesh left. Any bahu would have felt very uneasy in such a situation before her father-in-law, but Sonam had a look of contentment in front of this rugged man. She felt cared, protected and loved, and an overwhelming sense of gratitude expressed itself in her eyes. But for this man and the warmth and care that he offered in a much-needed privacy, she would have felt helpless with her infant son. Both kept quiet, each looking at each other now and then. Sometimes, they smiled when their eyes met, without uttering any word for a while.

"You are okay now, Bahu?" the patriarch suddenly asked, trying to break the stony silence.

Sonam, with a shy smile on her face and lips, nodded her head and said politely, "Ji (yes)."

"Varun seems to be happy now," he said, and she went red with embarrassment without any apparent reason. To Sonam, however, the child's present 'happiness' was due to her overflowing breasts and she inferred that her Babuji might have alluded to this pair.

But she still nodded her head.

"You have given me a lovely grandson, Bahu," the patriarch said after a moment, "and brought good fortune to this family."

She looked up at him. Her face didn't hide her happiness at the compliment, and she nodded.

"I know you are taking good care of my grandson. Your child will always feel secured beside you wherever he is," he went on talking to keep the conversation going, "but I felt concerned at his shrieks. A grandfather's feelings and concerns, you know. I hope you didn't mind my intrusion in the middle of the night."

She nodded smilingly. "No, Babuji. I am happy that you came. I was terrified at the thought of being alone. I am terrified of lightning and the deafening thunder sounds that accompany. It is something that has grown since my childhood and I could never overcome this fear. I am feeling better being here in this room with someone around."

Sonam was being honest. Indeed, she was being drawn more and more to the charisma of this man. There was no more inhibition in sharing this man's room, sleeping on his bed, suckling her baby in front of him ... everything that usually a wife would be prepared to do if the man was her husband. Only thing was that there had to be absolute privacy for, no matter what, they would have to be discreet, and no one should know that they shared one room.

As a bahu, she would be very embarrassed if anyone in the haveli knew about this. She thought of requesting her father-in-law to maintain this privacy but then hesitated. Who was she to suggest? The man was far too elder and would surely know the necessity of discretion, of not letting others in the family have the slightest inkling that the master of the house and a father-in-law shared his bed with his young bahu. True, this was only for the benefit of the child and her mother, but hardly a valid reason for sleeping on the same bed.

Sonam was a bit unmindful when she was thinking about the necessity of privacy but quickly her attention riveted to the baby who seemed to have fallen asleep. No matter how much she tried, Varun would not awaken and Sonam was worried. The baby had fed on only one breast while the other remained untouched and full.

She was already feeling the pain that accompanied her full breasts and if Varun didn't draw on the milk and ease her discomfort she would feel awful after a while. She prodded her baby a few times, shaking him firmly and even uttering his name to awaken him, but it didn't serve any purpose. She felt helpless and it was her helplessness that made her turn towards the patriarch sitting right beside her. He possibly sensed her discomfort and asked her if everything was alright.

"Bahu... ummm ... is anything bothering you?" The voice didn't hide his genuine anxiety.

Sonam looked up with a concerned face and said, "He is not feeding anymore."

"He must be full then. I think you should let him sleep," he said in conclusion.

"But..." Sonam tried to intervene.

"He might not have been very hungry, Bahu." He offered an explanation to his bahu.

But she kept on trying to move her son around, patting his back underneath the thin cover, but to no avail. "He is just being naughty. He isn't feeding anymore." Her eyes betrayed discomfort and helplessness.

It was then that the discussion between Sonam and her father-in-law turned to something that's usually shared between a wife and her husband or, in some cases, between a mother and her daughter. Sonam was surprised how gradually she was able to answer these questions despite her shyness. Possibly this was because the man was so very caring to and warm towards Sonam. He was now sitting just beside her. Their bodies touched one another now and then, but no one made any attempt to move away.

At one stage the patriarch asked her softly, "Bahu, are you being fully relieved?"

Such an embarrassing subject and Sonam was red in the face at first. She only shook her head.

When the man asked if she had discussed this with the doctor, she answered that she did, and then told the patriarch exactly what the doctor had said.

"...he is needing less for a few days while I am producing more," Sonam said. The moment she said this she looked once at the patriarch, and then looked away.

Sitting on the bed, Balwant absorbed what his bahu had just said.

"And does it cause discomfort bahu?" the patriarch followed up, trying to get to the root of the current situation.

Sonam looked very embarrassed and in discomfort, but she could realise that this man was her protector and she had to answer. Yet, something came over Sonam and rather than addressing him as 'Babuji' which was a respectable way to address her father-in-law, she made it more personal, dear and loveable by addressing him as 'papa', just like a daughter would.

"Yes. papa. It becomes very full, bloated and very painful," she said, and already there were tears in her eyes because of the pain.

Balwant, at first, was surprised at this sudden change in her way of addressing him. Papa is what one would prefer calling to his or her own father, not usually to a father-in-law. But, Balwant suppressed his surprise, didn't question her, making her feel that it was a natural expression. In any case, he liked hearing it.


"And when he does not take a full feed, they bloat and are painful," she said almost in tears. "It hurts, papa."

"And what did the doctor say about this?" he went on with his salvo of embarrassing questions.

Sonam went silent. She did not know how to respond.

"Bahu...," He said in a soft whisper, full of feeling and certain there would be valid explanation.

She remained silent, unable to open out further, till the patriarch goaded her again.

"Bahu...," his voice becoming a little firmer, "you must tell me ...or else how would I help you?"

"The doctor said...the doctor said...that the pressure is because of more milk ... only lessening the load would bring relief when these are so overly full."

"Relief? You mean when the child is not feeding on them?" He indicated her breasts with a movement of his head and eyes.

Sonam nodded her head shyly before she said, "Yes, I was told to relieve it ... mmmyself"

"How?" There was quizzical look on Balwant's face.

"The doctor said... to do it wi ...with my ha... hands," Sonam stammered, "or, or... pumping, may be with someone's help." She hid her face in her hands.

Balwant realised that it was taking her bahu a lot of courage to share such an intimate and private matter with her father-in-law.

Sonam's voice was muffled by her hands covering her mouth and face, but Balwant could still hear her bursting into tears and say "And now ... now even Rajesh is not here... oh! what will I do ... I feel so lonely. Oh! why did he have to leave me?"

The patriarch was overwhelmed on hearing the bahu's predicament and sorrow. His concern for her and, at the same time, a simmering excitement merged somewhere in his thoughts.

Just then Sonam felt a hand on her shoulder at first and then the hand went across and slid down her naked arm where, just before her elbow, it rested. The patriarch pulled his bahu towards him, and then with the other hand raised her chin.

"Don't cry bahu, please," he said seriously but with lots of love, "I'll feel bad. Remember, I am here to help you and I promise I'll always do so." From the chin the hand went up and wiped the tears. With the other hand that was on Sonam's arm he pulled her towards him. Sonam too was taken in by this gesture and laid her head on his chest, crying on the man's kurta that soon became wet. The patriarch patted her back, trying to comfort her.

"Come, come Bahu, stop crying. You know your tears are hurting me," Balwant said.

In a while, trying to take control of herself but still sobbing a little, Sonam murmured without looking up, "How will you help me papa in this pain?" Having seen her father-in-law's recent concern about her, Sonam believed that he would find a solution to mitigate her pain and discomfort even now.

"I don't make false promises to my bahu. If you don't feel too bad, I'll give you the relief. No, don't feel shy ... don't hesitate with someone who you just now called papa. I'll take as much milk as you can give," the patriarch said. He squeezed her arms and with the other, pressed her hand.

"What! Hey Bhagwan (Oh god)!" Sonam could only say at first, shock at hearing the suggestion. The idea was so bizarre that she shook in the man's arms and he, in turn, patted her on the back trying to reassure her, make her free and easy.

"Yes bahu. I'll have no hesitation in drinking the warm milk from your breasts," he said but Sonam could make out traces of lust in the voice. This was the first time that the patriarch had used the word 'breasts'. She shivered at the thought but soon realised that her body and mind were already receptive to this idea.

Eventually, to Sonam, these words now seemed to be a boon, for the relief that it would bring and, no matter how ridiculous the idea was, no matter how hesitant she had been, it excited her. She rubbed her head in the man's chest, warming up to him and there could be no doubt in Balwant's mind that she had concurred and would be willing to offer her full breasts to his already greedy mouth. He felt an instant hardness simply thinking about it.

"May I see your breasts, bahu? See how full they are?" he asked openly now. His bahu's silent and subdued willingness had given him the licence to ask these questions freely.

"I am ashamed, papa," Sonam said, her face still dug into his big chest. She still hid the fact that she too wanted the burly patriarch to suckle her breasts.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of Bahu. No one will know ...only you and me, in the privacy of this bedroom," he said.

"Come bahu, let me lie on your soft lap. Pick up Varun and place him on the bed since he is asleep." Sonam could make out the uncontrolled passion in that voice that merged with her own rising emotion and excitement.

Sonam waited for a while, letting her shyness dissolve in her rising excitement before she had caringly placed Varun on the bed. In the process of doing so, both her hands were occupied, and she could helplessly feel the 'angocha' slip away from her breasts, undbanging that which a woman would never expose to anyone other than her husband. Placing Varun on the bed, she quickly tried to retrieve the piece, but her father-in-law would have nothing of it. He held her hands, preventing her from covering herself, and silently admonished her with a shake of his head.

Balwant stared intently at the breasts and the nipples that protruded out from the middle of her light brown areola. He stared admiringly, much to Sonam's discomfort and she blushed profusely, not able to look anywhere other than staring only at her child.

"Which one is paining the most?" she heard him asking. She hesitated, too ashamed to open her mouth and speak, pretending to be busy in attending Varun. But the man was insistent.

"Which one bahu?" he implored again. And then, without the slightest hesitation, he had extended his big, rough hands and tenderly touched the right breast, squeezing it a bit to check the tenderness.

"Babujiiii!" Sonam cried out. Was it pain? Was it shock? Did it express a feeling totally different from pain or shock? No one, no male hand, had ever touched Sonam's breasts other than her husband's. It was a natural reaction at first, but she kept silent after that initial reaction, knowing the futility of protesting to this man when inwardly she too felt a tingling sensation run down her body. He squeezed a bit again.

"Ahhhh!" She heard her father-in-law exclaiming.

Sonam couldn't know if this exclamation by the patriarch signified his concern for her or, she thought shyly, expressed a feeling of his pleasure.

He asked quickly, "Does that hurt?"

Sonam just nodded her head. This intimate behaviour of a man and a woman bordered on sensuality. It was not just a question of pain but something sublime, something enacted between a desirous couple. He pressed again, touching the nipple head with his coarse thumb, index and middle fingers, pressing it ever so lightly. Was he really examining the pain or something else? A doctor wouldn't dare do this, thought Sonam, but here was her father-in-law doing exactly that without the slightest hesitation whatsoever.

Even the gentle touches hurt Sonam. But she didn't move away, didn't express any tone of denial or abhorrence. As if, inwardly, she seemed to bask in the attention that her breasts received from this rugged, dark, strong, middle aged man. Yes, she blushed and felt embarrassed and shy. True she was hesitant and was yet to be totally free. But these were natural of her. Ultimately, however, allowing these intimate touches meant that she had almost willingly surrendered to the illicit nature to which this relation was now almost certainly headed.
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The patriarch and the young ravishing woman looked at each other frequently, even while the big, dark hand rested on and tested the fair, engorged breasts. Sonam blushed, for she could make out the lust in the man's eyes no matter how caring he was. He was pressing the conical shapes, drawing them out so that the milk would flow. He was going by his instincts as a farmer, something he had been required to do so often in the past, right from his teens. And now, while he attended to his lovely bahu, she breathed heavily.

At one point, when her soft moans were still imperceptible, a few drops squirted out and fell on the man's naked chest.

"We are there now, bahu," her father-in-law whispered excitedly. But the result was still far from satisfactory and, barring those few initial squirts, her breasts refused to part with the abundant milk that she still held inside. Both the patriarch and his bahu were now perplexed, a bit unsure of themselves and what they should be doing, because what came to mind was truly unthinkable to Sonam if not for both. Till finally, overcoming the awkwardness, the patriarch broke the ice.

"Your doctor asked you to get someone's help. Let me be the one, let me relieve you of the pain in the manner necessary," he said, his voice hoarse and shaking. It was obvious to Sonam what that implied, and she was red in the face, shaking her head in refusal, out of shame. She wished she could hide her face.

Balwant gripped her arm with one hand while the other hand still held one breast. Then, very sternly he spoke out, "Bahu ... this is not the time to feel shy." Whatever resistance Sonam had in her was lost against this steely voice. She surrendered.

Continuing to look deeply into her eyes Balwant had brought his face on to the swollen nipples resting on her luscious breasts, brushing his thick lips over both for a while. Then, still looking at her, he took in a nipple in his parted lips, holding it in a soft grip before pressing it mildly. Sonam watched in amazement when the man started the process of drawing out the milk from that one breast in his mouth.

The exercise was taking time, as he held and pulled, squeezed and pumped on Sonam's breast with his lips and tongue, but the milk still showed no sign of giving relief to the hapless girl. This endless playing on her breasts, however, gave enormous pleasure to her and she loved it even though the pain lingered. Occasionally she moaned, despite the pain that remained. The patriarch looked surprised. He was dismayed and ashamed at his own failure, as if it was his fault that he could not draw out the milk. His face projected that of a man defeated, and with all his pride drowned in disgrace.

Sonam felt sorry for her father-in-law. She would give anything to see the pride return on this fiery man, to see him content and proud of an achievement, as one who has fulfilled his promise. She realised where and why his efforts met little success.

"Babuji, a child draws easily while resting on a mother's lap. May be ...," her voice trailed off into silence, wanting her father-in-law to take the hint. Balwant's eyes lit up, for he understood instantly. He smiled, acknowledging the unmistakable tip that he received from his bahu with a slight nod of his head.

Sonam, by now, had positioned herself on the bed and sat demurely on the bed, her legs bent backwards at the knees one over the other, her thighs close together so that only her lap invitingly lay in front of her. The patriarch eagerly placed his head on her inviting lap sensually covered with soft fabric of her nightwear.

The sensual bahu quickly placed an arm underneath the head by raising it a bit and letting it rest where she had bent her arm. She was almost cuddling and drawing him within her breast. At the same time, she bent down a bit herself. For a few moments they looked at each other and the expression in each of them was of mutual endearment.

"Babuji!" she whispered emotionally, brushing her soft hands on his cheeks. Then, with almost a husky voice, she uttered, "Let me feed you."

"Bahu!" The patriarch whispered, as eagerly as one who might have waited an eternity for the nectar that was about to be fed.

Sonam was panting and taking deep breaths. Very deftly and caringly, she held a nipple with two of her fingers and pressing the end of the breast she guided it to the waiting, eager, and hungry man's open mouth. The patriarch began to suckle, and the overflowing milk in the breast rushed into the man's mouth. He suckled. Oh! How he suckled! Sonam watched him in amazement. She held his head close to her and let it rest on her bent arm, allowing him to fill his mouth. At the same time, Sonam felt enormous relief in the rapid emptying of her overflowing breast. Balwant suckled ferociously.

Sonam couldn't control herself. She was filled with emotion and loving care for the one who suckled her breast. She ran her fingers through the patriarch's hair, like she would her child, allowing him to enjoy the milk that he was feeding. A while later, she bent down and planted a kiss on the man's forehead. Sonam wondered if she had done this out of her motherly instincts or out of her rising sexual need and love for the man whom she held to her breasts.

The milk in the right breast soon exhausted. Varun had taken a fair bit out of it earlier till he had stopped, and the patriarch's hungry suckling had emptied it quickly.

"Bahu!" he said in anguish and feeling deprived. He wanted more.

Sonam had quickly repositioned herself, as if she too was eager to feed the man she was holding in her arm. Once she felt comfortable in her new posture and watched the patriarch's head rest easily on her arm, she held her left nipple this time and placed it inside his mouth. Instantly, he started suckling.

She looked at the man's face lovingly, once again brushing his hair with a hand, drawing her own face nearer. The patriarch suckled eagerly but now he started playing with Sonam's right breast from which he had just fed. He teased and pulled on the teat, as if he had found a new toy. At the same time, he had taken his other hand behind his bahu's back, running his thick, rough fingers across the delicate, soft fabric that was her nightwear.

Balwant's fingers ran down her back slowly. Down, down ... till his fingers could make out the contours of her panties underneath her nightwear where her body began curving into the delicate softness that were her buttocks. Balwant imagined the nature of the undergarment that hugged his bahu's hips. He would love to see it. He wondered if it was wet.

He ran a finger on the crevasse that ran between the butt curves. Oh god! He remembered what he had secretly witnessed a couple of nights earlier in the toilet. In his wildest imagination he hadn't thought, at that moment, he would be lying on Sonam's laps, suckling her lovely breasts and be running his finger on her rump.

"Oh! Babuji! You have been so kind and caring and I shall not forget how you eased my pain," Sonam blurted suddenly. The man's eyes twinkled on hearing these words, but he went on suckling the breast, as if he didn't want the breast to leave his hungry mouth. His hands continued to play just as they were, may be with a bit more intensity on hearing these words.

"Babuji ... Dddo Do you ...ummm" Sonam was blushing once more, unable to say what she was wanting to.

The patriarch raised his eyebrows questioningly, unable to fathom Sonam's words. And yet, he was neither eager to release the nipple in his mouth to talk.

