Incest A Mature Nudity
Chapter 1 : Wedding to security officer Station to Lodge

Mom and myself had attended a wedding. Morning we had taken a online taxi , and went for the wedding , as we didn’t want to spoil ourselves in the sulking sun. After wedding , we tried for the same we didn’t get , and as it was a considerable distance , we thought of coming by bus . We started off from there late noon. We had got Seats. Due to the heavy lunch , as well as the hot climate + breeze from windows of bus , we both dozed off. I fell occasionally onto her shoulders. After 15min, I sensed a shadow on my face , when I opened my eyes I didn’t see anything. I looked her , and she was sleeping onto other side . I again continued dozing off. We were about to reach one bus stand , from where we needed to board another bus . We stepped down from the bus , as we were stepping down , her silk saree was fumbling up , as she stepped down each step one by one . She quickly realised this and she held her saree along with her underskirt ( She had worn a Red-Green silk saree , with red blouse , and her underskirt was a black one , whose border could also be seen now) She asked me to find a bathroom , where to find a bathroom in Indian Bus stations . She was nervous and also the sulking climate was taking worst of us , and thereby both of us were sweating. Her Red blouse was a synthetic one , hence sweat wasn’t getting absorbed but it filled her blouse inside like a balloon. Her back as well as her neck was gleaming with sweat. I tried to find bathroom but didn’t find any, I returned where she was waiting. I asked her to adjust the saree , in one of the parked buses waiting to enter bus bay .
I accompanied her to one of the buses , just made sure no one is there inside , and already the shutters of the same were closed . She unpinned her pallu , quickly adjusted her frills and set herself up in a jiffy. Just then the driver of the bus came inside , “Aha , What we have here , when people go for lodges , you two did in a bus eh.”I didn’t understand a shit he was talking about , but knew what thought he had in his mind. She got really angry and said , “He’s my son , and he accompanied me as my saree went loose.” He chuckled, “Son loosened the saree eh, see lady we encounter numerous passengers in the bus daily and we know , but by no chance we see such high class pros in bus .”By hearing him call her as a pros , I just went out of control and slapped him then. He held me by my collar . She intervened, “Leave both.We are leaving the bus” , she added. “Doesn’t matter to me, for him if I am a pros , let it be , me and him know what we are .” Hearing the commotion, 2 staff from depot had entered. “Whats the fuss?” Driver replied, “This fella just slapped me, when I caught these 2 for immoral trafficking inside the bus.” I said, “What he says is just absurd?” The other staff added, “Prove your innocence then. Why did you two loiter inside this bus then?” She replied the scene politely. The staff listened , and commented , “Mm, Don’t know who’s saying the truth?” Call the Bus depot supdt , we will have an official meet . We both were startled by start of this new event.
We were escorted onto a room in the depot. Like the depot itself , the room was as shabby and dusty as ever. A short , fat man aged 50-55 years , sat there . He was bald as an egg , he had only a thin moustache . The staff narrated the entire incident, then the supdt opened up . “See , First of all you shouldn’t have entered an empty bus , and you were found in a compromising state by our staff , so this is already a serious issue,and to make it worse your so called son had slapped our staff, thereby  as per our rules we have the right to take legal action upon you and you can prove your innocence in court.” I intervened, “Sir , can’t we settle this here itself , we can prove our innocence either by yourself conversing with my dad or any of our relatives who had come to the particular wedding . They can come and even act as a person to bail on behalf of us.” Supdt stared at me and her face repeatedly , and added , “What’s your age young man , and what’s yours gorgeous lady? By seeing you both we can’t agree that you are a son and mother.”I handed over