"Babuji ... I was thinking if you are liking the milk," she was blushing profusely and turned her face away. The man quickly held her face by holding the chins with his big, strong hand. Without releasing the nipple, he nodded his head. But Sonam was not satisfied in the answer and she felt that was evasive. He understood her sentiment, so he released the nipple and spoke.

"Yes Bahu ... I love your milk. It's so sweet and I am sure it's very nutritious ...something that an old man like me can do with every day. Promise me you shall feed me every day Bahu," he said. He had once again taken the nipple in his eager mouth and started suckling busily.

"Yes Babuji, I promise. You shall get your share every night here, in this very room, on your bed," Sonam said sensually.

As the patriarch fed on her nipple and played with the free breast with his hand, Sonam ran her eyes over this rugged, strong, dark man. He had taken off his kurta when Sonam had switched breasts for his feeding and his upper torso was naked. The young bahu looked at Balwant's manly chest, with thick hair covering most of the top. The hair was mostly black with few streaks of grey. Her eyes curiously went further down towards his flat stomach. But she couldn't see beyond that because the man lay awkwardly, the lower torso bent so that his crotch rested on the bed. To Sonam, he seemed very restless. Sonam now ran her fingers through the hair on the man's broad chest. At this moment Balwant turned around and he now lay completely on his back, excepting for the portion that was still held by his bahu in her arm.

Fiddling with the patriarch's hair on the chest, Sonam's eyes roamed towards the man's waist and still further down. She beheld an amazing sight. She looked in wonder, her mouth gaping at what she saw, a hand of hers going to her gaping mouth. The dhoti that the patriarch was wearing had bulged beyond belief into a huge tent. Even huge would be an understatement, she thought. Is it possible? She wondered. It can't be true, Sonam said to herself.

The patriarch must have followed his bahu's gaze and seen her gaping with a look of sheer shock and astonishment.

"You know Bahu, there are many things that one believes when the person sees with his or her own eyes. In my life, it has happened many times. Has it ever happened to you?" the patriarch asked.

Sonam couldn't fully understand why he had said this. She had quickly turned her face away from the 'bulge' the moment she had heard his voice.

"I cannot follow you Babuji," she said innocently.

"You really can't? Must I make it simpler?" he said gravely.

"Babuji..I ..." she still couldn't comprehend.

"Very well then," the patriarch said, "I'll make it easier and say in the language that you'll understand. Do you want me to take off my dhoti, bahu?" he whispered into Sonam's ears.

"Babujiiii!" Sonam had covered her face with both hands now that they were free with the patriarch's head resting on her lap.

"Don't feel shy, do it yourself Bahu. Confirm if what you see is just a figment of imagination or a joyous and naked reality that your mind craves for?" he asked gravely.

Sonam had frozen like a statue. She didn't make a move.

"Touch it!" the patriarch said seriously and expecting strict obedience. Sonam could hardly believe what her father-in-law was demanding through just these two words. Torn between the obvious thought of what would be a strictly 'forbidden' relationship and yet shaking in both disbelief and excitement, Sonam waited. She was a young bahu, many girls wouldn't have possibly married at this blossoming age, who waited anxiously for what would follow. The patriarch who stared at her, sucking in her juicy youth with his lustful stares, was no other than her elderly, respectable, authoritative father-in-law.

"Touch it, Bahu!" The patriarch hissed again. This was no request ... it was a command and Sonam knew that she would have to obey. She wanted to obey. Yet Sonam hesitated.

"Babuji" she couldn't hide her uneasiness ... but there was no hint of reluctance. If she waited now it was because she needed an assurance, an assurance from someone to relieve her of this rising sense of guilt.

But the patriarch was insistent. He squeezed her breasts harder, pinched the nipples and pulled on them even while he came nearer to his bahu. He was impatient for what he wanted from his sweet bahu. He didn't wait further, he couldn't. Holding the soft, tender hands of his youthful bahu, he drew it and was pushing it down his hairy chest. At the same time, the intensity of mauling and moulding her breasts became harder. Sonam was truly embarrassed. Her respectable Babuji was not hiding his lust for her. Insistently, he was drawing the hand nearer and nearer to the spot where he wanted.

Sonam made one last attempt of denial. She drew her hand away before she could be made to 'touch' the hardness.

"Babuji, No - this is not right - I am your bahu!" she cried in vain. But the patriarch was in no mood to relent. He was not going to accept any explanation. Rather, he countered her with a bit of sarcasm.

"And is it right for your Sasur (father-in-law) to suck milk from your breasts?" he was almost scorning her.

Sonam blushed, for she knew how blatantly the man had questioned her hesitation and refusal. Her hypocrisy was being glaringly pointed out. If she had allowed him to suck from her breasts, how could it be sinful if she touched that growing, throbbing manhood? That's what the patriarch was imputing. Sonam tried to explain, reminding him of his son and how he would feel if he ever knew about this.

But Balwant simply brushed her reasoning away. He was in no mood to accept any explanation. Even her fears that others might get to know was met with an assurance that their relation would remain confined within the privacy of their rooms - two rooms that seemed to have almost merged into a sprawling playground for an erotic couple about to let themselves be free of any inhibition whatsoever.

The patriarch couldn't wait any more. His rough, rugged and rural hand held her fingers and drew them down, past his flat stomach and without much ado, placed it on the stiff, hard, length of meat which was almost bursting and crying for freedom.

Her arm stretched by force, a shaking, frightened, unbelieving bahu placed a soft hand on the looming bulge of her father-in-law. The moment of touch was electrifying for both. He, because most possibly, he was already in a high degree of excitement for this touch and this expressed itself by an immediate throbbing reaction. And she also, because it instantly jumped and stretched underneath the dhoti that tried to bind it within the coarse fabric of his dhoti.

Oh my god! Sonam thought. Whatever organ could be so big, so thick, so hard and so alive? She could sense the girth and the length of the hidden shaft by touch alone. The first touch had only aggravated her curiosity and she was now eager to part the covering and see the naked organ with her curious eyes. She had to be convinced that any man could be so virile, so excited and so much of a 'mard'(virile man) to possess something that she could not ever imagine in the wildest stretch of her imagination. It was absolutely exhilarating and thrilling to Sonam. She couldn't hide her amazed look of sheer surprise.

"Babuji ... Ohh Ma! You are huge!" she exclaimed incredulously, but her eyes were full of lust. It was impossible, she thought. No one, no man could have such a big organ. She had pulled her hand away, but the patriarch was quick to bring back her soft hand on it again. Yet, she still couldn't make herself clasp the hard shaft. She was just touching it softly, still ashamed to release her lust. Till the patriarch placed his hand on hers, forcing her to clasp the thick girth of his organ. Sonam shivered in excitement. Oh my god! She thought. Her entire body was now awake, and she lusted for something so terrifyingly beautiful.

"Babuji!Babuji! You are so big," she cried like a little girl who has found a toy.

The patriarch felt proud yet enquired if she had ever seen anything like this and Sonam vehemently shook her head. He made her run her hands over the length, confirming what she had said. He could make out how much his bahu was aroused, as she shivered in excitement and small moans escaped her.

"Oh my god!" exclaimed a now delirious bahu and then shyly whispered, "Babujii, yours is much bigger than his!"

"But you haven't seen it as yet," the patriarch said, "Feel it, Bahu! See it and find out for yourself, don't leave anything to doubt." Balwant raised her chin and looked into her passionate, lustful eyes. Yes, he wanted her just like that - aroused, craving, passionate with her needs soaring. Balwant was sure that she was at that stage.

Just then, just as the tall strong man shifted his position, the dhoti that covered the organ moved away, parting a bit to give space to a dark, thick, wet, oozing bulbous head. It shimmered even in the soft shades of the light inside the room. The air around them had only one smell - the musky, sweetly pungent smell of the man's prodigious organ. She blushed at a thought. The mirth and giggles that she and her friends indulged in whenever the male organ came in as their topic of discussion.

But these thoughts were more in a lighter vein. The patriarch gave her no time to dilute the built-up desires that had engulfed them both. He squeezed her breasts, kneading them hard and pulling on them. Each action pushed Sonam further into a crazy need and she stared at the organ's peeping bulbous head, most of which hidden underneath. Suddenly, she was aware that the man was watching her staring at this amazing organ. The young bahu was more than ashamed. She quickly turned his head on to his breasts, covering his face and eyes so that prevented him for watching his aroused bahu. The man understood, and he raised and lowered himself on the bed as Sonam held on to his engorged phallus.

Sonam could not hold herself any more. She had lost the last semblance of her inhibition and shyness.

"Babujiiii," a voice that carried lust, need, desire escaped from the lips of a deeply aroused Sonam.

"Yes bahu?" the patriarch was just as eager to know what the sweet little thing wanted.

"Babuji, may I part the dhoti fully? I am eager to see this huge thing that you possess," Sonam said. Her deep need was making her bold and she knew that there was no point in being coquettish at this stage. She had to have this extraordinary cock as she could, and shyness would only deprive her of fulfilling her need.

"Of course, bahu! You must, and you will. I know how much you have been waiting to see it uncovered. Last night, when I awoke, you were intently seeing the 'tent'. You think I didn't see that? It is yours, you shall have it. Go on, open my dhoti fully and see for yourself - see if it pleases you! And do you know what you should address it as?" He smiled naughtily.

"Babujiiii!" Sonam felt ashamed.

"Sonam bahu! Don't feel ashamed. I will be honest - I too desired you." The patriarch said seriously now.

"Saachh(Really), Babuji?" Sonam uttered.

"Yes! Remember, ever since your 'sas'(mother-in-law) died, I have waited and waited, wanting the warmth of someone young." Balwant pointed a figure towards his penis and continued, "It is starved, remember that. It can't wait for your attention - give it NOW!" He looked at his bahu with unhidden lust.

Sonam bent down and, impatiently, fidgeted with the knots of the dhoti to free it. When she failed to untie the clumsy length of cloth, she looked at her father-in-law helplessly, imploringly.

"Babujii! I can't."

"Very well then," the patriarch had said before he began untying the knot, "but do you know what this is known as? It's called 'lund'," and then went on to repeat it aloud, "LUND...LUND ... and you can call it that when you are with me. No, no Bahu, ... don't feel shy. I would love to hear it from your lips."

The patriarch then went on to deftly open the knot and, to his surprise, an unusual but wild Sonam almost tore off the dhoti to free what was lurking so ominously from inside.
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To say it was mammoth would be an understatement. It was something the likes of which Sonam, the young bahu, had never seen nor heard before. Nor could she imagine that anyone could be endowed physically with such an organ. It was dark, almost black, it was mean looking, it was frightening but ... it was stupendous! At that stage of hardness, it was surely eight inches long, guessed Sonam. But it was its girth that fascinated her. How thick was it, Sonam pondered? At least two and a half inches? Or was it three? She stared at the crooked mushroom on top that made it look even menacingly thicker. Yet, to Sonam it looked gorgeous, befitting a 'mard'. Thick, deep veins encircled the shaft, carrying the much-needed blood to give it life.

Sonam gaped at it as if in a trance. At its tip she saw the unrestrained, dripping pre-cum... on to the bed sheet, or onto her hands - the very precum that gave this musky, obnoxious odour around her. And this huge length of meat was throbbing right in front of her gaping eyes. This could only belong to a virile man, one who must be having the sexual prowess of a sturdy horse. Sonam knew she was in love with it the moment she saw the entire naked organ. She wanted to possess it, own it as her own, speak and make love to it.

Just below the length of meat dangled two of the most perfect orbs, much bigger than that of her husband, and covered by his public hair. Oh my god! Everything was driving Sonam crazy. How much sperms would these orbs hold within them? An unreasonable thought of getting impregnated with his seeds floated through her mind instantly. She turned away the thought as absurd, but it came back knocking in her mind. How crazy really was she to even imagine have the man's sperms in her receptive womb, she thought naively.

Sonam couldn't hide her feelings for the throbbing, pulsating phallus anymore. She found it irresistible and certainly beyond containment. Oh god! Eager to hold this stupendous edifice she bent down to be as near to it as she wanted. As she did so, the intoxicating aroma invaded her sense of smell and she could only inhale to her heart's delight, savouring the surrounding odour again and again! Oh! How she loved the smell of this manly cock. She held it with both her hands, dainty hands that looked so small beside it. She held it straight, like a tower that stood out from his groin while he lay on the bed. She was taking deep breaths, as she kept looking at stiff, vibrant shaft.

"Babuji!" Hers was the voice of a passionate, desirous bahu that beckoned the rugged man who lay on the bed.

"Yes bahu?" The patriarch was equally eager to know.

Sonam remained silent at his response for she was far too engrossed in the live, throbbing, monstrous 'lund' that she held in her hands. And she had, without the slightest hesitation but in sheer desire, touched the wet tip with her lips, soft moans leading her on. The patriarch sat mesmerized, watching the young bahu as she outpoured her aroused sensuality on the cock-head. In moments, the sticky juices made those pouting lips glossy, turning her into an extremely sensuous, desirable and erotic woman. Sonam's entire body was now simmering unrestrained in need and lust - just what the patriarch wanted her to be.

As she held the manly organ in her hands and brushed her soft lips over the oozing wet tip Sonam could feel an enormous transformation about to take place within herself. It was as if she was born only to be this man's woman in every sense - for love, for sex and even to bear him a child from his seeds. True she was the wife of Rajesh and had borne him a son. Equally true was the fact that the man lying on the bed was the patriarch and head of the family.

To Sonam the reality of being a dutiful wife and daughter-in-law seemed to have receded to the background. What loomed in her mind, in a big way, was that she now belonged only to her rugged, manly father-in-law. Not just an innocent, demure bahu to a respected father-in-law and all the inmates of this somewhat rich family, but someone special to this man.

From now on, Sonam realised, she was to be a bahu in a much more intimate, romantic, erotic sense to this one man who headed a compact family. She could now almost visualise herself as a wife - for she would share his bedroom, a sex object - for she was certain of the man's insatiable appetite for it, even perhaps a slut to this 'mard' of a man, the one whom she called Babuji from the first day of her marriage. She blushed just thinking about this. What did they call such girls? Randi(whore)... oh my god, she was red in the face, but the thought brought a tingling sensation in her crotch.

Relentlessly, the man was mauling one of her breasts while he suckled insanely on the other that was now nearly empty. His mouth was still on it, trying to extract more out of her fully drained breasts. Such show of intense desire and passion was too much for the coquettish yet lustful bahu, and she could hardly contain herself. She circled the tip of her thumb along the tip of his cock with a purpose, almost forcing more of the sticky, slimy juice to escape and ooze out unhindered. Her head was on it instantly, deeply breathing in the strong musky smell that intoxicated her. God! How she had been ignorant of this intoxicating aroma when it was available so near to her, right from the day of her wedding.

She felt elated and insanely happy now. For at least six months she would have as much of this man and his magnificent dark 'cock' whenever she wanted. No, she rethought, not whenever she wanted, for that was not possible as a bahu of this family. But, certainly, every night in the privacy of these two rooms that was theirs, hers and her Babuji!

Sonam's lips were on this throbbing organ again, such was her passion for it. She inhaled the maleness again and again, stared at the mushroom head that ballooned enormously like a crown, befitting the organ of this one man who was her sasur (father-in-law). Throbbing and alive, it seemed so very purposeful in what it wanted. Just then she looked up and a strand of sticky juice stretched from the tip of the 'lund' to her lips. It was like a binding thread between the two ...between lund and lips, between a manly sasur and sexy bahu, both now in irreversible heat once their reservations and inhibitions on this forbidden relationship had been won over and overcome.

Balwant pulled his attention off her breasts to peek at what was happening down below. In his wildest imagination he couldn't have imagined what he now saw. Seema's face was flushed with arousal, her hair strewn all over her pretty face. She was holding him in her hands, body bent towards his crotch and face swooping down on his cock. Like a hawk, her eyes were transfixed on the object of her desire. Soon, the sexy nymph had her lips were grounded on to the tip of that enormous length of hardened meat. Her lips were barely spread out, and yet engulfed the wet crown that was coated with his pre-cum and some of her own drool.

She swayed her lips and face while keeping the shaft steady, coating her lips with a luminous spread of the slimy gloss. She closed her lips once and kissed the slit, paying reverence to the lingam (penis). Then, for moments she drew away her face while the organ remained in her hands.

With her lips drawn away from the man's cock she shyly stole a glance at the patriarch. She found him restless, now that her lips were not touching the tip of his enraged penis. It was obvious that he found it unbearable the moment Sonam withdrew the touch of her soft lips from his manly cock. His eyes imploringly looked at his bahu, almost begging her to plant her lips on it again. He stroked her unkempt hair caringly, wanting her to revert to where she was.

Sonam felt a bit mischievous and she brought about a naughty smile of denial by shaking her head, almost teasingly and playfully, like a young girl. The excited Balwant implored once again, but Sonam giggled and shook her head in denial again. The first refusal was gently coaxed with another push at her temple, which expressed the man's urgency without being unduly rough or forceful. Sonam playfully shook her head again and she was surprised at her own ability at denial when she had all along been afraid of her father-in-law.

"Nahin (No), Nahin (No) ..." She giggled mirthfully, her pearly teeth in full display.

But Balwant was insane in need. He was in no stage to wait any further. Sonam felt his strong hands around her neck, then gripping the strands of her lustrous hair in his hand and bending her down to the man's imposing organ. She attempted another act of denial, but her face was almost on the precum coated tip. She opened her mouth and rounded her lips on the bulbous head, coating her lips generously.