my license as proof of details. She hadn’t taken any of her Id’s. Supdt told, “As you have proved your details , we admit your honesty , so you may leave , the lady shall remain , and you can take her out , once her proof of age , and other details are given , most importantly birth certificate and marriage certificate , and if she’s employed the proof of the same should be shown.” She defended, “We will go for case, let’s see what we can do. Not a place to use as restroom, and talking like we did the mistake.” The driver yelled , “You whore , what did you say , you didn’t make any mistake eh , your attire and your attitude itself says that you are a pros.”I wanted to react , but before that itself supdt intervened , “No, no , I won’t tolerate such filthy language , for whatever she is. Anyways search them, to just be sure that they hadn’t loitered inside bus for any terrorist activities .” She had carried just her purse alone. She handed her purse, it had a snap of our family photo ,and some cash, atm card, the staff checked all its rows. Nothing there sir , he told. Another staff had checked my purse and it had similar items , and reply was same. “What if they had already installed or had placed something on bus” , driver yelled. “You brilliant  fellow , ya , I agree , but there must be a remote or some tool to follow up the same na , frisk them.”  Hearing the statement from his mouth , both the staff proceeded towards her . Supdt in anger , “You fools , she’s a lady , you will go to jail if you frisk her . Call one of the lady staffs from the office , whoever is available .Enough with your antics go out both of you and you driver , your tongue will be shortened , if you repeat such badmouth words.” He remained in seat , soon one lady staff , an woman aged 30-40 came , also also he called his peon aged 30-40. The man frisked me , while lady frisked her. Supdt’s eyes were glued onto her body .lady asked her to turn back , and thereby his view was restricted only to back view. The lady ran her hands through the frills of her saree, her blouse and her underskirt linings. While the man was fondling too much near my groin. He checked my shirt, jeans pockets everything. Both in unison , exclaimed , “Nothing sir .” Supdt wasn’t glad , “ Take into that corner and the man to other corner , search them completely.” The room was a rectangular room , and inside one corner had a half rectangle partition made as a cubicle for supdt , and the corner what he meant is the area outside the cubicle. So thereby 2 corners , of the half rectangle cubicle. I didn’t know what happened to her , as I was in other side . I was stripped just to my vest and brief. I soon came back inside the supdt’s cubicle , but she was not back. She also came back in little time. Her dress was clumsy maybe due to hurried dressing. Supdt concluded, “You both can leave , as our driver was also a culprit , we deeply regret the trouble.” We proceeded to depart in next bus , then only we noticed the time , it was 6pm , and last bus to our place just left the station. Next one was at 5am in the morning . We called dad and told the scenario ( Didn’t mention these things , just that we missed the bus). He told us to find any other bus from next point or so , else take a lodge or hotel there. The particular town where we were didn’t even have proper facilities , where to find lodge, by internet , I found a 2 star rated lodge &  restaurant, it was about walkable distance from bus station. The way to lodge had too many hawkers and stray men , who ogled at her. We both kept mum and reached. Reached lodge at 615pm , and there was a man , aged about 50 above , he was wearing a vest and lungi . Before I proceeded to tell , he started, “Double room for single night eh?”. I replied , “Yaa.” “Only Non A/c is available , due to the hot climate and as we don’t have any other lodges in this place , all A/c’s are booked.” He gave the register , and asked to show ID, I showed my license. Paid him full amount , 600 rupees. He added , “Condoms are free, and 2 flavours , 2 packets are kept there, enjoy.” We were disgusted. “We are mother and son”, she replied. “All say like this , aa we are made to believe so , kkk , anyways have a nice stay.”