Sonam couldn't proceed further. Not that she didn't want to, she most certainly did. But she was being guided more by the past, by how much she had proceeded with her husband Rajesh who couldn't really boast of retention and would invariably spill very soon after Sonam's lips or tongue played with the tip. She now hesitated to take more of the organ into her mouth. The patriarch forcefully held her head to his throbbing organ, but she resisted for a while till she pulled away.

"Babuji ...Nahi (No)," she pleaded.

"Bahu ... Karona (please do it)," the patriarch urged, his words full of lust and drowned in his passion.

"Nahi Babuji ..No .. No... I ..,"she was begging the man to stop.

"Why not Bahu?" The patriarch might have been surprised at this passionate woman's sudden baulking. He was certain that they had been engulfed in their own raging fire. One that could only be doused with ultimate consummation.

"With Rajesh it was possible ... But Babuji, my mouth is small, and I won't be able to take in fully what you possess ...," Sonam blurted out the reason for her denial.

Balwant took over a more active role after this disclosure. Partly, it led to an expression of love between the two, with the patriarch goading and teaching his sweet sexy bahu, softly urging her to let go her fear, assuring her that he wouldn't rush or push but that her wet mouth should be receptive to what he gave, that in the end she would be able to take in the full length of his manly cock. Sonam too, like an obedient lover, followed his guidance by opening her lips wider and wider, allowing the enormous 'thing' into the warm wetness of her mouth. But she had doubted her ability to do so in the beginning.

"Slowly Bahu, don't rush to take in more than you can! Little at a time ...yes, yes... you are doing fine ... don't stop sucking ... that's it ...go on sucking, yesss," each of her action was being prompted by the patriarch while he stroked her head in assurance.

As Sonam obeyed her father-in-law she found the taste immensely to her liking. Her eyes closed, and she immersed in thoughts of the man and his manhood, the one that he desired her to call 'lund'.

Few inches in, it choked her when it hit her throat and she almost gagged before pulling out suddenly, gasping for breath. She withdrew quickly, and her lips remained parted. The slimy mixture of the man's precum and her own saliva dripped from the corner of her mouth on to the cock, giving it a more menacing look.

"Are you ok Bahu? Don't rush, wait and take your breath,"Balwant's words were reassuring but gave Sonam the much needed confidence.

"Yes Babuji, I am ok. Just taking my breath," she smiled and coughed, and the patriarch got a whiff of his own pre-cum from her mouth.

Sonam still held his organ, holding on to it as if it was the most precious thing to her. Her mouth might have failed but her soft hands hadn't. She would never part with it, never. Her breasts dangled underneath the sheer nightie that she wore, a breast fully exposed for view with the nipple sitting prettily. Her hair was partly dishevelled and covering a bit of her beautiful face. Her eyes showed her wanton desires without a shred of her earlier inhibition. Indeed, she was the very epitome of what the patriarch might have craved for a long, long time. Sonam looked at the man and she couldn't deny that she wanted to be entirely his in every way.

The patriarch guided her once again to his thick shaft, patting her on the back of her neck softly before mildly pushing her down. Sonam didn't wait, for she wanted to have her lips and mouth on it just as much. Without any hesitation she opened her mouth and took in the coated mushroom. Her lips encircled the girth and she looked up to see the man staring at her intently and admiringly. What was going on through the man's mind, she wondered. She wanted to give the man utmost pleasure and wished in her heart that he would have the same feelings of possessing her and making her his own.

Sonam sucked for endless moments. On and on she went, sometimes taking the organ out of her mouth and licking the shaft from base to tip and sometimes just twirling her tongue over and over the tip to further arouse the man.

"Oh Babuji! I love your ... your ... 'thing'..." She couldn't bring herself to call it as Balwant had wanted, trying to stammer her way out.

But Balwant would have nothing of it.

"No, Bahu. It has a name, remember? I want you to whisper its name, get used to calling it that," the patriarch wanted to enforce.

Shyly, hesitatingly, Sonam had to obey her father-in-law.

"Babuji! I love your lund, believe me ... Oh! I love it so much. And the taste ...the taste is so pleasing for me," she cried.

Frankly, the patriarch had never witnessed such open and unrestrained sucking in the past. His bahu could hear his groans as he twisted and shook on the bed and Sonam felt happy that she could give the pleasure that the patriarch wanted. They would have so many nights to enjoy one another and give to each other. It would be the ultimate in erotic sex. She was sure of that.

Suddenly, Sonam let the organ out of her mouth. Her lips and much of her cheeks and chin were wet with the man's slimy juice as she sat up to bring her face near the patriarch. Her need was urgent.

"Kiss me, make me yours," she said boldly now. She was no more hesitant. The time for shyness and respect was over. They were both erotic lovers now, wanting each other and that is how they would behave from now onwards... at least in the privacy of this room.

Balwant stretched his big strong hands and pulled her into his broad chest, squeezing and crushing her within those strong arms. A hand gripped her back while another rested on her buttocks to pull her further into him. He looked down at her once, at the pair of very wet lips and mouth that reeked of his own precum, cheeks wet and glistening. He found her irresistible and hot, a woman whose every nerve and fibre emitted sex and desire. At first, he kissed her softly, just brushing the wet lips before raw passion gave way. Each of them could hold back no more. Passionately they kissed, their tongues searching each other, each enjoying their first kiss of union.

"Babuji ... Babuji ..." the panting bahu was uncontrolled, "oh Babuji ... I want you so much...take me, make me yours."

"Oh! My sweet bahu, ... my very own," the patriarch said passionately and seriously.

"Babuji, I have missed so much in my marriage till now that I want to explore everything with you. Will you make me yours? I dream of being a wife and a lover to you. I wish I could bear you a child born out of your healthy seeds. Oh! Please! Take out whatever erotic passion that your bahu possesses, for she wants to give to you whatever she has hid till now," Sonam was blurting out without the slightest hesitancy now.

She held his face with both her hands and showered the patriarch with wild, passionate kisses as her breasts pushed into his chest. She was truly aroused and would give anything for the man within whose arms she lay cuddled.

Sonam was filled with overwhelming love for the patriarch as he held her face with both his strong, big hands. His words, ones that expressed his concurrence to what his bahu had wished, rung in her ears like a wonderful piece of music. She was elated that the man would fulfil all that she craved to be for him.

"My girl...," Balwant reciprocated and, biting her lower lips with all the passion and intensity he could muster, accepted her as his own. "You will be each of those for me" And saying that he kissed her hard again sucking her tongue inside his mouth and sealing their relationship. Clandestine as it may be, it was erotic love between the two.

"And you shall be more than that, my Bahu. You will be what you can never imagine. Not just my wife and lover," he said lovingly but not hiding the inner lust and a sort of wickedness that brewed in his mind.

Balwant passionately kissed Sonam for a long time and as their lips parted in the end, he looked into her eyes and said, "You are a fertile woman, my dear." He continued "and, make no mistake, you will get my seeds and bring new life."

To Sonam nothing could be sweeter than these words. The very words made her glance at the two sacks that dangled below the man's enormous cock. Oh Yes! The pair was so, so big - just the size that matched the monstrous organ. They were full of fertile seeds, Sonam was sure of that and she was in no doubt that there could be but just one outcome of their erotic coupling that would follow soon and in the many days that followed.

Sonam could feel the man's nakedness as the dhoti that he was wearing earlier lay a distance away. Yet, the raw skins of the erotic couple had not touched each other. The man's lund pressed into sheer fabric that still covered her body, both impatient as each tried to be as near to the other as they could, pushing and pressing into each other with an urgency. Her breasts were squeezed into the man's chest, but these were still not fully bare as the young bahu was mostly covered by the nightie that she was wearing. She was eager for that touch now, raw skin against skin. There could be no doubt that her passions were now fully released and needed to be expressed fully.

Just at that moment she felt the patriarch's hands lift his body off her, a separation that surprised her at first. She quickly realised the purpose. In just fleeting seconds he had gripped the neckline of the disturbing nightie and torn it apart with his powerful arms. The flimsy nightie lay tattered on both her sides as Sonam lay completely naked except for the gossamer panties before her now wild father-in-law. Balwant stared at his bahu ... his attention directed at the lovely piece of garment that had hid snugly below her nightwear. It was soft, sheer and exquisitely laced and white. Oh! Help me! Balwant almost cried out just staring at the undergarment that hugged her. And the wetness? Those marks of her arousal? Oh, he loved it! He lowered his face on to spot; he was snared into taking a whiff of the essence of her sex.

Without further delay, Balwant's hands were on the tiny fabric that was her panties, pulling it down her thighs and legs. Taking it in his hand he stared at the wetness that stood out. Unable to resist, he placed his face on it, breathing in her sex. Sonam snatched it from his hand and quickly pushed it underneath the pillow.

Removal of the last shred of her garment instantly shook the very instinct of modesty that's inborn in a woman. No matter how much the couple had become free to each other Sonam still could not bear the nakedness that she was now exposed to by the patriarch. She covered her most intimate portions of her soft, delicate and desirable body. A hand lay across her breasts while another lay placed on her womanhood.

Her hands were small, and the patriarch must have had glimpses of the curly muff that had become so much of a part of her 'yoni' (vagina). She had even put one leg over the other, covering as much of the place as she could for now.
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But the patriarch was in no stage of being deprived of this visual pleasure. He savoured every part of this woman. His woman! He exclaimed to himself. Her voluptuous curves with additions to them after childbirth, her soft smooth skin, the haughty nipples crowning the fulsome breasts, her curled up belly-button lying like a lotus in the middle of her stomach, the broadening rump, and oh! those tantalizing legs. She looked like a sex goddess who had been created for a single purpose. To be taken. He found her irresistible and simply divine.

Unable to prolong the torture of his aroused senses, Balwant gently but purposefully held her legs with both hands and separated them, a little at first before they were truly spread apart. He was now kneeling in front, staring intently and admiringly at this lovely, sweet and so very exciting bahu.

"Yes, Devi (goddess) you are mine," the patriarch said in lustful emotion. He expressed himself now through his kisses as he covered each area, starting from her lips. And each kiss increased Sonam's passion.

The kiss now seemed different, something that was far more ardent. He was savouring the taste of each of her sensitive areas, building up an inner fire so that it would wildly rage all over the woman who lay before him. He rested his face on her armpits, breathing in deeply and exclaiming the pleasures that her aroma gave him. Down further he went, as he kissed her navel and the point of focus that was her belly button. Sonam felt the mild kiss on the spot, a sort of tickling sensation but knew that the patriarch was bent on giving attention to each spot, wouldn't revere one at the cost of another. She waited expectantly, excitedly and shivered all over knowing what was soon to follow.

His face wedged between her thighs, the patriarch had placed his hands on her breasts, gripping them roughly as he squeezed the tender breasts of his bahu. His long thick fingers and thumb pinched the nipples, just hard enough for the girl to utter a small cry of pain. But Sonam liked that pain, delighted in the pleasure that she felt.

The patriarch's attention was now riveted fully on Sonam's 'yoni'. He stared at it at first, feasting on the site that lay in front of his eyes. The man had placed his elbows in between the thighs, applying pressure to part them, widen the gap so that he could behold the site of his bahu's naked womanhood, the wet, moist yoni of this woman whom he desired.

Soon, the thick lips of the man met the yoni lips, as if in a kiss. The moment of truth and touch had arrived. That Sonam was leaking would be an understatement. It was like an overflowing river, a fountain of her sex. She could make out the man smell her spot, taking in the aroma as deeply and keenly as he wanted.

Once the initiation to the woman's sweet, desirable spot was established the man's urgency revealed and expressed in the wildest possible manner. He licked the labia at first before he pushed in the tongue deeply inside, rubbing his face insistently over the muff. Sonam could not restrain herself - she moaned and cried incessantly and incoherently.

The patriarch could hear her murmur his name a hundred times ... Babuji oh Babuji ... my Babuji ... she went on ranting. At one point she had gripped the man's face with her thighs like a pincer, not wanting to let him move away even an inch, such was her arousal. Her juices streamed out, covering the entire area in her groin. But, more than that, her juices had spread completely over her babuji's face.

"Babujiiiiiiiii ..." she screamed at one point, loud enough to reverberate through the room and possibly beyond it as well. Would the maid be able to hear? But that was of little concern. They were far too immersed in their own erotic world and need. Sonam had collapsed on the bed, almost senseless in her excitement - such was her stage of intoxication for this man who was her rustic father-in-law.

The man stopped for a while on hearing this cry from the woman whom he now loved more than anything else, worried when she lay limp. Yet, his lust was high. His own stamina and virility, undoubtedly, were his biggest strengths. It would be impossible for a woman to lose her attraction for this man and Sonam was no exception.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" she whimpered.

The patriarch didn't stop, his face on the yoni remaining motionless for a few moments. But the intoxicating aroma that escaped from the leaking vagina of the bahu was enough to precipitate renewed action from him. His tongue was out, running along the slit, drying the spot only to see it moisten again and making him want to lick again. He lapped up the area as a cat would to milk, without stopping to take breath and making rough groaning sounds like a carnivorous animal.

The man's incessant kissing and licking on her 'yoni' was too much of an excitement and arousal for Sonam and she must have had one or two orgasms during this period. In the end, she could hardly control herself, wanting to merge her body and soul with this one man who was his 'sasur'. The excitement, the pleasure, the joy of the act was almost unbearable to the insane Sonam.

"Babuji, please stop!" she whispered out helplessly in the end, trying to bring in some semblance of sanity in herself by wanting the patriarch stop in these actions that were driving her insane.

The patriarch was more than surprised. To him the bahu had reached a level of intense desire from which it would be impossible for her to break away. And yet, to find this young woman asking for a halt to his own show of deep passion amazed him beyond measure. He stared at Sonam in disbelief. It was only that look of incredulity in her father-in-law's face that awakened Sonam.

"Babuji ...I find it impossible to control myself ... my entire body is craving for you in a manner that I feel I am going insane. I have never had this intense feeling ever before and I feel I have remained unfulfilled as a woman and a wife. I never want you to stop. My entire body is on fire and only you can douse it." Sonam's voice was full of need and lust, and these were feelings that she couldn't hide from the patriarch any more.

Her thighs once again gripped the man's head within as she threw her body in frenzy on bed, moaning incoherently once again.

"Babuji, I can't stay without touching you ... and holding it," she was shameless in her utterances.

Balwant's head was still captive within his bahu's cushy thighs. But this didn't prevent him from lifting his mouth from the juicy wetness to which he was now addicted.

"Neither can I bahu, neither can I. Believe me, I am intoxicated in this nectar that you offer so generously!" Balwant's voice was foaming uncontrolled lust.

Not to be undone in these insane expressions of their towering need Sonam whimpered, "Oh! Babuji, how I wish to take your 'lund' inside me now, and then again and again and again, as many times as you would like. I long to hold it inside my warm, wet womb!"

It was the insane outbursts of a young woman offering herself in totality to the unbridled passions of a man who was twice her age. The sanctity of their relationship lay buried in tempestuous lust that would be impossible to contain.

(To be continued ...)
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Ch.  04

[This is the fourth chapter to the ongoing story of the same title. The taboo relationship between the young Indian housewife and her father-in-law now goes to the next level. The much-awaited sexual union between them unfolds in this chapter.

The story is based in India. As stated in earlier chapters, the flavor is Indian, and there is usage of the local Hindi language in some measure. However, to the extent possible, English translations have been provided alongside. Those readers who feel alienated when reading stories set in India or by Indian writers, may think twice before you feel like proceeding. Although, it must be said, emotions, desires, eroticism are similar everywhere around the world. Personally, nothing could make the writer happier than to see the maximum number of readers going through the publication.

This chapter has been deliberately kept short, having been devoted purely to the ultimate sexual union that a man and woman seek. To a couple having sex for the first time, it is something that is wonderful and sublime, almost heavenly, when there's true love between each other. It deserves a separate chapter on its own, sans any other emotion, event or character.

Subsequent chapters would certainly be longer, because there's so much more to tell in this story of love and sex.

Once again, there is no resemblance to any living characters and it would be pointless reading too much between the lines. A story is a story, and an erotic story more so - to be read simply for fun and pleasure.

Comments are welcome, for they enrich an author's creativity. However, it is expected that such criticisms do not lead to taunts and insults. On the other hand, if you do like the story, do be indulgent in your rating.]

"Oh! Babuji, how I wish to take your 'lund' (cock) inside me now, and then again and again and again, as many times as you would like. I long to hold it inside my warm, wet womb!" Erotic words uttered by the bahu, and without inhibition!

The words from his bahu touched a raw nerve in Balwant. The animal lust had taken over both his bahu and him alike.

"I cannot stay without touching your lund and holding it......" He heard her say.

The shy woman was now behaving like a randi (slut)... a bitch in extreme heat who would not stop at anything till her cunt was rampaged by her father-in-law. The very man who had brought out her animistic longing to surface. He was the one man to whom she no longer hesitated in outpouring her sexual outbursts. She didn't care how she looked or how she behaved in front of this man.

His naked bahu, whose nightie was just ripped off her torso, lay with her hair strewn, the sindoor (vermilion) was long since gone with just a faint smear remaining. The mangalsutra, the symbol of her wedded status, was dangling over her right breast.

Balwant's love for this randi woman grew. His lust multiplied with the words she uttered and the moans she emitted just now.

Balwant pulled her hand further up and placed it around his hardened cock. "And what does my bahu want to do with my lund ...?" His fingers grazing across her torso running up to her breasts,

"Babuji... " Her voice laden with lust "I want that dark beast ..."

" wonderful.." He said while pinching her nipple that elicited another moan. "But tell me what you want the lund for...?

Nodding her head, as if pointing towards her crotch "I want him inside me, Babuji". Her voice besieging, almost begging in lust.

"Kahan .... naam bolo ( it)?" Balwant had that impish grin when he asked her where she wanted his lund, and she had to say the right but unutterable word. For her, that was the most intimate part of her womanhood. Even that did not stop him from teasing and embarrassing her further.

There was a teasing tone in the manner the patriarch was talking to his bahu in this most ardent stage of their impending copulation. He was goading the young girl to come out with specific answers to his questions once the girl had blurted out her carnal desire to hold the man's lund.

Sonam was embarrassed beyond measure; it was one thing to say these things in the spur of the moment and in her rising desires, but quite another if the recipient indulged in questions that would make her say things far more boldly. She was primarily a shy, conservative girl but circumstances, ever since her husband had left for a foreign assignment, made her change far more than she thought was possible for her. Shyly, hesitantly, she went on answering her father-in-law's teasing questions.

"Meri choot mein (In my pussy) ... Babuji," her voice in whisper with the longing of a woman who could not wait to be taken.

"So, you don't feel ashamed to take that name? Hmmm," Balwant teased her.

"But you wanted me to say it, Babuji! And then you tease me? You put me to shame!" Sonam felt ashamed at Babuji's trickery in getting her to answer his question and then tease her. She covered her face with her hands.

Balwant played with her long, silky hair. He laughed, wanting to tease her more. Just as a loving couple would do.

"Hmmmm .... so, you want to take my 'lund' in your pussy ... eh, Bahu?" he persisted in his teasing.

Sonam went on answering all his impish teases but she was far too impatient; impatient because she could not hold herself further. She was already holding the monstrous cock in her soft, petite hands while rubbing her soft palm along the length of the shaft. Her palms were moist by the steady stream of precum that oozed out from the tip of the stupendously large, black, monstrous cock that she held in her hands.

Such was her rising lust that she was eager to hold her wet hands on her face, breathing in the aroma that intoxicated her. And even to feed on the juice that had wet her hand. Oh my god! She was insanely overcome with heat and want for this man and his organ. She kept wondering how it was possible that even though her marriage was more than a year now she had not succumbed to her lust for this real 'mard'. Perhaps, if she had stayed all along in her sasural (in-laws house), if she had constantly intermingled with her father-in-law, they would both have surely surrendered to each other much earlier. May be, she would then have been impregnated by this man's healthy and fertile seeds, and the child that she conceived and gave birth to would have been theirs -- hers and her father-in-law Balwant's.

The very thought made her crave more for the man in whose arms she lay -- naked with the fabric that was her nightie lying in tatters beside her. Every inch of her sexy, desirous body showed her to be as she felt like at that instant -- a randi to her Babuji.

The words that they exchanged between themselves, as they remained overcome in their arousing lust, were unthinkable to Sonam. In a saner mind she would have blushed and covered her face in shame. And to think that these were the words that she was saying to her Babuji or words that she went on hearing excitedly and eagerly from him, surprised her more.

She knew that she wanted the man desperately, craved to be taken by him, lusted for the 'lund' to penetrate deeply into her insanely aroused 'choot' and to remain embedded inside, ploughing the walls of her wet womanhood roughly and brutally.... for it had the size and strength to do so. The only cock that had ever entered her vagina was her husband's ... incomparable in any way with the one that was now ready for her. Her young 'chut' was greedy and oozing wetness for the experienced, massive, immensely productive sperm filled, black cock that was her Babuji's. The thought of the pleasure that would ensue sent waves of excitement all through her desirous body once again, and she shook and quivered in front of the patriarch's eyes.

When the man at last began probing her 'sex' with one of his thick fingers, the touch was electrifying to Sonam. Was sex so very sublime, so very heavenly? And what would it be like when he finally inserted his 'lund'? The patriarch was giving his bahu the most enjoyable sensation possible. Sonam could only cry out, "Babujiiiii!". This man, this rustic patriarch was taking her young body to dizzy heights of sexual pleasure. At that point she didn't want to compare him with her husband because she knew there could be no real comparison between the two.

With one hand she gripped the man's free hand, while she held Balwant's lund firmly. She moaned softly, as her eyes closed in pleasure.

"Abhi to angali dali hai (I have only inserted my finger), bahu," Balwant said when he heard her moan and, without holding back, he thrust his finger deeper..

Sonam could only moan out 'ahhh ...Babuji'.

The patriarch was probing the walls of Sonam's vagina, circling and swirling his finger around the insides of her 'chut', softly at first before the intensity increased. The young bahu soon felt the rustic man's finger playing with her clitoris, hitting the head repeatedly with the tip, ushering out more of her juices.

"Oiiiiiiii," she cried out as she squirmed, shaking her head on the pillow.

Sonam was really in ecstasy -- one that she had never felt before. She held on to the man's lund as if it was something very dear to her, pulling and squeezing the hard, thick shaft. But then she saw the patriarch taking out his finger, much to her anguish. But then, he was licking his own wet finger to taste the juices that had formed in her bahu's wet, slippery 'cunt'.

"Oh my god! What was Babuji doing?" She stared at him.

The removal of the man's finger had created a vacuum in her vagina that was impossible for Sonam to bear. She tugged at the lund again and again before crying words that expressed the heat inside her.

"Babuji .. mujh se raha nahi jaa raha (I cannot bear it any more) ...please," she begged of her playful father-in-law.

The words that they exchanged between themselves were expressive of their lust and desire. Sonam's inhibitions had gone out her mind was her body that was speaking. Even when the patriarch uttered the unutterable, she didn't hesitate.

When Balwant asked how he should take her, she shamelessly said, "Apne lund se (with your cock)." She would never have been able to say these things earlier but her desires for this man, who had touched her most intimate part, had made her a shameless wife, a starved bahu who was clearly full of lust.

Balwant teased and played with her, using words and questions that only led her to be more and more open. He wanted her to be uninhibited in expressing her needs, prepared for sex whenever he wanted. He had a tireless libido that was impossible to contain or be content.

"Meri randi bankar mere lund ko legi (will you take my lund by becoming my whore)?" Balwant egged her on.

Red in the face and yet unashamed in her need, she blurted out, "Yes, Babuji I will be a whore to you."

In truth, Sonam did not want anything that would bar her from possessing this man's awesome 'lund' with which she was thoroughly in love now. Ever since she had seen it, and then touched it with her hands, and then given it the warmth of her mouth, she had become restless and obsessed for this magnificent organ of her father-in-law.

Unable to hold herself back anymore she wailed, "Babuji, Babuji .... dal doh lund meri choot mein ... chodo mujhe (Insert your cock in my cunt ...fuck me, Babuji)."

Balwant, himself, was finding it hard to wait any longer. "Toh.... le loo tumko (So, I'll take you)?"

Sonam nodded her head eagerly. "Yes, Yes .... Oh god!"

It took the patriarch the least time in pulling her legs apart by holding her soft, delicate, creamy thighs with the rough, coarse hands of an unsophisticated, rustic but strong, well built man. The moment the lips of her vagina was made visible there escaped a shriek of delight in the elderly Babuji.

"Ooooffff!" he cried hoarsely as he stared at her vulva and the reddish insides that led to the ultimate spot that he desired.

The exquisitely beautiful quivering lotus, drenched in its own heat, gaped at her 'mard'. Babuji feasted on the aroma that escaped now, intoxicating him more and more. The air was filled with the fragrance of her sex.

'Bahu, I know how young you are and how little experience you have with that really very modest cock that your husband who is my son has. You are seeing a cock that would surpass most cocks and may compare with one that is almost like a horse. I want to warn you, Bahu, that it will hurt you. Are you prepared?" Babuji asked, not hiding his concern for his bahu.

'Yes Babuji. I am more than prepared for what you possess. I have reached the point of no return and my 'chut' will be calm again only when the hot sperms rest inside it. I can't wait any more. Take me as you would take a slut ... roughly and without mercy," Sonam was panting as she uttered these shameless words.

There was no reason for Babuji to wait further. He put a hand on Sonam's who was already holding the throbbing cock and together they guided the cock towards the waiting 'chut'.

"Chodooon (Shall I Fuck) Bahu?" Babuji asked once more, whispering into Sonam's ears, as he nibbled them with his lips.

"Haan babuji, chodo mujhe (yes Babuji, fuck me)," Sonam said shamelessly.

The first touch, as the tip grazed the vulva lips, was electrifying for Sonam. The moment that she had been waiting for had arrived for her. She shivered.

"Oh! Babuji! Mere Babuji, mere mard (my virile man)! Ahhhhh ... .... kitni din ki pratiksha (I have waited so long)," Sonam cried in excitement.

The patriarch must have been surprised to hear these words. Waited for so long? What was his bahu saying? But he had thought that this had started coming only a day or two back! However, he didn't probe further, letting it remain a mystery till it surfaced later some other day.

Sonam waited, but within a few moments she felt the hardness making its first attempt to invade her waiting womanhood. Perhaps a few centimeters ... Babuji was being most careful, she knew. A surge of happiness filled Sonam. Her 'mard' was taking pains to see that she didn't get hurt before she was prepared. Pain would be the ultimate ... it was necessary to get the pleasure, but this experienced man was making the grounds ready for this remarkable, dark phallus with her.

"Does it hurt Bahu?" Sonam heard her man saying.

"No Babuji, push in more ... I want you to .. I can't explain how impatient I am ... I want the entire 'lund' in my 'chut' .... Babuji, .. aur intezar kar nahi sakti (I can't wait a moment)," she whispered.

"Toh samhal isey, bahu (then handle this, Bahu)." He warned.

Simultaneously with these words, the patriarch pushed in a bit more strongly so that a couple of inches had made a forcible entry. The 'lund' was unarguably thick and, by all counts, its width was too much for the young Sonam who yelped out in pain at first. Babuji stopped almost instantly.

"Did I hurt you?" the patriarch asked very caringly, wiping an involuntary tear of pain that trickled down Sonam's cheeks. It was a gesture of pure love even in that moment when the man was gripped in immense physical need. Sonam gushed in happiness, forgetting the hurt of the invading 'lund'.

"Nahin babuji ... aur phir dard ke bina kaun si sukh (No Babuji ... and what pleasure can there be without pain)?" Sonam said forgetting the pain.

Babuji's arm beneath his Bahu's back pulled her nearer, he kissed her cheeks and then had his lips on hers, pressing them passionately, parting them, as he became more and more engulfed in a passion that had been rare for a long time.

A rough, coarse hand held one of her breasts, squeezing and kneading them and running the palm over the nipples a few times. Then, at some point, he held a nipple at a time in his fingers and pinched and pulled them to his heart's content. "Beautiful, very beautiful" he went on saying all the while. And below, he pushed in a bit harder, allowing his lund to capture more of the wet space that remained taut and tight. He must have pushed in a couple of inches now, for there was another exclamation of pain from his bahu.

"Hey Bhagwan! Mai marr jayungi (Oh god! I'll die)!" Sonam cried but she didn't push away her babuji from over her body. Rather her arms around his back gripped him more. She kissed him passionately, her saliva mixing with his as their breaths intermingled. This time, however, Babuji didn't stop.

"Le Bahu, mera lund le. Lund mangtee thi naa? Le, aur le. Sarii raat tujhe chodungi, meri randi (Take Bahu, take my cock. You wanted my cock isn't it? Take it, go on, take more. I'll fuck you the whole night like a slut," the patriarch's voice was hoarse in lust.

He pushed in more, fucked her harder, pulled back a bit before pushing in a few inches more. It was now a rampaging lund, occupying more and more the open spaces that it found before it. With a final push, the entire length of that massive organ was imbedded in her wet choot!

"Oooohhhhh Maaaa! Bachao mujhey (Oooooh mother! Save me)," Sonam cried as the hardness hurt her. But once it was inside she took a few moments to control herself and let herself get adjusted to the initial pain. When the lund had settled, she basked in the pleasure of holding something within her that she had been longing for. The feeling was exquisite, and sublime and she was proud now. She was filled with joy for she had been able to let that enormous, hungry lund of her babuji and lover be fully accommodated inside her.

Sonam lowered a hand of hers to the point where both Babuji's lund and her own choot had united. She wanted to touch the spot and see for herself that he was fully within her, that she was capable of taking in this man's manhood -- the man whom she now loved, the man whom she could think of as no one else other than her husband. And she wanted him to fulfil that role, the role of fucking her, of giving her his fertile seeds and making her a mother again.

"Ahhhh Babuji," she was deliriously happy," chodo mujhe, jor jor se chodo (fuck me, fuck me hard)."

"Haan, haan, haan (Yes, yes, yes)," was the outburst of a raging bull in the patriarch.

"Harder, harder Babuji ... aur jor se ... choriye matt apni randi ko (harder Babuji, don't spare your whore)," Sonam was wild now.

They went on fucking each other, bound and entwined as they were like serpents, pushing and plundering, giving and taking, moaning and shrieking in the delight of sexual love and togetherness as the region around their pelvis wanted to be merged into each other. The bed squeaked at this violent physical activity and if anyone was in a room below theirs, would have wondered why!

How the time flew Sonam didn't know nor did she know how long this man, her lover, had been fucking her. Such a difference between his son and him! Whereas the son could not hold beyond a minute and left her unsatisfied, the father was so virile, so much of a mard. He could prolong the act for the woman to be deliriously fulfilled. Her eyes had closed, and she had dug her long nails into the man's back, scratching him without a care. Sonam arched her pelvis into the man to take his weight on her. She had entwined her legs around his back but now she had raised and put them over his shoulders to get more of him within her.

The patriarch was far too experienced and knew the art of prolonging his ejaculation. In between, there would be moments when he would be immobile, except for the passionate kisses that he showered on his bahu. But, lower down, there was calm and waiting. Waiting to strike and push again, so that he could continue their love making to dizzying heights for his lovely Sonam.

"Tell me when you really need me, when you wish to take what I long to give ... take your time," Balwant said. His power of retention was extraordinary, and something that his dead wife had appreciated time and again when she was alive. Balwant always wanted to ensure his partner's satisfaction. Or else, he never felt happy or satisfied himself. Sonam was drowned in unthinkable pleasure, as she squirmed and received her Babuji. Endless moments, before she had reached orgasm. She was now ready to receive, for she had been fully satiated in her sexual want as she had been truly swept over by endless waves of lust and desire. She moaned and moaned.
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Sonam was awoken from her stupor when she heard the man warning her, "Bahu ... meri rani ....anewala hai (Bahu queen ...I am about to cum)!"

Sonam wanted complete fulfilment. She wanted his seeds deep inside her, inside her womb.

"Yessssss, Yesssss, Mere andar (Inside me) ... Babujiiiiiiiiiii," she cried.

"Leh, Leh isey (Take, take this)" he howled into her ears as she felt him gripping her arms followed by the most intimate of kisses on her lips and cheeks. Balwant had opened his lips and, hungrily and wildly, closed it around Sonam's mouth. He sucked on her lips, even biting softly.

And then the dam burst as he let himself go and ejaculated his unending load stored in his two big testicles. Spurt after spurt of warm, fertile, thick seeds were filling her womb as the man pulled back only to push in harder after each burst.

"Take this!" He warned.

"And this!" He repeated.

"Whore! You wanted to be fucked, eh? You deserved to be fucked by no less a cock than that of the master of the house. I'll fill that womb of yours with my thick seeds. I'll breed you, make those breasts swell with milk for my pleasure." He was remorseless as he plundered his young bahu's cunt mercilessly, just like she wanted. Sonam was thrilled beyond measure. She was delirious in happiness.

She blacked out in pure ecstasy by Balwant's merciless thrusts till her womb was filled to the brim. In the eyes of the creator, they were now one. And they were ready to procreate!

When they had truly completed their love act, and had regained their breath, they kissed each other. Their passions had subsided but their inner love for each other had grown beyond measure. In between their kisses, they expressed their love.

"Bahu ... my queen ... I love you," Babuji said lovingly. "I promise I'll love you as a man loves a woman, just like a husband loves his wife. It will no more be between a bahu and her sasur (father-in-law)."

"Babuji ... I cannot express how much joy you have given me. Mai sirif aap ka hi hoon, har din har waqt! (I am only yours, every day every night) I am yours totally from today and I shall love you as no other woman has loved a man more," she whispered in deep love.

Sonam watched her father-in-law who had a smile of content on his face. He stroked the bahu's hair, parting it to see the sindoor that spread across and, in a token gesture, ran his fingers over the line. To Sonam, who couldn't see his hands, it was a gesture of possessing her with application of vermillion, even though he didn't apply any yet. By now, his enormously long and hard manhood had shrunk and become softer, although it was still much larger and harder than what Sonam had ever experienced. It still remained embedded in her cunt.

"Bahu, I'll have to withdraw my lund for a while. You'll not feel sad?" he asked apologetically.

"No Babuji, because I know that it has taken possession of my 'chut' and I can always have it whenever I want," Sonam said a bit shyly.

But the instant he had taken his lund out Sonam could feel the vacuum that had been created. The parting hurt her in mind just as much as the entry had hurt her physically. However, she could sense that the enormous load of thick juices that had filled her yoni was trying to gush out. She was horrified that it would spill and spoil Babuji's bedsheet and create utmost embarrassment to both.

"Babujiiiiiiii," she tried to stretch her hand on the only available piece of clothing that did not belong to this room -- her lacy panties. It was underneath the pillow beside her, but with Babuji's heavy body on her, she was unable to move.