We just didn’t have any other options as other than staying in this lodge. The room allotted to us were in top floor ( Totally 4 floor , 12 rooms in total ). A room boy aged in his post teens , showed us the room , when he unlocked the room , a heat wave engulfed us , as its top floor , and it was burning in sun. He asked anything to serve sir . I asked him to serve as 2 sets of Idli- Sambhar , with 6 idlis in total and also provide us with a bottle of mineral water. He proceeded off . She went into the bathroom and looked , and found it to be just k . She waited for the room boy to come and he came in 15min , by the time we had switched on the TV . He came and served us the same , and we paid him with a small tip. I locked the door , and I just removed my shirt , as we didn’t have any other shirt I didn’t want to spoil it and as I wasn’t comfortable in sleeping in Jeans and was not uncomfortable in sleeping in just my briefs and vest with her , I stripped the jeans off too. She too wanted to be comfortable , but she just was cold to start. She unpinned her saree , her red blouse and blouse underskirt was contrasting her white skin. Her milk caps were more pronounced and had made a deep impression on the blouse. My tool was throbbing inside my brief , and a hard impression can be easily noticeable. She just went to bathroom to relieve herself. She had put a robe around herself and came , I wasn’t pretty sure whether she had peeled off her blouse and others. I proceeded to bathroom next , and as I didn’t see anything in hanger there except her panties ,a floral one black colour , I was confirmed ,that she had worn the robe around to cover herself. I also relieved myself and came back , We sat and ate the dinner , she was finding difficult to carry herself in robe , so she just removed it , she was drenched with sweat , coz of the heat of the robe. Her tummy ,her back, was gleaming with sweat. She was in irritation , so she just shyly said, “Aa, I know this is an awkard situation , but we have to manage , na , I think you might be comfortable with me in this , and am also equally comfortable , but as per our custom this isn’t right , we know what we are na .” I added , “No formalities ,  I know the thought which is running , be comfortable mom, even I find this room tad hot.” She was delighted with the reply and she finished the dinner fast. We kept the empty plates in one corner of the room. I opened the windows for letting some more cold air to come in as mosquito time was over and it was 8pm. Her milk jugs were struggling a lot inside the blouse. We both watched TV in bed , she covered herself with bedsheet , and removed the blouse and kept it above the area in bed. When she raised her arms to keep the blouse there , I saw the tuft bunch of hair in her pits ( looked as if she didn’t trim for more than a week) , it gleamed with sweat and white curdy flakes of talc was seen in hair . Inside the sheet her bra strap was visible, which was a red coloured one. She didn’t risk removing underskirt, as she was panty was in hanger. We were watching a movie flick , and as it proceeded about 930pm , she told , we must catch some sleep as morning we need to catch bus home. I said , you proceed to sleep , I will sleep once movie finishes. She told K , and I switched off room light and laid on bed. She was fumbling in bed , as she was feeling hot , and she just glanced me , as I was engrossed in TV , she just faced other side , and slept without covering with bedsheet. When I was about to sleep after switching off TV , I saw her in this pose. I just leaked a drop of prenectar on my briefs, already having a hardon. The bra hooks on her back. I unpeeled my vest and kept it onto the table. Proceeded to sleep, facing her side. She occasionally  turned to my side during sleep , her mangalsutra hanging in her valley was another turn on , as she doesn’t turn completely , her jugs also struggle to stay perfect inside their cladding , and the strap just get pushed to sides. It was cotton bra , and it was perfect fit, think JCKY make. In the moonlight , her skin shined, as always room was filled with her odour. I think she also had got my odour , from my deo+sweat . I was not getting sleep , so shifted to other side. I saw in the corner , an ash tray , and side to that 2 packs of condoms were kept. I was curious , and got up and read label , saw one as strawberry and another vanilla flavoured. I put back it , and just quickly made a look onto her , she was in sound sleep. I just proceeded to go out , and opened the door and locked it from outside . I went and stood in balcony of the floor , where I got cold breeze on my face. Watching city the town in night is an experience, and also the moonlight was gleaming.  Just then I got a tap from behind , “Finished eh sir .”I turned myself and replied , “What finished?”  It was the reception man , and another man was also there. “Nah your session , you came for that only na”. I told , “What  rubbish are you saying ?”They were chuckling , “They pointed towards my lower half .”I felt screwed, as I forgot to wear anything above my briefs.