Her father-in-law realised her predicament and quickly stretched his hand to grab the panties from underneath the pillow. Instantly, he placed it on the leaking 'pussy' of his bahu. In moments, the tiny fabric was fully wet with the sticky goo. He cleaned the area thoroughly as he kept looking at his Bahu, who shyly looked away.

Once that was done, he was about to clean himself, as he brought it nearer to his withdrawn shaft. Sonam quickly held his hand, preventing him from doing what he wanted to do. She took the panties in her own hand and threw the piece underneath the bed. "Only I will clean it," Sonam whispered before she seriously remarked," From now on, it will be my duty to clean it after we have made love!".

As Babuji remained on his hands and knees, Sonam quickly slid her body along the bed till her face was underneath the patriarch's cock. She held the lund, still covered in sticky juices, with her hands, and then cleaned the surface with her tongue. Even when it was thoroughly cleaned of every trace of the stick cum, she went on licking, causing a growing hardness once again.

"No bahu! Tonight, we will not indulge in it again. I love you too much to hurt you again on the first night. I know what a monster this is and how hard and brutal force it has. As you get used to my savage 'lund' I will plunder your 'chut' and all that you have in that beautiful body of yours. Yes Bahu, again and again, every night. But not tonight, my dearest!" Babuji said caringly and kissed her on her lips. He hugged her close.

The words once again made Sonam love the man. He was truly a great lover, no doubt about it and he could fully satiate a woman with both emotional and physical love, such that would make any woman bask in sheer joy and wish for perpetual binding.

"Yes Babuji, as you wish! Then, at least, let us sleep in one another's arms. Surely you will not deny that to me?" Sonam pleaded.

Babuji laughed and nodded his approval.

As they settled comfortably on the bed, Sonam looked horrified at the white bedsheet. There were unmistakable signs of her Babuji's sticky cum that had dribbled out of her pussy at some point.

"Babuji!" she drew the man's attention. He simply laughed it off.

"So? Does that prove anything about our intimacy? Sleep peacefully Bahu without worrying so much," Balwant assured. Sonam made a mental note to clean it the next morning.

Soon they were in each other's arms, their lips inseparable even in sleep, their breath blowing into each other's face. It was as if they were made for each other, to be for each other. Sonam felt she was never as near, physically or mentally, to her husband. Balwant, on the other hand, looked back at his life and wondered if he had found real love again in his young daughter-in-law, who could fill his emotional void and physical needs fully.

The couple's physical nearness and activities had begun with Balwant suckling his bahu's breasts sometime around three at night. But it was now past five. Clinging together, they fell asleep. Their relationship had changed entirely. From Bahu and Father-in-Law, they had become lovers.

To be continued..
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Ch.  05

[The journey of love between the Indian housewife and her father-in-law continues. It may be taboo but, in a loving couple, nothing else matters. The intensity of their love is such that they wish for a stronger binding between them that is unthinkable otherwise - marriage. It is not marriage in the true sense that society would readily accept, but one that would give them a lot of joy and satisfaction in themselves.

In this deviation from local social customs and practices, they take their maid into confidence, involving her fully by making her a close confidant. The obedient and subservient maid takes up her role as a priestess in right earnest and imposes her ideas authoritatively. Her authority as the priestess is followed by the couple scrupulously since they seek this fulfillment.

As stated in earlier chapters, the flavor is Indian, and there is usage of the local Hindi language in some measure. However, to the extent possible, English translations have been provided alongside. Those readers who feel alienated when reading stories set in India or by Indian writers, may think twice before you feel like proceeding. However, the greater the viewership the more is the interest to continue with subsequent chapters.

Once again, there is no resemblance to any living characters and it would be pointless reading too much between the lines. A story is a story, and an erotic story more so - to be read simply for fun and pleasure.

As always, comments are invited, for they enrich an author's creativity. However, it is expected that such criticisms do not lead to taunts and insults. On the other hand, if you do like the story, do be indulgent in your rating.]


It was past 7.00 when the bright sunlight woke up Sonam. She was horrified and embarrassed at having woken up so late. As a bahu, she always got up much earlier, and by this time she was in the prayer room after her bath. By 8.00 everyone would be at the dining table, having their 'nasta' (breakfast), with the patriarch at the farthest end of the table and his bahu always beside him. This was his wish and command.

"Babuji. Get up, get up ...oh my god, I am so late!" She pushed the patriarch a few times and picking up her tattered nightie that lay on the bed, she hurriedly got down from the bed. But that was the farthest that she could get.

Balwant just stretched his strong pair of hands and gripped the pretty bahu by her waist. He pulled her on to the bed and on to his lap. Both were completely naked.

The 'hardness' of the patriarch immediately on awakening was not lost on Sonam. She felt the eager 'lund' probing the crack of her rump and strong hands that were soon mauling her milk laden breasts. A squirt or two trickled on to Balwants hands.

"Choriye Babuji (Leave me, Babuji)," she cried out. She felt excited but stifled her want because of her daily chores that needed her attention and were no less demanding.

"Why? A bahu's rightful place is on her sasur's (father-in-law) lap," Balwant laughed as he fondled her.

He swung Sonam on the bed so that she now lay face down with Balwant on top. He was still gripping her breasts.

"Babuji, please! I am late. I'll not be able to face the household if you hold me back further," Sonam wailed. Her cries fell on the deaf ears of an aroused mind.

Balwant was sliding his body down over Sonam's back. He kissed her neck and then on her shoulders, gradually moving down across her soft creamy body. He released her breasts when she reached her rump, parted the soft, fleshy curves of her butt and stared at the crack and the hole that it nestled.

"So lovely," he uttered, not hiding the intensity of his rising lust. Unable to resist, he had brought his face down on to the spot.

Balwant sniffed the area as he dug in his nose.

"Ahhh!" He exclaimed, as he took in whiffs at the spot, one after the other.

Sonam wriggled on bed, trying to free herself. She was deeply embarrassed at the patriarch's inappropriate outbursts on such an intimate part of her body. Balwant didn't hide his intoxication, sniffing and moaning as his eyes remained closed.

In one moment of Balwant's slackness Sonam slid out of his grip, almost pushing her feet on the man's shoulders with all her strength for leverage to break free. Before Balwant could realize the intentions of his prey, Sonam was out from his clutches.

With her tattered nightie still in her hands, she quickly ran away to the adjacent bedroom which was hers. In her hurry, Sonam forgot to take the wet panties that she had thrown underneath the bed, an inadvertence she would rue later.

In less than an hour she had her bath and got ready for the day. She was wearing a pretty, red saree with a golden border, a matching golden silk blouse and a red petticoat. Underneath, she was wearing the most exotic pink lingerie, full of laces and even had a thin frill border. The bra sat nicely on her breasts, extending the beauty and shape of her already beautiful curves of her bust.

Sonam looked at the mirror and wondered if she had worn it for her Babuji. Would he look at it admiringly? Would he fondle her breasts? She smiled at herself. How the man had taken over her mind! Her thoughts always revolved around him alone.

She parted her hair and applied a thin line of vermilion like ***** housewives do. But she was unsure who it was for. Was it only for Rajesh to whom she was married? Or, for someone nearer? After her torrid love making with Babuji the previous night, was it for this elderly father-in-law?

She rushed quickly to the prayer room. She just hoped that Babuji would have got up and completed his bath. If he too was late! Oh god, what would everyone think?

Normally, he was in the sitting room by 6.45 having his morning cup of tea, doing rounds at the cow shed, inspecting his cows, talking with the servants and telling them their outside duties for the day. Then sharp at 8.00, he would come and sit at the dining table. Today, even he was late and that must have been a surprise to everyone.

Sonam completed her prayers in fifteen minutes, but didn't forget to pray for her husband which she usually did. But this day, she had some special thoughts and prayers for her Babuji too, wishing him well, wishing his long life and yes, praying for their love.

Oh god! How much she was in love with him now.

Soon, she hurried to the kitchen, first to see that the cook had prepared the 'nasta' or if they required her help. Satisfied, she dashed across to the dining room where everyone seemed to stare at her for being late. She should have been the first at the dining table, as others came in one by one. Today, she was the last. It was 8.10. She was embarrassed and apologized, first to Babuji, for that was the custom in the rich yet rural family, and then to the others who were all elder to her.

The patriarch was, fittingly, sitting at the head of the table. The first seat from that end was vacant, obviously left for the loving bahu of the household, Sonam. She came and sat down demurely, her head covered with the pallu of her saree.

Such was Sonam's embarrassment at being late that she fumbled with the spoon in her hand. Unfortunately, the spoon slipped out of her hand and fell on to the floor. Sonam blushed in more embarrassment. The young bahu of the house was making a mess of everything.

She mumbled a soft apology, as she bent down to pick up the spoon.

"Meri galti hui. Mujhe maf kijiye Babuji (I am at fault, forgive me)," her voice was most apologetic.

In the process of picking up the spoon, as she bent down her pallu (saree end covering her breasts) slipped of her shoulder. An involuntary glance at her breasts and cleavage revealed her curves. Just underneath the blouse, she glanced at the outlines of her lace bra. She knew Babuji would be happy if he saw her in her latest lingerie pair.

She was about to get up and out from underneath the table when her eyes fell on the parted thighs of Babuji sitting on his chair. The 'dhoti' that he was wearing couldn't hide the bulge that lay in between. The two orbs and the thick cock that rested on them were conspicuous under the thin fabric that comprised the dhoti.

Sonam's thoughts, for an instant, went back to the previous night and the rampaging organ that was resting barely a couple of feet away from her face.

It was then that the horror of her forgetfulness hit her! Oh my God! What had she done! Her soiled panties was lying on the floor of Babuji's bedroom. Imagine! Bahu's panties under the master's bed! That too, the panties that would have the unmistakable signs of the man's sticky cum! Sonam turned red in the face. She couldn't get the patriarch's attention from underneath the table and neither could she remain in that position for long. She gave a mild tug on his dhoti before she got up.

Babuji must have realized something was amiss but he said nothing. He just glanced at Sonam who was trying to say everything with her eyes that expressed an imminent danger. Just then Matasari entered the room, carrying the awoken child in her arms.

Anjali, Anurudh's wife, asked, "Where were you Matasari? You are supposed to be here during breakfast. You know that."

"I was cleaning malik's (master of the house) bedroom," she said seriously. What was left unsaid was that it was not her fault if the man was late in vacating his room. Obviously, she was hinting that the master had got up unusually late himself and she could attend to it after the master had vacated.

"I did your room too, Bahurani," Matasari continued to say, but she smiled mischievously at her. Sonam was certain that the maid had found her panties and blushed. The patriarch might have witnessed it.

Soon everyone was getting up from the dining table having finished their meal. As Sonam got up Balwant told her, "Bahu, I want to have another cup of tea ... prepared by you."

Turning to Matasari his booming voice said," Won't the child have his bath now? Get him ready. Bahu will go to her room shortly after she gives me a cup of tea." Matasari turned and quickly left the room. So did the others.

Everyone feared the patriarch. Babuji and Bahu were left alone now.

"You wanted to say something Bahu?" the master of the house asked. He was worried that something might have happened to his grandson that had made his bahu restless.

Breathlessly and in whispers, Sonam said, "Babuji, I made a big mistake. I forgot to bring away my panties from your room this morning. I left it underneath the bed where I threw it after you cleaned me. You heard what Matasari said just now? She must have seen my undergarment in your room. Oh! What will she think? Babuji I am scared!"

Sonam's face didn't hide what she felt. She was now tense, scared and nervous. She looked at her Babuji. Was he angry on her? Or would he take control and do whatever he thought would be best to protect the dignity of his bahu and himself?

"Toh tum apni kachhi mere bedroom pe chor ke chali ayii? (So you left your panties in my bedroom?)" Balwant asked his bahu. There was no anger in his voice, no concern at all. Just understanding and sympathy for his bahu.

Although he wanted to, he could not reach out and take her in his arms at that moment. He wanted to hold her hand and reassure her that there was no reason for worry. Yet, there were concerns - maids are easily the quickest carriers of gossip. It would be a source of immense speculation, and certainly spicy for the household and neighbourhood, if the news about the bahu's missing panties got leaked.

"Do not worry bahu. It will be fine." Balwant assured her.

"But Babuji.. " Her face filled with alarm and eyes moist as she stifled her cry.

He wanted to reach out and hold her hand. Yet he restrained himself.

"I will take care of it bahu." His voice sounded cool but there was sternness and resolve.

She quickly wiped a tear with the help of the pallu of her saree.

"Go to your room bahu. I will speak to Matasari. And you do not worry. All will be fine." His voice exuded the confidence that he always had in his ability to take care of things.

"Yes, Babuji," Sonam said and slowly proceeded towards her bedroom. There was relief in her face after Babuji's reassurance. She gathered her pallu over her sleeveless blouse, covering her ample and proud breasts underneath the soft fabric.

Balwant, one for never putting anything till later, got up and walked down to the courtyard where the maid, Matasari was playing with Varun in her arms.

"Matasari.." he beckoned, carrying the authority of the head of the family, "Go and leave Varun with bahu. Then you come here, I have something to till you."

"Ji babuji," she bowed her head and hurriedly picked up Varun and went off in a hurry.

Balwant too got up after Sonam had walked away. Everyone else had moved away to other parts of the house after breakfast. The morning sun was now lighting up the courtyard. The patriarch walked along the corridor glancing at the closed door of Sonam's bedroom. He felt an urge to walk in but resisted. He'll have all the opportunity at night to hold and fondle his lovely bahu.

Balwant opened his bedroom door and walked across to his favorite lounging chair. He waited for Matasari and thinking about this small predicament that had fallen on him and Sonam.

Balwant heard the shuffle of Matasari's feet as she approached his room. She and her husband were longtime employees of the household. She was around thirty-three years of age and, like rural womenfolk involved in strenuous physical activities since childhood, had a very shapely figure. She had a somewhat dark complexion, having been exposed to harsh sunlight, but she had a longish face that was rather pretty in a way. And she did have a lovely smile and was very lively.

Matasari's husband, due to exigencies at home, had sought Balwant's permission and left for his distant village a year back. Matasari would visit her husband every six months or so. Her last visit was about four months back.

"Babuji, aapne bulaya? (Master, you have called me)?" she asked from the door.

"Yes, yes ... Matasari.. come inside." His voice was soft, not betraying the anxiety in his mind.

"Yes Babuji." She walked in. As was customary she left the door open. She came and stood in front of Balwant with hands folded. Her saree wrapped around her torso and the pallu across her shoulder and head.

"How's your husband?"

Her face was polite and grateful, "He's ok I think. I haven't talked with him for quite some time. But his brother was here a week back. I learnt from him that everything is fine back home."

Balwant nodded. "I just hope you are happy. You have been staying alone for a long time without your husband."

"Why not, Babuji? You all take so much care and are so watchful of my needs. Why shouldn't I be happy?"

"Even then. After all, you stay alone." Balwant crossed his muscular legs, covering part of the dhoti beyond the thighs.

"I have become used to this life. What can I do?" She sighed one, not hiding her disappointment at having to live without her husband and the needs of a separated couple. But she quickly recovered.

"Then why don't you call him back? What work does he have in the village and living without his wife?" Balwant was trying to sound considerate and sympathetic before he went on to discuss the embarrassing topic on Sonam's panties.

"No Babuji. I am okay." She felt a bit uneasy and pulled her pallu further across her body as she watched Balwant uncross his legs.

Balwant kept silent for a while as the maid fiddled with the end of her saree pallu. Abruptly, he fired the bombshell without warning as he watched her reaction.

"Have you cleaned my room this morning?"

"Yes Babuji," her face darkened as the import of his question hit her.

"When?" He asked calmly without betraying any emotion.

"Just a while ago." Her face was visibly distraught, and her breathing was rapid.

"Did you find anything?" Straight, to the point. Balwant wanted to get this over with quickly.

"Wh ...what Babuji?" She stammered, stalling for time. She had no idea that the patriarch would ask this question about an intimate apparel of a woman, and his bahu.

"Go on. Speak." His words were now definitely firmer, and serious.

"Yes, Babuji" Her face looking down at the floor. She was not sure how to answer his question.

Balwant was unrelenting. "Batao... Kya mila tha (Tell me, what did you get)?" he had lowered his voice, but the message was distinct.

"Babujiiiiii ..." Matasari was astounded when Balwant questioned her in that manner.

"Tell me. Don't be afraid, Matasari."

The maid hesitated before she blurted, "Kachi (Panties) ...from underneath your bed," she trembled to say this to the master.

"Whose is it, eh?" More embarrassing question for the maid.

Matasari covered her face. The questions were getting more and more difficult for a woman to answer. Who would, in real life, ever talk about such matters with a man and that too with the master of the house. And now to have to talk to Babuji about them! She was distraught.

"Whose is it?" He repeated himself, unmoved and with an expressionless face.

"Bahuji ki ...I think it is hers," she quickly went through with her answer.

"How can you say?"

"I wash her innerwears ... Babuji, so I know," the maid answered.

"Do you know what that means, Matasari?" His voice soft and eyes penetrating hers

No words came out. She nodded.

"And, and ... did you see the stains on my bedsheet?" He asked.

Matasari again nodded her head.

"Go and close the door," Balwant said.

She froze at first, reservations and shyness getting hold of her. But then, she slowly moved towards the door, shutting it and came over to Balwant.

"Come here ..." he pointed to the carpeted area in front of his seat.

Matasari slowly walked up to him and stood in front. He reached out, took her hand, and pulled her down to sit on the floor.

"Have you talked with anyone about this?" He asked. His hand still holding hers but neither she nor the patriarch made any attempt to free their hands.

"Nahin (No), Babuji."

"Matasari.. dhyan se suno ...yeh hamisha tumhere under hee rahna chaheye ( Listen carefully, Matasari .. this should always remain within you)." Balwant's voice was commanding.

"Yes Babuji." Her cold hands were starting to warm up within the big palms of the master.

"I have always treated you and your husband very close to me and my family. I hope you realize that, Matasari?"

"Yes, Babuji.., " she said, nodding her head firmly.

"You will not even tell your husband. Understand?"

She nodded before respectfully affirming, "No, I will never tell him. Believe me, malik (master)."

"Matasari .. I have always relied on your loyalty. Don't ever betray that trust." He pressed her hands.

The maid was embarrassed and blushed.

"I will take care of you. In turn, you will take care of me and Bahurani. We will be mutually helpful to one another, trust me." Was it only her trust that Balwant was seeking? Was there any hidden intent?

She was voiceless. Her eyes were brimming as she nodded.

He reached out and took her face in his big hands.

"Batao kya karun tumhere liye. Paise ki baat mut karna .. wo mai dekh lunga. (Tell me, what I can do for you? Don't just talk about money for I'll meet that requirement." The patriarch's voice was husky.

She stared at him, trying to fathom the inner meaning of what Balwant Singh was saying.

"Go on. Tell me ... Matasari. Don't fear." He urged. His fingers still touching her cheeks. A shiver ran through Matasari.

"Not now, Babuji.. Some time later ... when the time comes," her tremulous voice betraying fear and emotions too. She decided to keep her wish on hold. Only time will help her to extract the best at that point of time.
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"Bahut Acha. Kabhi bhi.. Samaj gai na (Very good. Whenever you wish, eh? You understand?" He repeated his offer.

"Jee.. Babuji. (Yes master!)" She was shivering with an odd sensation.

"Where have you kept that 'kachi' (panties)?" Balwant asked abruptly.

"Babuji ... In my room."

"Go and bring it now," he advised her, pulling her up on her feet.

Matasari returned quickly with an unwashed saree in her hand which Sonam had kept aside for washing. The soiled panties was hidden inside the folds of the saree. She bolted the door again.

He nodded to her, "Show me."

She opened the folds of the saree in front of the patriarch. Visible before the eyes of Balwant lay the pinkish white panties of his bahu. Clearly visible were abundant streaks of dry 'cum' - evidence of intense sexual intercourse and discharge. It also spoke of the rich virility of the man ...for the discharge was by no means meager.

"Jante ho .. yeh kya hai..(you know what this is)?" He asked her blatantly as his fingers slowly brushed over the dry coating on the surface of the flimsy fabric.

"Yes ... Babuji." She whispered.


"Yours ... there's so much!" She couldn't look at Balwants's face and, having said so, immediately bit her fingers in shame.

He nodded. "Yes, there's lot of it." He remained passive but gloated in pride at his virility.

The maid kept quiet, breathing deeply.

"You keep those here," he pointed to the sofa and then continued, "and go by that door and call bahurani. And remember to clean my bed-sheet today itself." He had pointed at the connecting door between his room and Sonam's.

"Babuji.." she was hesitant.

"Yes, yes ...go," and then continued "Just remember, you just take care of your bahurani, she must never be put into any difficulty."

"Yes, Babuji.. I know."

She went to the connecting door and knocked mildly. The door opened with Sonam standing beside it and cradling Varun in her arms. Matasari took the baby from Sonam's arms and pointed towards Balwant.

"Bahu.. Babuji bula rahen hain (babuji is calling you)," Matasari told Sonam.

Sonam waited at the door for a few moments. Matasari's face was submissive and yet they were protective. She was the benign servant of Sonam but at the same time, she had to take care of her.

"Come.." Matasari whispered and almost led Sonam to the patriarch.

"Bahu.." He called her lovingly.

"Babuji.." Sonam said shyly, standing with her head bowed.

"Everything is okay...," he assured, "I have spoken with Matasari. She has understood everything. Her work from now on would be to look after you and take care of you. Understood Bahu?"

Sonam eyes met with Balwant's and his gentle smile put her at ease. She knew it would be alright.

"You can talk with Matasari on any matter. Any matter. She will maintain secrecy." Balwant said to Sonam. He looked at Matasari too, who nodded.

"Aur wo apne sath le jana (and take those with you)." He pointed to the folded used saree.

"Yes Babuji," Sonam said, as she walked across to pick up the saree and what lay hidden inside. Matasari quickly dashed across.

"Bahurani, please give it me," she said in an act of servitude as Sonam picked up the saree and her hidden undergarment. She smiled at Sonam as their hands touched.

"Should I clean the undergarment and keep it in your wardrobe?" she whispered, but the patriarch could hear it.

Honestly, Sonam didn't want to wash this piece. To her this was a memorable and valuable keepsake of her first conjugal union, of some heavenly moments of sheer joy, with her amazingly virile father-in-law. How wildly and lovingly he had flooded her vagina with his thick cum, and it was this sticky goo that had been rubbed into this fabric! She would never want to wash those first traces of his fertile cum. It was something Sonam wanted to preserve, and savor the moments when she would be alone.

"No, No, don't bother Matasari ... you just keep it on my bed," she said softly. To her it seemed that everyone in the room would catch on to the purpose of her not wanting it to be washed. This time too, her sasur heard what she said. He smiled, but none of the women in the room saw it.

"Chhor do Matasari. Sayed Bahu ko woh kachi dhulai karna pasand nahin (Leave it Matasari. May be Bahurani doesn't want that particular undergarment to be washed)."

This time the patriarch laughed aloud. Sonam was red in the face and dashed out of the room, taking the sari and her used undergarment with her. Matasari turned and looked at the patriarch, her face too in a mischievous grin as she understood what the master of the house was hinting at.

"Master, Bahurani is so ashamed and coyish," Matasari laughingly said, "Let me go to her."

"Listen Matasari. I want that you two become very good friends ...if not in front of everyone, at least in privacy," the head of the family said. Matasari nodded her head to indicate she would obey and dashed off after Sonam.

In the meantime, after rushing off to her room, Sonam came and sat down on her bed, her face flushed. She didn't even put the unwashed undergarments inside her almirah, such was her shame in having been caught by both the master and the maid. Why did she have to say it so nakedly, Sonam thought to herself. Just then, Matasari entered her room smiling.

"What's the matter Bahurani? Why are you feeling so shy? Haven't you heard what the master has said? I have understood everything he has said. And from today my duty is to look after you. Even then you are feeling shy?" Matasari told Sonam.

Matasari had come nearer and, taking liberty of the patriarch's advice, she held up Sonam's chin with her fingers. Somehow, the distance between a maid and her 'malkin' (mistress) seemed to have been pushed away and neither of them hesitated or felt bad. Although she was a respectable 'bahu' she was still a young girl whereas Matasari was more than ten years elder to her.

Sonam felt a growing warmth towards the maid and the fact that she now knew about her relationship with her sasur made her warm up to her more. You always require a chaperon in such relationships.

"Has Babuji told you everything, Matasari?" Sonam asked hesitatingly. It would be far more embarrassing if the maid had come to know, in details, exactly what happened the night before.

Matasari bluffed a bit so that Sonam would open out more. She wanted to know everything from the young bahu, and with tactful and leading questions, she was certain that the immature girl would ultimately confide in her.

"Haan, yehi ki raat bhar aap dono bistar mein (Yes, that the entire night you two ... on the bed) ..." she started giggling.

Sonam blushed instantly and covered her eyes with both hands, "Oh god! Shame! Shame on me! ... Oh why! Why did he have to tell everything?"

Matasari, who was standing near, held Sonam's hands with hers and pulled them away from her face.

"No, don't feel ashamed Bahurani. Tell me everything. Maybe I can help you more, who knows?" Matasari ran a hand along the young girl's back. She had, by now, come and sat beside Sonam and had her arm around her comfortingly.

"No, I can't tell you. Matasari why are you embarrassing me more?" Sonam blurted.

"Okay, don't tell. But, come one, at least when I put questions then tell me. Or else, how will I help?" Matasari pursued.

Sonam nodded her head. She had no other way to wriggle out of this situation.

"Achha ye batao Bahurani, kya malik tum se behat pyar hai ya nahin? Tumhe us me kuch shak hai ya nahin (Very well, just tell me - Babuji loves you very much, doesn't he? You don't doubt that, do you)?" Matasari asked.

"Babuji loves me too much. I don't have any doubts on that," Sonam said from the core of her heart.

"And you Bahurani? Your love, your desire for him?" Matasari was drawing the girl into a web of surrendering questions.

"I too love him a lot. I can't live without him now!" The girl was speaking out the truth from the depths of her heart. Her entire thoughts, her entire mind and her entire body ached for this man who was her father-in-law.

"Achha ye batao bahurani ...aab to malik, jo hai apka babuji, apna mard bana. Sach mein ek baat kahogi? (Then tell me something. The master, who is your father-in-law, has now become your 'man' and lover. Will you answer one thing truthfully)?" The maid asked.

"Haan ..koshish karungi (yes, I will try)" Sonam whispered.

"Koshish nahin. Batana paregi (Not just trying ... you have to tell)," Matasari was adamant.

Sonam helplessly nodded her head.

Matasari giggled. They were like 'sahelis' (friends) now and one had to be open and not secretive.

"Phir batao Bahurani ... unka 'woh' kaise laga? Jis se ek mard ka pehchan hota hai, (Then tell me one thing ... Ummm ... how did you like his 'thing' ...the one by which you recognize a real man)?" The maid made no distinction between her and the bahurani, no distinction in their standing and relationship. She was not being just the maid, but a very close and bosom friend of Sonam.

"Jao ..tum bhi Matasari, kaisi batein karti ho (Oh Matasari! What questions you ask)?" Sonam smiled shyly.

"Bahurani. I will tell about an incident. I was dusting the rooms one day while Babuji was standing in the verandah talking with someone. That day, he was not wearing anything underneath his dhoti, possibly having taken off his langot (underwear) before he was scheduled to go for his bath. I could see the underlines of his body underneath the thin material of the dhoti. What to tell Bahurani! He is a real 'mard'. It was so big, so big, something I never knew was possible in a man. I cannot imagine what size it would have been when he would be making love!" Matasari was giggling like a young girl. Even Sonam couldn't help but started giggling too.

"Yes, you cannot imagine how big it is when it awakens, Matasari," Sonam replied, casting aside her shyness.

"Toh aaj raat dikhao ... darwaja khul ke rakhna ... Babuji ko maat batana ..thik hai (Then show it to me tonight... Keep the door between the rooms open ... Don't tell Babuji)?" Matasari immediately seized the opportunity to make a request.

"Oh! Matasari ... what sort of things you tell!" a mock scolding from Sonam.

"Bahurani ..." Matasari was almost begging for an invitation to the visual delights of rare erotic copulation between an elderly 'mard' and a sexy, young bahu. Possibly, she could also be wanting to have a view of the naked organ that she could only imagine after that dhoti covered view earlier. Begging, cajoling, pulling the young bahu's arm Matasari tried everything but Sonam remained unmoved. She was too shy and felt too ashamed to even think of it.

Till, at last, Matasari threw the last dice.

"Bahurani ..ek baat batayun? (Can I tell you something)?" she asked.

Sonam nodded her head in approval.

"Babuji ke liye aap ka itna pyar hai dil mein. Aap ne kuch der pehle ye bhi kaha ki aap unka bina raha nahi sakogi. (You have so much love for Babuji. Sometime back, you said you cannot live without him. Didn't you?" Matasari asked tactfully.

"Haan (Yes)," Sonam replied, without realizing that she was being led into a trap.

Saach batao ..kya aap unko pati ke roop mein chaheto ho nahin (Tell truthfully, don't you want to see him as your husband)?" Matasari was asking.

"Haan," Sonam nodded her head without fully knowing where this was leading.

"Agar sambhav hota, kya aap unse shadi bhi nahi karta (if it was possible, wouldn't you have married him)?" the maid asked.

"Haan Matasari ...lekin who kabhi bhi sambhav nahin (yes, but that's not possible ever)," Sonam replied.

"Then listen. There's another way a marriage can take place. It's known as 'gandharva' marriage. It's not the traditional, ceremonial marriage. You needn't tell anyone. There's just one condition in such marriages. It is a marriage that comes not out prayers and vows but in copulation or mating. And, that mating must be witnessed by someone - a trusted witness who could be either a male or female." Matasari was convincing the young, immature Sonam in her own sweet way.

Sonam's mouth was agape and her eyes almost touched her eyebrows. Was that sort of marriage possible? She wanted to be this man's wife, wanted to bear his children and this method was almost a way out. Would she ask Babuji? Would he think that as a bad idea and reject it outright? Or should she secretly allow Matasari to witness and be satisfied in her own mind that she was married to her 'mard`?

"What are you thinking, Bahurani?" Matasari asked, awakening Sonam from her stupor.

"Are you speaking the truth?" Sonam asked again to remove whatever doubts that roamed in her mind. She was eager now ... she had already accepted it in her heart and mind. If this was true she would see that it was done ... whether Babuji agreed or not.

"Absolute truth, Bahurani," Matasari said excitedly.

"Good. Then tonight itself there will be this marriage in the way you say is possible. Ohhh Matasari you are so helpful," Sonam hugged Matasari and then hid her face in her bosom.

Matasari went on stroking her hair.

It was decided between them that they would together approach the patriarch and plead with him. Knowing Babuji, Sonam was certain that he would agree, because he was already treating her like his wife. But they would approach him after dinner, just before they retired for sleep.

Matasari cunningly took the tiny vermillion box from Sonam's bedroom and went and kept it on the bedside table in the patriarch's room. This itself should have an effect on Babuji's mind and he would be mentally prepared in a way to accept what the two ladies told him.

The day passed off quietly. Babuji and his Bahu crossed path just twice during the day. He was occupied with the labourers in his agricultural lands and people from the market. Sonam was busy in her household chores and attending to her baby.

Sonam dressed ravishingly at night. It was a flaming orange sari with black and gold border. She wore a sheer lowcut sleeveless gold blouse. Underneath she wore the sheer lace peach bra and crotchless panties. Her hair was made into a bun and, thanks to Matasari, she had a white flower garland tied around it. She had a sober make up, but she had given her lips a deep crimson shade to make them more alluring. When she came to the dining table for dinner, she was looking stunning and everyone, not excluding her uncle-in-law Anuruddh, gaped at her open-mouthed. It was not known to Sonam that even Anuruddh lusted for her at that moment.

Anjali felt a bit jealous of this rare beauty, and the way her husband Anuruddh gaped at her, didn't escape her eyes.

"You seem to have dressed to go out even after dinner Sonam," Anjali said sounding critical of her attire.

But the patriarch came to her rescue immediately. He burst out laughing at first before turning towards his sister-in-law.

"Anjali, don't forget her age. She is hardly 23 and if she doesn't dress at this age when will she? When she reaches your age?" the patriarch said. The voice was neither joking nor harsh - it was midway between both, but it was enough to make Anjali realize that she should stop saying anything about Sonam's dress and makeup.

After this little exchange of words dinner was over very quietly without too much conversation. But the food was good and one of the dishes, palang paneer, prepared by Sonam was richly praised by the brothers.

When everyone had left, the patriarch got up from his chair beckoning Matasari who stood at a distance. Sonam had left for her room carrying the baby in her arms.

"Have you had a talk with Bahurani?" he asked very softly.

"Haan malik. Woh bhi aap se kuch baat bolne ke liye taras rahi hai (yes, and she also is very eager to talk with you on something important)," said Matasari, whispering the words 'taras rahi hai' in a manner that made the patriarch instantly aroused.

"That's okay. You two go and wait for me in my room," the patriarch said, wondering what his bahu wanted to say.

\\/ />>\\//<<\\//

When everyone had left Balwant was lost in thoughts of the concluded dinner a while back and to someone special - his beautiful bahu. How wonderful she looked at the dinner table. He saw a glow in her face. Her eyes were shining and sparkled and conveyed a lot while many things remained unsaid. And then he mulled over his conversation with Matasari, who was turning to be his confidante. He wondered what his bahu wanted to tell him so eagerly.

In a while, he got up and went to his bedroom. He felt an excitement, waiting impatiently in his lounging chair inside his bedroom.

It was about half an hour later that the patriarch heard a knock on the inter-connecting door. He quickly got up and in two strides was at the partition door and opening it ajar.

There, right in front of him, stood his most alluring, stunning and gorgeous bahu dressed in her full red wedding attire and all her ornaments that she wore on the day of her marriage to his son Rajesh. What was unseen to the patriarch was the most exotic pair of peach lingerie that she was still wearing even when she had gone to have dinner. A few steps behind his bahu stood Matasari, like an obedient maid, willing to follow all commands of this erotic couple.

"My god! My god! Such captivating beauty!" the patriarch said, walking back a few steps to let his bahu in to his bedroom. Walking backwards, as he gaped at her, he fell back on his bed. He now watched the sex goddess who stood right in front of her.

"Bahu..." he continued, as he gathered his wits together, "you are looking as enchanting as ever. Come...come in. "

He beckoned her to come in. Sonam stood at the doorway, her head bowed with the saree pallu covering her head like that of a bride. She stayed put for some moments, gathering courage and her resolve, and then moved slowly into Balwant's room. Matasari stood behind his bahu, as a servant in attendance.