I didn’t know what to say , and whatever am gonna say won’t enter these fellas head. “Went speechless eh , its K young man , we all know what happened and why you reside here , just one question , where did you find this lady? How much is her rate , per session or per night ?” asked the man next to him. I was startled , and just didn’t know how to reply him as whatever truth am gonna say , these fellows will just chuckle it away. I just replied , “We are a mother-son , and I just came out in this attire , as due to humidity , I had removed my dress.” The man next to me , just twinched with my nipples , and other man was playing with my body hair , “Why lie my boy , you are caught red handed , don’t cook big tales. Just reply to the question we asked.” “Please believe me yaar, don’t ask such disgusting questions”, I said annoyingly. Reception man replied, “ See , I am gonna give you a straight deal , the complete room charge will be free , arrange her for us and you can leave the place if you want.” I just thought myself , why I came out at this time and why only this lodge available. I was trying not to react , “See guys , we are not the one whom you think to be , don’t misunderstand and pester us like this.”  ( The fellows were twingling with my nipples and hairy body ). The reception man , pulled of my briefs in one single go , and the other person just tried to snatch the keys from my hand. I tried pushing and I came off the briefs which were on my feet now. My tool was getting powered up , soon it stood in glory. “Wah , which medicine do you take for this , for your age you have a big long thick tool”,exclaimed the man. I told , “Just lucky to have such.” Both the guys were amazed by my size. I told , “If you want to confirm whether I have done a session with her , I will unload myself now , and with the level of my ejaculate you can confirm.” They were stunned. I was gently fondling my organ though conversing. The man replied , “Ok , unload up.” I started stroking , as I wasn’t getting enough lube , it was slightly paining, but within 30s I was about to burst , and I told , “am about to finish”, the man came near me , held my tool in his palm , and asked to unload in his palm. I did so. About 3ml of viscous cream filled in his palm , and had a salty smell. He took hold of it , and showed to him. “Mm, this lad is good , he even produced considerable result. Ok boy, we believe you , and we appreciate , you protected your mom too , but can I ask you something?” I was gasping gently , as the deed took a toll of my breathing , I moaned “Yes , say.”
“Only he has seen her , I also wanna see her.” I replied , “ya tomorrow checkout time is at 430am , you can see her then.” He was desperate and said , “Can I see her now , just one glance will do.” I told , “Nope she’s asleep .” (I can’t reveal her state to these lecherous fellows) “You can glance her tomorrow morning yaar , isn’t that better, I added. He wasn’t happy , “Hey , If I glance her in sleep pose , its comfortable for her also , as she won’t feel as I was ogling.” The other man added, “Ya , what he says is true.” I was thinking how to handle this mess, “Mmm, K give me 10 min , I will make sure she’s asleep , you wait here and I will say.” They were happy now. I took the brief , wiped off my semen and worn it and went inside the room . I unlocked the door and went inside and locked it . I saw that she was sleeping peacefully , without knowing that I am struggling up to save her dignity. She had spread herself , and her milk jugs were trying to pop out . I took the bedsheet and covered her up. She was facing the window side. I unlocked the door , and told them to stand out and  I was vigilant enough to not these 2 to enter , and kept my hands on the door itself , if they force I will shut . “I can’t see her face yaar”, whispered the man. “I told wait she will turn herself , don’t dare to touch” , as I said , she turned her face alone ( Very lucky that she didn’t toss off the sheet as then these fellows would have pounced her then and there. “Cute but mature face , nice , you are lucky to sleep with her.” I told , “That’s the end of the show. I also need to catch sleep else will be late for bus tomorrow.” “Man , one second, please  come out”, the man told. I came out and jarred the door , “ Morning , I will drop you by my A/c car, no need to pay me also, I just wanna see her that’s all.” I told , “No promises, I will talk and say tomorrow morning, and asked him to be ready anyways.” He added, “I just wanna unload my present feeling and went into the corner of the balcony to do his deed , while I got back into the room.” It was 11pm at night.