"You wanted to tell me something, Bahu?" He whispered, betraying some of his inner turmoil.

She remained standing there. Unable to utter the words she had come so prepared to tell.

"Bahu...tell me."

She remained silent, too hesitant to say what she had come to tell. It was left to Matasari to come up and hold Sonam's left arm, urging her to speak.

"Bahurani, now is not the time to keep silent," She whispered.

Sonam raised her head and met Balwant's gaze. She averted it for a moment and then looked straight into his eyes.


"Yes, tell me... Bahu" He urged.

"Babuji ...Matasari suggested something .. I don't know if you will agree."

"About? Tell me Bahu, tell me freely." His curiosity had increased.

"I feel ashamed to tell you...Babuji" She couldn't look at the patriarch any more.

"Tell me Bahu. You have always shared with me what you have in your mind."

"You may not approve, Babuji" She whispered and looked at Matasari for confidence and making her a sort of co-conspirator.

Balwant looked curiously and with intrigue at the two women. He was certainly aware of some special circumstance that had led his bahu to wear her wedding dress and ornaments again.

"Go on, bahu."

"I was thinking of know ... what every girl thinks of."

"Yes...and?" He waited. Impatience slowly visible in his face.

"I know I am married to your son but...," Sonam was hesitating too much.

He nodded. His mind trying to decipher where she was leading. The mention of his son for a moment made him think that his bahu was probably feeling guilty of what had happened and decided to call it quits. He thought hard, trying to reconcile his thoughts, wondering why she would come to him wearing her wedding dress if she had any regret.

"But the last one night has put me in great turmoil," Sonam continued to say.

Balwant feared the worst - an end to their relationship. Probably, she was indeed repentant of what had happened last night. Yet he was unable to figure out why she was dressed the way she was.
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He stood up, slowly walked up to her "You should not worry about it Bahu," wrapping her in his arms even closer, "You are mine - even if our relationship does not carry the stamp of marriage."

"That is why I have come. Do you realise what I am wanting?" Her question whispered to him.

"Tell me can have my life... if you want" His heart thumping hard. Did she want to sever the ties that was growing between them? What was she wanting?

She remained quiet in his arms. Neither moved but remained where they were. Only silence filled up the room. He gently urged her to talk. Finally, Sonam could hold back no longer.

"I know social marriage is not possible but ... I dream of being wedded to you," she whispered. Her breathing came in shorts bursts.

And the revelation came as a big jolt to Balwant. Even in his wildest dreams he had not thought that such possibility ever existed. He waited, for he knew there was more to come from his bahu.

"And Matasari told me a way," Sonam said.

" bahu.." He whispered in the most endearing way. He loved her dearly, and always she rose higher in his esteem. He was proud of his bahu who cared so much for him.

He held her close and looked into her eyes... trying to fathom what she meant.

"What did Matasari say?" Balwant asked.

"Ohh Babujiii ... I thought you would know...," Sonam blurted.

He kissed her forehead. Loving every moment of their proximity. He did not care about the presence of Matasari who stood there watching. He wondered what was going through the woman's mind.

"You are mine...for sure you are mine... and to think that you can be my wife... " His voice was full of emotions.

"Do you know the marriage Matasari was telling about?" She continued.

He shook his head, looked at Matasari and yet nothing came to his mind.

"Tell me bahu," he asked again, as he continued to play with her tresses and flushed cheeks.

"She said something about gandharva vivahah (marriage) ... involving..." and she paused covering her eyes.

And then everything was crystal clear to Balwant.

"Oh my god, Bahu! Did Matasari suggest that? Oh god! She is so refreshingly innovative." And his eyes turned towards Matasari who was smiling in glory but with a bit of shyness. Yet she had the confidence in her face.

He kissed Sonam all over her forehead, cheeks and then her lips, "Why did I not think of this? Yes.. yes...of course."

Sonam looked into his eyes. "You know what that means Babuji?"

He took her hand and whispered, "Yes Bahu, I do ... it is one our ancient traditions. They say that the marriage of a desiring woman with a desiring man, without religious ceremonies, is the best marriage."

Still not looking at his face, she said huskily "But it would mean Matasari also ..." leaving the sentence half said and then added. "You will agree to that?"

"What about Matasari ... Bahu?" He was unsure what riddles bahu was throwing up one after the other ... and Matasari just had a naughty smile on her face when Balwant gazed at her. The two girls had been conspirators to something, he thought.

"Bahu...tell me... am I missing something?" Balwant said in the end.

Sonam kept her eyes closed, her face buried deep in his chest. She whispered excitedly, "She says she will have to witness the marriage so that it is accepted. Witnessing the marriage by someone else, other than the couple, would make us husband and wife as per this tradition."

Balwant nodded excitedly. "Yes...we will need a witness.." and then thinking aloud "as per tradition a person should witness the mating.. when I take you just as a man takes a woman in sex, and make you my mate, my beloved wife."

Her face dug deep in her chest, not wanting to see either Matasari nor him, she blurted shyly, "She wants to be the witness."

His jaw dropped. He looked at Matasari standing there not having spoken a word and yet part of everything that was happening. A knowing smile stayed put on her face. "Ahhhh... now I understand Bahu."

Sonam pulled at the cotton vest he was wearing "Babuji ...please agree," she pleaded. The love, the wanton desire and the deep need was evident in Sonam.

He took her in his arms and pulled her in tighter. The need between them was rising rapidly. He took her face between his hands and lustily whispered "Kiss me, bahu," and then uttered "You are my life.. my darling.. mine..whatever you wish will be done."

Sonam, unable to contain her lust, opened her lips. Balwant pressed down on them, their lips brushing against each other. A raging fire quickly swept them in, as they kissed passionately now, right in front of Matasari, a maid in their household.

Such was the intensity of their kiss that even Matasari's face exhibited an arousal in her. Seeing a rugged father-in-law and his desirous bahu locked in an illicit mating was sending waves of excitement in her that would eventually be difficult to control. She was now a party to these happenings, and these were but instigation to her own arousal and desires.

Sonam ventured to ask of her Babuji, "Can I tell her you have agreed?"

"Yes, my sweet bahu... my little one.. yes, yes, you are too precious.. my wonderful one. Go on, tell her that we want her to be the witness." And he showered more kisses on her.

Sonam turned her head around and looked at Matasari.

"Babuji, do you know, she has arranged for some flowers which she has discreetly kept outside so that it doesn't attract anyone's attention," Sonam said excitedly to her father-in-law, "She'll soon get them to the room without anyone's knowledge,and then she will place the flowers and petals around your bed like a nuptial bed."

Balwant looked at her with a smile and asked, "My bed? Or is it ours?" Sonam felt ashamed for her mistake.

Balwant smiled again, "So, you both seem to have become bosom buddies... such playful scheming. Hmmmm." He gave a playful pat on Sonam's butt.

"But you wanted us to be real 'sahelis' (friends), Babuji." Sonam tried to counter Balwant's teasing.

"I love it bahu... you fill my heart with joy... and love," he whispered, still holding her close in his arms.

"Our marriage will put the stamp of proper parentage on our child," she whispered with her face hidden in his chest. And then continued emotionally, "because we will have children... Isn't it so, Babuji?"

Balwant broke into a broad smile. His heart warmed up with love for the girl in his arms. "Yes ... my Bahu... we will certainly have children... and I will get to have more milk over a longer period of time."

"Just imagine, Babuji! Our child ... from your virile fertile sperms."

"And my most wonderful Bahu.. we will have the best and healthy kids... yes?" He was basking in thoughts of little ones playing on his lap, ones he brought to life by him, bred by his fertile seeds. "Varun will get brothers and sisters to play with."

"Yesssss Babuji' Her voice full of desire and love. "I am so excited ...I should share this with Matasari." She had been whispering till now so that Matasari may not hear.

Balwant laughed. He was full of love for his bahu for what they now planned and for her enthusiasm. "Yes, yes, go and tell her... I am sure that nymph will have been aroused by all this happening."

"Babuji ... the babies will be born out of wedlock and would have a common bloodline and ancestors... with Varun. Isnt it a nice feeling?" Sonam asked, meaning his existing child out of Rajesh, her husband and future children out of Balwant, her father-in-law.

"It is a nice feeling, my dearest Bahu, that we will be wedded .. they will be our children."

"Belonging to this family," she proudly intoned, "Babuji's family."

"Let this be a very special moment of ours ... you can have this 'lund" the whole night ...Bahu... and let Matasari see as much as she wants. For that would stamp approval our marriage in the Gandharva way."

"Ohhh Babujiiiii,"she cried in joy as Balwant's hands roamed all over his bahu, sensually exploring each sensitive nerve of his sexual bahu.

"The insemination will be completed only in the early morning ..when the birds start to sing..when the sun rises to herald a new day ... and a new life." Sonam said in complete ecstasy.

Balwant's thoughts centred on his bahu. Her love and desire to bear his seeds and that too at the right moment, seemed so right for a healthy child to be born. And, for that to happen, they would have to frolick in bed all night, engaging in sexual intercourse, with Matasari witnessing every intimate deed and act. He wondered how aroused the woman would be seeing mating all through the night when she had not been to her village and husband for months. Of course, Balwant was aware of his own capacity and physical ability in retention for a long period.

"My love.. Yes...Yes. So shall it be." The thought sent a shiver through his body, causing some renewed hardness underneath his dhoti.

"I know Babuji you can retain till then, isn't it?" she queried. As if that was the only time anything would happen.

"It will not be one time during the night bahu..that is for sure" He smilingly cautioned her. The hardening phallus was getting ready to ravage his bahu many, many times.

"Yesss .." she cooed. "for it will be our union of love."

Balwant closed his eyes and held her close "Yes,my dearest, it will be our union of love."

They were so locked in embrace, not caring that Matasari was right there. Balwant just glanced at her for a moment and saw her face. She blushed instantly, eyes somewhat low and her twitching lips exhibiting arousal.

Sonam in his arms looked so pretty in her wedding finery. Her lips had the coat of red lipstick that was somewhat smeared by their passionate kiss. The hair was well braided and kept

"I will not be able to think of anyone as my husband other than you after the night is over," Sonam said.

His heart was thumping hard as he heard Sonam say this. They were lovers now, about to become man and wife in a few moments, just as they cherished.

"You will be my wife ... my love ... mine alone," his heart was full of love for this wonderful girl, "and I will still call you Bahu, for that lovely word signifies both."

"And I will apply vermilion on my forehead as a stamp of that marriage" she said with love, "Each morning, after my bath ... you will be in my thoughts when I apply it."

Balwant tightened his grip, and once again planted a passionate kiss on her red lips. This time even biting her lower ones as his own passion started to reach dizzying heights of need.

"Yes, that is the sacred sign of our marriage... after we have cohabited, mated and made each other one," he concurred.

For the gandharva marriage to be completed, they had to become one in a heavenly way... with he inside her. The lingam had to be inside the yoni, and would have to spurt rich seeds inside her womb. And that heavenly moment would have to be witnessed by someone. For them, on that day, it would be Matasari.

"Babuji, I'll wear a mangalsutra around my neck - the heavenly sign of our marriage," Sonam gushed.

He smiled. His love for her bounded, "Yes, my love, you shall have it. It will be the bond of our relationship as husband and wife."

Now getting a little playful, she ventured, "Maybe the one you gave to sas (mother-in-law) ... no one would doubt it then, because there would be nothing unsual for a bahu to be given this one by her father-in-law."

To Balwant, it was such a wonderful idea. What could be better sign of their wedding "Yes.. I believe I have it secured inside the almirah..yes..yes... that will be right " He was brimming with joy "Bahu.. you are so wonderful, did you know that?" She always made him happy, the patriarch felt.

"I will put away the one I am wearing now," placing her fingers on the Mangalsutra that signified her union with Rajesh, "this will be replaced by one that you would make me wear after our marriage."

Sonam kept thinking about this unique ornament. In the eyes of the world it would be the same yet, in their minds, it would be a symbol of their Gandharva union, of a unique wedlock known to none except Matasari.

"And each night we will always be husband and wife," her voice had a hidden naughtiness as she ventured into the future.

"Yes, sleeping in our conjugal a way nature made us to be," Balwant agreed with Sonam, and then went on to say, "fulfilling the duties and obligations of a wedded couple." He laughed merrily.

He knew that there would be very few clothing separating them. They would be naked as nature made them.

"Always sleeping together on your bed," she cooed like a happy bride, "what a lovely feeling!"

He held her tight - his bride, his love and his girl.

" darling.. Yes," he replied, "you always make me happy..bahu."

"My duty as your wife ... to fetch happiness for you." She looked up into his eyes and there was abundant love for the man. And there was a naughty look too, that made him restless.

"Just be prepared that I will give you all the experience in bed you can ever imagine...and some that you may not even have imagined ever... Bahu," Balwant made it very clear to Sonam.

"Yes babujiii ... I will accept that to happen." For she was now truly his and was ready for anything with him. She trusted him fully.

He kissed her passionately again, perhaps for the hundredth time. "And you can whisper to me whatever comes to your mind..." he went on further. "for you will be my ardhagni (wife)."

"You know, Bahu?" He ventured after a while.

"What, Babuji" Her voice betrayed the inner turmoil and the raw lust that was coming from within her.

"I want to see you in your full glory... I want to witness you as you are ... the way god made you." For, Sonam stood in front, in her bridal dress and jewelry and yet, these very items of marriage, would have to be discarded in the process of marriage being adopted by them. "You'll have to part with your dress, Sonam. That's very necessary in this marriage."

It was to be a carnal wedding, the completion of which depended on consummation alone. The mating, when witnessed by another person, was indeed equivalent to the seven 'pheras' that traditional ***** weddings would have.

In a way, the wedding dress that Sonam wore was a prelude. The real wedding dress would be what Mother Nature had gifted to them at birth and then enhanced the beauty of her creation in her own way.

"That will always be ... in bed ... isnt it?" The innocent bahu, whose irresistible lust and desire were no longer hidden, thought of her imminent marriage.

"Yes, but for that, I want to undress you now... as a bride in waiting ... and worship her as my future wife." Balwant held her in his arms, before he moved back and looked at the goddess of love that stood in front of him.

"But you said about things I cannot imagine ... what are those?" Her curiosity had gripped her young mind. She wanted to know, she was keen to explore, and the need to be taken was unabated in the young Sonam.

And then, as an afterthought, she said, "if that is what you want ..yes babuji .. you can." She was shy. But she was ready to surrender herself completely to this man. It was for him to decide, and for her to follow.

"You will know all the things that we will explore and do... Bahu... but for now, I want to see you. Just you, without any adornment, without any stitch to cover. Just you, in the way I will take you."

She stood there for a moment. Her face expressing her turmoil, and there was twitching of her lips. An intense lust seemed to be brewing within her.

"Undress me, Babuji." She stood in front of him. With no reservations, no holds. She was ready to be taken in the way her master and lover wanted her to be.

He was holding her hands and watching her pristine beauty. Unknowingly, they had commenced the wedding rituals for there was no set format. He took her face in his hands, adored his beautiful bahu "I love you Bahu" He said without thinking.

Sonam lowered her face eyes with her head bowed. She nodded briefly, 'I love you, Babuji. Make me yours."

He played with her for a few moments and then started to remove each piece of jewelry. One piece at a time. They were so intricately worn and of which Balwant had little knowledge. His ignorance was soon noticed by the maid Matasari, who quickly came to his aid.

Together, both Balwant and Matasari removed her nathani (nose ring), her tikka (head ornament), her earring, her bangles, her anklets. Even the mangalsutra that she was wearing, but Sonam allowed only Balwant to take it off her. This was the only time Sonam had taken the mangalsutra off her neck, so auspicious it was to a ***** married woman. She placed her fingers on the sutra just for a moment, as if resolving in her mind that the transition was for a brief period only and had a purpose. And then, she let go.

When all the jewelry was removed, he nodded to Matasari, who promptly stepped back. Sonam stood there, not moving anywhere excepting for that occasional bout of shivering that went through her body now and then. Balwant's heart was thumping aloud, his breathing revealing his arousal.

He took the pallu of the saree off her shoulder and pulled it off. Sonam stood like a goddess, with her full breast jutting out proudly underneath the blouse. Balwant held the end of the saree in his hand, paused while savoring the beauty of the woman who stood before him.

His eyes feasted, he started unwinding the six yards of the finest silk that comprised her saree, from around her. He gently untucked the fabric from her petticoat. Sonam, like any girl would do in this situation, instinctively brought her hands up to her chest to cover her modesty in front of the two persons in the room. One to be her husband, and the second who had quickly become her closest confidant and friend.

The process of making Sonam naked was slow but it was not endless. Parting of each apparel revealed more of her beauty - her lovely skin, her silky body, her appealing curves. All that made a woman beautiful, alluring and sexy.

Balwant's eyes were glued on his bahu and when, for a moment, he looked towards Matasari, the scene was no different. Matasari's eyes were also savoring the voluptuous shapes of Sonam. Clad in a saree with her pallu almost drooping of her chest, Sonam was unaware of her state. Her breasts heaved up and down in her incessant lust. Balwant unhooked her blouse and gently took it off her shoulders and then out of her arms and hands. She stood in her blouse and petticoat.

Balwant moved closer to his bahu. His hands at first roamed over naked her arms as he grasped them in ownership. He watched, with awe, the slow rising and falling of her milk filled breasts. The nub of the light brown nipple was clearly visible through the translucent lace bra. Her bare arms felt so soft to his touch. Balwant wanted more of her. She was irresistible.