I had got into bed  under her sheet , and dug my nose onto her underarms, with its fragrance and it was a strong one also , more of her sweat and contrasted with the talc she used I was sleeping . Occasionally  licked too in sleep. It was past 3 am , when I heard a knock on the door , she was sound sleep , I quickly went and checked the peephole of the door , and saw that it was the other man . I opened before she gets up with this knock. He was gasping , “Manh , here take I have this gold ring and 800rs as cash , just one session with her , please.” I became really angry , and I just told , “Don’t say a word like that again I will screw you out.I already told you she and myself are not the people you guys are expecting for .” He was also getting really annoyed , and he told asking for a fair deal – “ Just give me a show, that will do else am gonna call my friends and we will just savage her.” I was really in a tense situation , “I told K.” I told switch off your phone , come . He came inside , I jarred the door. He whispered and giggled , “Aha , looks she’s stripped already eh , you boy , you told me false story , look her saree , her blouse .” He snatched the blouse dug his nose into the jug portion and then sniffed her pits , “Yaar , she sweats a lot eh , and look its still wet , and I can get a sweet+ musky odour.” He was a thin man , maybe working class . He gently pulled the bedsheet without disturbing , I crossed my hands to him , and said , “Don’t dare to touch her , you can just glimpse.” He exclaimed , “Wokay.” He kept the blouse in his nose with one hand , and he unzipped his pants , and unflung his organ which was erect , it was thick , dark, full of hairs. He stroked watching her. She was sleeping facing the bed so , only her bra clad back and underskirt was visible. Her mangalsutra was exactly in middle of her 2 jugs neatly dug in. He proceeded to window side , and as her arms were also laying flat , a tiny gap between bed and her underarm revealed her hairy powdery sweaty  pits. He just whisked and sniffed past that region and again compared with the blouse , and repeatedly did the same . He just exploded the load , and it jetted off onto the bedsheet.(I just didn’t  know her odour was that powerful to cause an explosion). I just exclaimed , “Shit , get off now.” He also got scared, he used the blouse to wipe the stain .I cursed him. “What did you do ?”I asked angrily.  “I just wanted to clear the mess I made , sorry, I am leaving , take 500rs ,he kept it in my pocket and proceeded to go out . I just took the blouse from his hand , the area he used for wiping was back of the blouse , most probably she won’t notice I thought , if I make it wet , she can’t wear it , after an hour so kept at the place where she had kept. He told me , “If at all she starts a business , please let me know.”I replied , “Don’t expect at all, and I told we will be going in bus itself , as some others are also there.” He was also scared with the deed he did , so he readily accepted and went off.  My hands were trembling , as for exposing her , I got this amount , I just feared myself , what deed I have done. I was sitting on bed , when she woke up , “You woke already eh , I got a good sleep in fact , come we should get ready .” When she was about to get up , her bra strap was tad loose , and it slipped, the strap was sprung in air , so she didn’t notice , but I noticed , she just went into bathroom to relieve herself and also to wear her panties. The red bra clad body ,and black underskirt , just took a dose of me , I was again in hardon and I leaked my pre juice. She came soon , and took the blouse in her hand , started wearing it . Her arms again raised , to wear it , and her jugs slipped slightly , she turned back , adjusted it , and when she turned, I saw there was white tiny spots on the blouse back , I was literally ashamed seeing that. It had dried up.
She adjusted her blouse hooks , and it was as if she had arrested the jugs. Her milk cap impression was prominent. By the time , I also started dressing up , to avoid she glancing my hardon. I adjusted my throbbing tool , to postion with great difficulty. Already my brief was soaked with semen , She starting frilling her pallu, and had worn her saree , quite neatly. Took the bindi , which she had stuck in the mirror in the room , and stuck it again. I took  the 2 condom boxes and put in my pocket ( I can use later), and we proceeded ground floor . As we were descending, many males were standing by their room sides, mostly half dressed ( In vest and boxers/briefs , or only in dhothi). Many were ogling, and some openly adjusted their tools inside their inner. She just didn’t look into their eyes. Some made lewd gestures, and some even flickered 500rs note bunches, and asked “Available?”. Somehow without any trouble, we reached reception. The reception desk had another man this time and he was just staring and scanning her , I gave him the keys and proceeded to go with a back stare . Just then the other receptionist came , “Hope you had a wonderful night madam and sir?” I just replied , “Yes.” He added, “Do drop in next time” , and chuckled himself.  We walked via the paveway to the bus station , and I got to see numerous ladies also in silk sarees and makeup , with their makeup smudged up and jasmine flowers tied on their hair , dishelved. I understood they were coming after their night duty , poor souls, I thought. We waited in the bus station for 5 min , before bus was made ready , we boarded and reached home later.
[+] 7 users Like V4VV's post
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
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nice. continue
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nice story .. please continue
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This genre won't be everyone's taste, what I share is some experiences and scenes that has happened in my life, so some won't get the "Action "stuff if they are expecting ? So are you guys intrested in hearing more such hot encounters.
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(24-05-2020, 06:03 AM)V4VV Wrote: This genre won't be everyone's taste, what I share is some experiences and scenes that has happened in my life, so some won't get the "Action "stuff if they are expecting ? So are you guys intrested in hearing more such hot encounters.

Yes. Please continue
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(24-05-2020, 06:03 AM)V4VV Wrote: This genre won't be everyone's taste, what I share is some experiences and scenes that has happened in my life, so some won't get the "Action "stuff if they are expecting ? So are you guys intrested in hearing more such hot encounters.

Please continue
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(24-05-2020, 06:03 AM)V4VV Wrote: This genre won't be everyone's taste, what I share is some experiences and scenes that has happened in my life, so some won't get the "Action "stuff if they are expecting ? So are you guys intrested in hearing more such hot encounters.
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(24-05-2020, 06:03 AM)V4VV Wrote: This genre won't be everyone's taste, what I share is some experiences and scenes that has happened in my life, so some won't get the "Action "stuff if they are expecting ? So are you guys intrested in hearing more such hot encounters.

The real stuff is more enjoyable than all those made up stories where the writer drifts away from any semblance of reality. As a reader, I don't enjoy "action" so much as I enjoy the building up to a hot, steamy moment, which your story has in abundance. 
Keep going and please don't leave this story in the middle. Most importantly, don't give a damn if some people complaints about lack of "action" or slangs. This "story" has a lot of potential.
[+] 1 user Likes pran12's post
Thank you everyone .One more suggestion from you guys , "I am planning to post lengthy updates , like this , so if that is the case , it takes 1-2 weeks per update , is it ok "? Else , if you want short short update (2-3 para, having 6-8 sentences) , it will be 3 days once . Which do you prefer?
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Take your time but when you post make sure not to leave it in the middle of an "incident" and follow a certain standard.
It'd be better if someone could help you with proofreading. Your story is good but some amateurish mistakes still crept in.
[+] 1 user Likes pran12's post
Ur story is great. Please continue
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(25-05-2020, 04:19 AM)V4VV Wrote: Thank you everyone .One more suggestion from you guys , "I am planning to post lengthy updates , like this , so if that is the case , it takes 1-2 weeks per update , is it ok "? Else , if you want short short update (2-3 para, having 6-8 sentences) , it will be 3 days once . Which do you prefer?

regular updates would be better
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1 week per update will be good
[+] 1 user Likes Krishwayen16krish's post
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Waiting for the next update!!
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Chapter 2 - A Mature Beauty
It was in the year 2010; I was studying my 11th grade, a summer day, just as usual when my mother after her morning dose of kitchen work had come for bathing. I was having an urge to pee, so being an attached bathroom, was coming to use the bathroom, when I had found that, she had closed the door but not locked it, thereby a slight gap was there between door and door pillar(the gap formed when wood becomes hardened over time , which makes doors quite hard to fully close and open up in one pull). That gap, I will call as the “Gap of my pleasure”. I just peeked in one of my eyes into the small gap. She was dressed in a green nightee. She was hanging her towel is how the scene starts. She turned towards me, I was damn nervous, I was feeling breathless, but I didn’t want her to catch me nor miss this scene. Have scene numerous strip scenes in movies and also porn (those days due to poor internet, porn was limited to youtube), but this scene – I would rate the best , watching my mom , a matured beauty , then she was 39 , maybe mature by age , but so gorgeous. As she hung her towel, she pulled her nightee in one go. From bottom to top scanning , meaty thighs , her tummy flabs , her navel hole (first time seeing that ), her private area neatly concealed by pink panties having blue floral imprints (later came to know the size as 100cm , Jockey make, as rarely get her used panties , as she washes panties herself), her milkpots covered by Black VStar Bra , having a flower in the centre , where her mangalsutra pendant touched , and her deep cleavage line begins. She turned back and gave a throbbing view of her ass. I just looked back , no one at home (Dad went out , he will come later after 3 hours only) , servant is in work area , she won’t come inside this room , as being my room , unless for cleaning , later in the noon . Those ass globes , meaty , cheeky , fleshy , the panties neatly exposing only the buttocks rest all hidden. She turned on the tap on the bucket. Then she sat on the closet. She looked down; she remembered that she forgot to unpeel her panties. She stood up , in a second , like a remote control , her bra was unclasped , letting out her 38c milk pots , firm even without bra having brownish black milk caps (nipples). First time seeing her boobs naked (have seen her in bra and panties before also, but this made me hard), I removed my Bermuda, briefs and started stroking. Her mangalsutra (thali), shining in her sweaty body, sweat formed as a result of her kitchen chores as well as summer humidity. Her private mound, having curly pubic hair (not bushy, but some strands), her tummy flab acting like a roof over her pubic area. She soon sat on the closet exposing her vagina more clearly, as she sat, her vaginal lips opened a bit and closed (atleast felt so). Her thighs looked more full of toned muscles (due to her daily walk to work).This pose of sitting , made her boobs slight sag , as she was sitting quite in a bended posture. Her nipples were hard but not thick or erect, pointed. She closed the tap as water was getting full, by stretching her arms and I could see the tuft of armpit hair she had. She then with her left hand index finger slightly rubbed on her vagina 3-4 times(I felt so, the I felt so mentioning ,is I was immature then to understand what a woman does) , it was like turning on her tap , she gushed a very gentle stream of urine , say very less. She immediately took health faucet, and sprayed water, exposing her deep pink, vaginal wall, my birth place!