His hands moved away from her arms to the side of her bare body. The smooth silken soft body increased his arousal. He placed his hands on the bra, running his hands admiringly over its intricate laces. He couldn't be happier than this. His gaze went down as also did his hands, running along the naked arms, and the sides of her body, over her belly button as he worked his way down.

Sonam let out a moan of pleasure. Her eyes closed, and her face arched upwards in an expression that showed her need to be kissed. Balwant leaned forward and kissed her on her neck and just below her earlobes.

She moaned again "Babuji.."

Balwant's bare hands explored more. His hand grabbed her tight butt over the petticoat, filling them in his large palm and giving them a tight squeeze. The pair of her butt curves felt nice and Balwant persisted with more. He snorted in lust as he felt her panties.
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And then, in one moment, he moved swiftly and found the strings that lay to one side of her petticoat. His fingers remained there for a moment exploring the way the knot was made, found the right strand and pulled hard. The knot opened without a hitch as Balwant drew out the petticoat from her waist. All it needed was a little nudge of his fingers before it fell swiftly to her feet and lay in a heap on the ground.

She let out a moan, coupled with an unsuccessful attempt to retain the garment "Babuji.." she moaned. Her hesitancy was because of Matasari.

Standing now in just a lace bra and panties that barely covered anything, Sonam looked extremely desirable. The see-through lace of her panties allowed her pubic hair to be on full display, and her nipples were now hard against the distended fabric. And her waist was flat, despite the child birth.

Balwant took a few steps backwards to get a full view. He moved even further back for a still fuller view and stumbled against the bed. He fell on his bed, but he stayed put at that position. His dhoti in relative disarray, the desi top he wore had its top buttons open.

"My queen!" He whispered lustfully.

"Your would be wife, Babuji" Her voice aroused as she waited for the patriarch to complete making her naked.


"Yes.. Babuji?" Sonam asked.

"I want you to take off those by yourself now. Be naked, be my bride."

Sonam remained shaking were she stood but made no effort to part with the remaining pieces of her cover.

Sonam was panting, her breath rapid, as she stood in front of her 'sasur' who would soon be her 'pati', her loving, passionate and virile husband. She was in ecstasy, bathed in a joy that she never felt before in her life.

Balwant looked and gaped at her in awe when she stood in the exotic pair of lingerie, interwoven in lace and net on the finest and softest material that made the pair. He ran his hands over her shoulders again, kissed her on the milky whiteness, nibbled at her earlobes.

As he sat on the bed, Balwant's powerful big hands had run down her naked arms till they went behind her at the waist and gripped her panty covered soft butt curves. He was in an extreme stage of arousal as he felt the soft ass. He murmured again the words that he had uttered a while back. Words that would ensure the next stage of their union.

"Bahu, I wanted you to take off those by yourself now. Be naked, be my bride." His voice shook in lust and desire.

All this while Matasari stood behind, just a few paces away from the erotic love birds, the couple who would soon be united in marriage.

As Sonam hesitated Matasari came forward and whispered in her ears, "You must take off your clothes, all of them, and be fully naked. The next stage has come. You know what I told you earlier? What is required of you two before the marriage and consummation?"

Sonam nodded her head knowingly but didn't know how to tell this to her Babuji. Matasari had clearly explained something about the purity required in the 'lingam' for this type of marriage. And, through the maid, she now knew that the 'lingam' had to be bathed by Sonam to purify it from earlier sexual activities.

What Matasari had told her was that Babuji's lingam had been used extensively on his wife, when she was alive. Besides, it was not known if such a magnificent organ had penetrated other 'yonis' also. Quite likely it did, any woman who saw this edifice would desire it. So, before it now entered this young bahu's sweet yoni to sanctify this marriage, it had to be properly bathed.

"Babuji," she whispered, "I have to say something."

"Go on, I am listening bahu," he said.

Yet Sonam didn't have the courage to speak out. She fumbled and hesitated, looking away from the man.

"Come on bahu, don't keep me waiting," the patriarch said soothingly.

Sonam kept quiet till she informed, "Matasari was saying ..." But she couldn't say again.

This process of hesitation and insistence went on for a while before Babuji lost his patience and said, "I will hear it from you, not from Matasari. Tell me Bahu, don't keep me waiting," he said but now there was a sternness in his voice.

Sonam then explained that she had to bathe the 'lingam' because that was a specific ritual in gandharva marriage. Matasari quietly explained the need for the bath, namely to purify the man's organ because of the impurities formed out of sexual activities in the earlier wedlock.

The patriarch asked if it wasn't necessary to bathe the 'yoni' (vagina) too. It seemed that he was very keen on this, although Sonam was hesitant and felt it was not strictly a part of the ritual.

"Babuji, we always give bath with water to the 'lingam' when we offer prayers to the lord. But ... But...the other bath ..." Sonam was embarrassed and hesitant before she continued, "there is no practice of ..of ..ummm...bathing the ..the ... woman's ... " she couldn't complete but just pointed towards her crotch.

"But I so much want to," Babuji was disappointed at this refusal.

It was then that Matasari intervened, much to the patriarch's appreciation and liking.

"Bahurani, remember that your yoni too has been invaded and taken by your husband. The purity has been lost and, therefore, must be purified before you can enter the altar of marriage again. Your yoni too must be bathed so that the reproductive organs of both the man and the woman, who are on the threshold of union, are made pure," Matasari said assertively.

The patriarch was extremely happy at what Matasari said to convince Sonam about the bath. He was really eager to bathe her would-be wife. He took a liking to Matasari instantly and turned towards her.

"Matasari, you have said it correctly. I think you should become the purohit (priest) at our wedding so that you can tell us what we should follow and what we should not," Balwant said firmly. It was obvious that his decision was final.

"Yes, Master," Matasari said.

So Matasari became the priestess for the wedding by choice of the master of the house. No one could have given her greater authority to hold the post than the head of the family and, in this case, the groom as well.

"Malik (Master), since you wish that I become the priestess for this most sombre ritual, I will not decline but accept it as a responsibility that I will cherish. But, Malik, there are certain rituals and customs in this type of marriage which I know because I have been taught about it in my village by the village priest in confidence. Are you two willing to listen to an inferior maid?"

Both groom and bride agreed almost instantly and together nodded their heads and said, "yes, yes ...we want you to. You will not be thought of as a maid but as a priestess with due respect during the entire event. We will listen to you and follow whatever you say."

"Very well. The first thing is that while I remain the priestess, I shall call both of you by name only ... not as malik or bahurani. Do you agree?" Matasari asked.

"Yes, surely," said the patriarch and Sonam too nodded her head.

"And everything that I say and want you to follow must be obeyed without question," Matasari stated again.

"No doubt about it. We shall do so. You only have to express," once again the patriarch said.

"You shall respect me just as you would any priest in a religious ceremony," she said again.

"Yes Mata," the couple said together, almost promoting her to a position of respect through a change in name.

"You shall be addressed as Mata till completion of the ceremony and ritual," Balwant continued.

"To thik hain, aab shaadi ke liye tayari kiya jai (Then everything seems to be okay. We can now proceed with the marriage)," the priestess said.

"Sonam, it is necessary for you to be fully naked, without anything on your body, not even ornaments, before the bath. Which means you'll have to part with your bra and panties too. However, before you can lie on the bed for the actual gandharva marriage, you will wear the ornaments selected by your husband. Balwant, you too will have to shed off all your clothes and be fully naked," Matadevi said gravely.

The process of making Sonam fully naked was initiated by Matasari herself, who had already put her hands on the bra hooks behind the young bahu. Then she placed her hands on the young girl's shoulders and slowly pushed off the straps. Even then the bra clung on to Sonam's shapely breasts till the priestess deftly pulled it off and threw it on the bed. The priestess admired the exposed, proud and luscious breasts of the young, desirable Sonam, softly pressing the nips that sat on them a few times.

"So lovely, and full of milk too. This milk is essential for some part of the rituals later," Matadevi said. She had by now placed her hands on the two sides of Sonam's hips and the panties that she was wearing, slowly pushing in her thumb and began lowering it. Sonam shyly wanted to hold it back, holding on to it with her hands, but Matadevi would have nothing of it.

"No, No, Sonam," she chided Sonam, "don't you dare stop this. You have to listen to the priestess or your marriage will not be pure and not last long."

Sonam quickly put a hand on Matadevi's lips and shaking her head said," No, No, Mata, don't say like this. I will listen to every word that you say."

After that there was no problem and Matadevi lowered the panties down over Sonam's milky, white thighs and out from under her feet. She stood now just as god had made her - naked, without a stitch of clothing or ornament. Matadevi had taken a delight in taking these off the lustful bride. But then she quickly said something again that made Sonam shake her head.

"No Sonam, this will not do. You are fully covered with hair over the yoni region. That must be shaved fully so that there's no strand remaining. You go to the bathroom and shave it off and all traces of hair on your body excepting the hair on your head and hair that makes your eyebrows. Can you do it or shall I do it?" Matadevi said.

Sonam turned red once again, almost pleading for help from Babuji with her eyes. But the man just had an excited grin at the corner of his mouth. Probably, he was already imagining how sweet her bahu's bald pussy would look, and more so when it was leaking her juices. Sonam kept quiet and Matadevi quickly knew that the girl would not be doing this unless coerced and helped. She held Sonam's right hand and said, "Come Sonam, don't keep the groom waiting."

Matadevi held the young bride's hand and led her to the adjoining bedroom that was Sonam's. Once inside, she locked the door leaving the already aroused bridegroom alone and wondering. Inside Sonam's bedroom, Matadevi asked, "I know you shave your hands and legs Sonam, because I see your very clean and gleaming skin that appears so polished, so milky white. I know you shave because I have seen your razors and the gel inside the wall cupboard in the toilet. Do you have a fresh one?"

Sonam nodded her head without a word. Matadevi quickly brought what was required and spreading a big towel on the bed told the young, shy, coy girl to lie down on the bed. She was already naked excepting for the mangalsutra that Rajesh had given her.

As soon as Sonam lay on the bed, Matadevi held the Gillette Venus Razor and, with a dexterity that only an expert beauty parlour attendant would possess, completed with ease a very difficult task. When Matadevi had finished, Sonam presented a completely bald pussy.

"There Sonam, you are ready for the pre-marriage shower," she said, running a hand over the area to feel the 'baldness'. Small shivers ran down Sonam's body - no woman had ever had a hand on the area before!

"Go and clean it with plain tap water in your toilet now. The ritual cleansing with Balwant will begin very shortly. I am going to Balwant's room and you come quickly," Matadevi said and went away.

Sonam cleansed herself of whatever public hair and gel that still impurified the area and then, slowly, and with the excitement that overcomes a young girl about to get married, walked into the adjoining room that belonged to her sasur. She was stark naked, excepting for the mangalsutra that dangled around her neck. She was a pretty and desirable girl but her present shyness made her look like a real goddess.

Balwant stared at the young woman. He must have felt happy that calling her bahu after the marriage would be more worthwhile. She came and stood shyly behind Matadevi, trying to cover her nakedness and her currently acquired baldness around her pussy from Balwant.

"We are delayed, we have no time to lose. The rituals must begin now. Balwant, it's time for you to become naked too," Matadevi said.

Balwant didn't take much time to shed off his dhoti, langot and vest. Sonam couldn't help but glance at the man. His 'lund' had already started showing off its prowess, jumping up and down.

She stretched a hand and held Sonam's right hand and then, walking up to Balwant, she held Balwant's left hand.

"You two make such a nice pair and the age difference between you two make it even better. But, let us go to the toilet and begin with the ritual," Matadevi said.

Inside the bathroom she asked, "Sonam and Balwant, before we begin, I want to ask one final time - do you both want to get married?"

Almost together both Balwant and Sonam said, "Yes, we want to."

But Sonam expressed her feelings more and continued saying, "I have already accepted Babuji as my husband. I cannot express the feelings that I have for him deep inside me." She raised her eyes and looked at the man before looking back at Matadevi.

"Very well. Balwant you shall sit on the Toilet seat, Sonam shall sit on your lap facing you. Her arms shall be on your shoulders and your hands will hold your wife's lovely, milk filled breasts. When you two are fully ready, you'll press her breasts and both of you will kiss as passionately as an eager couple would do. You'll declare your love for one another and that you long to marry one another. After that, the bath ritual will begin with Sonam bathing Balwant's lund and thereafter, Balwant bathing Sonam's yoni. Then and then only, you two will be purified enough for the marriage that will follow," Matadevi said in one breath. She truly directed the ceremony like a well experienced priestess.

Balwant was already excited as was clear from his large, thick, hard, black organ that crazily jumped up and down. He held Sonam's hands and together took the position that Matadevi had spoken of. Balwant rested his back on the seat as his sexy bahu came and sat on his lap with both her legs resting on each side of the man.

Sonam raised her hands and kept them on Balwant's shoulders. The man, on the other hand, raised his hands to pinch her nipples first before grabbing both the breasts in each of his large hands. Their lips had already come forward to meet, such was their arousal and passion. Their eyes closed in sublime happiness and in anticipation of what was to follow.

"Sonam, begin bathing Balwant's lund," Matadevi said in solemn seriousness. Sonam felt a bit shy and uneasy but Matadevi had come nearer and placed a hand on her back as she said, "Come, girl ... do not feel shy but begin what you must. And it's getting late."

It was then that Sonam began what was expected of her. Her bladder was too full already, she had not visited the toilet only for this purpose for a long time and so much had been stored inside. She was desperate for release and the time was now opportune.

"Bathe me Bahu ... I want you to," cried Balwant in a hoarse, suppressed voice that reeked of a deep need.

"Yes Babuji," said Sonam, wanting to bathe the very lovely 'lund' that would soon be her forever. The lund was furiously knocking near her crotch, as if begging for her to begin. She held the organ so that it was steady and straight for what was to follow.

Slowly at first, Sonam began to release what she had held back within the inner walls of her bladder. But then the water flowed like a gushing fountain. It gushed out, it was warm, and it created its own, almost musical, sound as it oozed heavily on to the greedy, hungry, live, length of rock-hard meaty shaft.

The sound of her squirting forcefully on to Balwant's cock reverberated around the toilet, as if telling all to keep quiet so that the bahu completed an important ritual.

Sonam could feel the excitement in Balwant's lund that was being bathed, almost uncontrollable in thirst and she held it dearly with her hand to steady the naughty phallus. She continued to bathe it in all sincerity and love.

Balwant was becoming more and more excited, as he went on devouring her in passionate kisses, almost sucking her lips out of her mouth. His rough, coarse hands were wildly and roughly mauling her breasts. In moments, milk trickled out on to his hands from her breasts.

"Not now," barked Matadevi at Balwant. It was obvious that the priestess wanted to keep Sonam's milk ready for another purposeful ritual. Balwant stopped mauling her breasts, but quickly gripped her around the back as he kissed her hungrily. Sonam was in throes of desire ... she loved the man, she was a passionate woman and, she was in heat.

When Sonam was spent and her bathing of the lund was complete, there was a contentment in the erotic couple. She had purified the lund in a manner that was necessary before the marriage.

Matadevi excitedly told them that the job was only halfdone and that purification of the 'yoni' would have to begin immediately. There could be no brake in this intense ritual.

"You needn't get up or change your position either of you. Balwant it's your turn to bathe her but it's Sonam who shall hold your 'lund' with both her hands and will direct your flow over her entire yoni." Matadevi had spoken to give directions.

"Bahu, I am ready. Will I bathe you now?" Balwant asked.

"Yes Babuji." Sonam said softly.

Balwant once again held the young bahu in his arms and began kissing her very passionately, parting her lips with his tongue and pushing it into her wet mouth. Then, he started to release himself and Sonam too, as she held the organ, instantly directed the hot jet all over her crotch, wetting the vulva lips, the pussy, and even her small rosebud. She was truly being purified by her would be husband. She didn't feel any remorse or disgust or regret. She could feel how much Babuji was liking this because the'lund' wanted to tear out of her hands in extreme arousal.

"Oh bahu! Oh bahu ... my sweet, sexy bahu!" he went on saying as Sonam felt her own surging needs rising rapidly.

"Yes Babuji! Cleanse me, for you who shall soon become my 'patidev' (husband)!" Sonam said in earnest.

When the bath was completed, when both the yoni and lund were fully purified for the rituals that were to follow, Matasari said in a serious voice.

"You two lovers shall now dry yourself with your towels. But remember, while you can wash your hands with soap and water, you are forbidden to wash that region with water. It can only be made dry, that's all. And after you have finished drying yourself, Balwant will go and wait in your room. Sonam, you shall go to your room and wait till I come," Matasari was being very authoritative.

Sonam quietly, without another word, slowly walked away to her room. Matasari and Balwant left the toilet and went into the bedroom that belonged to the patriarch.

"Balwant, please take out all the ornaments that you wish your bride to wear for her marriage with you. I'll go and put them on your wife. ... she is pretty, obedient and very, very sexy, let me tell you," Matasari said, "and both of you would make the most wonderful and erotic couple I can imagine."

Balwant went over to the steel almirah at the corner of his bedroom and opening the door first and locker next, he searched for the ornaments he wanted the bride to wear. When he had finished making his choice, he spread them out on the table beside the almirah. Matasari looked at them, imaging how beautiful the bride would look when she wore these traditional items belonging to this rich family. But there would be no saree, no fabric, nothing whatsoever excepting these ornaments covering Sonam's desirous body.
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To be continued..
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