She sat there for some more time (2-3min), looking at bathroom sides and floor, and soon got up. She took 5-6 mugs of water and was pouring onto her body, as her body started becoming moist , she looked even dick throbbing! I just ejaculated then and there. (Chapter continues)

If i get time to pendown , readers can expect an update by today evening .
[+] 4 users Like V4VV's post
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Nice one
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Chapter 2 - Continues...

I didn’t leave, my thick milky semen was spilled on the door as well as on floor mat which was infront of the bathroom door. My penis was quite swollen, and still was hard. Normally post first ejaculation, males don’t feel a sexual urge, but here I didn’t wanna miss the show, I felt myself to record these images in my brain, and make this memorable for a lifetime. The mature body was glistening with beads of water drops, like water on lotus leaves. After 4-5mugs of pouring water over her body, she came near the basin located next to my viewpoint. She turned on the tap, took some water, gargled on, and spit out the same. She grinned looking on the mirror, took her brush, added some toothpaste and brushed again, the paste foamed up on her mouth, and I imagined it as my semen.
She spit the foam, washed her mouth. I noticed that her nipples were more erect now, maybe due to the coldness she was standing on. I couldn’t see her pubic area, as it was quite masked by her flabby tummy and curly pubic hair. She lifted her right arm, felt her underarm hair growth with her left palm, and murmured to herself “Will go to parlour next week and do.” (The wordings were clear). She was a mature beauty, I exclaimed! -as I stroked my paining penis.
She took her Dove soap, (ones who have used know the flavour that Dove produces, but very less foam, more moisturising) She applied soap over her 2 milkpots, gently massaging them, care taken not to sway her pots but rather just rubbing them. She then twisted her milkcaps, very mildly, then lifted her arms, and applied the soap directly on her underarms. She rubbed some over around her neck, she was half coated in dove. She took a mug of water, rinsed her tummy to below. Again took a mug, parted her vagina a bit, giving a lightning fast show of her pink vaginal walls, as the water cleaved through her pubic hair. She took the soap, and rubbed over her tummy flab,inserting her fingers and cleaning her deep squarish round navel hole. She didn’t apply soap much onto her vagina, but soaped well her inner thighs, and thighs. She turned back facing the closet (Globular ass cheeks came to view), lifted her feet onto the closet and soaped her feet. She turned and took a mug, poured it over her broad ass, rinsed the ass. She washed off the entire foam by 2-3 mugs of pouring over her body , her nipples were thick and prominent now, sharpened -brownish black . She turned facing me , applying soap on her hand ,placing soap back, lifted her arms , stretched it and applied over her back . She washed off her body again. I couldn’t take eyes off her 2 38c milkpots,perfect round, firm, with deep cleavage, thali shining in the wetness.
Ding-Dong …The calling bell rang , I just ran off to my room ,cupping my dick , which were spurting out second ejaculate.
(Chapter 2 Ends)
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Great update.. waiting to know what happens next
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Waiting for the next update!!!
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